Author's Other Site
The Campaign and beyond
- Understanding Laws and the U.S. Government: Lessons on Elections and Voting
- Online Guide for First-Time Voters from Student Training & Education in Public Service
- A State-by-State Guide to 2022 Voting and Deadlines by MYMOVE
- What are the requirements to vote?
- Voting Guide 2020: Issues That Matter to Seniors
- Taegan Goddard's interactive 2020 Presidential Electoral Vote Map.
- Just Web Proxy. Free Web Proxy Sites for Anonymous Surfing and VPN Tools.
- U.S. Vote Foundation. U.S. Vote Foundation offers a suite of voter services designed to make it easier for all American citizens to register and vote in state and federal elections.
- - Voting for You: Are the Presidential Candidates Looking Out for Your Business?
- Vote4Stuff is a nonpartisan campaign conceived and produced by Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire.,, - The website's purpose is to engage and inspire young people to register, vote and participate in the upcoming election.
- FLAGDOM - Flags of the World
- Doug Band
- Everything Left - Politics, Current Events
- EIN News - World News Media Monitoring
- 2008 US Presidential Write-in Candidate Requirements for each State. Research by the Frank Moore for President campaign.
The Overseas Vote Foundation provides nonpartisan information, Internet based voter tools and services for military and overseas absentee voters: an online tool to fill out your voter registration and ballot request form, state and local election official directories, a voter help desk, deadline charts and more.
- The Coaliton for Free & Open Elections (COFOE) "Full and fair access to the electoral process is a right central to democracy."
- Independent Voting. The reactionary thrust of the Republican Party and the visionlessness of the Democratic Party have left a political void. That is why upwards of 35% of Americans are independents.
- Freedom Ballot Access. Freedom Ballot Access works to support ballot access for Third Party candidates across the United States.
- Can I Vote? provided by the National Association of Secretaries of State.
- National Popular Vote. The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the election of the presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
- is a design firm offering political signs, banners, posters, bumper stickers, and other goods for political candidates to promote political campaigns.
- Steven Roach's political comics satire
- Conservative Blog - Conservative News & Political Blog for Right of Center Activists | RedState
- Larry J. Sabato's Center for Politics at the University of Virginia
- Fix Our United States - Ranked Choice Voting - Electoral Reform
- - National Popular Election of the President
- Smart Voter by the League of Women Voters
- - U.S. Term Limits
- - Canadian Association for Research on Capitalistocracy.
- - Annenberg Political Fact Check
- BuzzFlash
- The New Republic Online
- Real Clear Politics
- Election Reform Informaiton
- First in Legal News and Information
- The Political Influentials - Inspired by news, research, books, and blogs that refer to Influentials, particularly politics.
- - Political State Report - Straight from the Trenches
- - A nexus of information about the United States Congress
- - Elections, Candidates, Issues
- Antoine Clarke's Election Watch
- 'The National Initiative for Democracy' is a proposed law developed by The Democracy Foundation creating a government "by you, the people".
- - US Presidential Quizzes. Check out their collection of quizzes related to the US presidential elections.
- Better World Links - U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2004. 2250 Links - An excellent information resource for voters and important tool for campaigners and volunteers alike!
- Daily News and Opinion Magazine
- Repentant Nader Voter (Political Action Committee)
- for President, Anti-Kerry Site
- Democracy For America by 2004 Democratic Presidential candidate Howard Dean
- - Election Resources on the Internet / - Recursos Electorales en la Internet
- Federal, State, and Local Government and Court Resources
- The Political Graveyard "The Internet's Most Comprehensive Source of U.S. Political Biography, or, The Web Site That Tells Where the Dead Politicians are Buried"
- American Millennial Order
 | Kids Voting USA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots organization dedicated to securing democracy for the future by involving youth in the election process today. |
- - Political Site of the Day October 16, 2000
- Animated site that details the election process for children.
- BIG MEDICINE 2000, W. David Kubiak (New Hampshire Vice Presidential Candidate)
- - The World Federalist Association
- - Center for Voting And Democracy
- Votenet - America's Political Resource
- Political Information (.com)
Omnibus References to State Constitutions and Statutes
National Committees and Organizations
Christian Liberty Party
American Independent Party
American Reform Party
Democratic Party (Archive)
Republican Party (Archive)
Libertarian Party
Friendly Browsers and Internet Tools
Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
Federal Statutes
- United States Code - Federal Statutes
- The Constitution of the United States
Secretaries of State
State Legislatures
State Organizations
- National Cyber Alert System / US Computer Emergency Readiness Team
Search Engines