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Review changes beginning Thursday, April 1, 2004.

  • Sunday, March 28, 2004
    • Democrats Abroad Regional Caucuses and Global Convention. 7 delegate votes. The Saturday 27 March 2004 Regional Caucuses are followed by the Sunday 28 March 2004 Global Convention. 9 regional, 3 at-large, and 2 pledged PLEO delegates to the National Convention are elected according to the preferences of the participants. Each of these delegates will cast 1/2 of a vote at the National Convention.
  • Saturday, March 27, 2004
    • South Carolina Republican State Convention. The South Carolina State Republican Convention convenes. The State Convention chooses 25 at-large delegates from South Carolina to the Republican National Convention.
  • Thursday, March 25, 2004
    • Former Presidential candidate and former Vermont Governor Howard Dean, M.D., endorses Democratic Presidential candidate and Massachusetts Senator John Kerry for President.
  • Saturday, March 20, 2004
    • Alaska Democratic Precinct Caucuses and District Caucuses. These caucuses are the first step in allocating Alaska's 18 delegates. Alaska's National Convention delegates are first allocated on Saturday 22 May 2004 at the State Convention. With 85% of the districts reporting: Kerry- 48%, Kucinich- 26%, no other candidate is above the 15% threshold.
    • Guam Territorial Convention. The Guam Territorial Convention, originally scheduled for Saturday 20 March 2004, has been postponed until Saturday 24 April 2004.
    • Wyoming Democratic County Caucuses. These caucuses are the first step in allocating Wyoming's 19 delegates. Wyoming's National Convention delegates are first allocated beginning on Saturday 15 May at the State Convention. With 98% of the state convention delegates selected: Kerry- 77%, no other candidate is above the 15% threshold.
    • North Carolina Republican District Conventions. These caucuses will begin allocating North Carolina's 39 district delegates. 25 at-large delegates will be allocated during the 20-23 May 2004 State Convention. Note: North Carolina's Presidential Primaries were cancelled due to the originally co-scheduled State/Congressional Primaries having been postponed on 9 February 2004 (because the state's redistricting plan failed to comply with Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965) to a date which would have made it too late to allocate National Convention delegates at the same time as the state Primaries. North Carolina will use a caucus/convention process in 2004.
  • Tuesday, March 16, 2004
    • ILLINOIS PRIMARIES - Kerry rolls to easy landslide win in Illinois Democratic Primary; now appears to- when reported PLEO delegate pledges are added- have easily clinched Democratic Presidential Nomination with more than a majority of National Convention delegates allocated to the Bay State Senator. All 19 U.S. Congressmen, 9 Democrats and 10 Republicans, received their party's nomination for re-election. Nominations for the Class 3 Senate Seat, held by Senator Peter G. Fitzgerald (who is not running for re-election), were won by Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Jack Ryan.
      • ILLINOIS Democratic Presidential Primary. 156 of 186 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Illinois Presidential Primary.
      • ILLINOIS Republican Presidential Primary. 60 of 73 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be directly elected in the Illinois Presidential Primary. [NOTE: This is a so-called "Loophole" primary (that is, a Delegate Selection Primary combined with an Advisory "beauty contest" presidential preference vote). The popular vote in the Illinois Republican Primary will have nothing whatsoever to do with the presidential preference of the 60 separately elected National Convention delegates.]
      • ILLINOIS Congressional Primaries. Contested races: United States Senate (Class 3 seat): Democrat, Republican; U.S. House of Representatives (109th Congress) - CD 2: Democrat (incumbent); CD 5: Democrat (incumbent); CD 6: Democrat; CD 7: Democrat (incumbent); CD 8: Democrat; Republican (incumbent); CD 12: Democrat (incumbent); CD 15: Democrat.
  • Monday, March 15, 2004
    • Democratic Presidential candidate Rev. Al Sharpton announces that he will support Senator John Kerry for the Democratic Presidential Nomination.
  • Saturday, March 13, 2004
    • IOWA Democratic County Conventions . These caucuses are the second step in allocating Iowa's 56 delegates. Iowa's National Convention delegates are first allocated on Saturday 26 June 2004 at the State Convention.
    • NEVADA Democratic County Conventions . These caucuses are the second step in allocating Nevada's 32 delegates. Nevada's National Convention delegates are first allocated on Friday 16 April - Sunday 18 April 2004 at the State Convention.
    • KANSAS Democratic Local Unit Caucuses. These caucuses are the first step in allocating Kansas' 56 delegates. Kansas' National Convention delegates are first allocated on Saturday 3 April 2004 at the District Caucuses.
  • Tuesday, March 9, 2004
    • Senator Kerry wins the Democratic Primaries in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas; President Bush, in the same States, receives the number of delegates necessary for re-nomination.
        • FLORIDA Democratic Presidential Primary. 177 of 201 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Florida Presidential Primary.
        • FLORIDA Republican Presidential Primary. 109 of 112 of Florida's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated. Since President George W. Bush was the only candidate nominated for the primary ballot by the Florida Republican Party, the primary was cancelled.
        • LOUISIANA Democratic Presidential Primary. 60 of 72 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Louisiana Presidential Primary.
        • LOUISIANA Republican Presidential Primary. All 45 of Louisiana's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Louisiana Presidential Primary.
        • MISSISSIPPI Democratic Presidential Primary. 33 of 41 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Mississippi Presidential Primary.
        • MISSISSIPPI Republican Presidential Primary. 35 of 38 of Mississippi's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated. Since President George Bush was the only candidate to qualify for the primary, the primary was cancelled.
        • MISSISSIPPI CONGRESSIONAL PRIMARIES. If no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the 9 March primary, the two top vote-getters will proceed to a 30 March runoff. Contested races - For U.S. House of Representatives: CD 2: Republican; CD 4: Republican.
        • TEXAS Democratic Presidential Primary. 127 of 232 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Texas Presidential Primary.
        • TEXAS Republican Presidential Primary. 135 of 138 of Texas's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Texas Presidential Primary.
          • Contested races: for State Railroad Commissioner (one of three elected to staggered 6-year terms every 2 years): Republican (incumbent); for U.S. House of Representatives: (NOTE: Because of Congressional redistricting, an incumbent in a given Primary race may currently be representing a district with a different Congressional District number) CD 1: Republican; CD 2: Republican; CD 3: Republican (incumbent); CD 4: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 7: Republican (incumbent); CD 9: Democrat (incumbent), Republican; CD 10: Republican; CD 11: Republican; CD 15: Republican; CD 16: Republican; CD 17: Republican; CD 19: Libertarian; CD 22: Democrat; CD 23: Democrat; CD 24: Republican; CD 25: Democrat (incumbent); Republican; CD 27: Republican; CD 28: Democrat (incumbent), Republican; CD 31: Republican (incumbent).
          • Contests proceeding to a 13 April runoff -
            • CD 1 Republican: Louie Gohmert: 41.79% vs John Graves: 29.96%. Other candidates participating in 9 March 2004 Primary: Wayne Christian: 14.68%; Lyle Thorstenson: 9.89%; Emily Mathews: 2.72%; Larry Thornton: 0.97%.
            • CD 10 Republican: Ben Streusand: 28.18% vs. Michael T. McCaul: 24.06%. Other candidates participating in 9 March 2004 runoff: John Devine: 21.42%; Dave Phillips: 13.45%; Teresa Doggett Taylor: 4.54%; Pat Elliott: 3.38%; John Kelley: 2.89%; Brad Tashenberg: 2.09%.
            • CD 15 Republican: Alexander Hamilton: 41.74% vs. Michael D. Thamm: 36.52%. Other candidate participating in the 9 March 2004 primary: Paul B. Haring: 21.75%.
            • CD 17 Republican: Arlene Wohlgemuth: 41.26% vs Dot Snyder: 30.54%. Other candidate participating in the 9 March 2004 primary: Dave McIntyre: 28.20%.
            • CD 28 Republican: James "Jim" F. Hopson: 48.65% vs Francisco "Quico" Canseco: 22.58%. Other candidate participating in the 9 March 2004 primary: Chris Bellamy: 14.91%; Gabriel "Gabe" Perales, Jr.: 13.86%.
            • Railroad Commissioner Republican: Pending any additional adjustments to the vote tally, this race is proceeding to an April 13 runoff - Railroad Commissioner Victor G. Carrillo: 281,562 votes (49.58%) Robert Butler: 133,562 votes (23.52%). Other candidates participating in the 9 March 2004 primary: Douglas G. Deffenbaugh: 72,852 votes (12.83%) K. Dale Henry: 79,925 votes (14.07%).
  • Monday, March 8, 2004
    • American Samoa Democratic Presidential Territorial Convention. A Territorial Convention meets to choose 6 of American Samoa's 12 delegates to the Democratic National Convention (together representing 3 pledged delegates of American Samoa's 6 total delegate votes at the National Convention). Results: Kerry: 83%, Kucinich: 17%.
  • Saturday, March 6, 2004
  • Wednesday, March 3, 2004
    • U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell [R-Colorado] has announced he will not be seeking re-election to a third term. Senator Campbell was first elected to the Senate in 1992 as a Democrat, after having served three terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, but switched to the Republican Party 9 years ago this very day not long after that Party had taken control of both houses of Congress in the 1994 Midterm Elections. He was re-elected in 1998 as a Republican.
    • Democratic Presidential candidate Senator John Edwards suspends his Presidential campaign.
  • Tuesday, March 2, 2004
    • SUPER TUESDAY. Senator John Kerry [D-Massachusetts] all but sews up the Democratic Presidential Nomination tonight by being projected to win Primaries in the following States: California, Connecticut, Georgia Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio and Rhode Island; Kerry is also projected to win the Minnesota Caucuses; former Governor Howard Dean [D-Vermont] wins his home State's Democratic Primary; Senator John Edwards [D-North Carolina] will formally quit the race for his Party's Presidential Nomination tomorrow; Meanwhile, President Bush wins all 7 States which held GOP Primaries on Super Tuesday
        • CALIFORNIA Democratic Presidential Preference Primary. 370 of 440 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's California Presidential Primary. Results: Kerry wins in the Golden State.
        • CALIFORNIA Republican Presidential Preference Primary. 170 of 173 of California's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's California Presidential Primary. Results: Bush wins in California.
        • CALIFORNIA State Primary. Contested Primary Races: United States Senate (Class 3 seat): Libertarian, Republican; U.S. House of Representatives (109th Congress): CD 1: Green, Peace and Freedom; CD 2: Democrat; CD 3 (open seat): Republican; CD 6: Democrat (incumbent); CD 12: Democrat (incumbent), Green, Republican; CD 17: Democrat (incumbent), Republican; CD 18: Republican; CD 20 (open seat): Democrat, Republican; CD 25: Democrat; CD 26: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 28: Democrat (incumbent); CD 29: Republican; CD 31: Democrat (incumbent); CD 36: Republican; CD 37: Democrat (incumbent); CD 38: Democrat (incumbent); CD 40: Democrat; CD 44: Republican (incumbent); CD 45: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 46: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 47: Republican; CD 51: Democrat (incumbent), Republican.
        • CONNECTICUT Democratic Presidential Preference Primary. 49 of 62 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Connecticut Presidential Primary. Results: Kerry wins in Connecticut.
        • CONNECTICUT Republican (cancelled). President George Bush, the only candidate to qualify for the ballot, will receive Connecticut's 30 delegates. By Connecticut law, if fewer than two candidates qualify for the ballot, the primary is cancelled. On 19 December 2003, Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz announced that there would be no Republican Primary unless qualified Republican candidates petition onto the ballot.
        • GEORGIA Democratic Presidential Preference Primary. 86 of 102 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Georgia Presidential Primary. Results: Kerry narrowly bests Edwards in Georgia.
        • GEORGIA Republican Presidential Preference Primary. 66 of 69 of Georgia's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Georgia Presidential Primary. Results: Bush wins Georgia's GOP Primary.
        • MARYLAND Democratic Presidential Preference Primary. 69 of 99 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Maryland Presidential Primary. Results: Kerry wins in Maryland.
        • MARYLAND Republican Presidential Preference Primary. 36 of 39 of Maryland's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Maryland Presidential Primary. Results: President Bush is victor in Maryland.
        • MARYLAND State Primary. Contested Primary races: United States Senate (Class 3 seat): Democrat (incumbent), Republican; U.S. House of Representatives (109th Congress): CD 1: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 2: Republican; CD 3: Democrat (incumbent), Republican; CD 4: Democrat (incumbent), Republican; CD 5: Republican; CD 6: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 7: Democrat (incumbent), Republican; CD 8: Democrat (incumbent), Republican.
        • MASSACHUSETTS Democratic Presidential Preference Primary. 93 of 121 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Massachusetts Presidential Primary. Results: Kerry projected to win his home State's Primary.
        • MASSACHUSETTS Republican Presidential Preference Primary. 41 of 44 of Massachusetts's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Massachusetts Presidential Primary. Results: President Bush wins the GOP Primary in the Bay State.
      • NEW YORK
        • NEW YORK Democratic Presidential Preference Primary. 236 of 285 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's New York Presidential Primary. Results: Kerry wins in the Empire State.
        • NEW YORK Republican The Republican Primary being uncontested, is cancelled. 87 of 102 of New York's delegates to the Republican National Convention are to be allocated to President George Bush. The remaining delegates will go to the Republican National Convention officially Unpledged.
        • OHIO Democratic Presidential Preference Primary. 140 of 159 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Ohio Presidential Primary. Results: Kerry is the winner in the Buckeye State.
        • OHIO Republican Presidential Preference Primary 88 of 91 of Ohio's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Ohio Presidential Primary. Results: Bush wins the GOP Primary in Ohio.
        • OHIO State Primary. Contested Primary races: United States Senate (Class 3 seat): Democrat, Republican (incumbent); U.S. House of Representatives (109th Congress): CD 1: Democrat; CD 2: Democrat; CD 6: Democrat (incumbent); CD 9: Republican; CD 10: Democrat (incumbent), Republican; CD 13: Republican; CD 14: Democrat; CD 15: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 18: Democrat.
        • VERMONT Democratic Presidential Preference Primary. 15 of 22 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Vermont Presidential Primary. Results: Dean finally wins one that counts, the Primary in his own home State; Kerry, in 2d, will still qualify for VT delegates; Edwards was not on the ballot in the Green Mountain State.
        • VERMONT Republican Presidential Preference Primary. 15 of 18 of Vermont's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Vermont Presidential Primary. Results: Bush wins in Vermont.
  • Monday, March 1, 2004
    • 720 Democratic Unpledged PLEO Delegates are certified today.. These delegates appear as "Uncommitted" in our "hard" count and will attend the Democratic Convention officially unpledged to any candidate. The breakdown is: 413 DNC Members, 50 Democratic US Senate Members (including the 2 Shadow Senators from the District of Columbia), 50 House Members (including the non-voting delegates, territorial delegates, and resident commissioners from American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands), 26 Governors (including the Mayor of the District of Columbia and the Governors of American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands), and 21 Distinguished Party Leaders. "The Green Papers" lists DNC members who happen to be Governors, Senators and House Members under their political office rather than as DNC members.
  • Sunday, February 29, 2004
  • Saturday, February 28, 2004
  • Tuesday, February 24, 2004
    • Kerry wins Hawaii, Idaho, and Utah by a wide margin. Second place finishes by Kucinich in Hawaii and Edwards in Idaho and Utah.
      • HAWAII Democratic Precinct Caucuses. Results: John Kerry-- 49%; Dennis Kucinich-- 27%; John Edwards-- 13%; Howard Dean-- 8%; Uncommitted-- 1%; Wesley Clark-- 1%; Joe Lieberman-- 0%. These caucuses are the first step in allocating Hawaii's 29 delegates. The National Convention delegates are allocated beginning on Sunday 30 May 2004 at the State Convention.
      • IDAHO Democratic County Caucuses. Results: John Kerry-- 55%; John Edwards-- 23%; Howard Dean-- 11%; Uncommited-- 7%; Dennis Kucinich-- 4%. These caucuses are the first step in allocating Idaho's 23 delegates. The National Convention delegates are allocated beginning on Thursday 19 June 2004 at the State Convention
      • UTAH Democratic Party Run Presidential Primary. Results: John Kerry-- 55%; John Edwards-- 30%; Dennis Kucinich-- 7%; Howard Dean-- 4%; Wesley Clark-- 1%; Joe Lieberman-- 1%; Uncommitted-- 1%; Dick Gephardt-- 0%. 23 of the State' 29 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Party Run Primary.
    • Delegate Count Correction: On 11 February we incorrectly reported that General Wesley Clark had withdrawn from the Democratic Presidential race. Today we discovered that General Clark sent a letter to Democratic Chairman Terry McAuliffe specifying that his campaign was "suspended". Since General Clark has not withdrawn from the race, he remains eligible to receive statewide delegates per Democratic Party Rule 9.C. We have corrected our statewide delegate count accordingly: Clark's statewide delegate count is Arizona: 8, New Mexico: 3, North Dakota: 2, Oklahoma: 5; and Tennessee: 6.
  • Sunday, February 22, 2004
    • Commentary: TOO MUCH ADO ABOUT NADER ... unreasoning Fear and abject Hatred for President Bush fuels a Loser's Gambit by RICHARD E. BERG-ANDERSSON, Staff
    • Nader to run for President as an Independent. Ralph Nader, the 2000 Green Party candidate for President, has announced- on NBC-TV's 'Meet the Press' this morning- that he intends an independent bid for the Presidency this coming Fall. Nader justified his candidacy on grounds that the Nation's Capital has become "corporate occupied territory" resulting in a "democracy gap" in which "too little wealth is in too few hands" with both of the two Major Parties complicit in the creation of this political situation.
  • Saturday, February 21, 2004
    • Update: The North Carolina State Board of Elections met on 9 February 2004 and unanimously voted to postpone the state Primary election from 4 May to 20 July 2004 and the Second Primary (runoff) from 1 June to 17 August 2004. The candidate filing period is 26 April to 7 May 2004. The Democratic and Republican parties must complete their National Convention delegate selection process before this 20 July primary and will do so by holding caucuses and conventions.
    • Guam Republican Caucuses.
    • Oklahoma State Convention.
  • Friday, February 20, 2004
    • Nader to announce Presidential intentions on Sunday morning Television. 70-year-old Ralph Nader, the 2000 Green Party candidate for President, will be publicly announcing whether or not he intends an independent bid for the Presidency this coming Fall on NBC-TV's 'Meet the Press' this Sunday (22 February) morning. Nader has already ruled out running again for the White House as the 2004 nominee of the Green Party.
  • Wednesday, February 18, 2004
    • Former Democratic Governor Howard Dean announces: "I am no longer actively pursuing the presidency."
      • In an email to his supporters, Governor Dean writes: " ... keep active in the primary. We are still on the ballots. Sending delegates to the convention only continues to energize our party. Fight on in the caucuses. Use your network to send progressive delegates to the convention in Boston. We are not going away."
      • Governor Dean has apparently suspended his campaign for the Presidency. Democratic delegate selection rule 9.C states "If a presidential candidate entitled to an allocation under this rule is no longer a candidate at the time at-large delegates are selected, his/her allocation shall be proportionally divided among the other preferences entitled to an allocation.".
      • As of 18 February, we had estimated that Governor Dean had 112.5 district, at-large, and pledged PLEO delegates. Had he withdrawn from the race, Governor Dean would have lost an estimated 44 statewide delegates (Democrats Abroad: 2; District of Columbia: 1; Iowa: 3; Maine: 3; Michigan: 11; Nevada: 2; New Hampshire: 3; New Mexico: 3: Washington: 11; Wisconsin: 5).
  • Tuesday, February 17, 2004
    • WISCONSIN Presidential Primaries. Kerry bests Edwards in tight battle for Wisconsin; President Bush easy victor on GOP side.
      • Wisconsin Democratic Primary. Kerry wins Wisconsin, Edwards a strong second, with Dean far back in 3d place but still above 15% delegate threshold. John Kerry-- 40% winner; John Edwards-- 34%; Howard Dean-- 18%; Dennis Kucinich-- 3%; Al Sharpton-- 2%; Others (including "Uncommitted")-- 3%. 72 of the State's 87 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
      • Wisconsin Republican Primary. President Bush gains another easy Primary win in Wisconsin. George W. Bush-- 99% winner; Uncommitted-- 1%. 37 of the State's 40 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
    • Kentucky Special Election CD 6. Democrat Ben Chandler wins U.S. House seat from Kentucky's 6th District. This Special Election was held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Congressman Ernie Fletcher on 9 December 2003, having been sworn in as Governor of the Commonwealth. Candidates in this Special Election: A.B. "Ben" Chandler (Democrat) winner; Mark Gailey (Libertarian); Alice Forgy Kerr (Republican).
  • Saturday, February 14, 2004
    • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Democratic Ward Caucuses. Results: John F. Kerry-- 47%; Al Sharpton-- 20%; Howard Dean-- 17%; John Edwards-- 10%; Dennis J. Kucinich-- 3%; Wesley K. Clark-- 1%; Write In-- 1%; Joseph I. Lieberman-- 0%; Uncommitted-- 0%. 10 of the Districts's 39 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of these caucuses.
    • NEVADA Democratic Caucuses. Results: John F. Kerry-- 63%; Howard Dean-- 17%; John Edwards-- 10%; Dennis J. Kucinich-- 7%; Uncommitted-- 3%; Al Sharpton-- 1%; Wesley K. Clark-- 0%. These local caucuses are the first step in allocating Nevada's 32 delegates. The delegates are actually allocated on Saturday 17 April 2004 at the State Convention.
  • Friday, February 13, 2004
    • Former Democratic Presidential candidate Wesley Clark endorses Senator John Kerry for the Democratic Nomination for President.
  • Wednesday, February 11, 2004
    • [See February 24 correction] Democratic Presidential candidate Wesley Clark withdraws from the Presidential race. When a Democratic Presidential candidate withdraws from the race, that candidate receives NO at-large or pledged PLEO delegates per Democratic Party Rule 9.C. Clark will keep his District delegates but his statewide delegates will be redistributed to the remaining candidates. Clark's statewide delegate count is Arizona: 8, New Mexico: 3, North Dakota: 2, Oklahoma: 5; Tennessee: 6.
  • Tuesday, February 10, 2004
    • Senator Kerry wins both Southern Democratic primaries tonight, firmly establishing himself as a "national" candidate; Wesley Clark reportedly dropping out of presidential race; President Bush formally allocated GOP Convention delegates at DC caucus, easily wins in Tennessee.
      • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Republican Caucus. Bush delegates selected at DC GOP mass meeting. 16 delegates and 16 alternates to the Republican National Convention in New York City this coming Summer, all pledged to President George W. Bush, were chosen at the District of Columbia Republican Caucus which met at the Hall of Flags in the US Chamber of Commerce Building today. No delegates and alternates for any candidate other than the President had qualified for the caucus ballot.
      • NEVADA Republican Precinct Caucus. These precinct caucuses are the first step in allocating Nevada's 33 delegates. The delegates are actually allocated beginning on Thursday 29 April 2004 at the State Convention.
      • TENNESSEE Democratic Presidential Primary. Kerry easy victor in Tennessee; Edwards pulling away from Clark for 2d; other candidates, all below 15% delegate threshold, trail badly. John Kerry-- 41% winner; John Edwards-- 26%; Wesley Clark-- 23%; Howard Dean-- 4%; Al Sharpton-- 2%; Uncommitted-- 1%; Others-- 3%. 69 of the State's 85 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
      • TENNESSEE Republican Presidential Primary. Bush easily wins Tennessee GOP contest. George W. Bush-- 96% winner; Uncommitted-- 4%. 39 of the State's 55 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
      • VIRGINIA Democratic Presidential Primary. Kerry wins Virginia, holding bare majority of the vote; Edwards a distant second but qualifies for delegates; other candidates trail, all below 15% delegate threshold. John Kerry-- 52% winner; John Edwards-- 27%; Wesley Clark-- 9%; Howard Dean-- 7%; Al Sharpton-- 3%; Dennis Kucinich-- 1%; Others-- 1%. 82 of the Commonwealth's 96 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
  • Monday, February 9, 2004
    • Democrats Abroad Democrat Local Caucuses (caucuses began 6 February). John Kerry-- 55%; Howard Dean-- 19%; Wesley Clark-- 10%; John Edwards-- 9%; Dennis Kucinich-- 5%; Al Sharpton-- 1%; Joe Lieberman-- 0%. These local caucuses are the first step in allocating the Democrats Abroad 9 delegates. The delegates are actually allocated beginning on Saturday 27 March 2004 at the Regional Caucuses.
  • Sunday, February 8, 2004
    • MAINE Democratic Presidential Preference Municipal Caucuses. With 80% of the municipalities reporting: John Kerry-- 45% winner; Howard Dean-- 26%; Dennis Kucinich-- 16%; John Edwards-- 8%; Wesley Clark-- 4%; Uncommitted-- 1%; Al Sharpton-- 0%. These municipal caucuses are the first step in allocating Maine's 95 delegates. The delegates are actually allocated beginning on Saturday 29 May 2004 at the State Convention.
  • Saturday, February 7, 2004
    • MICHIGAN Democratic Party-run Presidential Preference Primary. Kerry wins Michigan Party-run Primary, Dean 2d, Edwards 3d, Sharpton and Clark tied for 4th. Kerry, Dean, Edwards, and Sharpton qualify for delegates. John Kerry-- 52% winner; Howard Dean-- 17%; John Edwards-- 14%; Al Sharpton-- 7%; Wesley Clark-- 7%; Dennis Kucinich-- 3%. 111 of the State's 154 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Party-run Primary.
    • LOUISIANA Republican Presidential Preference Caucuses. These district caucuses are the first step in allocating Louisiana's 45 delegates. The delegates are actually allocated on Tuesday 9 March 2004 with a Presidential Primary.
    • WASHINGTON Democratic Presidential Preference Caucuses. Kerry Wins Washington Caucuses, Dean 2d, but above the delegate threshold. Kucinich, Edwards, Clark, and Sharpton trail. With 92% of the precincts reporting John Kerry-- 49% winner; Howard Dean-- 30%; Dennis Kucinich-- 8%; John Edwards-- 7%; Wesley Clark-- 3%; Uncommitted-- 3%; Al Sharpton-- 0%. These precinct caucuses are the first step in allocating Washington's 95 delegates. The delegates are actually allocated on Saturday 29 May 2004 at the District Caucuses.
  • Friday, February 6, 2004
    • Missouri Congressman and Former Presidential Contender Richard "Dick" Gephardt endorses Senator John Kerry for the Democratic Nomination for President.
  • Tuesday, February 3, 2004
    • Senator Joe Lieberman drops out of Dem Presidential race.
    • Kerry victor in Delaware, Missouri and Arizona: also wins Caucuses in New Mexico, North Dakota; Edwards wins South Carolina Primary; Oklahoma called for Clark; Dean vows to fight on; President Bush easy victor in both Missouri and Oklahoma GOP Primaries.
    • ARIZONA Presidential Primary.
      • ARIZONA Democrat Presidential Primary. Kerry wins Arizona Primary; Clark 2d, but above delegate threshold; Dean 3d; Edwards, Lieberman trail. John Kerry-- 43% winner; Wesley Clark-- 27%; Howard Dean-- 14%; John Edwards-- 7%; Joe Lieberman-- 7%; Dennis Kucinich-- 2%; Al Sharpton-- 0%; Others-- 0%. 55 of the State's 64 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
    • DELAWARE Presidential Primary.
      • DELAWARE Democrat Presidential Primary. Kerry has decisive win in Delaware; Tight battle for 2d between Lieberman and Edwards: well under 15% threshold for delegates, however; Dean and Clark close behind in tight battle for 4th Complete, albeit unofficial, results: John Kerry-- 51% winner; Joe Lieberman-- 11%; John Edwards-- 11%; Howard Dean-- 10%; Wesley Clark-- 10%; Al Sharpton-- 6%; Dennis Kucinich-- 1%; Other-- 1%. 15 of the State's 23 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
    • MISSOURI Presidential Primaries.
      • MISSOURI Democrat Presidential Primary. Kerry easily wins Missouri Primary; Edwards 2d but above delegate threshold; Dean, Clark, Lieberman, Sharpton trail. Nearly complete returns: John Kerry-- 51% winner; John Edwards-- 25%; Howard Dean-- 9%; Wesley Clark-- 4%; Joe Lieberman-- 3%; Al Sharpton-- 3%; Dennis Kucinich-- 1%; Uncommitted-- 1%; Other-- 3%. 74 of the State's 88 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
      • MISSOURI Republican Presidential Primary. President Bush easily wins Missouri GOP contest. Nearly complete returns: George W. Bush-- 95% winner; Uncommitted-- 3%; Other-- 2%. All of the State's 57 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
    • NEW MEXICO Presidential Preference Caucuses.
      • NEW MEXICO Democrat Presidential Preference Caucus. Kerry wins the Caucus; Clark and Dean follow - both above delegate threshold; Edwards trails. Nearly complete returns: John Kerry-- 42% winner; Wesley Clark-- 21%; Howard Dean-- 16%, John Edwards-- 11%; Dennis Kucinich-- 6%; Joe Lieberman-- 3%; 26 of the State's 37 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of this Caucus.
    • NORTH DAKOTA Presidential Caucuses.
      • NORTH DAKOTA Democrat Presidential Caucuses. Kerry easily wins the Caucus; Clark 2nd but above the delegate threshold; Dean trails. Nearly complete returns: John Kerry-- 51% winner; Wesley Clark-- 24%; Howard Dean-- 12%, John Edwards-- 10%; Dennis Kucinich-- 3%; Joe Lieberman-- 1%. This is the first step in the process that North Dakota will use to allocate 14 of the State's 22 delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
      • NORTH DAKOTA Republican Presidential Caucuses. The North Dakota Republican party reports "Tonight, President George W. Bush won all 26 of North Dakota’s Delegates to the Republican National Convention in tonight’s Republican Presidential Preference Caucus".
    • OKLAHOMA Presidential Primaries.
      • OKLAHOMA Democrat Presidential Primary. OKLAHOMA Democrat Presidential Primary Clark narrowly defeats Edwards in Oklahoma; Kerry a close 3d; Lieberman and Dean trail, far below 15% delegate threshold. Nearly complete returns: Wesley Clark-- 30% winner; John Edwards-- 30%; John Kerry-- 27%; Joe Lieberman-- 7%; Howard Dean-- 4%; Al Sharpton-- 1%; Dennis Kucinich-- 1%; Others-- 1%. 40 of the State's 47 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
      • OKLAHOMA Republican Presidential Primary. President Bush easily wins Oklahoma's GOP contest. Nearly complete returns: George W. Bush-- 90% winner; Other-- 10%. All of the State's 41 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
    • SOUTH CAROLINA Party-run Presidential Primary.
      • SOUTH CAROLINA Democrat Party-run Presidential Primary. Edwards wins SC Primary; Kerry 2d but above delegate threshold; Sharpton, Clark, Dean and Lieberman trail. Nearly complete returns: John Edwards-- 45% winner; John Kerry-- 30%; Al Sharpton-- 10%; Wesley Clark-- 7%; Howard Dean-- 5%; Joe Lieberman-- 2%; Dennis Kucinich-- 0%; Others-- 0%. 45 of the State's 55 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary.
    • Democratic Delegate count update: the U.S. House received notification on 25 January 2004 that effective 5 January 2004, Congressman Ralph Hall (Texas CD 4) is no longer affiliated with the Democatic Caucus. Accordingly, the number of Democratic National Convention PLEO delegates has been decreased by 1. The number of unpledged PLEO delegates from Texas is now 34. The total number of Democratic delegates is now 4,321.
  • Thursday, January 29, 2004
  • Tuesday, January 27, 2004
    • NEW HAMPSHIRE Presidential Primaries. Kerry wins NH Dem primary by double-digit percentage; Dean comes in second; Clark in tight battle with Edwards for 3rd: both under 15% threshold for delegates; Lieberman trails, but not dropping out; President Bush easily wins GOP contest.
      • NEW HAMPSHIRE Democrat Presidential Primary. 22 of the State's 27 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary. With 100% of the precincts reporting: John Kerry (13 delegates)-- 38.4% winner, Howard Dean (9 delegates)-- 26.3%, Wesley Clark-- 12.4%, John Edwards-- 12.1%, Joe Lieberman-- 8.6%, Dennis Kucinich-- 1.4%, Al Sharpton-- 0.2%
      • NEW HAMPSHIRE Republican Presidential Primary. 29 of the State's 32 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be allocated among the contenders for that Party's presidential nomination as a result of the voting in this Primary. With 100% of the precincts reporting: George W. Bush (29 delegates plus 3 RNC delegates)-- 79.6% winner.
  • Sunday, January 25, 2004
    • On 20 January 2004, the House received a communication from the Chairman of the Democratic Caucus notifying the House of the resignation of Congressman Ralph Hall (Texas CD 4) from the Democratic Caucus, effective 5 January 2004. Congressman Hall is now affiliated with the Republican Party.
  • Friday, January 23, 2004
  • Thursday, January 22, 2004
    • Texas 9 March 2004 Congressional Primary candidate list updated per the court approved congressional map.
  • Wednesday, January 21, 2004
    • The RNC reports that South Carolina's state party has passed a resolution supporting the re-election of President Bush. We had adjusted our delegate count for South Carolina's 46 delegates accordingly.
  • Tuesday, January 20, 2004
    • President George W. Bush delivers his Annual "State of the Union" Message before a Joint Session of Congress this evening, Eastern Time.
    • The 2d "even" session of the 108th Congress convenes today. Both houses of Congress convene at Noon, Eastern Time (1700 UTC).
    • Republican Congressman William Janklow (South Dakota At-Large) resigns. In December 2003, the Congressman was found guilty of 3 misdemeanors and a fourth class felony after being involved in a fatal accident with a motorcyclist. A special election will be held Tuesday 1 June 2004 to fill this vacant seat.
    • Congressman Richard Gephardt (Democrat, Missouri CD 3) drops out of the Presidential race after a 4th place showing in yesterday's Iowa caucuses.
  • Monday, January 19, 2004
    • Iowa Democratic Caucuses. Kerry wins; Edwards finishing second; Dean lags behind; Gephardt, a poor 4th, will drop out of race. With approximately 95% of the precincts reporting, NOTE: percentages reflect apparent total number of delegates to all County Conventions chosen at precinct caucuses and pledged to support the candidate listed. John Kerry- 38%, John Edwards- 32% Howard Dean- 18%, Dick Gephardt- 11%, Dennis Kucinich- 1%. These are first-tier caucuses at the election precinct level which will choose delegates to second-tier (County) Conventions, thus being merely the first step in an indirect process of allocating National Convention delegates; none of IA's 56 delegates to the Democratic National Convention will be allocated as a direct result of participation in these caucuses. Senator Joe Lieberman and Retired General Wesley Clark have announced that they will not campaign in Iowa.
    • Iowa Republican Caucuses. These are first-tier caucuses at the election precinct level which will choose delegates to second-tier (County) Conventions, thus being merely the first step in an indirect process of allocating National Convention delegates; none of IA's 32 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be allocated as a direct result of participation in these caucuses. We estimate that President Bush, the only candidate participating in today's 19 January caucuses, will receive Iowa's 32 delegates. Since no national convention delegates were allocated today and all of Iowa's delegates are unbound, we have listed the delegates as "soft unpledged".
    • Vox Populi (Letters to the Editor): Political Parties and your Proposed National Primary Constitutional Amendment by James Dayton
    • The RNC reports that the Kansas Republican party's 39 delegates are bound to the President for the first ballot. We have adjusted our delegate count accordingly.
  • Saturday, January 17, 2004
  • Thursday, January 15, 2004
    • Democratic Presidential candidate Carol Moseley Braun withdrew from the Presidential race and endorsed Howard Dean's candidacy for the Party's presidential nomination.
  • Wednesday, January 14, 2004
    • Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland To Face Legislative Impeachment Probe. The Speaker of the Connecticut House of Representatives, Democrat Moira Lyons, announced today that the lower house of the State's General Assembly will begin investigating Republican Governor John Rowland with an eye towards possible impeachment of the three-term Chief Executive as a result of allegations of corruption.
  • Tuesday, January 13, 2004
  • Saturday, January 10, 2004
  • Thursday, January 8, 2004
  • Saturday, January 3, 2004
    • Texas Congressman Ralph M. Hall (CD 4), who was first elected as a Democrat to the U.S. House in 1980, has filed to run as a Republican in 2004.
  • Review changes prior to Thursday, January 1, 2004.

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