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    Review changes beginning Tuesday, June 1, 2004.

  • Sunday, May 30, 2004
  • Saturday, May 29, 2004
  • Thursday, May 27, 2004
    • Libertarian Party National Convention, 27-31 May 2004, Atlanta, Georgia. Delegates to the convention will select the party's nominee for president. Major candidates: Michael Badnarik, Gary Nolan, Aaron Russo, Jeffrey Diket, and Dave Hollist. Minor candidates: Jim Burns, Jeffrey Diket, Dave Hollist, and Ruben Perez.
    • Washington Republican State Convention. The State convention elects 38 (27 district and 11 at-large) delegates. These delegates will attend the Republican National Convention officially Unpledged to any presidential candidate. This the final step in allocating Washington's 41 delegates to the Republican National Convention.
    • Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland seeks court injunction to quash subpoena issued as part of Legislature's impeachment probe.
      • Claiming that a subpoena issued by the special impeachment committee of the Connecticut House of Representatives last week compelling him to appear before that committee early next week violates the Separation of Powers inherent in the State's Constitution, Governor John Rowland (R-Connecticut) has formally moved to quash the subpoena in court. As a result, all three branches of the Connecticut State government- Executive, Legislative and Judicial- are now somehow involved in sorting out the arcana of legalities relating to the Legislature's investigation of possible corruption by the embattled Governor, an investigation that could eventually lead to his removal from office.
      • While advancing the claim filed on the Governor's behalf, spokesmen for Governor Rowland have said that the Governor is not at all stonewalling the committee or otherwise attempting to evade testifying before the Select Committee of Inquiry, that Rowland looks forward to the day when he can tell his side of the story, but they also firmly state that the Governor will not testify until and unless the subpoena is vacated, whether by action of the committee or by court order. The State House committee's subpoena had ordered the Governor to appear before the committee no later than Tuesday 8 June.
      • Time is of the essence because the Select Committee is required to report back to the State House of Representatives, the lower house of the Connecticut General Assembly, no later than Wednesday 30 June. If the committee should recommend impeachment of the Governor, the full House of Representatives would then vote on impeachment (approval of which requires but a simple majority) and the Governor would- upon such approval- actually be tried by the Senate, the upper house of the State's General Assembly. During the trial before the Senate, Governor Rowland would be required to (however temporarily, depending on the outcome) give up the powers and duties of his office; Lieutenant Governor M. Jodi Rell (R-Connecticut) would be "acting Governor" during such a period.
  • Wednesday, May 26, 2004
    • Democratic Unpledged delegate update. Sources: Kerry Campaign and the Colorado Democratic Party. Total: Kerry- 226. Breakdown: AL: Kerry- 1; AR: Kerry- 3; AZ: Kerry- 3; CA: Kerry- 20; CO: Kerry- 3; CT: Kerry- 3; DA: Kerry- 1; DC: Kerry- 8; DE: Kerry- 2; FL: Kerry- 8; GA: Kerry- 4; HI: Kerry- 3; IA: Kerry- 2; ID: Kerry- 1; IL: Kerry- 5; IN: Kerry- 2; KS: Kerry- 1; KY: Kerry- 1; LA: Kerry- 5; MA: Kerry- 17; MD: Kerry- 7; ME: Kerry- 4; MI: Kerry- 13; MN: Kerry- 6; MO: Kerry- 3; MS: Kerry- 3; MT: Kerry- 1; ND: Kerry- 5; NE: Kerry- 1; NJ: Kerry- 7; NM: Kerry- 3; NV: Kerry- 1; NY: Kerry- 20; OH: Kerry- 5; OR: Kerry- 2; PA: Kerry- 3; RI: Kerry- 6; SC: Kerry- 5; TN: Kerry- 2; TX: Kerry- 5; UT: Kerry- 2; VA: Kerry- 7; VI: Kerry- 1; WA: Kerry- 7; WI: Kerry- 4; WV: Kerry- 1; WY: Kerry- 2.
  • Tuesday, May 25, 2004
    • IDAHO Primaries
      • IDAHO Democratic Presidential Primary. While the Idaho Secretary of State Elections Division lists John Kerry, Dennis Kucinich, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., and Al Sharpton on the ballot as candidates, the delegates from Idaho to the Democratic National Convention are actually being chosen via a Caucus/Convention procedure already underway. Therefore, the results of the Idaho Presidential Primary of Tuesday 25 May 2004 are not being used by the Democratic Party and any votes cast therein are merely advisory. Results: Kerry: 82%, NONE OF THE NAMES SHOWN: 8%, Kucinich: 5%, Sharpton: 3%, LaRouche: 2%.
      • IDAHO Republican Presidential Primary. 26 of Idaho's 32 delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the vote statewide in the Idaho Presidential Primary. Results: Bush: 90%, NONE OF THE NAMES SHOWN: 10%, write-ins: 0%
      • IDAHO State and Local Primaries (U.S. Senate Class 3 Seat and 2 U.S. House Seats). Contested races: Congress of the United States--- U.S. House of Representatives: CD 1: Republican (incumbent). All incumbents (Republican Senator Mike Crapo and 2 Republican House Members) received their party's nomination.
  • Monday, May 24, 2004
    • Democratic Delegate Allocation update: Kentucky -1 DNC Member, Texas +1 DNC Member. The total number of delegates to the Democratic National Convention remains at 4,322.
  • Sunday, May 23, 2004
    • Minnesota Democratic State Convention (began Saturday 22 May). This the final step in allocating Minnesota's 86 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. The State Convention chooses 2 unpledged add-on delegates.
    • North Carolina Republican State Convention (began Thursday 20 May). This the final step in allocating North Carolina's 67 delegates to the Republican National Convention. The State Convention meets to choose 25 at-large delegates.
  • Saturday, May 22, 2004
    • Reform Party Update
    • Alaska Democratic State Party Convention. This the final step in allocating Alaska's 18 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. 13 (8 district, 3 at-large, and 2 pledged PLEO) delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the presidential preference of the delegates in attendance at the State Convention. In addition, the State Convention chooses 1 unpledged add-on delegate.
    • Alaska Republican Convention (began Thursday 20 May 2004). This the final step in allocating Alaska's 29 delegates to the Republican National Convention. The State Convention meets to choose 26 delegates.
    • Colorado Democratic District Caucuses and State Convention (began Friday 14 May). 34 of 64 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in Colorado's Friday 14 May - Friday 21 May 2004 District Conventions. 19 pledged delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on a poll of the Saturday 22 May 2004 State convention participants.
    • Georgia Democratic State Committee Meeting. This the final step in allocating Georgia's 102 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. The State Convention chooses 2 unpledged add-on delegates.
    • Maine Democratic State Convention.. This the final step in allocating Maine's 35 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. 24 (16 district, 5 at-large, and 3 pledged PLEO) delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the presidential preference of the delegates in attendance at the State Convention. In addition, the State Convention chooses 1 unpledged add-on delegate.
    • Michigan Republican Congressional District Caucuses and State Convention (began Friday 21 May 2002) The Congressional District Caucuses and State Convention convene to choose 45 district and 13 at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention.
    • North Carolina Democratic District Conventions. Democratic Party District Conventions convene in each congressional district to choose the district's delegates to the Democratic National Convention. 58 district delegates are to be allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the caucus and conventions results in each of the State's 13 congressional districts.
  • Wednesday, May 19, 2004
    • Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland. The legislative committee holding hearings on whether or not the House of Representatives, the lower house of Connecticut's General Assembly, should impeach Governor John Rowland (R-Connecticut) has subpoenaed the Governor to be a witness in public hearings scheduled for Monday 7 June at 10 o'clock a.m. Governor Rowland has not yet decided whether or not he will honor the subpoena and appear before the committee at that time; his attorneys have already made informal arguments in public- though not yet formally to the committee- that a legislative subpoena, as opposed to a mere "invitation to testify", violates the Separation of Powers implied by the State's Constitution.
    • Maryland Democratic State Democratic Central Committee Meeting. This the final step in allocating Maryland's 99 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. The State Convention chooses 2 unpledged add-on delegates.
    • New York Republican State Committee Meeting. This the final step in allocating New York's 102 delegates to the Republican National Convention. The New York Republican State Committee will meet and choose 12 at-large delegates. These delegates will attend Republican National Convention officially unpledged to any Presidential candidate.
  • Tuesday, May 18, 2004
    • ARKANSAS Primaries
      • ARKANSAS Democratic Presidential Primary. 36 of 47 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Arkansas Presidential Primary: 23 district delegates are to be allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the State's 4 congressional districts, while 13 delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. Results: Kerry: 66%, Uncommitted: 24%, LaRouche: 6%, Kucinich: 5%.
      • ARKANSAS Republican Presidential Primary. 32 of 35 of Arkansas' delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Arkansas Presidential Primary, said delegates to the National Convention to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. Results: Bush: 97%, Uncommitted: 3%.
      • ARKANSAS State and Local Primaries for the U.S. Senate Class 3 and 4 U.S. House Seats. Contested races: Congress of the United States--- United States Senate (Class 3 seat): Democrat (incumbent), Republican; U.S. House of Representatives: CD 2: Republican. All incumbents (Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln, 3 Democratic House Members, and 1 Republican House Member) received their party's nomination.
    • KENTUCKY Primaries
      • KENTUCKY Democratic Presidential Primary. 49 of 57 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Kentucky Presidential Primary: 32 district delegates are to be allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the State's 6 congressional districts, while 17 delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. Results: Kerry: 60%, Edwards: 15%, Uncommitted: 9%, Lieberman: 5%, Dean: 4%, Clark: 3%, Sharpton: 2%, Kucinich: 2%, LaRouche: 1%.
      • KENTUCKY Republican Presidential Primary. NOTE: President George W. Bush is the only Republican candidate to file for this Presidential Primary. Since there is only one candidate, this Primary has been cancelled and President Bush will receive all 43 of 46 of Kentucky's delegates to the Republican National Convention which were otherwise to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Kentucky Presidential Primary. Results: Bush: 93%, Uncommitted: 7%.
      • KENTUCKY State and Local Primaries for the U.S. Senate Class 3 and 6 U.S. House Seats. Contested races: Congress of the United States--- United States Senate (Class 3 seat): Democrat, Republican (incumbent); U.S. House of Representatives: CD 2: Democrat; CD 3: Democrat; CD 4: Republican; CD 5: Republican (incumbent); CD 6: Republican. All incumbents running for re-election (Republican Senator Jim Bunning, 2 Democratic House Members, and 4 Republican House Members) received their party's nomination. Democratic Congressman Ken Lucas, CD 4, is not running for re-election.
    • OREGON Primaries
      • OREGON Democratic Presidential Primary. 46 of 58 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Oregon Presidential Primary: 30 district delegates are to be allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the State's 5 congressional districts, while 16 delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. NOTE: This was a vote by mail primary. Ballots had to have been mailed no earlier than 30 April and no later than 4 May 2004. Results: Kerry: 81%, Kucinich: 17%, LaRouche: 2%.
      • OREGON Republican Presidential Primary. 28 of 31 of Oregon's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Oregon Presidential Primary, said delegates to the National Convention to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. President George Bush ran unopposed.
      • OREGON State and Local Primaries for the U.S. Senate Class 3 seat, 5 U.S. House Seats, Secretary of State, Attorney General, and Treasurer. Contested races: State offices--- Secretary of State: Democrat (incumbent), Republican; Congress of the United States--- United States Senate (Class 3 seat): Republican; U.S. House of Representatives: CD 1: Republican; CD 3: Democrat (incumbent); CD 5: Democrat (incumbent), Republican. All incumbents (Democratic Senator Ron Wyden, 4 Democratic House Members, 1 Republican House Member, the Secretary of State, Attorney General, and State Treasurer) received their party's nomination.
  • Monday, May 17, 2004
    • New York Democratic State Committee. This the final step in allocating New York's 285 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. The State Convention chooses 4 unpledged add-on delegates.
  • Saturday, May 15, 2004
    • Delaware Republican State Convention. The Delaware State Republican Convention convenes. The State Convention chooses 15 of 18 delegates from Delaware to the Republican National Convention.
    • Florida Democratic Party State Executive Committee. This the final step in allocating Florida's 201 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. The Florida Democratic Party State Executive Committee chooses 3 unpledged add-on delegates.
    • Illinois Republican Convention (began Friday 14 May). This the final step in allocating Illinois's 73 delegates to the Republican National Convention. The Convention chooses the remaining 10 at-large delegates. These delegates will attend the Republican National Convention officially "Unpledged" to any Presidential candidate.
    • Maine Republican District Caucuses and State Convention. District Caucuses and State Convention are held 14-15 May 2004. 6 District and 12 at-large National Convention delegates are elected during the second day of the State Convention. These delegates will attend the Republican National Convention officially "Unpledged" to any Presidential candidate.
    • Michigan Democratic State Central Committee. This the final step in allocating Michigan's 154 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. The State Central Committee chooses 2 unpledged add-on delegates.
    • Wyoming Democratic State Convention. This the final step in allocating Wyoming's 19 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. 13 of 19 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in proportion to the support each candidate receives at the State Convention. In addition, the State Convention chooses 1 unpledged add-on delegate.
  • Thursday, May 13, 2004
  • Wednesday, May 12, 2004
  • Tuesday, May 11, 2004
      Why America can't afford to emulate Barbarism
    • NEBRASKA Primaries
      • NEBRASKA Democratic Presidential Primary. 24 of 31 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in the Nebraska Presidential Primary: 16 district delegates are to be allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the State's 3 congressional districts; 8 delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. Results: Kerry: 75%; Edwards: 14%; Dean: 7%; Kucinich: 2%; Sharpton: 2%; LaRouche: 1%.
      • NEBRASKA Republican Presidential Primary. This Primary is an "Advisory" Primary (that is, a so-called "beauty contest"), as Nebraska's delegates to the Republican National Convention are not bound by the results of today's Presidential Preference Primary. President George Bush ran unopposed.
      • NEBRASKA State and Local Primaries. Contested races: Congress of the United States--- U.S. House of Representatives: CD 1: Democrat, Republican. The two incumbent Republican Congressmen, both running for re-election, received their party's nomination. The remaining Congresssman, a Republican, is not running for re-election.
    • WEST VIRGINIA Primaries
      • WEST VIRGINIA Democratic Presidential Primary. 28 of 39 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's West Virginia Presidential Primary: 18 district delegates are to be allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the State's 3 congressional districts; 10 delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. Results: Kerry: 69%; Edwards: 14%; Lieberman: 5%; Dean: 4%; Clark: 4%; Kucinich: 3%; LaRouche: 2%.
      • WEST VIRGINIA Republican Presidential Primary. 27 of West Virginia's 30 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be directly elected in the West Virginia Presidential Primary. This is a "Loophole" Primary, one in which delegate candidates are listed on the ballot as individuals but there is also a presidential preference vote atop the ballot: a so-called "beauty contest", the results of which have no effect on the allocation of National Convention delegates. 9 district delegates (3 delegates from each of the state's 3 Congressional Districts) are to be elected directly and are individually listed on the ballot with their presidential preferences indicated, while 18 at-large delegates are to be elected directly statewide and are individually listed on the ballot with their presidential preferences indicated: thus, each voter gets to choose up to 21 Republican National Convention delegates (the 3 from his or her Congressional District plus the 18 at-large delegates). President George Bush ran unopposed.
      • WEST VIRGINIA State and Local Primaries. Contested races: State offices--- Governor: Democrat, Republican; Secretary of State: Democrat; Commissioner of Agriculture: Republican; Congress of the United States--- U.S. House of Representatives: CD 2: Democrat; CD 3: Republican. All 3 Congressman, 2 Democrats and 1 Republican, received their party's nomination. The Attorney General, Treasurer, Auditor, and Commissioner of Agriculture, all Democrats, received their party's nomination. Governor Robert E. Wise, Jr. and the Secretary of State, both Democrats, are not running for re-election.
  • Monday, May 10, 2004
  • Saturday, May 8, 2004
    • Ohio Democratic State Executive Committee. This the final step in allocating Ohio's 159 delegates. 3 Unpledged "add-on" delegates are chosen during the State Convention.
    • Arizona Republican CD Caucus and State Convention. This the final step in allocating Arizona's 52 delegates. The Arizona CD Caucuses and State Republican Convention convene to choose 25 at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention.
    • Utah Democratic State Convention (began Friday 7 May). This the final step in allocating Utah's 29 delegates. 1 Unpledged "add-on" delegates are chosen during the State Convention.
    • Utah Republican State Convention. The Utah State Republican Convention convenes to choose the 9 National Convention Delegates (3 in each of Utah's 3 Congressional Districts) along with 24 at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention.
    • Utah's First Woman Governor Loses Chance to Run for Re-election
      • At the Utah Republican State Convention this evening, Governor Olene Walker, who became the State's first female chief executive when, as Lieutenant Governor, she succeeded to the office of Governor upon the resignation of then-Governor Mike Leavitt to head the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, has lost her bid to run for election to a full four-year term in her own right. Governor Walker came in fourth in an eight-person competition for the 2004 Gubernatorial nomination, behind- in this order- Jon Huntsman, Jr., Nolan Karras and former Congressman Jim Hansen. Under Utah law, Huntsman and Karras will now face each other for the nomination in the State's Republican Primary, scheduled for Tuesday 22 June.
      • Governor Walker came in fourth in an eight-person competition for the 2004 Gubernatorial nomination, behind- in this order- Jon Huntsman, Jr., Nolan Karras and former Congressman Jim Hansen. Under Utah law, Huntsman and Karras will now face each other for the nomination in the State's Republican Primary, scheduled for Tuesday 22 June.
      • Utah uses a mixed Convention/Primary system for its nominations to statewide office. If a contender for a nomination to office gains at least 60 percent of the vote on the floor of the Convention, that contender is considered to be the Party's nominee for the office in question and does not have to run in the Primary; if no contender gets at least 60 percent of the Convention delegates to support him or her, the top two contenders in delegate votes face each other in the Primary.
    • Wyoming Republican Convention (began Thursday 6 May). This the final step in allocating Wyoming's 28 delegates to the Republican National Convention. The State Convention chooses the last 13 delegates.
  • Friday, May 7, 2004
  • Tuesday, May 4, 2004
    • INDIANA Primaries-
      • INDIANA Democratic Presidential Primary. 67 of 81 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Indiana Presidential Primary: 43 district delegates are to be allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the State's 9 congressional districts, while 24 delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. Results: Kerry: 73%, Edwards: 11%, Dean: 7%; Clark: 6%, Kucinich: 2%, LaRouche: 2%.
      • INDIANA Republican Presidential Primary. 27 of Indiana's 55 delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Indiana Presidential Primary: these district delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the State's 9 congressional districts. President George W. Bush ran uncontested.
      • INDIANA State and Local Primaries. All incumbents (1 Senator and 9 Congressmen) running for re-election received their party's nomination. Contested races - State offices--- Governor: Republican; NOTE: Major Party candidates for the offices of Attorney General and Superintendent of Public Instruction are not nominated via the 4 May Primary but, instead, will be (per Indiana Code 3-8-4-2) nominated at each Party's respective State Conventions: Democrats: Saturday 12 June 2004, Republicans: Monday 7 June thru Tuesday 8 June 2004; Congress of the United States--- U.S. House of Representatives: CD 1: Republican; CD 2: Republican (incumbent); CD 3: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 4: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 5: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 7: Democrat (incumbent), Republican; CD 8: Democrat; CD 9: Democrat (incumbent).
    • NORTH CAROLINA Primaries- originally scheduled for Tuesday 4 May 2004. Due to redistricting issues (involving a court challenge under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965), the NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Elections met on 9 February 2004 and unanimously voted to postpone the State Primary election from its originally scheduled date of 4 May 2004 to 20 July 2004 and the Second Primary (Runoff), where necessary, from 1 June 2004 to 17 August 2004. Because this new 20 July date for NORTH CAROLINA Presidential Primaries would be far too late to allow any delegates to the National Conventions of either Major Party from NORTH CAROLINA which would otherwise be allocated to presidential contenders thereby to be properly certified by State election and Party authorities in time to attend either Convention, these delegates are, instead, being allocated and selected via a caucus/convention process re: both Major Parties.
  • Saturday, May 1, 2004
  • Thursday, April 29, 2004
  • Tuesday, April 27, 2004
    • Pennsylvania Primaries
      • Pennsylvania Democratic Primary. 151 of 178 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Pennsylvania Presidential Primary. Primary results: Kerry: 74%, Dean: 10%, Edwards: 10%, Kucinich: 4%, LaRouche: 2%.
      • Pennsylvania Republican Primary. 62 of the Commonwealth's 75 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be directly elected in a so-called "Loophole" type primary, in which delegates are elected separately from a presidential preference "beauty contest". Voters in each of Pennsylvania's 19 Congressional Districts will directly elect 3 to 4 Republican National Convention delegates. President George W. Bush was uncontested.
      • Pennsylvania State and Local Primaries. All incumbents (1 Senator and 17 of 19 Congressmen) running for re-election received their party's nomination. Democratic Congressman Joseph M. Hoeffel (CD 13) received his party's nomination to run against Republican Senator Arlen Specter. Republican Congressman Pat Toomey (CD 15) lost his bid for his party's nomination for the Senator Specter's Class 3 Senate Seat. Contested races - Commonwealth offices--- Attorney General: Democrat, Republican; Congress of the United States--- U.S. Senate: (Class 3 seat): Republican (incumbent); U.S. House of Representatives: CD 4: Democrat; CD 5: Republican (incumbent); CD 8: Democrat, Republican (incumbent); CD 9: Republican (incumbent); CD 13: Democrat, Republican; CD 15: Democrat, Republican; CD 17: Republican.
  • Sunday, April 25, 2004
  • Saturday, April 24, 2004
    • Guam Democratic Territorial Convention. The Territorial Convention meets to choose 6 of Guam's 11 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. Each of these 6 delegates will cast 1/2 of a vote at the National Convention.
    • Iowa Democratic District Conventions. These District Conventions are the second step in allocating Iowa's National Convention delegates. Conventions convene in each congressional district to choose a total of 29 district's delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
    • Iowa Republican District Statutory Caucus. Republican Party District Conventions convene in each congressional district. As the delegates to the Iowa State Republican Convention have already been chosen, the sole business- insofar as the presidential campaign is concerned- of the District Convention is that of instructing the delegates to the Iowa State Republican Convention from the counties making up said congressional district as to the presidential contender most preferred by the delegates in attendance at the District Convention.
    • Kansas Democratic State Convention. 33 of 41 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of today's Kansas District (second tier) Caucuses.
    • New Mexico Democratic State Central Committee. This the final step in allocating New Mexico's 64 delegates. 1 Unpledged "add-on" delegate is selected during the Convention.
    • New Hampshire Democratic State Convention. This the final step in allocating New Hampshire's 27 delegates. 1 Unpledged "add-on" delegate is selected during the Convention.
  • Thursday, April 22, 2004
    • House OKs Emergency Special Elections In Case Of Terrorist Attack on Capitol
      • The U.S. House of Representatives, by a vote of 306 to 97, has approved H.R. 2844, a bill which provides that- in the event that a terrorist attack on the Nation's Capital has left at least 100 of the 435 seats in the House vacant- Special Elections to fill the vacancies must be held within 45 days. The bill now goes to the U.S. Senate for its consideration.
      • Critics of H.R. 2844 are concerned that the bill does not provide for temporary appointments to fill the vacancies pending Special Elections, something which- in all but a handful of States- is allowed as regards vacancies in the U.S. Senate; the fear is that, with such a large number of House seats vacant, the Executive Branch might step in to fill the void via governance by Executive Order. Supporters of the bill counter that it would thwart the intent of the Framers of the Constitution should House members be permitted to serve without having been elected, no matter how temporary the service. There is also additional concern that this bill, should it become law, is unconstitutional as many are of the opinion that only a Constitutional Amendment can properly deal with the issue of the emergency filling of House vacancies.
      • H.R. 2844 is the product of an ongoing study of Continuity of Government which has largely been in response to the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on New York City's World Trade Center and the Pentagon outside Washington, D.C.; it has been conjectured that the airliner which plowed into the Pentagon was originally destined for the White House and that a fourth jet plane, which crashed in western Pennsylvania, was originally destined for the U.S. Capitol in which Congress meets.
  • Saturday, April 17, 2004
    • Arizona Democratic State Convention. This the final step in allocating Arizona's 64 delegates. 1 Unpledged "add-on" delegate is are during the Convention.
    • Virgin Islands Democratic Territorial Convention. A Territorial Convention meets to choose the Virgin Islands' 6 pledged delegates. Each delegate will cast 1/2 of a vote at the National Convention.
    • North Carolina Democratic County Caucuses and Conventions. These caucuses are the first step in allocating North Carolina's 107 delegates. North Carolina's National Convention delegates are first allocated beginning on Saturday 22 May 2004 at the District Conventions. Caucus Results: Edwards: 51%, Kerry: 27%, Kucinich: 12%, Dean: 6%, Sharpton: 3%.
  • Wednesday, April 14, 2004
    • Texas 9 March 2004 Primary House Democrats CD 28 Update: Congressman Ciro Rodriguez has filed suit in Webb County claiming vote changes during the recount lack plausible explanation. The Congressman seeks a reversal of Henry Cuellar's primary victory or a new election.
  • Tuesday, April 13, 2004
    • Colorado Democratic Precinct Caucus
      • These caucuses are the first step in allocating Colorado's 64 delegates. Colorado's National Convention delegates are first allocated beginning on Friday 14 May 2004 at the District Conventions.
    • Colorado Republican Precinct Caucuses
      • These caucuses are the first step in allocating Colorado's 50 delegates. Colorado's National Convention delegates are first allocated beginning on Saturday 22 May 2004 at the District Caucuses.
    • Texas - Runoff Election for Statewide Offices
      • If no candidate received a majority of the vote in the 9 March primary, the two top vote-getters proceed to the 13 April runoff. 6 Republican contests are participating in this runoff: U.S. House Seats CD 1, 10, 15, 17, 28 and Railroad Commissioner. The only incumbent participating in the runoff is Railroad Commissioner Victor G. Carrillo.
  • Tuesday, April 6, 2004
    • Texas 9 March 2004 Primary House CD 28 Update: Preliminary results of the 9 March primary had Congressman Ciro Rodriguez winning by 145 votes (Ciro D. Rodriguez: 24,363, Henry Cuellar: 24,218). A recount, requested by Mr. Cuellar, was conducted 26 March through 1 April. The recount gave Henry Cuellar a 203 vote lead with most of the change coming from Webb and Zapata counties in Cuellar's home region. Irregularities surfaced with the discovery of 304 previously untabulated votes in Zapata and 115 additional votes in Webb. The certified vote as of 6 April 2004 is Henry Cuellar: 24,651, Ciro D. Rodriguez: 24,448. Rodriguez is expected to initiate legal action.
  • Sunday, April 4, 2004
    • North Dakota Democratic State Convention (2-4 April 2004). This the final step in allocating North Dakota's 22 delegates. 9 district, 3 at-large, 2 Pledged PLEOs, and 1 Unpledged "add-on" delegates are chosen during the Convention.
  • Saturday, April 3, 2004
    • Delaware Democratic State Convention. This the final step in allocating Delaware's 23 delegates. 1 Unpledged "add-on" delegate is chosen during the Convention.
    • Kansas Democratic District Caucuses. 33 of 41 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of today's Kansas District (second tier) Caucuses. The 33 delegates consist of 22 district delegates, 7 at-large, and 4 Pledged PLEOs.
    • Missouri Democratic State Committee. Democratic State Committee meets to elect 2 unpledged add-on delegates.
    • Tennessee Republican State Executive Committee. This the final step in allocating Tennessee's 55 delegates. The State Executive Committee meets to select 13-at large delegates. In addition, 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Tennessee's Republican Party, will attend the convention by virtue of their position.
  • Review changes prior to Thursday, April 1, 2004.

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Richard E. Berg-Andersson, Research and Commentary, E-Mail:
Tony Roza, Webmaster, E-Mail: