The Green Papers
2012 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
Copyright Arizona Democrat
Presidential Nominating Process
Non-binding Primary: Tuesday 28 February 2012 (cancelled)
Congressional District Caucuses: Saturday 31 March 20121
State Convention: Saturday 21 April 2012
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein 70.0  87.50%77.0  96.25%
Uncommitted 10.0  12.50% 
Not Announced  3.0   3.75%
Total 80.0 100.00%80.0 100.00%

States Chronologically   States Alphabetically     Democratic Convention     Arizona Republican    
Arizona Primaries for Statewide offices and Congress
Arizona State and Local Government


The delegate selection processes herein was updated 3 April 2012 per the 2012 Delegate Selection Plan as amended and approved by the Democratic National Committee on December 15, 2011.

31 March 2012 from azcentral: Arizona Democrats nominate Obama. "Obama was the only person on the ballot..." Thanks to Andrew Watiker for the link.


Tuesday 28 February 2012 (cancelled): Arizona Democratic non-binding Primary. The Democratic Party did not request a primary so none was held.


Participation in Arizona's delegate selection process is open to all voters who wish to participate as Democrats. Only registered Democrats are allowed to participate in the state-run caucuses.

President Barack Obama, the only candidate who filed the appropriate paperwork for the office of President of the United States in the 2012 Arizona Presidential Preference Caucus, will receive all 70 pledged delegates.

Saturday 31 March 2012: 70 of 80 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are pledged to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Arizona Presidential Caucuses. A mandatory 15 percent threshold is required in order for a presidential contender to be allocated National Convention delegates at either the congressional district or statewide level.

  • 46 district delegates are to be pledged proportionally to presidential contenders based on the caucus results in each of Arizona's 8 Congressional Districts. Districts are based on the 2000 census redistricting as in effect in 2010. (as of 16 March 2011)
    • CD 1: 6
    • CD 2: 7
    • CD 3: 5
    • CD 4: 4
    • CD 5: 6
    • CD 6: 6
    • CD 7: 6
    • CD 8: 6
  • In addition, 24 delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the caucuses vote statewide.
    • 15 at-large National Convention delegates
    • 9 Pledged PLEOs

Saturday 31 March 2012 Congressional District Caucuses meet to elect National Convention district level delegates according to the results of the caucuses.


Saturday 21 April 2012: State Convention and State Committee Meeting

National Convention Pledged PLEO and At-Large delegates are elected according to the results of the primary.

The remaining 10 National Convention delegates consist of

  • 10 Unpledged PLEO delegates:
    • 7 Democratic National Committee members.
    • 3 Members of Congress (0 Senators and 3 Representatives).
    • 0 Governors.
    • 0 Distinguished Party Leaders.

These 10 delegates and will go to the Democratic National Convention officially "Unpledged".


21 July 2011: from Capitol Media Services - Brewer eyes moving Arizona's presidential primary to [the last Tuesday in] January.

2 September 2011 from Fox News - Arizona Governor Will Not Move State's Presidential Primary to Jan. 31.

2 September 2011: Statement by Governor Jan Brewer - Arizona Presidential Debate - "Just as important as what I'm announcing today is what I'm not announcing: a formal date for Arizona’s Presidential Preference Election. I will for the time being keep my options open."

12 September 2011: Statement from Governor Jan Brewer Establishing Arizona’s 2012 Presidential Primary on February 28, 2012-- "Today I signed a proclamation establishing February 28 as the date of Arizona’s 2012 Presidential Preference Election. It has always been a priority of mine to ensure that Arizona and its voters play an influential role in the nomination process ..."

The 28 February 2012 start date is before the 6 March 2012 window and could expose the state to Rule 20.C.1. Sanctions. The Arizona legislature adjourned Sine Die on 20 April 2011. No bills were consider to change the date of the primary.

On 10 September 2011, Frank Leone (DNC Virginia) re: DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting Report wrote that Arizona, Florida, and Georgia Democratic Parties will begin their delegate selection process using a caucus should their states decide to hold a pre-window primary.

Delegation to the National Convention

Arizona Delegation (as posted at, 20 August 2012)

Delores AdamsPhoenix
Richard AhernGoodyear
Mallory AldrichTucson
Rita Jo AnthonyPhoenix
Audra AntoneSacaton
Douglas BallardParks
Magdalena BarajasTucson
Ron Barber 
Francisco (Frank) BernalYuma
Don BivensParadise Valley
Patrick BurnsTucson
Virgel CainCave Creek
Christopher CampasSierra Vista
Christopher CarenzaPhoenix
John ChiazzaGilbert
Ken ClarkPhoenix
Laura CoppleScottsdale
Manuel CruzGlendale
Susan DehartTucson
Mary DesioApache Junction
Rita DickinsonPhoenix
Robert DonatSurprise
Fred DuValPhoenix
Diane EnosScottsdale
Connie FinnemanQueen Creek
Kristen Emily FosterPhoenix
Lena FowlerTuba City
Ruben GallegoPhoenix
Ezekiel GebrekidaneTucson
Jerry GettingerScottsdale
Neil GiulianoTempe
John R GoodieGilbert
Marquisha GriffinMaricopa
Adelita S GrijalvaTucson
Raul GrijalvaTucson
Kristin GwinnTempe
Khalid HasanGilbert
Anna HubermanGlendale
Janie HydrickChandler
Ruby IveryCasa Grande
Victor JacksonGlendale
Heather JenkinsPhoenix
Michael JohnsonPhoenix
Randy KeatingTempe
Sandra KennedyPhoenix
Judy KennedyPhoenix
Matthew KopecTucson
Lauren KubyTempe
Angela LeFevreSedona
Stephen LewisSacaton
Elaine LimTucson
Daria LohmanScottsdale
Rosie LopezPhoenix
Marie Lopez RogersAvondale
Erik LundstromTucson
Dan MallarPhoenix
Wayne ManskeMesa
James J MatwijkowPhoenix
W. Barry McCainCasa Grande
John McDonaldMesa
Jane McNamaraPhoenix
Megan McPhersonGilbert
Wayne MontonPhoenix
Mary NickumFountain Hills
John NickumFountain Hills
Barbara NjosApache Junction
Ned NorrisSells
Michael NowakowskiPhoenix
Danica OparnicaPhoenix
Steve OwensFlagstaff
Ed PastorPhoenix
Jim PetersonPhoenix
Peggy PierceGreen Valley
Carole PiszczekSedona
Carmen PrezelskiTucson
Valerie ReveringGlendale
Juan RochaTucson
William G RoeTucson
Jeff RogersTucson
Jacqueline SandovalLitchfield Park
David SchapiraTempe
Amanda ShelleyGilbert
Greg StantonPhoenix
Sharon StewartPhoenix
Andy StonePhoenix
Sharon ThomasPhoenix
Margie ThompsonSurprise
Anna TovarTolleson
Jesse TurnerPhoenix
Dennis Van RoekelPhoenix
Emily VerdugoCoolidge
Henry M Wade Jr.Maricopa
Ann WallackPhoenix
Carolyn WarnerParadise Valley
Beth WeisserGolden Valley
Mary R WilcoxPhoenix
Jonathan C WilliamsPhoenix
Jim WoodbreyGreen Valley
Harriet H YoungFlagstaff

Links Links to other web sites

Constitution   Links to State Constitutions
  Arizona Constitution
Election Authority
  Arizona Secretary of State
  Citizens Clean Elections Commission
Legislature   Links to State Legislatures
  Arizona House of Representatives
  Arizona Revised Statutes
  Arizona State Senate
  Arizona Democratic Party
Media & others
  Arizona Capitol Times - Phoenix
  Arizona Daily Star - Tucson
  Arizona Daily Sun - Flagstaff
  Blog For Arizona
  East Valley Tribune - Mesa
  KGUN TV - ABC - Tucson
  Kingman Daily Miner
  KOLD TV - CBS - Tucson
  Payson Roundup - Arizona
  Prescott Newspapers Online
  Sedona Red Rock News
  Sierra Vista Herald
  Sonoran News - Cave Creek
  The Daily Dispatch - Douglas
  The Flagstaff Navajo-Hopi Observer
  The Navajo Times - Window Rock
  The Republic - Phoenix
  The Sun - Yuma
  Today's News-Herald - Lake Havasu City
  Tucson Citizen

1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process.


Last Modified: Sat Aug 28 2021 02:55:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

  Election 2012 - Presidential Primary, Caucus, and Convention Home  
  Presidential Candidates  
Rule Making and Process
  30 December 2009 - Democratic Change Commission's Recommendations for the 2012 Presidential Nominating Process  
  20 August 2010 - Democratic National Committee approves 2012 Call To Convention and Delegate Selection Rules  
  6 August 2010 - Republican Temporary Delegate Selection Committee's Recommendations for the 2012 Presidential Nominating Process  
  States Alphabetically  
  Events Chronologically  
  Major Events Chronologically  
  Democratic "First Determining Step" Chronologically  
  Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates  
  Weekly Delegate Distribution and Availability  
  Democratic Pledged and Unpledged Summary   --   Republican Pledged and Unpledged Summary  
  Democratic Hard and Floor Summary   --   Republican Hard and Floor Summary  
Delegate Allocation
  Democratic Quick Reference   --   Republican Quick Reference  
  Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation   --   Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation  
  Democratic Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility   --   Republican Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility  
  Primaries at a Glance  
  Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process  
  Historical Analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties  
  Primary/Caucus/Convention Glossary  
  Statutory Election Information of the Several states / Presidential Primary  
  Dates of PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES re: selection and/or allocation/distribution of Delegates to Major Party National Conventions  
  Major Third Party (Constitution, Green, Libertarian) Presidential Nomination Process  
  Straw Polls  

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