The Green Papers 2012 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
Indiana Republican Presidential Nominating Process Primary: Tuesday 8 May 2012 State Convention: Friday 8 June - Saturday 9 June 2012 |
Delegate Selection: Combined Selection [Winner-Take-All Primary for District Delegates with Caucus/Convention], Polling hours 6:00a EDT (1000 UTC) / 6:00a CDT (1100 UTC) to 6:00p EDT (2200 UTC) / 6:00p CDT (2300 UTC). Although much of this state is in CDT, the majority of the polls are closed by the time indicated EDT when the networks feel they can project. Voter Eligibility: Open Primary 46 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 3 party / 6 bonus |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically Republican Convention Indiana Democrat |
Unpledged delegate preferences as of The delegate selection processes herein was updated 28 November 2011. 8 May 2012 returns from an official source. |
Tuesday 8 May 2012: 27 of Indiana's 46 delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's Indiana Presidential Primary.
In addition, each county directly elects delegates to the State Convention. [Rule 9-3, IC 3-10-1-4]
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