The Green Papers
2012 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
Copyright Kentucky Democrat
Presidential Nominating Process
Primary: Tuesday 22 May 20121
State Convention: Saturday 2 June 2012
Delegate Votes
Hard TotalFloor Vote
Obama, Barack Hussein119,293  57.85%39.0  53.42%72.0  98.63%
Uncommitted86,925  42.15%34.0  46.58% 
Not Announced  1.0   1.37%
Total206,218 100.00%73.0 100.00%73.0 100.00%

States Chronologically   States Alphabetically     Democratic Convention     Kentucky Republican    
Kentucky Primaries for Statewide offices and Congress
Kentucky State and Local Government


The delegate selection processes herein was updated 20 April 2011 per the Draft 2012 Delegate Selection Plan as of April 2011.

Starting on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% pledged delegate bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states begin on the same date.

The state received a 20% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage III (May and June).

22 May 2012 primary returns from the State Board of Elections.


Participation in Kentucky’s delegate selection process is open to all voters who wish to participate as Democrats. Because Kentucky holds closed party primaries, voters must identify party preference at the time of registration (at least 28 days before the election) to be eligible to vote in the primary election.

Tuesday 22 May 2012: 66 of 73 delegates to the Democratic National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Kentucky Presidential Primary. A mandatory 15 percent threshold is required in order for a presidential contender to be allocated National Convention delegates at either the congressional district or statewide level.

  • 45 district delegates are to be allocated proportionally to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the State's 6 congressional districts.
    • CD 1: 7
    • CD 2: 7
    • CD 3: 12
    • CD 4: 6
    • CD 5: 4
    • CD 6: 9
  • In addition, 21 delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide.
    • 14 at-large National Convention delegates
    • 7 Pledged PLEOs
Tuesday 22 May 2012 Primary
Delegates  66  39  27
Source: Kentucky State Board of Elections Official Primary Results, We do have have the vote by Congressional District so we made an estimate by interpolating the vote by County into the vote by CD.

Saturday 2 June 2012: State Convention

National Convention delegates are elected according to the results of the primary.

The remaining 7 National Convention delegates consist of

  • 7 Unpledged PLEO delegates:
    • 4 Democratic National Committee members.
    • 2 Members of Congress (0 Senators and 2 Representatives).
    • 1 Governor.
    • 0 Distinguished Party Leaders.

These 7 delegates and will go to the Democratic National Convention officially "Unpledged".


On 4 January 2011 Kentucky state Senator Jared Carpenter (Republican) introduced SB4. This bill would change the date of the statewide and Presidential primaries from the 1st Tuesday after the 3rd Monday in May to the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in August. Note that a Presidential Primary in August would violate DNC Rule 11.A. (which requires delegate selection primaries to be completed by the second Tuesday in June) and RNC Rule 19(a) (which requires states to complete their delegate selection processes by 23 July 2012).

Delegation to the National Convention

Kentucky Delegation (as posted at, 20 August 2012)

Jerry E AbramsonLouisville
Janice B AllenPrestonsburg
Sandra Anez PowellRichmond
Queenie AveretteLouisville
William S BarkerRichmond
Steven L BeshearFrankfort
Charles Booker Jr.Louisville
Mark P BryantPaducah
Donna M CampbellLexington
Toni CanterburySouth Williamson
Kent A ChandlerProvidence
Ben ChandlerLexington
Ann CoffeyLouisville
Leslie A CombsPikeville
Jack ConwayLouisville
Lesa DaeLouisville
Katie DailingerLouisville
Adam H EdelenLexington
Colman ElridgeLexington
Elizabeth (Betsy) FarleyLexington
Greg FischerLouisville
Wendell Clay H FordOwensboro
Liz FossettLexington
Laken GilbertWallingford
Kimberly L GlennFt. Mitchell
Julia N GordonMaceo
Erin E Hardin SmithLouisville
Gail HardyCadiz
J. Michael HaskinsLexington
Charity C HayesMiddlesboro
Phinis V HundleyHodgenville
Elisabeth JensenLexington
LeTonia A JonesLexington
David "Howard" KeeneBardstown
Diane LawlessLexington
Paula LewisLexington
Daniel E Logsdon Jr.Lexington
Jessica S LovingLouisville
Charlotte LunderganLexington
Alison Lundergan GrimesLexington
Jessica MartinLexington
W. Terry McBrayerLexington
Kay McCollumKuttawa
Kathy McCormickOlive Hill
Dekonti E Mends-ColePaducah
Jesus S MenendezPaducah
David R MillerDanville
George MillsLexington
Jennifer A MooreLouisville
Gerald A NealLouisville
William C NettLouisville
David O'NeillLexington
Darryl T OwensLouisville
Col OwensFt. Mitchell
R.J. PalmerWinchester
James PalumboLexington
Danny PattersonMurray
Vicki PenixBurgin
John E PenningtonMachester
Allen PriceEubank
Shawn ReillyLouisville
Stephanie ReillyLouisville
Dennis RepenningWalton
Jerry P RhoadsMadisonville
Shirley A RodgersFrankfort
George RussellFrankfort
Bill RyanLouisville
Travis M ScottHagerhill
William ShecklesBardstown
Christina SmithAlexandria
John D SommersLouisville
Maetinee SuramekBerea
David TandyLouisville
Carolyn TandyLouisville
Michele B ThomasBowling Green
Max B ThomasFrankfort
Clark C WaldropMayfield
Mike WardLouisville
Karen K WardWinchester
Cecelia S WatkinsHenderson
Paul L WhalenFt. Thomas
Harriett C WhitakerMadisonville
Alayne L WhiteLexington
Elizabeth WhitehouseLexington
Virginia WoodwardLouisville
Sheila D YanceyLouisville
John A YarmuthLouisville

Links Links to other web sites

Constitution   Links to State Constitutions
  Kentucky Constitution.
Election Authority
  Kentucky Registry of Election Finance
  Kentucky Secretary of State - Elections
  State Board of Elections
  Kentucky Democratic Party
  Kentucky Democratic Party
Media & others
  Bowling Green Daily News
  Central Kentucky News-Journal - Campbellsville
  Jefferson Review - Louisville
  Messenger-Inquirer - Owensboro
  Page One - Politics in Kentucky - Kentucky
  State Journal - Frankfort
  The Advocate Messenger - Danville
  The Courier-Journal - Louisville
  The Evansville Courier & Press
  The Gleaner - Henderson
  The Kentucky Post - Covington
  The Kentucky Standard - Bardstown
  The Ledger Independent - Maysville
  The Ledger Independent - Maysville
  The News-Enterprise - Elizabethtown
  The Paducah Sun - Paducah
  The Times Leader - Princeton
  The Vermont Cynic
  The Winchester Sun
  WAVE TV - NBC - Louisville
  WBKO TV - ABC - Bowling Green
  WHAS TV - ABC - Louisville
  WKYT & WYMT TV - CBS - Lexington
  WTVQ - ABC - Lexington

1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process.


Last Modified: Sun Oct 03 2021 04:17:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

  Election 2012 - Presidential Primary, Caucus, and Convention Home  
  Presidential Candidates  
Rule Making and Process
  30 December 2009 - Democratic Change Commission's Recommendations for the 2012 Presidential Nominating Process  
  20 August 2010 - Democratic National Committee approves 2012 Call To Convention and Delegate Selection Rules  
  6 August 2010 - Republican Temporary Delegate Selection Committee's Recommendations for the 2012 Presidential Nominating Process  
  States Alphabetically  
  Events Chronologically  
  Major Events Chronologically  
  Democratic "First Determining Step" Chronologically  
  Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates  
  Weekly Delegate Distribution and Availability  
  Democratic Pledged and Unpledged Summary   --   Republican Pledged and Unpledged Summary  
  Democratic Hard and Floor Summary   --   Republican Hard and Floor Summary  
Delegate Allocation
  Democratic Quick Reference   --   Republican Quick Reference  
  Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation   --   Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation  
  Democratic Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility   --   Republican Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility  
  Primaries at a Glance  
  Historical Analysis of the Presidential Nominating Process  
  Historical Analysis of the apportionment of delegate votes at the National Conventions of the two major parties  
  Primary/Caucus/Convention Glossary  
  Statutory Election Information of the Several states / Presidential Primary  
  Dates of PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES re: selection and/or allocation/distribution of Delegates to Major Party National Conventions  
  Major Third Party (Constitution, Green, Libertarian) Presidential Nomination Process  
  Straw Polls  

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