The Green Papers: Election 2000 
Democratic PartyHawaii Democrat
Caucus: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
State Convention: Sunday, May 28, 2000
Popular VoteDelegate Votes
Floor VoteHard Total
Gore, Al  1,080  82%   33.  100%   20.   61%
Bradley, Bill  235  18%          2.    6%
Uncommitted                11.   33%
Total  1,315 100%   33.  100%   33.  100%
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention

33 total delegate votes - 14 district / 5 at-large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 10 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-ons

Last modified Wednesday, August 16, 2000
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18 March 2000: Unpledged delegate preference update: Gore 9, Bradley 0. Unpledged delegates appear in the "Soft Unpledged" field.

March 13: An AP report states that the 14 district delegates were divided Gore 12, Bradley 2. Since Bradley has withdrawn from the race, he will not eligible for the 5 At-Large and 3 Pledged PLEO delegates when the selection committee meets May 28 (rule 9.C). Gore, the remaining candidate to receive 15% or more of the vote, will receive these 8 delegates.

Here's how we estimate the delegate count (I do not have the caucus breakdown by CD so, for illustration, the vote was divided equally between the 2 CDs):

  1. A candidate must receive 15% or more of the total popular vote to qualify for delegates. Discard those votes cast for candidates who do not qualify.
  2. Allocate Congressional District delegates from the qualified vote in each district. Allocate Pledged PLEO and At-Large delegates using the statewide qualified vote. Bill Bradley, having withdrawn from the campaign, is not entitled to receive At-Large and PLEO delegates.
  3. In each jurisdiction:
    1. Total qualified vote = total votes cast for the qualifying candidates in the jurisdiction.
    2. Allocation = (delegates for the jurisdiction) × (candidate's popular vote) ÷ (total qualified vote).
    3. Assign each candidate the WHOLE NUMBER of delegates.
    4. If delegates remain, allocate each of the remaining delegates to those candidates with the LARGEST REMAINDERS.

Delegates 22  20  2

(March 8 PM: Rural Oahu and Neighbor Island districts have not reported results.)

Tuesday 7 March 2000: Democratic Party Caucuses meet in each election precinct. Each Precinct Caucus chooses the precinct's delegates to the Hawaii State Democratic Convention based on presidential preference.

Sunday 28 May 2000: The Hawaii State Democratic Convention convenes. The State Convention chooses the state's congressional district delegates to the Democratic National Convention based on presidential preference.

  • "The Hawaii State Convention chooses the 14 district delegates from each of Hawaii's 2 congressional districts (7 delegates assigned to each district); each presidential contender receives a number of district delegates proportional to the number of state convention delegates from that district supporting said candidate."

Sunday 28 May 2000: While the Hawaii State Democratic Convention is in session, the Hawaii Democratic Party State Central Committee will meet to choose the remaining 19 of Hawaii's delegates to the Democratic National Convention, of which 11 of 19 will be officially "Unpledged" (10 Unpledged PLEOs and 1 Unpledged "add-on").

The breakdown of unpledged delegates is:

  • 5 Democratic National Committee members
  • 4 Members of Congress (2 Senators, 2 Representatives)
  • 1 Governor
  • 1 add-on

  • "The Hawaii Democratic Party State Central Committee chooses Hawaii's at-large and PLEO delegates to the Democratic National Convention, of which 8 are allocated as pledged to support the presidential contenders. 5 at-large and 3 Pledged PLEOs (8 total) are to be allocated to the presidential contenders in proportion to the number of state convention delegates supporting said candidate (therefore, the first time Democratic National Convention delegates from Hawaii will be allocated to presidential contenders officially will be at the time of the May State Convention!)."

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Richard E. Berg-Andersson, Research and Commentary, E-Mail:
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