The Green Papers: Election 2000 
Republican PartyNorth Dakota Republican
Precinct Caucus: Tuesday, February 29, 2000
County Conventions: March, 2000 (tentative date)
State Convention: Friday, March 31 - Sunday, April 2, 2000
Popular VoteDelegate Votes
Floor VoteHard Total
Bush, George W.  6,865  76%   19.  100%   14.   74%
McCain, John  1,717  19%          4.   21%
Keyes, Alan  481   5%          1.    5%
others  3   0%            
Total  9,066 100%   19.  100%   19.  100%
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention

19 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 10 bonus

Last modified Wednesday, August 2, 2000
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The Popular Vote above is based on unofficial returns from the 29 February caucuses. (100% of the caucuses reporting).

The "Soft Pledged" count above was computed by allocating the 19 delegates according to the caucus vote. That is, Bush received 76% of the vote so he receives 76% of 19 delegates or 14 delegates. Since this is a rough estimate, the 19 delegates will remain listed as available on the "Hard Total" above. The delegates will actually be chosen 31 March to 2 April 2000 (as documented below).

"Incomplete and preliminary information... subject to further alteration"

Tuesday 29 February 2000: Republican Party Caucuses meet in each precinct. Each Precinct Caucus chooses the precinct's delegates to the County Conventions.

  • "There is no formal system applied in the Precinct Caucuses to relate the presidential preference of the Caucus participants to the choice of the precinct's delegates to the County Convention of the county in which the precinct is located. The participants at each Precinct Caucus alone determine if presidential preference is to be a factor in such choice and, if so, how it is to be applied."

(date currently unknown - March 2000): Republican Party County Conventions convene in each county. Each County Convention chooses delegates to the North Dakota State Republican Convention.

  • "County Conventions choose the county's delegates to the North Dakota State Republican Convention. Again, there is no formal system applied in the County Convention to relate the presidential preference of the Convention's delegates to the choice of the county's delegates to the North Dakota State Republican Convention. The delegates in attendance at each County Convention alone determine if presidential preference is to be a factor and, if so, how it is to be applied."

Friday 31 March through Sunday 2 April 2000: The North Dakota State Republican Convention convenes. The State Convention chooses all 19 delegates from North Dakota to the Republican National Convention.

  • "All 19 delegates will be chosen by the State Convention as a whole. Once more, there is no formal system of allocating North Dakota's National Convention delegates to presidential contenders; the delegates in attendance at the State Convention alone determine if presidential preference is to be a factor and, if so, how it is to be applied."

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Richard E. Berg-Andersson, Research and Commentary, E-Mail:
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