The Green Papers: Election 2000 
Republican PartySouth Carolina Republican
Primary: Saturday, February 19, 2000
Popular VoteDelegate Votes
Floor VoteHard Total
Bush, George W.  305,998  53%   37.  100%   34.   92%
McCain, John  239,964  42%          3.    8%
Keyes, Alan  25,996   5%            
Bauer, Gary  618   0%            
Forbes, Steve  449   0%            
Hatch, Orrin  76   0%            
Total  573,101 100%   37.  100%   37.  100%
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC)
Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide)

37 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 18 re: 6 congressional districts / 13 bonus

Last modified Tuesday, December 26, 2000
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The Popular Vote above is based on official returns from the 19 February Primary. While South Carolina is a "modified open primary" state, the South Carolina Republican Party permits voters from other parties to participate in their primary.

Here's how we estimate the delegate count:

  1. The candidate with the greatest popular vote in each of the 6 districts receives that district's 3 delegates. McCain is leading in CD1, Bush is leading in CD2-6.
  2. The candidate with the greatest statewide popular vote receives 19 delegates. George Bush has received the largest statewide vote.

The table below was computed with no less than 90% of the precincts reporting in each district.

CD1102,896349,12147.738% 50,92949.496%3
Delegates 37  34  3

Saturday 19 February 2000: All 37 of South Carolina's delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders in today's South Carolina Presidential Primary.

  • "18 district delegates are to be allocated to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each of the state's 6 congressional districts: each congressional district is assigned 3 National Convention delegates and the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in that district, notwithstanding that candidate's percentage of the total primary vote in the district, will receive all 3 of that district's National Convention delegates. In addition, 19 at-large delegates (6 base at-large delegates plus 13 bonus delegates) are to be allocated to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in the primary statewide, notwithstanding that candidate's percentage of the total primary vote statewide. This winning candidate will be said to have received the 'final net primary vote': note, however, that it will be possible- by winning delegates at the 'winner-take-all' congressional district level- for a presidential contender other than the one so receiving the final net primary vote statewide to be allocated National Convention delegates in the South Carolina Presidential Primary."

South Carolina has 6 Congressional Districts and 46 counties, 33 of the counties are within one CD and 13 counties are split between more than one CD.

UNDIVIDED COUNTIES: (Counties wholly within one Congressional District):

  • CD # 1: Georgetown, Horry. (2)
  • CD # 2: Allendale, Barnwell, Hampton, Jasper, Lexington. (5)
  • CD # 3: Abbeville, Anderson, Edgefield, Greenwood, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda. (8)
  • CD # 4: Greenville, Spartanburg, Union. (3)
  • CD # 5: Cherokee, Chester, Chesterfield, Dillon, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lancaster, Marlboro, Newberry, York.(10)
  • CD # 6: Bamberg, Clarendon, Florence, Marion, Williamsburg. (5)

DIVIDED COUNTIES (Counties with portions in more than one Congressional District):

  • Aiken:CD2 and CD3
  • Beaufort: CD2 and CD6
  • Berkeley: CD1 and CD6
  • Calhoun: CD2 and CD6
  • Charleston: CD1 and CD6 (the City of Charleston is in CD 1)
  • Colleton: CD2 and CD6
  • Darlington: CD5 and CD6
  • Dorchester: CD1 and CD6
  • Laurens: CD3 and CD4
  • Lee: CD5 and CD6
  • Orangeburg: CD2 and CD6
  • Richland: CD2 and CD6 (Columbia, the state capital, is right on the boundary between these two Congressional Districts)
  • Sumter: CD5 and CD6

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