- Capital: Agana
Current Guam Statewide Office Holders
Official Name/Status All States
- The unincorporated TERRITORY of Guam
- Status: unincorporated TERRITORY
- ceded to the United States by SPAIN via Treaty of Paris ending the Spanish-American War, signed 10 December 1898: exchange of ratifications, thus effectiveness of Treaty, 11 April 1899
Constitutions All States Links to State Constitutions
- Enabling Act (of the Congress of the United States):
Executive Branch All States
- Chief Executive
- Governor
- Major Executive Officers Elected Statewide All States
- Governor: 4 year term, Election Cycle: 2022, 2026. Term Limit: 2 successive 4 year terms. Territorial Governor
- Delegate to the House of Representatives: 2 year term, Election Cycle: 2024, 2026
Legislative Branch All States
- Legislature
- Legislature
Local Government All States
Statutory Election Information All States
- General Election All States
- Tuesday next after first Monday in November in even-numbered years. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3: Elections Chapter 5: §5101]
...The Governor of Guam, together with the Lieutenant Governor, shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast by the people who are qualified to vote for the members of the Legislature of Guam. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be chosen jointly, by the casting by each voter of a single vote applicable to both offices. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast in any election [a reference to the General Election not the Primary -Ed], on the fourteenth day thereafter a runoff election shall be held between the candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor receiving the highest and second highest number of votes cast. The first election for Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be held on November 3, 1970. Thereafter, beginning with the year 1974, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be elected every four years at the general election. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall hold office for a term of four years and until their successors are elected and qualified. No person who has been elected Governor for two full successive terms shall again be eligible to hold that office until one full term has intervened. [U.S. Code Title 48, Chapter 8a , Subchapter II, §1422]
(a) ... The Delegate from Guam shall be elected at large and by a majority of the votes cast for the office of Delegate. If no candidate receives such majority, on the fourteenth day following such election a runoff election shall be held between the candidates receiving the highest and the second highest number of votes cast for the office of Delegate. In case of a permanent vacancy in the office of Delegate, by reason of death, resignation, or permanent disability, the office of Delegate shall remain vacant until a successor shall have been elected and qualified. [U.S. Code Title 48, Chapter 16, Subchapter I, §1712]
- Tuesday next after first Monday in November in even-numbered years. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3: Elections Chapter 5: §5101]
- State Primary All States
- (--2012) The primary shall be held ... on the first Saturday of September in every even-numbered year. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3: Elections Chapter 16: Conduct of Primary elections. §16201]
The Organic Act of Guam, 48 U. S. C. §1422, provides, inter alia, that "[i]f no [slate of] candidates [for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Guam] receive[s] a majority of the votes cast in any election, ... a runoff election shall be held." - (2012-2022) The primary shall be conducted ... on the last Saturday
of August in every even-numbered year. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3: Elections Chapter 15: Conduct of Primary elections. §15201].
The Governor of Guam, together with the Lieutenant Governor, shall be elected by a majority of the votes .... The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be chosen jointly, by the casting by each voter of a single vote applicable to both offices. If no candidates receive a majority of the votes cast ... on the fourteenth day thereafter a runoff election shall be held between the candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor receiving the highest and second highest number of votes .... [The Organic Act of Guam, 48 U. S. C. §1422] - (2023--) The primary shall be conducted ... on the 1st Saturday of August in every even-numbered year. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3: Elections Chapter 15: Conduct of Primary elections. §15201].
- (--2012) The primary shall be held ... on the first Saturday of September in every even-numbered year. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3: Elections Chapter 16: Conduct of Primary elections. §16201]
- Polling times All States
- Time for Opening and Closing Polls. The polls shall be opened at 7 o'clock a.m., of the day of an election and shall be kept open until 8 o'clock p.m. [Guam Code Annotated. Title 3 Elections. Chapter 9: Conduct of Elections. § 9109] (Note: §9109 was amended by Section 4 of (Guam) Public Law 24-273 changing the polling hours from 8a to 8p to 7a to 8p.)
Links Links to other web sites. These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes.
- Judiciary
- Election Authority. All States
- Legislature. All States
- Government of Guam forms
- govguamdocs.com. Government of Guam forms
- Democratic
- Democratic Party of Guam
- Guam Democratic Party; P.O. Box 168; Hagatna, Guam 96932; 671-727-9009
- Republican
- Guam Republican Party
- Republican Party of Guam. Facebook
- Republican Party of Guam; P.O. Box 2846; Hagåña, GU 96932; 671-472-3558, Fax 671-734-2001
- Media & others
State and Local Government Outline
- State and Local Government Home
- Executive and Legislative Branches
- Judiciary
- Local Government
- Statutes
- Election Authorities
Modified Wed 15 Nov 2023 1:37a.