The Green Papers: General Election 2000

Copyright South Dakota
Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
2000 Electoral Votes:3(0.56% of 538)
Governor:1(Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms)
Senators:2(Electoral Classes 2 and 3)
2000 Representatives:1(0.23% of 435)
1990 Census:696,004(0.28% of 248,765,170)
Registered Voters (Nov 98):452,785
Estimated Voting age population (Jan 98):538,000 
Tuesday, November 7, 2000 Polls Close: 8 pm EST / 7 PM CST (0100 UTC). The polls close at the same GMT/UTC time, that is, polls close at a particular local time in the advanced time zone and close one hour earlier local time in the lagging time zone.
Candidates seeking office
Last modified
States Alphabetically    States Chronologically    South Dakota Links
  President (short)    President (long)    Governors    Senate    House  

President  Electoral votes: 3, Term limit: No more than 2 4-year terms in a lifetime; Electors: How Appointed, Meeting Place, How they voted; Total Popular Vote: 316,269; List of States: Short, Long

 CandidateLibertarian 1,662 0.53% Harry Browne
 CandidateReform 3,322 1.05% Pat Buchanan
 WinnerRepublican190,700 60.30% Governor George W. Bush
(3 Electoral Votes)
 CandidateDemocrat118,804 37.56% Vice President Albert A. "Al" Gore, Jr.
 CandidateIndependent 1,781 0.56% Howard Phillips

Governor  Term limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms, Current Governors  

 Republican  William J. Janklow
First elected to these terms: 1994; re-elected: 1998 [had previously been elected Governor in 1978 and re-elected in 1982]
Chair up for election: Tuesday, November 5, 2002. (The current Governor is affected by a term limit and CANNOT run in the next election for Governor).

Senate  6-year term, Current Senate  Senate Electoral Classes

Class 2Democrat  Tim Johnson
First elected: 1996
Seat up for election: Tuesday, November 5, 2002.

Class 3Democrat  Tom Daschle
First elected: 1986; re-elected: 1992, 1998
Seat up for election: Tuesday, November 2, 2004.

House of Representatives  2 year term, Current House  
1 Republican

At-LargeRepublican  John R. Thune
Renominated - 6 June 2000 Primary
 CandidateDemocrat  Curt Hohn
 WinnerRepublican  Congressman John R. Thune

Congressional District

South Dakota has been allocated only 1 Representative in Congress at large; therefore, the entire state consists of, in effect, only one statewide Congressional District.