The Green Papers: Midterm Election 2002
Copyright 2002 Governor's Chairs
by State

This is a list of the current Governors' seats, the incumbents occupying them, and the candidacy status of said incumbents. Chairs up for election in the year 2002 are marked as such.

  Alabama    Alaska    Arizona    Arkansas    California    Colorado    Connecticut    Delaware    Florida    Georgia    Hawaii    Idaho    Illinois    Indiana    Iowa    Kansas    Kentucky    Louisiana    Maine    Maryland    Massachusetts    Michigan    Minnesota    Mississippi    Missouri    Montana    Nebraska    Nevada    New Hampshire    New Jersey    New Mexico    New York    North Carolina    North Dakota    Ohio    Oklahoma    Oregon    Pennsylvania    Rhode Island    South Carolina    South Dakota    Tennessee    Texas    Utah    Vermont    Virginia    Washington    West Virginia    Wisconsin    Wyoming 

Governor Links

Alabama  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Don Siegelman
First elected: 1998
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.
Renominated - 4 June 2002 Primary

Alaska  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Tony Knowles
First elected: 1994; re-elected: 1998
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is affected by a term limit and CANNOT run in the next election for Governor.
Open Chair
 ** Open Chair (no incumbent) **

Arizona  Term Limit: The Governor can not serve for more than 8 years; 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Arkansas  Term Limit: No one can serve more than 2 4-year terms in a lifetime
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

California  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Gray Davis
• Re-elected 5 November 2002
First elected: 1998; re-elected: 2002
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.
Renominated - 5 March 2002 Primary

Colorado  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Connecticut  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Delaware  Term Limit: No one can serve more than 2 4-year terms in a lifetime
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor Ruth Ann Minner
First elected: 2000
Chair up for election: Tuesday 2 November 2004
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.

Florida  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Georgia  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Roy E. Barnes
First elected: 1998
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.
Renominated - 20 August 2002 - Primary

Hawaii  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Ben Cayetano
First elected: 1994; re-elected: 1998
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is affected by a term limit and CANNOT run in the next election for Governor.
Open Chair
 ** Open Chair (no incumbent) **

Idaho  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Illinois  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Indiana  Term Limit: No more than 2 4-year terms in any 3-term period
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor Frank O'Bannon
First elected: 1996; re-elected: 2000
Chair up for election: Tuesday 2 November 2004
The current Governor is affected by a term limit and CANNOT run in the next election for Governor.

Iowa  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Tom Vilsack
• Re-elected 5 November 2002
First elected: 1998; re-elected: 2002
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.
Renominated - 4 June 2002 Primary

Kansas  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Kentucky  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor Paul Patton
First elected: 1995; re-elected; 1999
Chair up for election: Tuesday 4 November 2003
The current Governor is affected by a term limit and CANNOT run in the next election for Governor.

Louisiana  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Maine  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Independent

Maryland  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Parris N. Glendening
First elected: 1994; re-elected: 1998
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is affected by a term limit and CANNOT run in the next election for Governor.
Open Chair
 ** Open Chair (no incumbent) **

Massachusetts  Term Limit: None; 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Michigan  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Minnesota  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Independence

Mississippi  Term Limit: No one can serve more than 2 4-year terms in a lifetime
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor Ronnie Musgrove
First elected: 1999
Chair up for election: Tuesday 4 November 2003
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.

Missouri  Term Limit: No one can serve more than 2 4-year terms in a lifetime
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor Bob Holden
First elected: 2000
Chair up for election: Tuesday 2 November 2004
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.

Montana  Term Limit: No more than 2 4-year terms in any 4-term period
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Nebraska  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Nevada  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

New Hampshire  Term Limit: None; 2-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Jeanne Shaheen
First elected: 1996; re-elected: 1998, 2000
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.
Open Chair - Nominee for U.S. Senate
 ** Open Chair (no incumbent) **

New Jersey  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor James E. ["Jim"] McGreevey
First elected: 2001
Chair up for election: Tuesday 8 November 2005
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.

New Mexico  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

New York  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

North Carolina  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor Mike Easley
First elected: 2000
Chair up for election: Tuesday 2 November 2004
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.

North Dakota  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Ohio  Term Limit: No one can serve more than 2 4-year terms in a lifetime
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Oklahoma  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Oregon  Term Limit: No more than 2 4-year terms in any 3-term period
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor John Kitzhaber
First elected: 1994; re-elected: 1998
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is affected by a term limit and CANNOT run in the next election for Governor.
Open Chair
 ** Open Chair (no incumbent) **

Pennsylvania  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Rhode Island  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

South Carolina  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Jim Hodges
First elected: 1998
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.
Renominated - 11 June 2002 Primary

South Dakota  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Tennessee  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Texas  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Utah  Term Limit: 3 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Vermont  Term Limit: None; 2-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

Chair up for election Democrat Governor Howard Dean
As Lieutenant Governor, succeeded to the office upon the death of Governor Richard A. Snelling (Republican): 14 August 1991; first elected to a full term: 1992; re-elected: 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000
Chair up for election: Tuesday 5 November 2002
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.
Open Chair - Voluntary Retirement
 ** Open Chair (no incumbent) **

Virginia  Term Limit: 1 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor Mark Warner
First elected: 2001 (succeeding Republican James S. Gilmore)
Chair up for election: Tuesday 8 November 2005
The current Governor is affected by a term limit and CANNOT run in the next election for Governor.

Washington  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor Gary Locke
First elected: 1996, 2000
Chair up for election: Tuesday 2 November 2004
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.

West Virginia  Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms
Partisan Composition: 1 Democrat

  Democrat Governor Robert E. Wise, Jr.
First elected: 2000
Chair up for election: Tuesday 2 November 2004
The current Governor is NOT affected by this state's term limit.

Wisconsin  Term Limit: None; 4-year term
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican

Wyoming  Term Limit: No more than 2 4-year terms in any 4-term period
Partisan Composition: 1 Republican


  Midterm Election Home  
  RACES TO KEEP AN EYE ON -- A Spectator's Guide To Election 2002  
  Contests To Watch (pre-election polls)  
Poll Closing Times:   5 November Chronologically   --   5 November Alphabetically   --   Primaries  
  2002 Primary and Runoff Elections Chronologically   --   2002 Primary and Runoff Elections Alphabetically  
  Governors     Senate     107th House (2001-2002)     108th House (2003-2004)  
  Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats (the incumbent is not running for re-election)  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with no incumbent running for them  
  Uncontested Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats (one candidate running for office)  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with multiple incumbents running for them  
  2002 Partisan Composition by State  
  Midterm Election Congressional Districts  
  Senate Electoral Classes  
  Governors of the States of the Union by REGION and subregion  
  "Class 2" U.S. Senate seats up for election in 2002 by REGION and Subregion  
  Change in Representation in U.S. House by REGION and Subregion between 2000 and 2002