The Green Papers: Maine 2019 General Election |
Elections for Statewide offices and Congress |
Maine has 4 qualified parties: Democratic, Green Independent, Libertarian, and Republican. Unopposed candidate do not appear on the primary ballot. Maine's Elections use ranked-choice voting. |
U.S. Senate 6 year term. No Term Limit. 116th Senate Senate Electoral Classes | |||||
Class 1 | Independent | Senator Angus Stanley King, Jr. First elected: 2012 as an Independent (announced that he will caucus with the Democrats 14 November 2012 and again on 5 November 2014); re-elected: 2018. Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 5 November 2024 |
Candidate list (1) | |||||
Independent | Senator Angus Stanley King, Jr. FEC S2ME00109 |
18 January 2019: Senator Angus Stanley King, Jr. announced that he has prostate cancer and the prognosis is good. | |||||
Class 2 | Republican | Senator Susan M. Collins First elected: 1996; re-elected: 2002, 2008, 2014 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 3 November 2020 |
Candidate list (11) | |||||
Democratic | Michael P. Bunker FEC S0ME00061 |
Democratic | state Representative Sara Gideon FEC S0ME00111; 30 Sep 19; Tot $4,259,356; Dsb $1,502,242 |
Democratic | Bre "Bee Kay" Kidman FEC S0ME00087; 30 Sep 19; Tot $14,336; Dsb $8,275 |
Democratic | Ross LaJeunesse FEC S0ME00145 |
Democratic | Betsy Sweet FEC S0ME00103; 30 Sep 19; Tot $183,246; Dsb $95,491 |
Republican | Senator Susan M. Collins FEC S6ME00159; 30 Sep 19; Tot $5,671,035; Dsb $1,176,787 |
Green Independent | Lisa Jill Savage FEC S0ME00137 |
Green | David Gibson | ||||
Green | David Gibson | ||||
Independent | Tiffany Bond | ||||
Independent | Danielle Ravyn VanHelsing FEC S0ME00079; 31 Mar 19; Tot $0; Dsb $0 |
Governor 4 year term, Election Cycle: 2018, 2022. Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms. GOVERNOR is the only Statewide elected officer, All Governors | |||||
Democratic | Governor Janet T. Mills First elected: 2018 Chair up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 The current Governor is unaffected by the State's term limit. |
116th U.S. House of Representatives 2-year term. Election Cycle 2020, 2021. No Term Limit. 116th House | |||||
Partisan Composition (primary disposition): 2 Democratic (2 Undetermined) | |||||
Incumbent - 116th Congress | |||||
CD 1 | Democratic | Congressman Chellie M. Pingree First elected: 2008 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 3 November 2020 |
Candidate list (2) - 117th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Congressman Chellie M. Pingree FEC H8ME01120; 30 Sep 19; Tot $140,146; Dsb $85,991 |
Republican | Jay Thomas Allen FEC H0ME01119 |
Incumbent - 116th Congress | |||||
CD 2 | Democratic | Congressman Jared F. Golden First elected: 2018 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 3 November 2020 |
Candidate list (4) - 117th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Congressman Jared F. Golden FEC H8ME02185; 30 Sep 19; Tot $975,712; Dsb $274,561 |
Republican | Adrienne Bennett FEC H0ME02075 |
Republican | Eric Brakey FEC H0ME02067; 30 Sep 19; Tot $337,741; Dsb $21,039 |
Republican | former state Representative Dale Crafts FEC H0ME02083 |
Political Parties Parties appear in parenthesis and italics when a candidate receives the endorsement of a given Party and/or official sources indicate a candidate's association with a particular Party but only where the Party in question does not appear on the actual ballot as such. |
Major Parties Those parties which received electoral votes through winning a plurality of a state's [or the District of Columbia's] popular vote in any presidential election between 1984 and 2016. See Classification of Political parties. | |
Democratic (affiliates): 3 incumbents, 7 candidates | |
Republican: 1 incumbent, 5 candidates | |
Major Third Parties Any Party, other than a Major Party, receiving a minimum of 15/100ths of 1 percent of the nationwide popular vote in any presidential election between 1984 and 2016. See Classification of Political parties. | |
Green (affiliates): 2 candidates | |
Green Independent (affiliate of Green): 1 candidate | |
Independents | |
Independent: 1 incumbent, 3 candidates | |
Candidates running under the banner of more than one party are counted towards each party's total. A candidate who has lost a primary or is apparently no longer a candidate is not counted. |
Notes |
Candidates for office appear on this page in italics where 'The Green Papers' does not yet have independent confirmation from a legal election authority that the person has been officially certified to appear on the ballot. |
Primary dates marked "presumably" and polling times marked "reportedly" are based on unofficial or estimated data (especially as regards local variations from a jurisdictionwide statutory and/or regulatory standard) and are, thereby, subject to change. |
"FEC" indicates the Federal Election Commission (FEC) Campaign Finance Summary. When available, we post each candidate's FEC identification number, the date of their most recently filed Report of Receipts and Disbursements, their "Tot" [Total Receipts (contributions received or what came in: FEC Form 3, Line 16, Column B)] and their "Dsb" [Total Disbursements (expenditures or what was spent: FEC Form 3, Line 23, Column B)]. A link is provided to the Federal Election Commission's Summary Report for those who might wish to explore the details. If a candidate raises or spends $5,000 or less, he or she is not subject to FEC reporting requirements. |