The Green Papers: Michigan 2021 General Election |
Elections for Statewide offices and Congress |
The Green, Libertarian, Natural Law, U.S. Taxpayers, and Working Class parties may nominate by caucus/convention: ... Caucuses ... and ... conventions ... shall be held not later than the August Primary. To qualify, a party's nominee must receive at least 1% of the total number of votes cast for winner of the office of Secretary of State in the last preceding state election [MCL 168.685(6)]. The Libertarian Party convention date is 7 March. Primary elections are for Democratic, Libertarian, and Republican candidates. To qualify, a party's nominee must receive at least 5% of the total number of votes cast for the office of Secretary of State in the last preceding state election [MCL 168.532]. Michigan lost 1 U.S. House seat in the 2020 Census and will elect 13 Representatives in 2022. |
U.S. Senate 6 year term. No Term Limit. 117th Senate Senate Electoral Classes | |||||
Class 1 | Democratic | Senator Debbie Stabenow First elected: 2000; re-elected 2006, 2012, 2018. [also served in U.S. House- elected: 1996, 1998] Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 5 November 2024 |
Candidate list (1) | |||||
Democratic | Senator Debbie Stabenow FEC S8MI00281 |
Class 2 | Democratic | Senator Gary C. Peters Previously served in the U.S. House: 2009-2015. First elected to the U.S. Senate: 2014; re-elected: 2020. Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 3 November 2026 |
Governor 4 year term, Election Cycle: 2018, 2022. Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms, All Governors | |||||
Democratic | Governor Gretchen Whitmer First elected: 2018 Chair up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 The current Governor is unaffected by the State's term limit. |
Candidate list (7) | |||||
Republican | former Berrien County Commissioner Mike Brown | ||||
Republican | Austin Chenge | ||||
Republican | James Craig | ||||
Republican | Tudor Dixon | ||||
Republican | Ralph A. Rebandt, II | ||||
Republican | Kevin Rinke | ||||
Republican | Garrett Soldano | ||||
Lieutenant Governor 4 year term, Election Cycle: 2018, 2022. Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms. Nominated by convention separately from the gubernatorial primary; elected on same ticket with Governor. | |||||
Democratic | Lieutenant Governor Garlin D. Gilchrist, II First elected: 2018. Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 The current Lieutenant Governor is unaffected by the State's term limit. |
Candidates for Lieutenant Governor are nominated by political parties at their fall state convention (Michigan Election Law, Act 116 of 1954, Section 168.72). | |||||
117th U.S. House of Representatives 2-year term. Election Cycle 2020, 2024. No Term Limit. 117th House | |||||
Partisan Composition (primary disposition): 7 Republican (7 Undetermined); 7 Democratic (7 Undetermined) | |||||
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 1 | Republican | Member of Congress John W. "Jack" Bergman First elected: 2016 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 |
Candidate list (2) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Robert James "Bob" Lorinser FEC H2MI01142; 30 Sep 21; Tot $40,810; Dsb $1,946 |
Republican | Member of Congress John W. "Jack" Bergman FEC H6MI01226; 30 Sep 21; Tot $637,371; Dsb $268,407 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 2 | Republican | Member of Congress William P. "Bill" Huizenga First elected: 2010 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 Member of Congress Huizenga is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 4. |
Candidate list (1) - 118th Congress | |||||
Republican | Member of Congress John Moolenaar Member of Congress Moolenaar, incumbent in the old CD 4, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 2. FEC H4MI04126; 30 Sep 21; Tot $913,620; Dsb $294,650 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 3 | Republican | Member of Congress Peter Meijer First elected: 2020 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 |
Candidate list (5) - 118th Congress | |||||
Republican | John Gibbs FEC H2MI03197 |
Republican | Audra Lemons-Johnson aka Audra Johnson. FEC H2MI03163 or H2MI03171 FEC H2MI03163; 30 Sep 21; Tot $41,275; Dsb $6,046 |
Republican | Gabriella "Gabi" Manolache FEC H2MI03189 |
Republican | Member of Congress Peter Meijer FEC H0MI03308; 30 Sep 21; Tot $1,089,456; Dsb $318,494 |
Republican | former Sand Lake Village President "Tom" Thomas John Norton FEC H0MI03266; 30 Sep 21; Tot $136,541; Dsb $85,299 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 4 | Republican | Member of Congress John Moolenaar First elected: 2014 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 Member of Congress Moolenaar is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 2. |
Candidate list (6) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Joseph Alfonso FEC H2MI04260 |
Republican | state Representative Stephen "Steve" Carra FEC H2MI06117; 30 Sep 21; Tot $224,107; Dsb $89,709 |
Republican | Member of Congress William P. "Bill" Huizenga Member of Congress Huizenga, incumbent in the old CD 2, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 4. FEC H0MI02094; 30 Sep 21; Tot $757,459; Dsb $310,055 |
Republican | Sherry Anne O'Donnell FEC H2MI06141 |
Republican | Berrien County Commissioner Ezra Scott FEC H2MI06109; 30 Sep 21; Tot $3,395; Dsb $997 |
Republican | Member of Congress Frederick Stephen "Fred" Upton Member of Congress Upton, incumbent in the old CD 6, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 4. FEC H6MI04113; 30 Sep 21; Tot $895,941; Dsb $241,469 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 5 | Democratic | Member of Congress Daniel T. "Dan" Kildee First elected: 2012 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 Member of Congress Kildee is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 8. |
Candidate list (2) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Adrian Lino Tonon FEC H2MI07115; 30 Sep 21; Tot $62,705; Dsb $9,033 |
Republican | Member of Congress Timothy L. "Tim" Walberg Member of Congress Walberg, incumbent in the old CD 7, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 5. FEC H4MI07103; 30 Sep 21; Tot $491,198; Dsb $262,608 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 6 | Republican | Member of Congress Frederick Stephen "Fred" Upton Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 Member of Congress Upton is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 4. |
Candidate list (1) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Member of Congress Debbie Dingell Member of Congress Dingell, incumbent in the old CD 12, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 6. FEC H4MI12079; 30 Sep 21; Tot $423,853; Dsb $263,258 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 7 | Republican | Member of Congress Timothy L. "Tim" Walberg First elected: 2010 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 Member of Congress Walberg is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 5. |
Candidate list (4) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Member of Congress Elissa Slotkin Member of Congress Slotkin, incumbent in the old CD 8, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 7. FEC H8MI08102; 30 Sep 21; Tot $2,853,735; Dsb $659,300 |
Republican | state Senator Thomas More "Tom" Barrett FEC H2MI07123 |
Republican | Cherie Lott FEC H2MI08162; 30 Sep 21; Tot $4,686; Dsb $152 |
Republican | Joel Needham FEC H2MI08188 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 8 | Democratic | Member of Congress Elissa Slotkin First elected: 2018 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 Member of Congress Slotkin is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 7. |
Candidate list (2) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Member of Congress Daniel T. "Dan" Kildee Member of Congress Kildee, incumbent in the old CD 5, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 8. FEC H2MI05119; 30 Sep 21; Tot $859,353; Dsb $211,974 |
Republican | Bryan Trouten FEC H2MI08170 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 9 | Democratic | Member of Congress Andy Levin First elected: 2018 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 Member of Congress Levin is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 11. |
Candidate list (3) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Brian Steven Jaye FEC H2MI08154; 30 Sep 21; Tot $22,888; Dsb $9,159 |
Republican | Member of Congress Lisa McClain Member of Congress McClain, incumbent in the old CD 10, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 9. FEC H0MI10287; 30 Sep 21; Tot $195,850; Dsb $76,627 |
Independent | Eric James Borrell FEC H2MI10119 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 10 | Republican | Member of Congress Lisa McClain First elected: 2020 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 Member of Congress McClain is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 9. |
Candidate list (2) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Huwaida Arraf FEC H2MI10127 |
Republican | Eric Esshaki 8 April 2021: Filed Termination Report with the FEC. FEC H2MI11240 or H0MI11129. FEC H2MI11240 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 11 | Democratic | Member of Congress Haley Stevens First elected: 2018 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 |
Candidate list (4) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Member of Congress Andy Levin Member of Congress Levin, incumbent in the old CD 9, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 11. FEC H8MI09118; 30 Sep 21; Tot $910,636; Dsb $403,469 |
Democratic | Member of Congress Haley Stevens FEC H8MI11254; 30 Sep 21; Tot $1,913,603; Dsb $451,906 |
Republican | Matthew DenOtter FEC H2MI11232; 30 Sep 21; Tot $104,251; Dsb $1,224 |
Republican | Samukh Kallur | ||||
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 12 | Democratic | Member of Congress Debbie Dingell First elected: 2014 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 Member of Congress Dingell is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 6. |
Candidate list (1) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | Member of Congress Brenda Lulenar Lawrence Member of Congress Lawrence, incumbent in the old CD 14, is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 12. FEC H2MI14111; 30 Sep 21; Tot $245,306; Dsb $159,185 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress | |||||
CD 13 | Democratic | Member of Congress Rashida Tlaib First elected: 2018 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 |
Candidate list (4) - 118th Congress | |||||
Democratic | state Representative Shri Thanedar FEC H2MI13204 |
Democratic | Member of Congress Rashida Tlaib FEC H8MI13250; 30 Sep 21; Tot $1,350,295; Dsb $580,954 |
Republican | Articia Bomer FEC H0MI13505 |
Republican | Hassan H. Nehme FEC H2MI13196 |
Incumbent - 117th Congress - 2010 apportionment / Seat lost in 2020 apportionment - No election in 2022 | |||||
CD 14 | Democratic | Member of Congress Brenda Lulenar Lawrence First elected: 2014 Member of Congress Lawrence is a candidate for re-election in the new CD # 12. |
Secretary of State 4 year term, Election Cycle: 2018, 2022. Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms | |||||
Democratic | Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson First elected: 2018 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 The current Secretary of State is unaffected by the State's term limit. |
Candidate list (2) | |||||
Republican | Kristina Karamo | ||||
Republican | state Representative Beau Matthew LaFave | ||||
Candidates for Secretary of State are nominated by political parties at their fall state convention (Michigan Election Law, Act 116 of 1954, Section 168.72). | |||||
Attorney General 4 year term, Election Cycle: 2018, 2022. Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms | |||||
Democratic | Attorney General Dana Nessel First elected: 2018 Seat up for regular election: Tuesday 8 November 2022 The current Attorney General is unaffected by the State's term limit. |
Candidate list (3) | |||||
Republican | state Representative Ryan Berman | ||||
Republican | Matthew DePerno | ||||
Republican | former state House Member Thomas L. "Tom" Leonard, III | ||||
Candidates for Attorney General are nominated by political parties at their fall state convention (Michigan Election Law, Act 116 of 1954, Section 168.72). |
Political Parties Parties appear in parenthesis and italics when a candidate receives the endorsement of a given Party and/or official sources indicate a candidate's association with a particular Party but only where the Party in question does not appear on the actual ballot as such. |
Major Parties Those parties which received electoral votes through winning a plurality of a state's [or the District of Columbia's] popular vote in any presidential election between 1984 and 2016. See Classification of Political parties. | |
Democratic (affiliates): 13 incumbents, 14 candidates | |
Republican: 7 incumbents, 35 candidates | |
Other Third Parties | |
U.S. Taxpayers (affiliate of Constitution) | |
Independents | |
Independent: 1 candidate | |
Candidates running under the banner of more than one party are counted towards each party's total. A candidate who has lost a primary or is apparently no longer a candidate is not counted. |
Notes |
Candidates for office appear on this page in italics where 'The Green Papers' does not yet have independent confirmation from a legal election authority that the person has been officially certified to appear on the ballot. |
Primary dates marked "presumably" and polling times marked "reportedly" are based on unofficial or estimated data (especially as regards local variations from a jurisdictionwide statutory and/or regulatory standard) and are, thereby, subject to change. |
"FEC" indicates the Federal Election Commission (FEC) Campaign Finance Summary. When available, we post each candidate's FEC identification number, the date of their most recently filed Report of Receipts and Disbursements, their "Tot" [Total Receipts (contributions received or what came in: FEC Form 3, Line 16, Column B)] and their "Dsb" [Total Disbursements (expenditures or what was spent: FEC Form 3, Line 23, Column B)]. A link is provided to the Federal Election Commission's Summary Report for those who might wish to explore the details. If a candidate raises or spends $5,000 or less, he or she is not subject to FEC reporting requirements. |