The Green Papers: Louisiana 2011 Off-Year Election
This page is for offices up for election in 2011. Find 2012 elections here.
Flag images courtesy of The World Flag Database. Copyright Louisiana
Elections for Statewide offices and Congress
Primary: Saturday 22 October 2011
General Election (runoff ) No offices listed on this site required runoffs: Saturday 19 November 2011
Senators:2(Electoral Classes 2 and 3)
2000 Census:4,480,271 (1.59% of 281,998,273)
2002, 2008 Electoral Votes:9(1.67% of 538)
2002-2010 Representatives:7(1.61% of 435)
2010 Census:4,553,962 (1.47% of 309,785,186)
2012, 2016, 2020 Electoral Votes:8(1.49% of 538)
2012-2020 Representatives:6(1.38% of 435)
Capital:Baton Rouge
Saturday 22 October 2011 polling hours 6:00a CDT (1100 UTC) to 8:00p CDT (0100 UTC).
Saturday 19 November 2011 polling hours 6:00a CST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p CST (0200 UTC).

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Louisiana State and Local Government

Louisiana 2012 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Democrats, Republicans, Third Parties

There are no party primaries in Louisiana. All candidates from all parties appear on the primary ballot. If no candidate receives a majority (50% of the vote plus 1), a runoff is held between the top two vote getters.

  • Elections for Governor and statewide officers are held every 4 years. Then next elections are in 2011. The primary is on the second to last Saturday in October and the general elections is on the fourth Saturday after the second to last Saturday in October.
  • Congressional elections are held every two years. The primary is on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November and the General election is held on the first Saturday in December. The next elections are in 2012.

Louisiana lost 1 U.S. House seat in the 2010 Census and will elected 6 Representatives in 2012.


U.S. Senate  6 year term. No Term Limit. 112th Senate  Senate Electoral Classes

Class 2 Democratic Senator Mary L. Landrieu
First elected: 1996; re-elected: 2002, 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 4 November 2014

Class 3 Republican Senator David Vitter
First elected: 2004; re-elected: 2010.
(also served in U.S. House- first elected in a special election [to fill the seat vacated by Congressman Bob Livingston]: 1999; re-elected: 2000, 2002.)
Seat up for election: Tuesday 8 November 2016

Governor  4 year term, Election Cycle: 2007, 2011. Term Limit: 2 consecutive 4-year terms, All Governors

Chair up for election Republican Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal
• Re-elected Saturday 22 October 2011
First elected: 2007
Chair up for election: Saturday 22 October 2011
The current Governor is unaffected by the State's term limit.
  Elected Republican 672,950 65.82% Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal
  Candidate Democratic 182,755 17.87% Tara Hollis
  Candidate Democratic 49,988 4.89% Cary J. Deaton
  Candidate Democratic 33,194 3.25% Ivo "Trey" Roberts
  Candidate No Party Affiliation 26,679 2.61% David Blanchard
  Candidate Democratic 21,846 2.14% "Niki Bird" Papazoglakis
  Candidate Libertarian 12,517 1.22% Scott A. Lewis, III
  Candidate No Party Affiliation 9,103 0.89% William Robert "Bob" Lang, Jr.
  Candidate No Party Affiliation 8,171 0.80% Ron Ceasar
  Candidate No Party Affiliation 5,236 0.51% Leonard Alan "Lenny" Bollingham
Total 1,022,439 100.00%  

Lieutenant Governor  4 year term, Election Cycle: 2007, 2011. Elected separately from Governor.

Seat up for election Republican Lieutenant Governor "Jay" Dardenne
• Re-elected Saturday 22 October 2011
First elected in a special election: 2010
Seat up for election: Saturday 22 October 2011
  Elected Republican 504,228 53.13% Lieutenant Governor "Jay" Dardenne
  Candidate Republican 444,750 46.87% Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser
Total 948,978 100.00%  

112th U.S. House of Representatives  2-year term. Election Cycle 2010, 2012. No Term Limit. 112th House
Partisan Composition (primary disposition):
6 Republican (6 Undetermined);
1 Democratic (1 Undetermined)

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 1 Republican Congressman Stephen J. "Steve" Scalise
First elected in a special election 3 May 2008 to fill the vacancy re: Congresman Piyush "Bobby" Jindal election as Governor
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
 Candidate list - 113th Congress / 2010 apportionment
  Candidate Republican     Congressman Stephen J. "Steve" Scalise
FEC H0LA01087; 30 Sep 11; Tot $557,978; Dsb $287,125

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 2 Democratic Congressman Cedric L. Richmond
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
 Candidate list - 113th Congress / 2010 apportionment
  Candidate Democratic     Congressman Cedric L. Richmond
FEC H8LA02054; 30 Sep 11; Tot $357,065; Dsb $211,910
  Candidate Republican     Gail Ray Dignam
FEC H2LA02081

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 3 Republican Congressman Jeffrey M. "Jeff" Landry
First elected: 2010
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
 Candidate list - 113th Congress / 2010 apportionment
  Candidate Republican     Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr.
Incumbent CD 7. Running for re-election in CD 3.

FEC H4LA07029; 30 Sep 11; Tot $927,782; Dsb $384,778
  Candidate Republican     Congressman Jeffrey M. "Jeff" Landry
FEC H0LA03141; 30 Sep 11; Tot $544,566; Dsb $143,860

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 4 Republican Congressman John Calvin Fleming, Jr.
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
 Candidate list - 113th Congress / 2010 apportionment
  Candidate Republican     Congressman John Calvin Fleming, Jr.
FEC H8LA04225; 30 Sep 11; Tot $649,151; Dsb $424,682

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 5 Republican Congressman Rodney M. Alexander
First elected: 2002 as a Democrat. Switched to Republican August 2004.
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
 Candidate list - 113th Congress / 2010 apportionment
  Candidate Republican     Congressman Rodney Alexander
FEC H2LA05084; 30 Sep 11; Tot $513,646; Dsb $402,142

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - map
CD 6 Republican Congressman William "Bill" Cassidy
First elected: 2008
Seat up for election: Tuesday 6 November 2012
 Candidate list - 113th Congress / 2010 apportionment
  Candidate Republican     Congressman William "Bill" Cassidy
FEC H8LA00017; 30 Sep 11; Tot $648,566; Dsb $238,522

Incumbent - 112th Congress / 2000 apportionment - Seat lost in 2010 apportionment - No election in 2012 - map
CD 7 Republican Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr.
First elected: 2004
Incumbent CD 7. Running for re-election in CD 3.

Secretary of State  4 year term, Election Cycle: 2007, 2011

Seat up for election Republican Secretary of State J. Thomas "Tom" Schedler
• Re-elected Saturday 22 October 2011
Appointed 22 November 2010 upon the election of Secretary of State "Jay" Dardenne as Lieutenant Governor.
Seat up for election: Saturday 22 October 2011
  Elected Republican 449,370 50.48% Secretary of State J. Thomas "Tom" Schedler
  Candidate Republican 440,872 49.52% state Representative Jim Tucker
Total 890,242 100.00%  

Attorney General  4 year term, Election Cycle: 2007, 2011

Seat up for election Republican Attorney General James D. "Buddy" Caldwell
• Re-elected Saturday 22 October 2011
First elected: 2007 as a Democrat.
Seat up for election: Saturday 22 October 2011
circa 2 February 2011: Switched his party affilation to Republican.
  Elected Republican     Attorney General James D. "Buddy" Caldwell

Treasurer  4 year term, Election Cycle: 2007, 2011

Seat up for election Republican Treasurer John Neely Kennedy
• Re-elected Saturday 22 October 2011
First elected as a Democrat: 1999; re-elected: 2003; switched affiliation to Republican 27 August 2007; re-elected: 2007
Seat up for election: Saturday 22 October 2011
  Elected Republican     Treasurer John Neely Kennedy

Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry  4 year term, Election Cycle: 2007, 2011

Seat up for election Republican Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Michael G. "Mike" Strain
• Re-elected Saturday 22 October 2011
First elected: 2007
Seat up for election: Saturday 22 October 2011
  Elected Republican 640,631 66.52% Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Michael G. "Mike" Strain
  Candidate Democratic 267,576 27.78% Jamie LaBranche
  Candidate Reform 54,842 5.69% Belinda "B" Alexandrenko
Total 963,049 100.00%  

Commissioner of Insurance  4 year term, Election Cycle: 2007, 2011

Seat up for election Republican Insurance Commissioner James J. "Jim" Donelon
• Re-elected Saturday 22 October 2011
Appointed: 16 February 2006; first elected in Special Election 30 September 2006; re-elected: 2007
Seat up for election: Saturday 22 October 2011
  Elected Republican 651,285 67.48% Insurance Commissioner James J. "Jim" Donelon
  Candidate Democratic 313,931 32.52% Donald C. Hodge
Total 965,216 100.00%  

Political Parties    Parties appear in parenthesis and italics when a candidate receives the endorsement of a given Party and/or official sources indicate a candidate's association with a particular Party but only where the Party in question does not appear on the actual ballot as such.

Major Parties
  Democratic (affiliates): 2 incumbents, 7 candidates
  Republican: 14 incumbents, 16 candidates
Major Third Parties
  Libertarian: 1 candidate
  Reform (affiliates): 1 candidate
  No Party Affiliation: 4 candidates
Candidates running under the banner of more than one party are counted towards each party's total. A candidate who has lost a primary or is apparently no longer a candidate is not counted.


Candidates for office appear on this page in italics where 'The Green Papers' does not yet have independent confirmation from a legal election authority that the person has been officially certified to appear on the ballot.

"FEC" indicates the Federal Election Commission (FEC) Campaign Finance Summary.

When available, we post each candidate's FEC identification number, the date of their most recently filed Report of Receipts and Disbursements, their "Tot" [Total Receipts (contributions received or what came in: FEC Form 3, Line 16, Column B)] and their "Dsb" [Total Disbursements (expenditures or what was spent: FEC Form 3, Line 23, Column B)]. A link is provided to the Federal Election Commission's Summary Report for those who might wish to explore the details.

If a candidate raises or spends $5,000 or less, he or she is not subject to FEC reporting requirements.


Last Modified: Tue Nov 22 2016 04:57:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

  2011 Off-Year Election Home  
  U.S. Senate Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party  
  Gubernatorial Popular Vote by Party  
  U.S. House Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party  
  Close Contests Summary - Decision by 2% or less  
  Contests Where No Candidate Received a Majority  
2011 Primaries and Runoffs for Statewide offices/Congress
  Alphabetically   --   Chronologically   --   Poll Closing Times  
General Election Poll Closing Times
  Alphabetically   --   Chronologically  
  Polling Hours  
  Governors     Senate     House  
  Senators by 'Class'  
  Governors by election 'cycle'  
  Gubernatorial Primaries at a Glance  
  Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats (the incumbent is not running for re-election)  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with no incumbent running for them  
  Uncontested Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats (one candidate running for office)  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with multiple incumbents running for them  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with only one major party candidate running for office  
  2011 Partisan Composition by State  
  Political Parties  
  Senate Electoral Classes  
  Political Party Floor Leaders in the Congress of the United States  
  Dates of DIRECT PRIMARY Elections re: Major Party Nominations for Statewide and/or Federal Office  
  Length of Terms of Office of STATE Governors throughout American History  

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