The Green Papers
2012 Gubernatorial Primaries at a Glance


This "at a glance" look at the primary in each State simply lists the winner (and, in many cases, the candidate who came in second) in each Primary in chronological order.

boldface followed by (inc) indicates the incumbent

2012 Gubernatorial Primaries at a Glance
Date State Democrat
     Winner % Second %      Winner % Second %
Tuesday 8 May 2012 Indiana   Gregg U       Pence U    
North Carolina   Dalton 46 Etheridge 38   McCrory      
West Virginia   Tomblin (inc)         Maloney      
Wisconsin   Barrett D Falk     Walker (inc)      
Tuesday 5 June 2012 Montana   Bullock         Hill 35 Stapleton 18
Tuesday 12 June 2012 North Dakota   Taylor U       Dalrymple U    
Tuesday 26 June 2012 Utah   Cooke C       Herbert (inc) C    
Tuesday 17 July 2012 North Carolina R         R        
Tuesday 7 August 2012 Missouri   Nixon (inc)         Spence D Randles  
Washington   Inslee 47       McKenna 43    
Tuesday 28 August 2012 Vermont   Shumlin (inc) U       Brock U    
Tuesday 11 September 2012 Delaware   Markell (inc) P       Cragg P    
New Hampshire   Hassan D Cilley     Lamontagne L Smith  


  • If a candidate wins 75.5% or more of the primary vote, the second place finisher is not listed.
  • U means that this candidate ran in the primary unopposed (that is, with no other candidates appearing on the ballot but him/her). Please note that write-ins do NOT count as such "other candidates on the ballot" but the appearance of "Uncommitted" (or equivalent, such as "None of the Above") on a ballot DOES.
  • L indicates a landslide majority [60.5 to 75.4% of the primary vote] for the winner.
  • D indicates a decisive majority [52.5 to 60.4% of the primary vote] for the winner.
  • N indicates a narrow majority [50.0(+1 vote) to 52.4% of the primary vote] for the winner.
  • Where a winning (or, in a runoff State, leading) candidate has failed to gain at least a majority of the primary vote, the winner(leader) of the primary and the candidate who came in second are both listed with their respective percentages of the primary vote rounded up or down to the nearest whole integer.
  • C indicates the Party's nominee was chosen by a Party-run process other than the Primary (State Convention, Party Central Committee or equivalent).
  • P indicates Primary cancelled / nomination by default because nominee was the only candidate to have filed for this Party's Primary for this office. P also applies to nominees-to-be by apparent Party consensus (i.e. no opposition at an ensuing Convention).
  • R indicates any Runoff which has been scheduled for this date.

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  113th U.S. Senate Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party  
  Gubernatorial Popular Vote by Party  
  113th U.S. House Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party  
  Close Contests Summary - Decision by 2% or less  
  Contests Where No Candidate Received a Majority  
2012 Primaries and Runoffs for Statewide offices/Congress
  Alphabetically   --   Chronologically   --   Poll Closing Times  
General Election Poll Closing Times
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  Polling Hours  
  President (Details)     Governors     Senate     House  
  Senators by 'Class'  
  Governors by election 'cycle'  
  Gubernatorial Primaries at a Glance   --   Senatorial Primaries at a Glance  
  Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats (the incumbent is not running for re-election)  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with no incumbent running for them  
  Uncontested Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats (one candidate running for office)  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with multiple incumbents running for them  
  Governor's Chairs, Senate, and U.S. House Seats with only one major party candidate running for office  
  2012 Partisan Composition by State  
  Political Parties  
  Senate Electoral Classes  
  Explanation of the Debate Scoring System  
  Political Party Floor Leaders in the Congress of the United States  
  Dates of DIRECT PRIMARY Elections re: Major Party Nominations for Statewide and/or Federal Office  
  Length of Terms of Office of STATE Governors throughout American History  
  Dates of U.S. Presidential Election "Events": 1789 to present  
Electoral College
  How Appointed  
  Meeting Place  
  Duly Appointed Presidential Electors  
  Tabulation Joint Session of Congress  
  Faithless Electors  
  Presidential Candidates  