The Green Papers
The Green Papers
Site Map

Presidential Nominating Process. State by state coverage of Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions, the delegate selection process, delegate allocation, primary types, voter eligibility, and polling times.

General elections. State by state coverage of elections for President, Governor's chairs, U.S. Senate seats, U.S. House seats, statewide Constitutional offices, primaries, regional politics, party strength, debates, and polling times.


Vox Populi. "Your Letters to the Editor" Your comments are welcome, so long as they are relevant to the subject matter of 'The Green Papers (American Politics and Elections).

State and Local Government of the United States. Official Name/Status, Traditional Sections and Regions, Constitutions, Executive Branch, Major Executive Officers, Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, Statutory Election Information, Presidential and State Primary, General Election, Polling Times, State Court Systems, Primary and Minor Civil Divisions, Incorporated Municipalities.

Sessions of the Congress of the United States. A comprehensive list of Regular, Extra, and Special Congressional sessions the convening and adjournment dates; the type of each session; Presidents pro Tempore of the Senate; and Speakers of the House.

Political Party Breakdown of the Congress of the United States

Historical Data - Presidential Elections

Historical Data - Presidential Administrations

Historical Data - U.S. Congress

Historical Data - U.S. Courts

Historical Data - Statutes and Code

Historical Data - Political Parties

Historical Data - National Conventions

Historical Data - Electoral College

Historical Data - Sections and Regions

Historical Data - Direct Primaries

Historical Data - Governors

Historical Data - State Legislatures

Historical Data - General Elections

A BRIEF HISTORY OF AMERICAN "MAJOR PARTIES" and the "Two-Party" System in the United States

Decennial Census

Presidential Administrations 1789 to current.. Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the United States (by number of ADMINISTRATION and term dates).

Judicial Branch

Historical Data. Presidential Elections, Presidential Administrations, U.S. Congress, U.S. Courts, Political Parties, National Conventions, Electoral College, Sections and Regions

Gettysburg Address


International Politics and Elections. Historical data on Countries of the World and the United Nations.

Mission Statements

Site Biography

Links to other web sites. The Campaign and Beyond, Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, Judicial, Federal Statutes, Regulatory, Governors, Secretaries of State, Internet, National Atlas.

Awards received by The Green Papers

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