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Review changes beginning Sunday July 1, 2007.

  • Friday June 29, 2007
    • 2008 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
      • On 25 June 2007, Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell signed SB 1184 which moves the Presidential Primary from the first Tuesday in March to the first Tuesday in February. Both the Connecticut Democratic Party and the Connecticut Republican Party with hold Presidential Preference primaries on 5 February 2008.
      • By 5 February 2008, states representing 51.55% of the Democratic National Convention Delegate Votes and 50.50% of the Republican National Convention Delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
    • New page: 2008 Weekly Delegate Distribution and Availability. This page treats each week throughout the Presidential Nominating Process as ending on a Tuesday, since most Primaries (as is the case with the General Election in November) are scheduled for a Tuesday.
    • 12 Updates: Illinois: for House CD 3: Congressman Daniel William Lipinski (Democratic) - added as candidate; for House CD 7: Congressman Danny K. Davis (Democratic) - added as candidate; Michigan: for House CD 3: Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers (Republican) - added as candidate; Minnesota: for Senate Class 2: James Broom Wellstone (Independence) - added; for House CD 7: Congressman Collin C. Peterson (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - party was incorrectly listed as Democratic; for House CD 8: Congressman James L. "Jim" Oberstar (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added as candidate; Nebraska: for House CD 3: Scott Kleeb (Democratic) - added; New Jersey: for House CD 3: Congressman H. J. "Jim" Saxton (Republican) - added as candidate; North Carolina: for House CD 9: Congressman Sue Myrick (Republican) - added as candidate; North Dakota: for House At-Large: Congressman Earl Ralph Pomeroy (Democratic) - added as candidate; Pennsylvania: for House CD 14: Congressman Mike Doyle (Democratic) - added as candidate; Texas: for Senate Class 2: Larry Kilgore (Constitution) - added.
  • Wednesday June 27, 2007
    • 25 Updates: California: for House CD 4: Eric Egland (Republican) - added; for House CD 24: James "Chip" Fraser (Democratic) - added; for House CD 37: Lee Davis (Democratic) - Lost Primary, Mervin Leon Evans (Democratic) - Lost Primary, Felicia Ford (Democratic) - Lost Primary, Bill Francisco Grisolia (Democratic) - Lost Primary, Leroy Joseph "Bishop L. J." Guillory (Republican) - Lost Primary, Jeffrey "Lincoln" Leavitt (Republican) - Lost Primary, Peter Mathews (Democratic) - Lost Primary, Valerie J. McDonald (Democratic) - Lost Primary, state Senator Jenny Oropeza (Democratic) - Lost Primary, George A. Parmer, Jr. (Democratic) - Lost Primary, Jeffrey S. "Jeff" Price (Democratic) - Lost Primary, Teri Ramirez (Republican) - Lost Primary, Ed Wilson (Democratic) - Lost Primary; Florida: for House CD 2: Mark Flowers (Republican) - added, Robert Ortiz (Republican) - added; for House CD 7: Louis Jack Tart (Constitution) - added; for House CD 14: Jeff George (Independent) - added; Maryland: for House CD 7: Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (Democratic) - added as candidate; South Carolina: for Senate Class 2: John Cina (Republican) - added; Tennessee: for Senate Class 2: Mike McWherter (Democratic) - added; Washington: for House CD 1: Larry Wayne Ishmael (Republican) - added; for Treasurer: Treasurer Michael J. "Mike" Murphy (Democratic) - Open Office, Allan Martin (Republican) - added.
  • Tuesday June 26, 2007
    • California held a special election to fill the open U.S. House CD 37 seat vacated by the Sunday 22 April 2007 passing of Democratic Congressman Juanita Millender-McDonald.
      • Since no candidate received 50% of the vote + 1, a 21 August 2007 run-off election will be held between the top vote getter from each party.
      • As of 11:29p PDT 26 June 2007, 100% of the precincts are reporting.
        • Democrats: Laura Richardson 37.76%.
        • Republican: John M. Kanaley 7.64%.
        • Green: Daniel Abraham Brezenoff 1.21%.
        • Libertarian: Herbert G. "Herb" Peters 1.08%.
    • Update on the Tuesday 19 June 2007 Special U.S. House Election in Georgia's 10th Congressional District to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Congressman Charlie Norwood (Republican) on 13 February 2007.
      • State Senator Jim Whitehead (Republican) received 43.5%, Paul Broun (Republican) received 20.7%, and Jim Marlow (Democrat) received 20.3% of the vote. Since third place finisher Mr. Marlow trailed second place Mr. Broun by a margin of 1% or less, Mr. Marlow had the right to request a recount. However, on 25 June 2007, Mr. Marlow conceded.
      • This election was a non-partisan special election with no party primary. Since no candidate received 50% of the vote, a runoff will be held between the top two vote getters, Jim Whitehead (Republican) and Paul Broun (Republican), on Tuesday 17 July 2007.
  • Monday June 25, 2007
    • 16 Updates: California: for House CD 26: Hoyt Hilsman (Democratic) - added; Florida: for House CD 23: Marion Thorpe, Jr. (Republican) - added; for House CD 24: Clint Curtis (Democratic) - added; Georgia: for House CD 10: James B. "Jim" Marlow, Jr. (Democratic) - Lost Primary; New Mexico: for Senate Class 2: Don Wiviott (Democratic) - added; North Carolina: for House CD 9: Ross Vincent Overby (Democratic) - added; Ohio: for House CD 18: Mike Carey (Republican) - added; South Carolina: for Treasurer: Acting Treasurer Kenneth B. "Ken" Wingate (Republican) - Incumbent added; Texas: for House CD 28: Congressman Henry R. Cuellar (Democratic) - added as candidate; West Virginia: for Secretary of State: state Representatiave Joe DeLong (Democratic) - added, Natalie Tennant (Democratic) - added; Wyoming: for Senate Class 1: Senator John A. Barrasso (Republican) - Incumbent appointed; Presidential Candidates: Peter Samuel Grasso, Jr. (Independent) - added, Kent Philip Mesplay (Green) - added, Gail Parker (Green) - added.
  • Friday June 22, 2007
    • Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal (Democrat) appoints Republican state Senator John Barrasso to fill Wyoming's Class 1 Senate Seat vacated by the 4 June 2007 passing of Republican Senator Craig L. Thomas.
      • The new Senator will serve until the end of the current session of congress which runs through January 2009. A special election will be called for 4 November 2008 to fill the remainder of Senator Thomas' term which expires in January 2013.
      • The partisan composition of the U.S. Senate is now 49 Democrats, 49 Republicans, 1 Independent, and 1 Independent Democrat.
    • 8 Updates: Minnesota: for House CD 7: Congressman Collin C. Peterson (Democratic) - added as candidate; Mississippi: for House CD 2: Congressman Bennie G. Thompson (Democratic) - added as candidate; Nebraska: for Senate Class 2: former Senator Bob Kerrey (Democratic) - added; New Hampshire: for Senate Class 2: former Governor Jeanne Shaheen (Democratic) - added; Ohio: for House CD 10: Rosemary Palmer (Democratic) - added; Texas: for House CD 1: Congressman Louis B. "Louie" Gohmert (Republican) - added as candidate; Presidential Candidates: former Ambassador Alan L. Keyes (Republican) - added, Ralph Nader (Independent) - added.
  • Wednesday June 20, 2007
    • 2008 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions
      • The Kansas Democratic Party will hold their first-tier 2008 Presidential Caucuses on 5 February 2008.
      • Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich signed HB0426 which moves the General Primary and Presidential Primary from the third Tuesday in March to the first Tuesday in February. The Illinois Democratic Party and the Illinois Republican Party with hold Presidential Preference primaries on 5 February 2008.
      • By 5 February 2008, states representing 50.15% of the Democratic National Convention Delegate Votes and 49.30% of the Republican National Convention Delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
    • 43 Updates: California: for House CD 43: Scott Folkens (Republican) - added; Florida: for House CD 23: Ray Torres Sanchez (Democratic) - added; Georgia: for Senate Class 2: state Representative E. Wycliffe "Wyc" Orr, Sr. (Democratic) - added; for House CD 10: Marion Denise Spencer "Denise" Freeman (Democratic) - Lost Primary, William Lawrence "Bill" Greene (Republican) - Lost Primary, Mark Myers (Republican) - Lost Primary, Evita A. Paschall (Democratic) - Lost Primary, William Nathan "Nate" Pulliam (Republican) - Lost Primary, James "Jim" Sendelbach (Libertarian) - Lost Primary, Erik Monroe Underwood (Republican) - Lost Primary; Kentucky: for House CD 1: Congressman Edward "Ed" Whitfield (Republican) - added; Maine: for House CD 1: former state Senator Charles Edward "Charlie" Summers, Jr. (Republican) - added; Minnesota: for Senate Class 2: Joe Repya (Republican) - added; Montana: for Senate Class 2: state Representative Michael Lange (Republican) - added; New Hampshire: for Governor: state Senator Joseph D. Kenney (Republican) - added; South Carolina: for Treasurer: (Republican) - Vacant Office; Wyoming: for Senate Class 1: Bruce S. Asay (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Cale Case (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Doug Chamberlain (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Ben H. Collins, Jr. (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, state Representative David R. "Dave" Edwards (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Dennis Fox (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Larry J. French (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Brian Gamroth (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Jan Gray (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, John Allan Holtz (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Ray Hunkins (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Paul Kruse (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Nora Lewis (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, former state House Speaker Randall Luthi (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, former Wyoming U.S. Attorney Matt Mead (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Ron Micheli (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Frank Moore (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Bill Paddleford (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Thomas R. "Thom" Rankin (Libertarian,Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Jack R. Sapp (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Joseph Schloss (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, state House Majority Leader Colin M. Simpson (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, J. Randall Stevenson (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Clark Stith (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Nate Stratton (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Jeanna Wright (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate, Charles C. Young (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate.
  • Tuesday June 19, 2007
    • Special U.S. House Election Georgia: 10th Congressional District
      • To fill the vacancy caused by the death of Congressman Charlie Norwood (Republican) on 13 February 2007.
      • This election was a non-partisan special election with no party primary; however, each candidate’s party affiliation was listed on the ballot. Since no candidate received 50% of the vote, a runoff will be held between the top two vote getters on Tuesday 17 July 2007.
      • Results: State Senator Jim Whitehead (Republican) received 44% of the vote. Second place is too close to call. Paul Broun (Republican) has 20.6% and Jim Marlow (Democrat) has 20.4% of the vote
    • The 71 member Wyoming state Republican Central Committee met today to select three nominees to temporarily fill the U.S. Senate seat left vacant by the passing of Senator Craig Thomas's on 27 May 2007.
      • Wyoming law allows the party's central committee to select three nominees for the seat. Democratic Governor Dave Freudenthal has five days to choose a temporary replacement from those nominees.
      • The Committee selected former chief of staff to Senator Thomas Tom Sansonetti (58 votes), State Senator John Barrasso (56 votes), and former state Treasurer Cynthia Lummis (44 votes). The next two runners up were Matt Mead (30 votes) and Ron Micheli (25 votes).
      • The new senator will serve through 2008. A special election on 4 November 2008 will determine who completes Thomas' term, which ends in January 2013.
    • Director of the Office of Management and Budget Robert "Rob" J. Portman announced his resignation today.
    • President George W. Bush, has nominated former Congressman Jim Nussle of Iowa to fill the position. The appointment is subject to Senate confirmation.
    • South Carolina Treasurer Thomas Ravenel was indicted on federal cocaine charges and suspended from office by Governor Mark Sanford today. The governor said he would name an interim treasurer in the near future. Mr. Ravenel was first elected in 2006.
    • New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced today that he is leaving the Republican Party and has changed his registration to "unaffiliated"; this is being seen as a prelude to Mayor Bloomberg possibly running for President of the United States in 2008, perhaps as a Third Party candidate or Independent. Mr. Bloomberg was first elected Mayor in 2001 and re-elected to a second four-year term in 2005: he is ineligible to run for re-election in 2009 due to term limits; Mr. Bloomberg's immediate predecessor as Mayor of New York City was current Republican presidential candidate Rudolph Giuliani.
  • Monday June 18, 2007
    • 22 Updates: Alabama: for Senate Class 2: state Senator Vivian Davis Figures (Democratic) - added; Alaska: for Senate Class 2: Nels Anderson, Jr. (Democratic) - added; Arizona: for House CD 2: Congressman Trent Franks (Republican) - added as candidate; California: for House CD 20: James Lopez (Republican) - added; for House CD 50: John Lee Evans (Democratic) - added, Nicholas Alexander "Nick" Leibham (Democratic) - added; Colorado: for House CD 4: Elizabeth Helen Markey (Democratic) - added; Illinois: for House CD 8: Steve Greenberg (Republican) - added; for House CD 14: state Senator Christopher J. "Chris" Lauzen (Republican) - added, James D. "Jim" Oberweis (Republican) - added; Indiana: for Governor: Governor Mitchell E. "Mitch" Daniels, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate; Missouri: for Lieutenant Governor: Sam Page (Democratic) - added; for House CD 5: Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II (Democratic) - added as candidate; Pennsylvania: for House CD 3: Thomas V. "Tom" Myers (Democratic) - added; for House CD 16: Bruce Slater (Democratic) - added; South Carolina: for House CD 4: Christopher Cox (Democratic) - added; South Dakota: for Senate Class 2: Joel D. Dykstra (Republican) - added; Texas: for House CD 27: Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz (Democratic) - added as candidate; Wyoming: for Senate Class 1: Clif McCrady (Republican) - Apparently not a candidate; for House At-Large: Gary Trauner (Democratic) - added; Presidential Candidates: Charles Glen "Bud" Railey (Republican) - added, Ralph Marshall Robinson (Independent) - added.
  • Friday June 15, 2007
    • 38 Updates: California: for House CD 37: Albert Robles (Democratic,Write-in) - added; Illinois: for House CD 4: Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez (Democratic) - added as candidate; Indiana: for House CD 8: Greg Goode (Republican) - added; Kentucky: for House CD 3: state Senator Dan "Malano" Seum (Republican) - added; Louisiana: for Lieutenant Governor: Sammy Kershaw (Republican) - added; Maryland: for House CD 4: Congressman Albert R. Wynn (Democratic) - added as candidate; Minnesota: for Senate Class 2: Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added; New York: for House CD 26: Jonathan "Jon" Powers (Democratic) - added; North Carolina: for House CD 11: former Congressman Charles H. Taylor (Republican) - added; Texas: for House CD 4: Gene Christensen (Republican) - added; Wyoming: for Senate Class 1: Bruce S. Asay (Republican) - added, Cale Case (Republican) - added, Doug Chamberlain (Republican) - added, Ben H. Collins, Jr. (Republican) - added, David R. Edwards (Republican) - added, Dennis Fox (Republican) - added, Larry J. French (Republican) - added, Brian Gamroth (Republican) - added, Jan Gray (Republican) - added, John Allan Holtz (Republican) - added, Ray Hunkins (Republican) - added, Paul Kruse (Republican) - added, Nora Lewis (Republican) - added, former State Treasurer Cynthia M. Lummis (Republican) - added, former state House Speaker Randall Luthi (Republican) - added, Clif McCrady (Republican) - added, Ron Micheli (Republican) - added, Frank Moore (Republican) - added, Bill Paddleford (Republican) - added, Thomas R. "Thom" Rankin (Libertarian,Republican) - added, Tom Sansonetti (Republican) - added, Jack R. Sapp (Republican) - added, Joseph Schloss (Republican) - added, J. Randall Stevenson (Republican) - added, Clark Stith (Republican) - added, Nate Stratton (Republican) - added, Jeanna Wright (Republican) - added, Charles C. Young (Republican) - added.
  • Wednesday June 13, 2007
    • On Tuesday 12 June Michigan Democratic Chairman Mark Brewer said that his party would advance its Presidential caucuses to as early as 29 January 2008 in response to the decision by Florida Democrats to break national party rules and hold a 29 January 2008 primary.
    • 11 Updates: Delaware: for Governor: Treasurer Jack A. Markell (Democratic) - added; Florida: for House CD 17: Congressman Kendrick B. Meek (Democratic) - added as candidate; Iowa: for House CD 5: Congressman Steven A. "Steve" King (Republican) - added as candidate; Massachusetts: for House CD 6: Congressman John F. Tierney (Democratic) - added as candidate; North Carolina: for House CD 6: Congressman John Howard "Howard" Coble (Republican) - added as candidate; Ohio: for House CD 16: State Senator J. Kirk Schuring (Republican) - added; South Carolina: for House CD 5: Congressman John M. Spratt, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate; Wyoming: for Senate Class 1: state Senator John Barrasso (Republican) - added, former Wyoming U.S. Attorney Matt Mead (Republican) - added, state Representative Colin Simpson (Republican) - added; for House At-Large: state House Majority Leader Colin M. Simpson (Republican) - added.
  • Tuesday June 12, 2007
    • Texas Secretary of State Roger Williams announced on Monday 11 June that he is stepping down effective 1 July. Mr. Williams has served as Secretary of State since being named by Governor Rick Perry in 2004. The Secretary is appointed by the Governor, with confirmation by the Senate, and serves at the pleasure of the Governor.
  • Monday June 11, 2007
  • Monday June 4, 2007
    • We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Senator Craig L. Thomas (Republican, Wyoming) who passed away today at the age of 74. Senator Thomas was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in November 2006. He was first elected in 1994 and re-elected in 2000 and 2006.
      • Under Wyoming law, Governor Dave Freudenthal (Democrat) will select Senator Thomas' replacement from one of three candidates submitted by the Wyoming Republican State Central Committee. The Committee has 15 days to select the nominees. Once the Governor receives those names, he has 5 days to choose one. The new Senator will serve until the end of the current session of congress which runs through January 2009. A special election will be called for 4 November 2008 to fill the remainder of Senator Thomas' term.
      • The partisan composition of the U.S. Senate is now 49 Democrats, 48 Republicans, 1 Independent, 1 Independent Democrat, and 1 vacant office.
    • Kentucky Republican Primary for Treasurer Update
      • On 1 June, one day after a statewide recanvassing, state Representative Lonnie Napier conceded defeat in the race for Republican nomination for state Treasurer.
      • Linda L. Wheeler has won the nomination with 54,570 votes (32.2%) to Lonnie Napier's 53,456 votes (31.5%).
  • Friday June 1, 2007
    • The Alaskan Republican Party will hold their 2008 Presidential Precinct Caucuses on 5 February 2008.
    • By 5 February 2008, states representing 44.99% of the Democratic National Convention Delegate Votes and 46.52% of the Republican National Convention Delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
  • Wednesday May 30, 2007
    • Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue signed HB 487 on 29 May 2007. The law moves Georgia's 2008 Presidential Primary from the first Tuesday in March (4 March 2008) to the first Tuesday in February (5 February 2008).
    • By 5 February 2008, states representing 44.99% of the Democratic National Convention Delegate Votes and 45.37% of the Republican National Convention Delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
  • Thursday May 24, 2007
    • Republican Primary for KENTUCKY Treasurer Update
      • As of this evening, the Kentucky State Board of Elections tally has Linda L. Wheeler with 54,570 votes (32.2%) to Lonnie Napier's 53,456 votes (31.5%).
      • Media reports state Lonnie Napier will request a statewide recanvass. Once the request is received, the county clerks will be asked to retabulate the results for the Republican Treasurer's primary. The retabulation is likely to occur on 31 May.
      • The State Board of Elections expects to certify the primary results on 11 June.
  • Tuesday May 22, 2007
    • KENTUCKY State Primary
      • Governor:
        • Democrat-- Steve Beshear has been nominated (Daniel Mongiardo is the candidate for Lieutenant Governor on this ticket)
        • Republican-- Ernie Fletcher has won renomination (Robbie Rudolph is the candidate for Lieutenant Governor on this ticket)
        • [NOTE: There will be no runoff for either Party's nomination for Governor, as each nominee received at least 40% of the vote in the 22 May Primary; the runoff, scheduled for 26 June, has been cancelled.]
      • Secretary of State:
        • Democrat-- S. Bruce Hendrickson has been nominated
      • Attorney General:
        • Democrat-- Jack Conway has been nominated
        • Republican-- Stan Lee has been nominated
      • Treasurer:
        • Democrat-- L.J. "Todd" Hollenbach has been nominated
        • Republican--too close to call!-- with more than 99% of the precincts reporting, Melinda L. Wheeler has 32.09% of the vote and Lonnie Napier has 31.62% of the vote (as of 10:45 PM EDT, 22 May 2006 [0245, 23 May UTC])
      • Commissioner of Agriculture:
        • Democrat-- David Lynn Williams has been nominated
        • Republican-- Richie Farmer has won renomination
  • Monday May 21, 2007
    • 2008 Presidential Primary Update
      • CORRECTION 28 May 2007: CS/HB 537, signed by Florida Governor Governor Charlie Crist (Republican) on 21 May 2007, moves the Florida 2008 Presidential Primary from the second Tuesday in March (11 March 2008) to the last Tuesday in January (Tuesday 29 January 2008).
      • REMOVED 28 May 2007: Florida Governor Governor Charlie Crist (Republican) has signed HB 537 (SB 1010). This law moves the state's Presidential Primary from the second Tuesday in March (11 March 2008) to the first Tuesday in February (5 February 2008) or the first Tuesday immediately following the New Hampshire's Primary (Tuesday 29 January 2008), whichever comes first, so long as the Primary is no earlier than the second Tuesday in January (8 January 2008).
      • As it now stands, the Florida primary would be held Tuesday 29 January 2008. Both the DNC and RNC have indicated that Florida will be sanctioned should they hold their primary before 5 February 2008.
        • Democratic Party rules state that Florida would loose 50% of its 185 delegates and all of its 25 PLEO delegates (Democratic members of the the U.S. House and Senate, DNC members, and add-ons). Any candidate who campaigns in Florida prior to 5 February 2008 would be ineligible to receiving any of the state's delegates.
        • Republican party rules state that Florida would loose 50% of its 114 delegates.
      • By 5 February 2008, states representing 42.60% of the Democratic National Convention Delegates and 42.51% of the Republican National Convention delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
  • Wednesday 9 May 2007
    • Democratic Congressman Marty Meehan (Massachusetts CD 5) submitted his resignation from Congress today, effective 1 July 2007. He was chosen to be the next Chancellor of the University of Massachusetts Lowell on 13 March 2007. Massachusetts Governor Patrick has called a special election to fill the vacant seat. The primary will be on 4 September and the general election on 16 October 2007.
  • Sunday May 6, 2007
    • New Jersey Governor set to resume duties Monday 7 May
      • Reports indicate that Governor Jon S. Corzine (D-New Jersey) will resume his gubernatorial duties on Monday 7 May; Corzine was severely injured in a motor vehicle accident on the Garden State Parkway near Atlantic City, NJ on Thursday 12 April.
      • This will end the third stint in a little over five years of State Senate President Richard J. Codey (D- Essex County) serving as the Garden State's Acting Governor; Codey shared Acting Governorship duties with his co-Senate President, John O. Bennett (R-Monmouth County), each taking turns finishing out the final week of the second term of Governor Christine Todd Whitman (Republican) back in January 2002 (a newly elected New Jersey State Senate was equally divided at the time and the State Legislature first convenes a week before a new Governor is inaugurated) and then Codey, as sole State Senate President, had to serve out the final year of another four-year gubernatorial term after Governor James McGreevey (Democrat) resigned in 2004.
      • It is also the third straight period in a little over six years that the State has had an Acting Governor; prior to that final week of Governor Whitman's second term, State Senate President Donald DiFrancesco (R-Union County) had been serving as Acting Governor after Whitman resigned to take a position in the first George W. Bush Administration in early 2001. New Jersey will not have a Lieutenant Governor until January 2010; an Amendment to the State Constitution authorizing the election of a Lieutenant Governor beginning with the 2009 Gubernatorial Election was ratified by the voters in November 2005.
  • Thursday 26 April 2007
    • 2008 Presidential Primary Update
      • Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen signed House Bill 2211 on 30 April 2007. The bill changes Section 2-13-205 of the Tennessee Code Annotated moving the Presidential Primary from the "second Tuesday in February" to the "first Tuesday in February".
      • By 5 February 2008, states representing 37.79% of the Democratic National Convention Delegates and 37.98% of the Republican National Convention delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
  • Monday April 30, 2007
    • Reports indicate that Governor Jon S. Corzine (D-New Jersey), who was severely injured in a motor vehicle accident on the Garden State Parkway near Atlantic City, NJ on Thursday 12 April, will be released from Cooper University Hospital in Camden, NJ sometime later today. Although there is not yet any indication as to when he will be resuming his gubernatorial duties currently being exercised by State Senate President Richard J. Codey (D-Essex County) as Acting Governor, the prevailing sense is that this re-transfer of power will take place fairly soon.
  • Friday April 27, 2007
    • On Thursday 26 April 2007, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called for a 26 June 2007 special election to fill the vacant seat caused by the passing of Congressman Juanita Millender-McDonald (Democrat - California CD 37). If no candidate receives 50% of the vote + 1, a run-off election will be held on 21 August 2007 between the top vote getters from each party.
    • New page: 2008 Presidential Hopefuls - A list of 2008 Presidential candidates
  • Thursday April 26, 2007
    • 2008 Presidential Caucus Update
      • Democrats Abroad will begin their Presidential nominating process with Local Caucuses beginning on 5 February 2008.
      • The Alaska Democratic Party will begin their Presidential nominating process with Precinct and District Caucuses on 5 February 2008.
      • By 5 February 2008, states representing 35.84% of the Democratic National Convention Delegates and 35.80% of the Republican National Convention delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
  • Sunday 22 April 2007
    • We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Congressman Juanita Millender-McDonald (Democrat - California CD 37) who passed away today at the age of 68. She had had taken a leave of absence from Congress on 18 April 2007 after being diagnosed with cancer. She was first elected in a 26 March 1996 special election.
      • Within two weeks, California Goverernor Arnold Schwarzenegger will call a Special Election to fill the vacant seat.
      • The partisan composition of the U.S. House is now 232 Democrats, 201 Republicans, and 2 vacant offices.
      • With the passing of Congressman Millender-McDonald, the number of California PLEO (Party Leader and Elected Officials) delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention is changed from 71 to 70 and the total number of delegates from California reduced from 441 to 440 accordingly.
    • 2008 Presidential Caucus Update
  • Wednesday April 18, 2007
    • Media reports state that FBI agents have raided the home of Congressman John T. Doolittle (Republican - California CD 4) as part of an investigation into the Jack Abramoff influence buying scandal.
    • Congressman Juanita Millender-McDonald (Democrat - California CD 37), 68, has been diagnosed with cancer and has been granted a 4 to 6 week leave of absence from the U.S. House.
  • Saturday April 14, 2007
    • 2008 Presidential Caucus Updates
  • Thursday April 12, 2007
    • New Jersey Governor Corzine Critically Injured in Motor Vehicle Crash
      • Governor Jon S. Corzine (D-New Jersey) was badly hurt in an accident involving his SUV, at the time being driven by a State Trooper, along the Garden State Parkway near Atlantic City earlier this evening. The Governor was airlifted to a hospital in Camden, NJ where- after surgery- he was listed in critical, but stable, condition with a broken leg and numerous chest injuries.
      • State Senate President Richard Codey (Democrat) has taken over, for the time being, as Acting Governor of the State pending Governor Corzine's recovery; this is Senator Codey's third stint as the State's Acting Governor, the longest such service being in the wake of the resignation of former Governor Jim McGreevey back in 2004.
      • 'The Green Papers' earnestly wishes Governor Corzine a speedy and most healthy recovery from his injuries.
  • Monday April 9, 2007
    • New York law now allows for a Tuesday 5 February 2008 primary.
      • On 5 March 2007, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver announced he will introduce legislation to change New York State's presidential primary date from the first Tuesday in March (4 March 2008) to 5 February 2008.
      • A06430 was introduced on 7 March 2007, passed both houses of the New York State Legislature on 21 March 2007, and was sent to Governor Eliot Spitzer.
      • Governor Spitzer signed the bill into law on 9 April 2007.
      • By 5 February 2008, states representing 35.19% of the Democratic National Convention Delegates and 31.19% of the Republican National Convention delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
  • Monday April 2, 2007
    • Commentary
    • New Jersey law now allows for a Tuesday 5 February 2008 primary.
      • The New Jersey State Senate voted 36-1 on Thursday 23 June 2005 to move the New Jersey Presidential Primary up to the last Tuesday in February (26 February 2008). The General Assembly approved the measure on Monday 20 June 2005 and the Governor signed A30 into law on 7 July 2005. A30 (SB1297 / S2402).
      • On 5 December 2006 the New Jersey Senate voted 33-5 (S2193) to move the Presidential Primary to the first Tuesday in February, 5 February 2008. The bill was reported out of the New Jersey Assembly Committee on 26 February 2007. On 15 March S2193 passed the NJ Assembly by a vote of 57-20. Governor Corzine signed the bill into law on 1 April 2007.
      • By 5 February 2008, states representing 27.14% of the Democratic National Convention Delegates and 27.18% of the Republican National Convention delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
  • Monday March 26, 2007
    • Democratic Congressman Nicholas V. "Nick" Lampson (Texas CD 22) is hospitalized in Houston recovering from a successful quadruple bypass surgery he received Sunday morning. We wish him a full and speedy recovery.
  • Thursday 22 March 2007
    • Senator Edwards' wife's health concerns will not adversely affect his presidential bid
      • Former United States Senator John Edwards (D-North Carolina), who had been the Democratic Party vice-presidential nominee in 2004 and an announced candidate for that Party's nomination for President in 2008, told reporters- during a joint press conference with his wife, Elizabeth, in Chapel Hill, NC this afternoon- that a recent diagnosis of the recurrence of cancer in his wife will not keep him from continuing to actively pursue the Presidency.
      • In November 2004, shortly after Senator Edwards and his top-of-the-ticket running mate, Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts), had been defeated in that year's Presidential Election by President George W. Bush and Vice President Cheney, it was announced that Mrs. Edwards had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She was treated with chemotherapy thereafter and, as a result, her cancer had been in remission up till now.
      • 'The Green Papers' extends its best and most hopeful wishes for the successful treatment and healthful recovery of Mrs. Edwards. In addition, we also extend our most positive thoughts to her, Senator Edwards and their family, friends and campaign workers as the Edwards' face this challenging time in their lives.
  • Sunday March 18, 2007
    • On 5 March the Idaho Democratic Party set 5 February 2008 as the party's Presidential Caucus date. The Idaho Democratic Party will send 23 delegates to the Democratic National Convention. By 5 February 2008, states representing 24.23% of the Democratic National Convention Delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
  • Friday February 16, 2007
  • Thursday March 15, 2007
    • California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB113 moving the California Presidential Primary from 3 June to 5 February 2008. California will send 441 delegates to the Democratic National Convention and 173 delegates to the Republican National Convention. By 5 February 2008, states representing 23.70% of the Democratic and 25.11% of the Republican National Convention Delegates will have begun their delegate allocation process (See 2008 Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates.)
  • Tuesday March 6, 2007
  • Sunday March 4, 2007
  • Friday, March 2, 2007
  • Thursday, March 1, 2007
  • Monday, February 26, 2007
  • Thursday February 22, 2007
    • Governor Sonny Perdue of Georgia called a 19 June 2007 Special Election and a 17 July 2007 Special Runoff Election to fill the vacant U.S. House seat caused by the 13 February 2007 death of Congressman Charles Whitlow "Charlie" Norwood (Republican, Georgia CD 10). If no one receives 50% of the vote in the Special Election, a run-off will be held between the top two vote getters.
  • Thursday, February 15, 2007
  • Wednesday, February 14, 2007
  • Tuesday February 13, 2007
    • We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Congressman Charles Whitlow "Charlie" Norwood (Republican, Georgia CD 10) who passed away today at the age of 65. The Congressman was suffering from lung and liver cancer and had returned to Georgia for hospice care last week. He was first elected in 1994.
      • Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue will call a Special Election to fill the vacant seat.
        • Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue will call a Special Election and Special Runoff Election to fill the vacant seat. The election is likely to be one of 20 March, 19 June, 18 September, or 6 November 2007. Details here.
    • The partisan composition of the U.S. House is now 233 Democrats, 201 Republicans, and 1 vacant office.
  • Friday February 9, 2007
  • Wednesday February 7, 2007
    • New York has a new Comptroller: Di Napoli
      • The New York State Legislature has chosen State Assemblyman Thomas Di Napoli to be the new Comptroller, succeeding Alan S. Hevesi who, although re-elected to another four-year term in this office in November 2006, resigned a month later after pleading guilty to a charge related to his having authorized up to four state workers to act as drivers for his wife.
    • Congressman Charles Whitlow "Charlie" Norwood (Republican, Georgia CD 10) has decided to forgo further treatment for lung cancer that has spread to his liver. The Congressman, 65, announced that he is leaving Washington, D.C. to receive hospice care in Georgia. He was diagnosed lung cancer in 2006 and then with liver cancer in December 2006. He received a lung transplant in 2004 and suffers from idopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Thursday January 18, 2007
  • Tuesday January 9, 2007
    • President George W. Bush has selected Fred F. Fielding to serve as General Counsel to the President. Mr. Fielding will replace Harriet Miers whose resignation takes effect 31 January 2007.
    • New York Governor Eliot Spitzer and State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who have been at least somewhat at odds over just what kind of person should be the new State Comptroller (it is reported that Speaker Silver would prefer a political insider, while the Governor would prefer an outsider with experience in the private financial sector), announced a plan by which this office will eventually be filled.
      • The procedure to be followed is as follows:
        • A 3-person search committee, consisting of former State Comptrollers, will come up with up to 5 nominees for the Legislature to consider for the post.
        • Each nominee so chosen by the committee will have to face a public hearing before a Joint Committee of the Legislature.
        • After these hearings have questioned all nominees, a Joint Session of the State Legislature will select the next State Comptroller, who will fill out the remainder of the term of office ending at the beginning of January 2011.
      • In the Fall of 2006 an Ethics Commission concluded that Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi violated state law by using up to four state workers to chauffeur his wife. Democratic Comptroller Alan G. Hevesi, who was first elected in 2002 and re-elected in 2006, resigned on 22 December 2006. The office is currenly being run by Thomas Sanzillo, the first deputy comptroller.
  • Thursday January 4, 2007
    • 110th Congress of the United States convenes
      • The 110th Congress, the term of which began at Noon Eastern Time (1700 UTC) yesterday (Wednesday 3 January 2007) convened today (Thursday 4 January) at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. The House of Representatives of this Congress consists of 233 Democrats and 202 Republicans (although one Democratic candidate for Congress in the 2006 Midterm Election has filed a Notice of Contest regarding the legality of the election of one of the Republican Members-elect); meanwhile, the United States Senate of this Congress consists of 50 Democrats and 49 Republicans plus 1 Independent who has indicated he will caucus with the Democrats.
      • All 435 newly elected and re-elected members of the U.S. House of Representatives were sworn in en masse, after which the House elected (the vote was along Party lines: 233-202) Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-California) as the first female Speaker of the House in American History. Under the 1947 Presidential Succession Act, the Speaker of the House is second in line, after the Vice President, to become President of the United States should that office become vacant-- but the principal duty of the Speaker is to be the, in effect, "chairman" of the lower house of Congress; in addition, the Speaker is usually seen to be the leading spokesman for that chamber, if not for Congress as a whole, especially when (as is now the case) the Party in control of both houses of Congress is not that of the President.
      • In addition, the United States Senate witnessed the swearing in of 33 newly elected or re-elected Senators (those chosen in the 7 November 2006 Elections. Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-West Virginia), the most senior Democratic Senator in terms of service, was chosen to be the new President pro Tempore of the Senate. Under ordinary circumstances, Vice President Cheney will not be in attendance in the upper chamber of Congress during the course of ordinary legislative business and the Senate will, instead, have Senators chosen by the President pro Tem as its Presiding Officers on a day-to-day basis; in addition, the Senate President pro Tem is, under terms of that same 1947 Presidential Succession Act, third in line to succeed to the Presidency in case of a vacancy in that office, behind the Speaker of the House.
        • U.S. House of Representatives
          • Majority Leader: Steny Hoyer (D-Maryland)
          • Majority Whip: James Clyburn (D-South Carolina)
          • Minority Leader: John Boehner (R-Ohio)
          • Minority Whip: Roy Blunt (R-Missouri)
        • United States Senate
          • Majority Leader: Harry Reid (D-Nevada)
          • Majority Whip: Dick Durbin (D-Illinois)
          • Minority Leader: Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
          • Minority Whip: Trent Lott (R-Mississippi)
      • References:
    • Media reports state that President George W. Bush will name Retired Vice Admiral John M. "Mike" McConnell to succeed John Negroponte as National Intelligence Director.
    • General Counsel to the President Harriet Miers announced her resignation effective 31 January 2007.
    • Media reports states that President George W. Bush will nominate U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad to succeed John Bolton as Ambassador to The United Nations.
    • Contested U.S. House 110th Congress Florida CD 13 Election
      • On 20 November 2006 Florida election officials certified Republican Vernon "Vern" Buchanan (119,309 votes, 50.08%) as the winner by 369 votes. Democratic Christine L. Jennings received (118,940 votes, 49.92%). Democratic Christine L. Jennings filed a lawsuit in Leon County requesting a new election arguing that a malfunction in the voting machines caused a 12.9% undervote (18,412 blank ballots).
      • An audit of the machines began the week of 27 November 2006 using a 12 hour scripted "mock election". The first tests, performed 28 November on voting machines not brought into service on election day, showed a CD 13 discrepancy of 5 votes (in favor of Jennings). However, video tapes revealed that the differences were due to participants making mistakes while choosing their selections. The second tests, performed 1 December on voting machines that had an undervote on election day, showed no discrepancies in the CD 13 contest. The final audit report found no evidence of machine malfunction.
      • On 20 December 2006 Circuit Judge William Gary ruled that Jennings arguments about the possibility of lost votes did not warrant disclosing the trade secrets of the voting machine company Election Systems & Software. Jennings stated she will appeal.
      • On 20 December 2006 Jennings filed a Notice of Contest with the U.S. House.
      • Vernon "Vern" Buchanan was seated in Congress on 4 January 2007. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the legal proceedings would be handled later.
  • Wednesday January 3, 2007
    • Media reports state that National Intelligence Director John Negroponte will resign to become deputy secretary of state. Mr. Negroponte was nominated 17 February 2005 and confirmed by a Senate Roll Call Vote (98-2) and sworn on 21 April 2005.
  • Tuesday December 26, 2006
    • President Gerald Rudolph Ford (born Leslie Lynch King)
      14 July 1913 to 26 December 2006.
      • We express our condolences to Mrs. Betty Ford, the family, and the friends of former President Gerald Rudolph Ford, 38th President of the Unitied States of America, who passed 6:45 p.m. PST Tuesday 26 December 2006 at the age 93 in Rancho Mirage, California.
      • Mr. Ford served as President of the United States, following Richard Nixon's resignation, from 9 August 1974 to 20 January 1977. He served as Vice President, succeeding Spiro Agnew as Richard Nixon's Vice President following Agnew's resignation, from 6 December 1973 to 9 August 1974. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Grand Rapids and Kent County Michigan, from 1949 to 1973 and was House Minority Leader from 1965 to 1973.
  • Saturday December 23, 2006
  • Friday December 22, 2006
    • New York Comptroller
      • New York Comptroller Alan Hevesi is resigning today while, at the same time, pleading Guilty to one count of Misappropriation of State Resources (a Class E [the lowest grade of] Felony in New York State) related to his having authorized up to four state workers to chauffeur his wife at state expense (estimated by the office of state Attorney General [and Governor-elect] Eliot Spitzer at some $200,000); the resultant conviction automatically mandates the vacation of his office by Mr. Hevesi, not only through the end of his four-year term in this office, but also re: the four-year term beginning next 1 January to which he was elected in the General Election this past 7 November.
      • The State Legislature has the power to select a replacement for Comptroller Hevesi: Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (Democrat-Manhattan) would control the process. Media sources state, among possible replacements, Assemblyman Tom DiNapoli (Democrat- Nassau County) and businessman William Mulrow (who ran against Hevesi in the 2002 Democratic Primary for the office). But sources close to Governor-elect Spitzer are suggesting that the incoming State Chief Executive might, instead, push for an outsider with a professional accounting background and little, if any, political baggage.
  • Thursday December 21, 2006
    • Vermont Auditor of Accounts
      • The Vermont Secretary of State completed a recount on 14 November with the official results showing Auditor of Accounts Randolph D. "Randy" Brock (Republican) winning by 137 votes out of 250,717. Tom Salmon (Democratic) filed for a second recount on Thursday 16 November at the Washington County Superior Court in Montpelier. The recount began on Monday 4 December and was unofficially completed on Monday 18 December. The unofficially totals as of 21 December 2006 are Thomas Salmon (Democrat - WINNER) 111,741 votes or 44.54% to Auditor of Accounts Randy Brock's (Republican) 111,637 votes or 44.50%. The results have yet to be certified. 46 Telephone Ballots and 16 Provisional Ballots have yet to be counted.
  • Monday December 18, 2006
    • Guam Governor
      • On 10 November 2006 the Guam Election Commission's declared the Republican team of incumbent governor Felix Camacho and Dr. Mike Cruz as victors. The opposition team of Robert Underwood and Frank Aguon, Jr. is contesting the Commission's decision not to include 504 over votes (ballots cast for both candidates) when determining the total number of votes cast. If the overvotes are counted, a runoff election would be required.
      • On 19 December 2006 the Supreme Court of Guam turned down the Underwood/Aguon team's legal challenge stating "In order to determine whether a gubernatorial slate has been elected by a majority of the votes cast, as such phrase is used in the Organic Act of Guam, only expressions of will or choice, or final selections of an officeholder, may be properly included in the total number of votes cast". Hence, the overvotes are not to be counted when computing a majority of the vote. It is not known if the Democrats will appeal to the United States Supreme Court.
  • Thursday December 14, 2006
    • South Dakota Democratic Senator Tim Johnson, 59, was hospitalized at George Washington University Hospital about noon EST 13 December with symptoms of a stroke. Media reports state that he underwent successful brain surgery early Thursday morning to relieve bleeding caused by arteriovenous malformation.
    • Should Senator Johnson be unable to complete his term, South Dakota Governor Republican Mike Rounds could appoint a Republican replacement to fill the remainder of the Senator's term (which ends in January 2009). If this were to occur, the balance of power in the U.S. Senate would shift back to the Republicans.
  • Wednesday December 13, 2006
    • South Dakota Democratic Senator Tim Johnson, 59, is hospitalized with symptoms of a stroke. Media reports state that he underwent brain surgery early Thursday morning. Should he be unable to complete his term, South Dakota Governor Republican Mike Rounds could appoint a Republican replacement shifting the balance of power in the U.S. Senate.
    • 2008 Republican Delegate Allocation
      • Our Republican delegate allocations have been updated to reflect the results of the 2006 State Legislative elections.
        • 2006 State Legislative bonus delegates allocated for Republican control: IA+1 All Chambers: House 50 of 100 (1 vacancy) and Senate 25 of 50 (co-President); MT+1 One Chamber: House 50 of 100 (1 Constitution); OK+1 All Chambers: House 57 of 101 and Senate 24 of 48 (Co-President Pro Tempore).
  • Tuesday December 12, 2006
    • Texas U.S. House CD 23 Runoff Election
      • Since no candidate received a majority of the 7 November vote in the non-Partisan "all-up" election, the top two vote getters, Congressman Bonilla (R) 48.1% and Rodriguez (D) 20.3%, competed in a 12 December runoff where former Congressman Ciro D. Rodriguez (Democrat) defeated Congressman Henry Bonilla (Republican) with 54.32% to 45.68% of the vote.
      • The partisan composition of the U.S. House 110th Congress is 233 Democrats (majority) to 202 Republicans.
    • Guam
      • The Supreme Court of Guam has decided that the results of the 2 September 2006 Primary Election will stand. In their ruling, the Justices decided that the challengers failed to prove that problems affected the outcome.
  • Saturday December 9, 2006
    • Louisiana U.S. House CD 2 Runoff Election.
      • Since no candidate received a majority of the 7 November vote, the top two vote getters, Congressman Jefferson (D) 30.0% and Carter (D) 21.6%, faced off in a 9 December runoff where Congressman Jefferson was re-elected with 57% of the vote.
      • The partisan composition of the U.S. House 110th Congress is 232 Democrats (majority) to 202 Republicans. 1 runoff election in Texas CD 23 remains.
    • Sessions of Congress
      • The 109th Congress adjourned sine die on 8 December 2006. The 110th Congress will convene on 3 January 2007. The Friday 8 December 2006 date is the so-called "legislative day" of adjournment (even though the final gavel sounded in the wee hours of the morning of Saturday the 9th, the Congressional Record will treat it as one last session beginning the day before).
  • Wednesday, December 6, 2006
    • The Bush Administration: The U.S. Senate confirmed Robert M. Gates, of Texas, to be Secretary of Defense. Yeas: 95, NAYs: 2, Not Voting: 3. NAYS from Bunning (R-KY) and Santorum (R-PA). Not voting were Bayh (D-IN), Biden (D-DE), and Dole (R-NC).
  • Monday, December 4, 2006
    • The Bush Administration. President George W. Bush has accepted the resignation of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton of Maryland. Mr. Bolton was appointed Monday 1 August 2005 during a Congressional recess. The resignation takes effect upon the formal adjournment of the 109th Congress (before noon 3 January 2007).

Review changes prior to Monday, December 4, 2006.

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