18 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Wed 30 Dec 2009 5:00a by Tony Roza
California: House CD 19: Congressman George P. Radanovich (Republican) - Open Seat. Not running for re-election.
Florida: Senate Class 3: Dennis F. Bradley (Veterans Party of America) - added; Marshall Louis DeRosa (Constitution) - apparently not a candidate; Thomas Andrew Mangum (Republican) - added. House CD 2: Ray Netherwood (No Party Affiliation) - added; Steve Wilkie (Green) - added. House CD 12: Thomas K. Snider (Libertarian) - switched from Republican to Libertarian. House CD 24: Michael John Pompura (Republican) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 5: David Prince (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 16: John J. McClure (Democratic) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 4: Steven Edwards (Independent, Libertarian) - added.
Texas: House CD 11: James Quillian (Democratic) - added. House CD 15: Jenell Redding (Libertarian) - added. House CD 16: Bill Collins (Libertarian) - added. House CD 17: Richard B. Kelly (Libertarian) - added. House CD 24: David Sparks (Libertarian) - added. House CD 28: Ross Lynn Leone (Libertarian) - added. Comptroller of Public Accounts: Mary J. Ruwart (Libertarian) - added.
15 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Mon 28 Dec 2009 5:00a by Tony Roza
Arkansas: Senate Class 3: former state Senator Jim Holt (Republican) - added.
Colorado: Governor: Rich Hand (Independent) - added.
Connecticut: Governor: state Representative Lawrence F. "Larry" Cafero, Jr. (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 24: James "Jim" Foster (Republican) - added.
Louisiana: House CD 3: Jeffrey M. Landru (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Joseph L. "Joe" Kennedy (Independent [Boston Tea, Libertarian]) - previously listed as Independent [Libertarian]. House CD 3: Patrick Barron (No Party Affiliation) - added.
New Hampshire: Governor: Thomas "Thom" Simmons (Libertarian) - added.
Ohio: Senate Class 3: Stephen Lahanas (Independent) - added. House CD 12: Andrew George Zukowski (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 6: Brian A. Gordon (Democratic) - added. House CD 8: Ira Moyer Hoffman, III (Republican) - added. House CD 10: Snyder County Commissioner Malcolm L. Derk, III (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 9: David John Bannen (Republican) - added. House CD 23: Victor "Vic" Luebker (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate.
New updates posted to INTERNATIONAL POLITICS AND ELECTIONS section re: the UN (and earlier League of Nations)
Sun 27 Dec 2009 1:38p by Richard E. Berg-Andersson of TheGreenPapers.com
- minor errors have now been corrected in the historical data re: the League of Nations as found on the page at the URL http://www.thegreenpapers.com/ww/LeagueOfNations.phtml;
a list of the Secretaries-General of the League of Nations has been added to that same page as well;
all such corrected historical data has also been entered into the table of Independent Nation-States where applicable. - a list of the Secretaries-General of the United Nations has also been added to the page at the URL http://www.thegreenpapers.com/ww/UnitedNations.phtml
- the members of the UN Security Council for 2010 have been posted on the page at the URL http://www.thegreenpapers.com/ww/UNSecurityCouncil.phtml
Census Bureau releases new estimates - 17 states to see changes in Congressman / Presidential Electors
Thu 24 Dec 2009 3:34a (updated Thu 24 Dec 2009 4:00a)
by Tony Roza
Today, the U.S. Census Bureau released their state population estimates for 1 July 2009 (press release). This is the last estimate before the official 2010 Census counts are released next December.
Based on these estimates, the number of U.S. Representatives and Presidential Electors for 2012, 2016, and 2020 would change for 17 states:
- Gain 3: Texas.
- Gain 1: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah, Washington.
- Lose 1: Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania.
- Lose 2: Ohio.
The details and the math--
- United States Census 2010 Home
- 2010 Census State Population and the Distribution of Electoral Votes and Representatives
- 2012 - 2020 Federal Representation by People per House Seat, Senate Seat, and Electors
- The state that would have received the 436th Representative (yes, we know there are only 435!) is Ohio. The Math Behind the 2010 Census Apportionment of Representatives
25 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Thu 24 Dec 2009 12:50a (updated Thu 24 Dec 2009 12:54a)
by Tony Roza
Kentucky: House CD 6: Perry Wilson Barnes (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1 for the Tuesday 19 January 2010 Special Election: John J. Adams (Independent) - removed; Adam Azia (Independent) - removed; Sean Brady (Independent) - removed; Jean Anne Kennedy-Windsor (Independent) - removed; Stewart J. "Lusty" Lustgarten (Independent) - removed; Steve MacAusland (Independent) - removed; Brian Muello (Independent) - removed; Peter White (Independent) - removed.
Texas: Governor: Larry S. Kilgore (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Lieutenant Governor: Ronnie Earle (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for Governor. House CD 8: Bruce West (Libertarian) - added. House CD 9: David A. LeBlanc (Libertarian) - added. House CD 12: Robert Harrison (Libertarian) - added. House CD 18: Mike Taylor (Libertarian) - added. House CD 20: Michael Idrogo (Libertarian) - added. House CD 22: Dennis Stout (Libertarian) - added. House CD 27: William "Willie" Vaden (Republican) - added. House CD 30: John Jay Myers (Libertarian) - added. Attorney General: Greg Abbott (Republican) - added. Comptroller of Public Accounts: Comptroller of Public Accounts Susan Combs (Republican) - added as candidate. Commissioner of Agriculture: Leonard L. Nelson (Libertarian) - added. Commissioner of General Land Office: James L. Holder (Libertarian) - added; General Land Office Commissioner Jerry Patterson (Republican) - added as candidate. Railroad Commissioner 1: Railroad Commissioner Victor G. Carrillo (Republican) - added as candidate.
31 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Wed 23 Dec 2009 5:00a by Tony Roza
Alabama: House CD 5: Congressman R. Parker "Parker" Griffith, who was first elected in 2008 as a Democrat, switched his affiliation to Republican.
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 257 Democrats and 178 Republicans.
Arizona: House CD 4: Brian Hill (Independent) - added.
Arkansas: Senate Class 3: Stanley Reed (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 1: James Christopher Gregory (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 39: Larry Steven Andre (Republican) - added. House CD 53: Charles Miller Merriman, II (Republican) - added.
Delaware: House At-Large: Earl R. Lofland (Constitution) - added.
Florida: House CD 7: Ralph Leroy Morris (No Party Affiliation) - added. House CD 12: John V. Osinski (Independent) - added.
Georgia: Secretary of State: Secretary of State Karen C. Handel (Republican) - Resigning to concentrate on her run for Governor.
Iowa: Governor: state Senator Jerry Behn (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Kansas: House CD 1: Marck Redell Cobb (Republican) - added.
Kentucky: Senate Class 3: Will McGinnis (Democratic) - added. House CD 3: W. Jerry Durbin (Republican) - added.
Missouri: Senate Class 3: Davis Ronald Conway (Republican) - added.
Nebraska: Governor: Douglas County Commissioner Mike Boyle (Democratic) - added.
New Hampshire: Senate Class 3: Kevin Rondeau (Republican) - added.
New York: Senate Class 1: former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. "Rudy" Giuliani (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 3: John Daniel Kensinger, II (Republican) - added. House CD 3: Edward J. "Ed" Franz (Republican) - added. House CD 10: state Representative Michael "Mike" Peifer (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 15: Mathew Benol (Republican) - added. House CD 19: Mike Smeltzer (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 3: Brian Lamont "Ryan B" Doyle (Democratic) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 6: state Senator Diane Black (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 10: John Thomas "Jack" McDonald (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Virginia: House CD 2: Chuck Smith (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 5: Jeffrey Aaron "Jeff" Clark (Independent) - added. House CD 8: J. Patrick Murray (Republican) - added. House CD 10: Julien Modica (Democratic) - added.
Washington: House CD 3: Dennis "Denny" Heck (Democratic) - added.
11 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Fri 18 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Colorado: House CD 2: Stephen Bailey (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 8: state Representative Kurt Kelly (Republican) - added.
Illinois: Governor: Ed Scanlan (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 10: William J. "Bill" Cadigan (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Richard B. Mayers (Green) - apparently not a candidate.
Indiana: House CD 5: Andy Lyons (Republican) - added.
Kansas: Governor: Tom Wiggans (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Minnesota: Auditor: Tom Conlon (Republican) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 5: Paul Arabie (Republican) - added; Bill Cathey (Republican) - added; Clark Duffe (Independent [Libertarian]) - added.
26 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Wed 16 Dec 2009 8:00a (updated Wed 16 Dec 2009 8:05a)
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: House CD 2: Gregory Scott Deshefy (Green) - added.
Illinois: Governor: William "Bill" "Dock" Walls, III (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Mississippi: House CD 1: former Eupora Mayor Henry Ross (Republican) - added.
New York: Senate Class 1: Suffolk County Legislator Jon Cooper (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Governor: Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy (Democratic) - added. House CD 2: Anthony Tolda (Independent) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 23 Special: Vote totals certified. House CD 25: David Gay (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: Lieutenant Governor: Bucks County Commissioner James F. "Jim" Cawley (Republican) - added; state Representative Thomas H. "Tom" Killion (Republican) - added; Joe Watkins (Republican) - added. House CD 6: Scott Zelov (Republican) - added.
Rhode Island: General Treasurer: Tom Sgouros, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 3: Mark DeVol (Independent) - previously listed as Republican. House CD 6: Kerry Roberts (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Shelby County Commissioner George S. Flinn, Jr. (Republican) - added; Ron Kirkland (Republican) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Jon Roland (Libertarian) - added. House CD 6: Byron Severns (Libertarian) - added. House CD 16: El Paso City Representative Beto O'Rourke (Democratic) - added. House CD 17: Bill Flores (Republican) - added. House CD 20: Alan Strack (Republican) - added. House CD 26: Mark Boler (Libertarian) - added. House CD 27: Ed Mishou (Libertarian) - added. House CD 32: John Jay Myers (Libertarian) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 30.
Washington: House CD 3: state Senator Craig A. Pridemore (Democratic) - added.
West Virginia: House CD 1: Mac Warner (Republican) - added.
19 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Tue 15 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Arkansas: Lieutenant Governor: Drew Pritt (Democratic) - previously listed as running for Senate Class 3.
California: Governor: Deacon Alexander (Green) - added; Laura Wells (Green) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Robert Lawerence "Bob" Zadek (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Kansas: House CD 3: state Senator Jeff Colyer (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Secretary of State: state Senator Chris Steineger (Democratic) - previously listed as running for Governor.
Massachusetts: Attorney General: Norfolk County District Attorney William R. Keating (Democratic) - added; Bristol County District Attorney C. Samuel "Sam" Sutter (Democratic) - added. Treasurer and Receiver-General: Norfolk County Treasurer Joseph A. "Joe" Connolly (Democratic) - added; state Representative Thomas P. "Tom" Conroy (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Michigan: Attorney General: state Senator Bruce Patterson (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Mississippi: House CD 2: Richard Cook (Republican) - added. House CD 4: Kenneth "Tim" Hampton (Libertarian) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 8: Harold Johnson (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 10: state Representative Michael "Mike" Peifer (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 3: Brent Howard Benedict (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Barton Jennings "Bart" Gordon (Democratic) - Open Seat, retiring.
Texas: Commissioner of Agriculture: Richard S. "Kinky" Friedman (Democratic) - previously listed as running for Governor.
Washington: House CD 3: Cheryl Crist (Democratic) - added.
27 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Mon 14 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 5: Chris Salvino (Republican) - added; Jeffrey W. "Jeff" Smith (Republican) - added.
California: Governor: Public Instruction Superintendent Jack T. O'Connell (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Lieutenant Governor: state Senator Jeff Denham (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 8: Summer J. Shields (Democratic) - added. House CD 15: Don Barich (Republican) - added. House CD 42: Philip Laurence Liberatore (Republican) - added.
Colorado: Senate Class 3: Roger Maclyn Stringer (Libertarian) - added.
Georgia: House CD 4: Lisbeth "Liz" Carter (Republican) - added.
Idaho: Governor: Keith Allred (Democratic) - added.
Iowa: House CD 1: James R. Budde (Republican) - added. House CD 2: Gary Joseph Sicard (Libertarian) - added. House CD 3: Mark Robert Rees (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: House CD 4: Rachel Brown (Democratic) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 4: Howard Kleinhendler (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 2: Renee Jacisin Ellmers (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 2: Bryan Hawkins (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 6: Walter Ray Hufford (Republican) - added. House CD 12: Ronald R. "Ron" Mackell, Jr. (Democratic) - added. House CD 13: Charles L. McIntyre (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: Governor: Oscar Lovelace (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Morgan Bruce Reeves (Independent) - added.
Texas: House CD 12: Ronald R. "Ron" Mackell, Jr. (Democratic) - correction - Mr. Mackell is running for the U.S. House Seat in Pennsylvania (not Texas) District 12. House CD 22: Lakesha D. "Kesha" Rogers (Democratic) - added. House CD 23: Robert Charles Lowry (Republican) - added.
Washington: Senate Class 3: Scott Johnson (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: Governor: Tim John (Democratic) - added.
16 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Sat 12 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
California: House CD 1: Zane Starkewolf (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 19 Special: Josue Larose (Write-in) - previously listed as Republican.
Hawaii: House CD 1: Congressman Neil Abercrombie (Democratic) announced he would resign from the U.S. House before the end of his term. The Congressman is currently running for Governor of the State of Hawaii.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Corey Dabney (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Kansas: House CD 3: Mark Gilstrap (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: John Howard (Write-in) - previously listed as Independent. Auditor: Suzanne M. Bump (Democratic) - added; Guy Glodis (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: Attorney General: former Congressman Bill Schuette (Republican) - added; state Senator Gretchen Whitmer (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 2: Shelley Madore (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added. House CD 5: Barbara Davis "Barb" White (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 9: Congressman Steven R. Rothman (Democratic) - added as candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 13: Congressman Ralph Bradley "Brad" Miller (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Northern Marianas: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Territorial Delegate Gregorio Kilili Camacho "Kilili" Sablan (Independent [Democratic]) - added as candidate.
Rhode Island: Governor: Rory Smith (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
14 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Fri 11 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Florida: Chief Financial Officer: Joshua LaRose (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Willie "Will" Eugene Boyd, Jr. (Independent) - Withdrew from Democratic Primary to run as an Independent in the General Election. House CD 7: Robert Dallas (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 1: Congressman G. K. Butterfield (Democratic) - added as candidate.
South Carolina: Governor: Oscar Lovelace (Republican) - added. House CD 6: Congressman James E. "Jim" Clyburn (Democratic) - added as candidate. Secretary of State: Secretary of State John Mark "Mark" Hammond (Republican) - added as candidate; Marjorie L. Johnson (Democratic) - added. Treasurer: Treasurer Converse A. Chellis, III (Republican) - added as candidate. Comptroller General: Comptroller General Richard A. Eckstrom (Republican) - added as candidate. Commissioner of Agriculture: Agriculture Commissioner Hugh E. Weathers (Republican) - added as candidate. Superintendent of Education: Timothy Moultrie (Libertarian) - added; Mitchell M. "Mick" Zais (Republican) - added.
Washington: House CD 3: state Representative Deb Wallace (Democratic) - added.
12 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Thu 10 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Alaska: Governor: former state Representative Ralph Samuels (Republican) - added; Bill Walker (Republican) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Willie "Will" Eugene Boyd, Jr. (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 14: Jeffrey Adam "Jeff" Danklefsen (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
New Hampshire: Governor: Governor John Lynch (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Texas: Governor: Edward "Ed" Tidwell (Libertarian) - added. House CD 7: Drew Parks (Libertarian) - added. House CD 23: Joseph Mack "Doc" Gould (Republican) - added. House CD 29: Brad Walters (Libertarian) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture: Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples (Republican) - added as candidate.
Washington: House CD 3: Congressman Brian N. Baird (Democratic) - Open Seat - retiring; state Representative Jaime Herrera (Republican) - added.
17 changes to the 2009/2010 candidate list
Wed 9 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Alabama: House CD 2: Rick Barber (Republican) - added.
Arkansas: House CD 1: Ken Adler (Green) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 3: Raphael Herman (Democratic) - added; Jorge Antonio Lovenguth (Tea) - previously listed as Democratic, withdrew, re-added as Tea Party, House CD 19 Special: Benjamin "Ben" Graber (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 14: Mark A. Vargas (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Kentucky: Senate Class 3: James Buckmaster (Democratic) - added.
Massachusetts 2009: Senate Class 1: Congressman Michael E. "Mike" Capuano (Democratic) - lost Primary; Alan A. Khazei (Democratic) - lost Primary; Stephen G. "Steve" Pagliuca (Democratic) - lost Primary; Jack E. Robinson (Republican) - lost Primary.
Nebraska: Senate Class 1: Pat Flynn (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 3: Toms River Township Councilman Maurice B. "Mo" Hill, Jr. (Republican) - added.
Oregon: Governor: Jerry Wilson (Democratic) - previously listed as Progressive.
Pennsylvania: House CD 6: Chester County Recorder of Deeds Ryan A. Costello (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Tennessee: House CD 8: Luther Mercer, II (Democratic) - added.
Texas: Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst (Republican) - added as candidate.
Martha Coakley has been declared the Dem winner of the Special Senate Primary in MA
Wed 9 Dec 2009 2:05a (updated Wed 9 Dec 2009 2:20a)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Massachusetts Senate Class 1 Seat.
Results from a media source.
Scott Brown has been declared the winner of the GOP MA Special Senate Primary
Wed 9 Dec 2009 2:00a (updated Wed 9 Dec 2009 2:13a)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
The polls have now closed in MASSACHUSETTS (re: Special Primary for 'Class 1' U.S. Senate seat)
Wed 9 Dec 2009 1:00a by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Massachusetts Special Primary for the Senate Class 1 Seat
Tue 8 Dec 2009 3:31a (updated Tue 8 Dec 2009 3:33a)
by Tony Roza
On Tuesday 8 December 2009, Massachusetts will hold a Special Primary for the Senate Class 1 seat. The seat is currently held by Senator Paul G. Kirk, Jr. who was appointed 24 September 2009 by Massachusetts Governor Deval L. Patrick to fill the vacancy caused by the 25 August 2009 passing of Senator Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy (Democrat).
Dates: Special Primary to fill the seat: Tuesday 8 December 2009. Special Election: Tuesday 19 January 2010. Next regular election: Tuesday 6 November 2012.
Polling hours are 7:00a EST (1200 UTC) to 8:00p EST (0100 UTC). By local option, municipalities may open their polls as early as 5:45 a.m.
14 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Mon 7 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Alabama: House CD 7: Michele Waller (Republican) - added.
Arkansas: Senate Class 3: Edward Dale "Ed" Frizzell (Independent) - added.
California: House CD 49: Howard Louis Katz (Democratic) - added.
Kansas: House CD 2: state Senator Dennis D. Pyle (Republican) - added.
Missouri: House CD 8: Larry Bill (Independent) - added.
Nevada: Senate Class 3: Charles William "Chuck" Flume, Sr. (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 17: Murrell Elliot "Bing" Henderson (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 1: Mark Christopher Fava (Republican) - added.
Texas: Governor: Bill Dear (Democratic) - added. House CD 5: Tom Berry (Democratic) - added. House CD 15: Daniel Garza Garza (Republican) - added. House CD 30: Stephen Edward Broden (Republican) - added.
Washington: Senate Class 3: Arthur Coday, Jr. (Republican) - added. House CD 1: James H. L. Watkins (Republican) - added.
5 December 2009 Democratic National Committee Change Commission Meeting
Sun 6 Dec 2009 4:37a (updated Sun 6 Dec 2009 4:40a)
by Tony Roza
The Democratic National Committee Change Commission has completed its 5 December 2009 meeting in Washington DC. By 31 December 2009, the commission will make recommendations regarding the party's 2012 Delegate Selection rules to the Rules and Bylaws Committee. For futher information--
- DemRulz - Frank Leone, Virginia, Democratic National Committee
- Suzi's Political & Educational Observations and Experiences - Suzi LeVine
- Making Change Happen: Summary of notes from our final Change Commission Meeting...
- Change Commission #3: Superdelegates
- Change Commission Mtg #3: Primary Timing Notes
- Change Commission Mtg #3: Caucuses
- Frontloading HQ - Josh Putnam
- Democratic Change Commission 2012 Rules Recommendations Taking Shape
- Democratic Change Commission Meeting (#3) Tomorrow
12 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Sat 5 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
California: House CD 20: Ernest Steven "Steven" Haze (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 21.
Colorado: House CD 7: Lang Sias (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 10: Milton J. Sumption (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Treasurer: Mark Doyle (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 11: Daniel J."Dan" Ostergaard (Republican) - added; Scott Stump (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: Governor: Ward Cammack (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: Senate Class 1: City of Houston Mayor Bill White (Democratic) - now running for Governor. House CD 13: Michael Sanford "Mike" Barrett (Constitution [Republican]) - previously listed as Republican. House CD 24: Frank Roszell (Republican) - added. House CD 31: John R. Carter (Republican) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture: Henry "Hank" Gilbert (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for Governor.
22 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Fri 4 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 3: former Ambassador to Ireland Thomas C. "Tom" Foley (Republican) - decided to run for Governor.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Thomas James "Tom" Kuna (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: Marshall Elijah Hatch, Sr. (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 8: Jonathan Farnick (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 12: Christian Falconer (Constitution) - added. House CD 14: James T. "Jim" Purcell (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Attorney General: Joe Bell (Constitution) - added.
Indiana: Senate Class 3: former Representative John Nathan Hostettler (Republican) - added.
Texas: Governor: M.J. "Smitty" Smith (Libertarian) - added. House CD 1: Donald Perkison (Libertarian) - added. House CD 5: Ken Ashby (Libertarian) - added. House CD 10: Jeremiah "JP" Perkins (Libertarian) - added. House CD 12: Matthew Solodow (Libertarian) - added. House CD 13: John T. Burwell, Jr. (Libertarian) - added. House CD 14: Eugene J. Flynn (Libertarian) - added. House CD 19: Richard "Chip" Peterson (Libertarian) - added. House CD 23: Victor "Vic" Luebker (Libertarian) - added. House CD 25: Cory W. Bruner (Libertarian) - added; Jim Stutsman (Libertarian) - added. House CD 30: John Jay Myers (Libertarian) - added. Attorney General: Jon Roland (Libertarian) - added. Railroad Commissioner 1: Roger Gary (Libertarian) - added.
20 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Thu 3 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
California: House CD 20: Joshua Thomas Coulston "Josh" Miller (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 21: Ernest Steven "Steven" Haze (Democratic) - added. Secretary of State: Damon Dunn (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 4: Prince George's County State's Attorney Glenn Ivey (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 1: Jim Hagedorn (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: Attorney General: Robert Bolchoz (Republican) - added; Leighton Lord (Republican) - added; First Circuit Solicitor David M. Pascoe, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
Tennessee: Governor: state Senator Roy Herron (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 8: state Senator Roy Herron (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 16: Jaime O. Perez (Republican) - added. House CD 21: Stephen Schoppe (Republican) - added. Comptroller of Public Accounts: former Congressman Nicholas V. "Nick" Lampson (Democratic) - added.
Utah: House CD 2: former state Representative Morgan Philpot (Republican) - added.
Vermont: Senate Class 3: Len Britton (Republican) - added. Lieutenant Governor: T.J. Donovan (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; state Senator Phil Scott (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: House CD 2: Virginia Lynch Graf (Democratic) - added.
Wisconsin: Lieutenant Governor: state Senator Spencer Coggs (Democratic) - added; Henry Sanders, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
10 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Wed 2 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Arizona: Governor: Bruce Olsen (Libertarian) - added.
California: House CD 3: Sacramento Municipal Utility District Vice President Bill Slaton (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Colorado: House CD 2: Curtis Harris (Libertarian) - added.
Florida: Attorney General: Pam Bondi (Republican) - added.
Iowa: Governor: Christian Fong (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Minnesota: House CD 1: state Representative Randy Demmer (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: Senate Class 3: former state Senator J. Calvin "Cal" Cunningham, III (Democratic) - re-added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 6: Patrick Henry "Pat" Sellers (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Thomas A. "Tom" Lingenfelter (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 8: Congressman John S. Tanner (Democratic) - Open Seat.
12 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Tue 1 Dec 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
District of Columbia: Mayor: Donna Alston (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 19 Special: state Senator Theodore Eliot "Ted" Deutch (Democratic) - added; Edward J. Lynch (Republican) - added; Jim McCormick (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Georgia: Superintendent of Education: Education Superintendent Kathy Cox (Republican) - added as candidate.
Iowa: House CD 2: Mariannette Jane Miller-Meeks (Republican) - added.
New Hampshire: House CD 1: Rich Ashooh (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: Lieutenant Governor: state Representative Edward H. "Ted" Pitts, Jr. (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Adjutant General: Brian Frank (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 3: Paula Flowers (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 6: state Senator Jim Tracy (Republican) - added.
Texas: Lieutenant Governor: Marc Katz (Democratic) - added.
25 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Mon 30 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
California: House CD 1: Carol Wolman (Green) - added. House CD 23: David R. "Dave" Stockdale (Republican) - added. House CD 29: Morton R. "Mort" Large (Republican) - added. House CD 30: David Benning (Republican) - added. House CD 50: Solana Beach Councilman David W. "Dave" Roberts (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 14: James Lloyd Roach (Democratic) - added.
Georgia: House CD 9: Clyde Daniel "Dan" "Danny" Benton (Republican) - added; Mike Freeman (Democratic) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 3: Jeffrey Thomas Reetz (Republican) - added.
Maryland: Governor: Susan Gaztañaga (Libertarian) - added.
Missouri: House CD 7: Michael Wardell (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 15: Michel Faulkner (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: Senate Class 3: Wilma Ann "W. Ann" Worthy (Democratic) - added. House CD 2: Frank S. Deatrich (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Bradley "Brad" Smith (Independent) - added. House CD 8: Robert Ervin "Bob" Palisin (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Kenneth D. "Kenny" West (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 3: Clayton W. Grabb (Republican) - added. House CD 4: John Steven Vinsick (Republican) - added. House CD 13: Brian Haughton (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 1: Ryan L. Buckhannon (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 5: Lonnie Paul Spivak (Republican) - added.
Virginia: House CD 5: James K. "Jim" McKelvey (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Matthew B. Berry (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 8: Roger Roth (Republican) - added.
18 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Thu 26 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 3: state Senator Sam Caligiuri (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 5: state Senator Sam Caligiuri (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 11: Herbert Coachman (Republican) - added. House CD 19 Special: Josue Larose (Republican) - added. House CD 21: William J. Sanchez (Democratic) - changed affiliation, was Republican.
Illinois: House CD 10: Patricia K. Bird (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Kansas: House CD 3: state Senator Jeff Colyer (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 2: state Board of Education member Ken McKenna (Democratic) - added.
New Hampshire: Governor: Karen Testerman (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 3: Jon Runyan (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 23: Douglas L. "Doug" Hoffman (Republican, Conservative) - added.
Ohio: Governor: Dennis Spisak (Green) - added. House CD 2: state Representative Thomas Todd "Todd" Book (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: Governor: City of Houston Mayor Bill White (Democratic) - added.
Virginia: House CD 10: Dennis Findley (Democratic) - added; Delmar Patrick "Patrick" Lewis (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Washington: House CD 8: Ernest Huber (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: House CD 3: state Representative Ralph M. Rodighiero (Democratic) - added.
Florida CD 19 Special Election moved from 6 to 13 April 2010
Wed 25 Nov 2009 10:13p (updated Thu 26 Nov 2009 7:32a)
by Tony Roza
Florida Governor Charlie Crist moved the date of the special election in Florida Congressional District 19 from Tuesday 6 April 2010 to Tuesday 13 April 2010 so the election is not held during Passover. The election was called to fill the seat of Democratic Congressman Robert Wexler who will resign 3 January 2010 to accept the position of president of the Center for Middle East Peace.
"The date of the Special General Election for United States House of Representatives, District 19, has been changed to April 13, 2010. All other dates and requirements in the prior Notice of Special Election for this office remain the same." - Charlie Crist, Governor
23 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Tue 24 Nov 2009 8:00a (updated Tue 24 Nov 2009 3:56p)
by Tony Roza
California 2009: Lieutenant Governor: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has nominated state Senator Abel Maldonado (Republican) as California's new Lieutenant Governor. The nomination requires confirmation by the state Legislature.
California 2010: Secretary of State: state Assemblywoman Audra Strickland (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Colorado: Governor: former Congressman Thomas Gerard "Tom" Tancredo (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 2: William E. "Bill" Fisher, Jr. (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 19 Special: Curt Price (Republican) - added. House CD 24: former Winter Springs Mayor Paul P. Partyka (Democratic) - was incorrectly listed as a Republican.
Illinois: House CD 14: Dan Druck (Libertarian) - added.
Indiana: Senate Class 3: Tamyra d'Ippolito (Democratic) - added.
Iowa: House CD 3: Pat Bertroche (Republican) - added.
Kansas: House CD 3: Congressman Dennis Moore (Democratic) - Open Seat; former state Senator Nick Jordan (Republican) - added; Congressman Dennis Moore (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; state Representative Kevin Yoder (Republican) - added.
Kentucky: Senate Class 3: John Long (Independent) - added.
Massachusetts: Auditor: Auditor A. Joseph "Joe" DeNucci (Democratic) - Open Office; Mary Z. Connaughton (Republican) - added; Kamal Jain (Independent) - added; Bob LeLievre (Democratic) - added; Earle Stroll (Republican) - added.
Northern Marianas 2009: Governor: Benigno Repeki "Ben" Fitial (52.07%) may have defeated Heinz Sablan Hofschneider (47.93%) by 501 votes in the 23 November 2009 runoff election. However, there might be 1,000 or more absentee ballots outstanding. The absentee ballots will be counted on 7 December.
Ohio: House CD 2: James John "Jim" Parker (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Oregon: Governor: William L. "Bill" Sizemore (Republican) - added.
Texas: Governor: former state Representative John Thomas "Tom" Schieffer (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Vox Populi: "Letters of Marque and Reprisal"
Mon 23 Nov 2009 3:51p by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Vox Populi - A Letter to the Editor: Letters of Marque and Reprisal by Ken Stremsky
19 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Mon 23 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Alabama: House CD 7: Frank Lankster (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 20: James Andrew "Andy" Vidak (Republican) - added.
Georgia: House CD 10: Christopher U. Cates (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: William E. "Bill" Fraser (Independent) - added.
Indiana: House CD 7: Rafael Ramirez (Republican) - added.
Iowa: House CD 4: Billy Dale "Bill" Maske (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana: Senate Class 3: William Robert "Bob" Lang (No Party Affiliation) - previously listed as Republican.
Michigan: House CD 9: Gene Goodman (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 5: Lynne Torgerson (Independent) - added.
New York: House CD 19: state Assemblyman Gregory R. "Greg" Ball (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
North Carolina: Senate Class 3: Nathaniel Cooper (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 7.
Ohio: Senate Class 3: Jeremy D. Swartz (Independent) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 1: Robert Burton (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 12: Ronald R. "Ron" Mackell, Jr. (Democratic) - added. House CD 15: Edward Romero "Eddie" Zamora, Jr. (Republican) - added.
Utah: House CD 2: Ryan John Kelly (Independent) - added.
Virginia: House CD 8: Laurence Socci (Republican) - added.
Washington: House CD 4: Jerame V. "Jay" Clough (Democratic) - added.
West Virginia: House CD 3: Conrad G. Lucas, III (Republican) - added.
16 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Sat 21 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Colorado: House CD 4: Dean Madere (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Jimmy Lakey (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 24: former Winter Springs Mayor Paul P. Partyka (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 7: Joyce Washington (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Iowa: House CD 3: Jim Gibbons (Republican) - added; state Senator Brad Zaun (Republican) - added.
Michigan: House CD 9: Gene Todd Taliercio (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: Governor: Sue Jeffers (Republican) - added; state Senator Paul Edward Koering (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Peter Hansen Roess (Green) - previously listed as Democratic-Farmer Labor; Thomas Christopher "Chris" Wright (Independent) - added. Secretary of State: Richard "Dick" Franson (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added.
New York: Senate Class 1: former New York City Mayor Rudolph W. "Rudy" Giuliani (Republican) - added. Governor: former NYC Mayor Rudolph W. "Rudy" Giuliani (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Oregon: Governor: Stephen L. "Steve" Shields (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Pennsylvania: House CD 7: Jim Schneller (Independent) - added.
Vox Populi: "Does the way our Republic wages War bother Mr. Berg-Andersson?"
Sat 21 Nov 2009 2:58a (updated Sat 21 Nov 2009 3:00a)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Vox Populi - A Letter to the Editor: Does the way our Republic wages War bother Mr. Berg-Andersson? by Ken Stremsky
Vox Populi: "Dealing with Punishment"
Thu 19 Nov 2009 4:47p (updated Thu 19 Nov 2009 4:48p)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Vox Populi - A Letter to the Editor: Dealing with Punishment by Ken Stremsky
19 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Thu 19 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Colorado: House CD 6: Rob McNealy (Libertarian) - added.
Florida: Attorney General: Holly Benson (Republican) - added. Chief Financial Officer: Richard Paul Dembinsky (No Party Affiliation) - previously listed as Republican.
Georgia: Senate Class 3: Chuck Donovan (Libertarian) - added. House CD 8: Valerie Myers (Republican) - added. House CD 9: Bert Loftman (Republican) - added. House CD 10: Sandy Untermyer (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Stan Jagla (Independent) - previously listed as Democratic; Eric M. Wallace (Independent) - previously listed as Republican.
Iowa: Governor: Charles "Charlie" Baker (Republican) - correction - Mr. Baker is running for Governor in Massachusetts; state Senator Paul McKinley (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Kansas: Governor: Tom Wiggans (Democratic) - added.
Maine: House CD 1: Dean Scontras (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 1: Kenneth Alexander Wegner (Republican) - added.
New Hampshire: Senate Class 3: Sean Mahoney (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
New York: House CD 13: Michael Grimm (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 2: Congressman Bob Etheridge (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Wisconsin: House CD 8: former state Representative Terri McCormick (Republican) - added; Kerry Thomas (Republican) - added.
18 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Tue 17 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Governor: Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele (Republican) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Michael Fedele (Republican) - Open Chair.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Patrick J. "Pat" Hughes (Republican) - restored.
Kentucky: Senate Class 3: Gurley L. Martin (Republican) - added.
Maine: Governor: John Richardson (Democratic) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 2: Peter Frank Boyce (Constitution) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 10: Vance Patterson (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Ed Krause (Republican) - added. House CD 12: Doc Gillenwater (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: Governor: Robert Allen Mansfield (Republican) - added. House CD 3: Steve Fisher (Republican) - added.
Rhode Island: Governor: state Representative Joseph A. "Joe" Trillo (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 2: Michael J. Gardiner (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: House At-Large: B. Thomas Marking (Independent) - added.
Virginia: House CD 7: Anita Hartke (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Wisconsin: Lieutenant Governor: Ben Collins (Republican) - added. House CD 2: Daniel Peter "Peter" Theron (Republican) - was incorrectly listed as Democratic.
Wyoming: Governor: Matt Mead (Republican) - added.
Mon 16 Nov 2009 8:05a by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Notes on the controversy surrounding trying
terrorist suspects in civilian criminal court
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
12 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Mon 16 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Arizona: Senate Class 3: Leonard A. Clark (Independent) - added.
Florida: House CD 24: Robert Lawrence Robey (Republican) - added; Larry Sinclair (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 2: Daniel Keith "Dan" Powers (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added. House CD 6: Troy Thomas Freihammer (Independent) - added.
New Hampshire: Senate Class 3: Jack Kimball (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 2: David Dileo (Independent) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 11: Dan Eichenbaum (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 8: Judith A. Algeo (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 3: John Matthew Whitley (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Patrick Fernando Miranda (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 28: Daniel Chavez (Republican) - added.
15 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Sun 15 Nov 2009 8:00a (updated Sun 15 Nov 2009 3:04p)
by Tony Roza
California: Governor: Richard Aguirre (Democratic) - [update 15 November: this candidate was incorrectly listed as removed -Ed]; Dale F. Ogden (Libertarian) - added. House CD 10: Mark Alan Loos (Republican) - added.
Florida: Governor: James A. Van Driessche (Republican) - added. House CD 17: Andre L. Williams (Democratic) - removed.
Illinois: Governor: Lex Green (Libertarian) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Edward Rutledge (Libertarian) - added. Secretary of State: Josh Hanson (Libertarian) - added.
New Hampshire: House CD 2: Howard Wilson (Libertarian) - added.
Ohio: Governor: Ken Matesz (Libertarian) - added. House CD 2: Marc Johnston (Libertarian) - added. House CD 9: Joseph M. Jaffe (Libertarian) - added. House CD 12: Travis Irvine (Libertarian) - added. House CD 18: Clifford J. Snyder (Libertarian) - added.
Wisconsin: Governor: Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (Democratic) - added.
30 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Fri 13 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
California: House CD 4: Charles Brown (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Delaware: House At-Large: Fred Cullis (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 8: state Representative Eric Eisnaugle (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 17: Andre L. Williams (Democratic) - added.
Georgia: House CD 12: former state Senator Regina D. Thomas (Democratic) - added.
Idaho: House CD 1: state Representative Raúl Labrador (Republican) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Thomas Elijah Hubbard (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Stan Jagla (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Robert L. Jones (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; John Reynolds (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Israel K. Garth Richardson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Edward "Ed" Varga (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Anthony Williams (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Governor: Tom Cross (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Springfield Alderman Frank Edwards (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Andy Martin (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Lieutenant Governor: Deb Leticia Gordils (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Arthur L. Turner (Democratic) - correction - previously listed as Republican. House CD 1: Alex duBuclet (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: state Representative La Shawn K. Ford (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 9: Vasquez Israel (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 10: James B. "Jim" Koch (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Renee Thaler (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 12: Timmy Jay "Tim" Richardson, Jr. (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 14: James "Jim" Pistorius (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 15: Samuel Thomas Spradlin (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Minnesota: Governor: state Senator Michael J. "Mike" Jungbauer (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Nevada: Senate Class 3: Greg Dagani (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 8: Dean Malik (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: House At-Large: state Representative Shantel Krebs (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
17 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Wed 11 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
California: Governor: Richard Aguirre (Democratic) - correction - previously listed as Independent.
Colorado: Governor: state Senator Joshua "Josh" Penry (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 3: state Representative Scott Tipton (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: Governor: Governor M. Jodi Rell (Republican) - Open Chair.
Idaho: House CD 1: state Representative Ken A. Roberts (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Illinois: House CD 2: Earl B. King (Green) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: Congressman Danny K. Davis (Democratic) - Incumbent to run for re-election; Annazette R. Collins (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Robert W. "Bob" Fioretti (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; state Senator Rickey R. Hendon (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Indiana: House CD 3: Phil Troyer (Republican) - added.
Missouri: House CD 7: Nicholas Ivan Ladendorf (Progressive) - added.
North Carolina: Senate Class 3: former state Senator J. Calvin "Cal" Cunningham, III (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 6: Cathy Brewer Hinson (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 15: John Adams (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 7: Gail Conner (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidate: Wayne Allyn Root (Libertarian) - added.
Northern Marianas Gubernatorial Runoff set for Mon 23 Nov 2009
Mon 9 Nov 2009 8:56p (updated Tue 10 Nov 2009 1:44a)
by Tony Roza
The Northern Marianas Commonwealth Election Commission has certified their 7 November election. Since no Gubernatorial candidate received 50% of the vote, on Monday 23 November 2009 there will be a Gubernatorial runoff between the tickets Heinz Sablan Hofschneider / Arnold Indalecio Palaci (Republican, 36.27%) and Governor Benigno Repeki "Ben" Fitial / Lieutenant Governor Eloy Songao Inos (Covenant, 36.21%).
Reference: Marianas Variety
23 changes to the 2009/2010 candidate list
Mon 9 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
California: House CD 6: Peter Christian Romanowsky (Republican) - added. House CD 53: Clarence Mason "C. Mason" Weaver (Republican) - previously listed as Independent.
Colorado: House CD 7: Michel L. "Mike" Sheely (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: House CD 4: Enrique Raul Torres (Republican) - added. House CD 5: William J. "Bill" Evans, Jr. (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 24: Chad Macinnes (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 5: Nasser Hausam Hanna (Democratic) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 3: Frank Lawrence "Larry" Hausman (Republican) - added; Larry Hausman (Republican) - removed.
Massachusetts: House CD 1: Jeffery Paul "J. P." Donnelly (Republican) - added.
Missouri: House CD 7: Dean Richard Moore, Jr. (Independent) - added.
New York: House CD 14: Reshma M. Saujani (Democratic) - added. House CD 25: Mark Ward Bitz (Republican) - added.
Northern Marianas: Governor: Ramon Santos "Kumoi" Deleon Guerrero (Independent [Reform]) - will not advance to runoff; Juan Pan Tenorio "Pan" Guerrero (Independent [Democratic]) - will not advance to runoff.
Oklahoma: House CD 1: Nathan Ryan Dahm (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 13: Carson Dee "Dee" Adcock (Republican) - added. House CD 17: Joshua First (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 14: Timothy M. "Tim" Graney (Republican) - added. House CD 19: Andy Wilson (Democratic) - added. House CD 23: Mike Kueber (Republican) - added. House CD 30: Charles B. Lingerfelt (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 8: Marc Trager (Republican) - correction - was incorrectly listed as Democratic.
Sun 8 Nov 2009 11:06p (updated Mon 9 Nov 2009 3:29a)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
The Message of 'Change' comes back to bite
the Democrats, but- so far- it's a mosquito bite
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Northern Marianas Saturday 7 November 2009 General Election for Territorial Governor
Sun 8 Nov 2009 3:27p by Tony Roza
Northern Marianas returns from an official source.
Since no candidate received 50% or more of the vote, a runoff election will be held between the top 2 vote getters: Hofschneider/Palacios (Republican, 36.27%) and Fitial/Inos (Covenant, 36.21%). The runoff is held 14 days after the results of the general election are certified. Since the certification is to occur not later than 10 days after the general election, the run off will be circa the end of November or beginning of December.
26 changes to the 2010 candidate list
Sat 7 Nov 2009 8:00a (updated Sun 8 Nov 2009 2:31p)
by Tony Roza
Arizona: Governor: Governor Janice K. "Jan" Brewer (Republican) - added as candidate.
California: Governor: Richard Aguirre (Democratic) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor John Raymond Garamendi (Democratic) - Vacant Office.
Florida: Governor: Darrin E. McGillis (Democratic) - added. House CD 8: state Representative Eric Eisnaugle (Republican) - added; Todd William Long (Republican) - Pending; Bruce O'Donoghue (Republican) - added. House CD 19 Special: (Democratic) - Incumbent added; Joseph E. "Joe" Budd (Republican) - added.
Guam: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Territorial Delegate Madeleine Z. Bordallo (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Illinois: Governor: Richard B. Mayers (Green) - apparently not a candidate.
Maryland: Governor: Mike Pappas (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 1: Jack N. Wilson (Libertarian) - added. House CD 4: Robert Broadus (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Collins A. Bailey (Republican) - added. House CD 6: Jordan Hadfield (Democratic) - added. House CD 7: J. B. Jennings (Republican) - added. Comptroller: Comptroller Peter Franchot (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Minnesota: House CD 1: Former state Representative Allen Quist (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: Governor: state Representative Samuel E. "Sam" Rohrer (Republican) - added.
Texas: Governor: Mark P. Thompson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 21: James Arthur Strohm (Libertarian) - added. House CD 32: David Smith (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 2: David de Felice (Democratic) - added. House CD 8: former Niagara Mayor Joe Stern (Independent) - added; Marc Trager (Republican) [party corrected 8 November 2009] - added.
52 changes to the 2009/2010 candidate list
Thu 5 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
California: House CD 10 Special: Lieutenant Governor John Raymond Garamendi (Democratic) - elected. House CD 53: Clarence Mason "C. Mason" Weaver (Independent) - added.
Connecticut: Governor: Edward M. "Ned" Lamont (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 5: Jason Patrick Sager (Republican) - added. House 19 Special: Florida Governor Charlie Crist has called a 2 February 2010 primary and 6 April 2010 general election to fill the seat of Congressman Robert Wexler who will leave Congress in January 2010. On 14 October 2009, the Congressman announced that he would accept the position of president of the Center for Middle East Peace.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Willie "Will" Boyd, Jr. (Democratic) - added; Patrick J. "Pat" Hughes (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Eric M. Wallace (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Governor: Richard B. Mayers (Green) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Mike Boland (Democratic) - added; Thomas Michael Castillo (Democratic) - added; Scott Lee Cohen (Democratic) - added; Matt Murphy (Republican) - added. House CD 1: Jeff Adams (Green) - added; Harold L. Bailey (Democratic) - added; Jo Anne Guillemette (Democratic) - added. House CD 3: Jorge Mujica (Democratic) - added; Laurel Lambert Schmidt (Green) - added. House CD 4: Robert J. Burns (Green) - added. House CD 5: Terrence A. Gilhooly (Green) - added; Rosanna M. Pulido (Republican) - added; Andrew Williams (Green) - added. House CD 6: Benjamin S. Lowe (Democratic) - added. House CD 7: Clarence Desmond Clemons (Democratic) - added; Annazette R. Collins (Democratic) - added; Robert W. "Bob" Fioretti (Democratic) - added; Joyce Washington (Democratic) - added; Mark M. Weiman (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Jonathan Farnick (Democratic) - added. House CD 9: Morris "Moe" Shanfield (Green) - added. House CD 10: Arie Friedman (Republican) - added; Richard B. Mayers (Green) - added; Milton J. Sumption (Democratic) - added. House CD 11: Darrel Miller (Republican) - added. House CD 14: Daniel J. Kairis (Green) - added. House CD 16: Terry G. Campbell (Green) - added. House CD 17: Roger K. Davis (Green) - added. House CD 19: Tim Bagwell (Democratic) - added; Michael "Mike" Firsching (Republican) - added. Treasurer: Mark Doyle (Democratic) - added. Comptroller: Clinton A. "Clint" Krislov (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 7: Brian Rooney (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: Governor: former US Attorney Christopher J. "Chris" Christie (Republican) - elected.
New York: House CD 23 Special: William L. "Bill" Owens (Democratic, Working Families) - elected.
Oregon: Senate Class 3: Dennis H. Hall (Republican) - added. Governor: Chris Dudley (Republican) - added.
Utah: Senate Class 3: Attorney General Mark L. Shurtleff (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Attorney General: Attorney General Mark L. Shurtleff (Republican) - Incumbent to run for re-election.
Virginia: Governor: former Attorney General Robert F. "Bob" McDonnell (Republican) - elected. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor William T. "Bill" Bolling (Republican) - elected. House CD 5: Bradley S. "Brad" Rees (Independent) - previously listed as Republican. Attorney General: state Senator Ken Cuccinelli, II (Republican) - elected.
California Lieutenant Governor John Raymond Garamendi (Democratic) wins special election in CD 10
Wed 4 Nov 2009 6:07a by Tony Roza
California CD 10 results.
With the election of Congressman John Raymond Garamendi (Democratic), the Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 258 Democrats and 177 Republicans.
NY CD 23 Special Election: Hoffman (C) concedes to Owens (D)
Wed 4 Nov 2009 5:54a (updated Wed 4 Nov 2009 6:00a)
by Tony Roza
New York CD 23 results. Additional details from WSRY-TV Syracuse.
With the election of Congressman William L. "Bill" Owens (Democratic), the Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 257 Democrats, 177 Republicans, and 1 vacant seat: California CD 10.
NY CD 23 Special Election uncallable at this hour; voting machines in one county impounded by court order
Wed 4 Nov 2009 4:09a (updated Wed 4 Nov 2009 5:34a)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson: 'The Green Papers'
The Special Election in NEW YORK's 23rd Congressional District remains uncallable at this hour due to voting machine malfunctions earlier today in Fulton County, one of 11 counties wholly or partially in the District. The voting machines in question have been impounded by court order; meanwhile, election officials were forced to switch to paper ballots which will not be counted until absentee ballots are also counted next week. With the race between Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman and Democratic Party nominee Bill Owens tightening as more returns come in as the evening wears on, this race remains too close to call.
Update Wednesday at 12:32A EST: Over 11,000 absentee ballots have yet to be counted.
The polls have now closed in CALIFORNIA (re: the Special Election in CD 10)
Wed 4 Nov 2009 4:00a by Richard E. Berg-Andersson (TheGreenPapers.com)
California results from an official source.
Chris Christie (Republican) elected Governor of NEW JERSEY, defeating incumbent Governor Jon Corzine
Wed 4 Nov 2009 3:26a (updated Wed 4 Nov 2009 2:49p)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson: 'The Green Papers'
New Jersey results from a media source.
The polls have now closed in NEW YORK (re: the Special Election in CD 23)
Wed 4 Nov 2009 2:00a (updated Wed 4 Nov 2009 6:44a)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson (TheGreenPapers.com)
New York results from a media source.
GOP candidates sweep all 3 Statewide offices up for election in VIRGINIA
Wed 4 Nov 2009 1:42a by Richard E. Berg-Andersson: 'The Green Papers'
- Governor: Republican Bob McDonnell elected
- Lieutenant Governor: Republican Bill Bolling re-elected
- Attorney General: Republican Ken Cuccinelli elected
Bob McDonnell (Republican) elected Governor of VIRGINIA
Wed 4 Nov 2009 1:35a by Richard E. Berg-Andersson: 'The Green Papers'
The polls have now closed in NEW JERSEY
Wed 4 Nov 2009 1:00a (updated Wed 4 Nov 2009 2:00a)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson (TheGreenPapers.com)
New Jersey results from a media source.
The polls have now closed in VIRGINIA
Wed 4 Nov 2009 12:00a by Richard E. Berg-Andersson (TheGreenPapers.com)
VIRGINIA returns from an official source.
NEW JERSEY and VIRGINIA holding State elections today; Special US House elections in CALIFORNIA [CD10] & NEW YORK [CD23]
Tue 3 Nov 2009 5:00a by Richard E. Berg-Andersson of 'The Green Papers'
GENERAL ELECTION DAY: Tuesday 3 November 2009
polls open from 6 AM local time (1100 GMT) to 8 PM local time (0100 GMT, 4 Nov)
Statewide offices up for election:
- Governor, with Lieutenant Governor elected on a ticket with the winning gubernatorial candidate (NOTE: this is the very first time NEW JERSEY will be electing a Lieutenant Governor).
polls open from 6 AM local time (1100 GMT) to 7 PM local time (0000 GMT, 4 Nov)
Statewide offices up for election:
- Governor
- Lieutenant Governor (elected separately from Governor)
- Attorney General
SPECIAL ELECTIONS for U.S. House of Representatives
CALIFORNIA's 10th Congressional District:
- to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Ellen Tauscher [Democrat], 27 June 2009, to become Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security.
polls open from 7 AM local time (1500 GMT) to 8 PM local time (0400 GMT, 4 Nov)
NEW YORK's 23rd Congressional District:
- to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of John McHugh [Republican], 21 September 2009, to become Secretary of the Army.
polls open from 6 AM local time (1100 GMT) to 9 PM local time (0200 GMT, 4 Nov)
18 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Mon 2 Nov 2009 8:00a by Tony Roza
Alabama: House CD 7: Patricia Evans Mokolo (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 28: Erik Merlin "Merlin" Froyd (Republican) - added. House CD 53: Randall Steven "Randy" Arrington (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 14: James "Jim" Purcell (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 9: Ronnie Joseph "Ron" Kimsey (Independent) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Joseph A. "Joe" Ligotti, Jr. (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
Michigan: House CD 13: Glenn Rodney Plummer (Democratic) - added.
Missouri: House CD 7: Timothy Sean "Tim" Davis (Democratic) - added.
Nebraska: Secretary of State: Kris J. Pierce (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: Senate Class 3: Jim Duensing (Libertarian) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 11: Congressman Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 13: Congressman Albio Sires (Democratic) - added as candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 1: Chad Edward Larkins (Democratic) - previously listed as Republican.
Pennsylvania: House CD 14: Joseph P. "Joe" Nolan (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 21: Belinda Shvetz (Democratic) - added. House CD 25: Marshall Aaron Taylor (Republican) - added.
Virginia: House CD 10: Richard Anthony (Democratic) - added.
Washington: House CD 3: David William "Dave" Hedrick (Republican) - was incorrectly listed as Democratic.
33 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Sat 31 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Alabama: Lieutenant Governor: Gene Ponder (Republican) - added. Attorney General: Giles Perkins (Democratic) - added. Treasurer: Ronald W. "Ron" Stokes (Republican) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries: John McMillan (Republican) - added.
California: Governor: San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 2: Charlie Ranson (Republican) - added. House CD 13: John G. Gish (No Party Affiliation) - apparently not a candidate. Attorney General: Holly Benson (Republican) - added.
Illinois: Lieutenant Governor: Brad Cole (Republican) - added; Don W. Crawford (Green) - added; Rickey R. Hendon (Democratic) - added; state Senator Terry Link (Democratic) - added; Jason Plummer (Republican) - added; Don Tracy (Republican) - added; Arthur L. Turner (Republican) - added. House CD 2: Earl B. King (Green) - added; Michael E. Mayden (Green) - added; Anthony W. Williams (Green) - added. House CD 3: Michael A. Bendas (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Robert Dallas (Democratic) - added; Rickey R. Hendon (Democratic) - added; Kip Robbins (Green) - added. House CD 9: Susanne Atanus (Republican) - added; Simon Ribeiro (Green) - added. House CD 11: Dave White (Republican) - added. House CD 12: Theresa Kormos (Republican) - added. House CD 18: Deirdre "DK" Hirner (Democratic) - added; Sheldon Schafer (Green) - added. Secretary of State: Jesse White (Democratic) - added. Attorney General: Lisa Madigan (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: Governor: state Representative Paul Kohls (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 3: Maureen Hackett (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Richard Allen Kline (Republican) - added. New federal law could require moving the September 2010 Primary elections
Fri 30 Oct 2009 1:59a by Tony Roza
On Wednesday 28 October 2009, President Obama signed the Schumer military spending bill. This bill requires states to provide ballots to military voters at least 45 days before an election so there is sufficient time to return the ballots.
Jurisdictions with September 2010 primaries include: Saturday 4 September: Guam; Saturday 11 September: Virgin Islands; Tuesday 14 September: District of Columbia, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin; Saturday 18 September: Hawaii.
2010 Primary and Runoff Elections for Statewide offices and Congress Chronologically
13 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Thu 29 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Alabama: Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries: Dale Peterson (Republican) - added.
Arkansas: Senate Class 3: Drew Pritt (Democratic) - added; Stanley Reed (Republican) - added.
Delaware: Senate Class 2: Wendy Jones (Libertarian) - added.
Florida: House CD 3: George Scott MacNaughton (Libertarian) - added. House CD 8: Kevin Michael Butler (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Thomas C. Castellano (Republican) - added.
Iowa: Senate Class 3: Christie Vilsack (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Kansas: Attorney General: Ralph DeZago (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 15: David Blair Ryon (Constitution) - previously listed as Republican.
Pennsylvania: Lieutenant Governor: Jonathan Saidel (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 17: David H. McIntyre (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: Governor: Lieutenant Governor Barbara C. Lawton (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
19 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Mon 26 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Florida: House CD 8: Peg Dunmire (Republican) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: John D. Blyth (Independent) - added; Corey Dabney (Democratic) - added.
Iowa: Senate Class 3: Roxanne Conlin (Democratic) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 3: Christopher "Todd" Lally (Republican) - added.
Maine: Governor: Steve Abbott (Republican) - added.
Maryland: Senate Class 3: John F. "Jef" Curran (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: Governor: Felix Raymond Montez (Libertarian) - added; Peter Hansen Roess (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - previously listed as Green; Rahn V. Workcuff (Independence) - added. Auditor: Randy Gilbert (Republican) - added.
New York: Senate Class 3: Lumies J. Huff (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 8: Harold P. "Hal" Jordan (Republican) - added. House CD 12: Lon Vernon Cecil (Libertarian) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 6: Howard A. Cohen (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 4: Jim Prindle (Libertarian) - added.
Washington: House CD 7: Steve Beren (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: Senate Class 3: Terrence R. Wall (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Todd P. Kolosso (Democratic) - added.
24 Oct 2009 Democratic Change Commission Meeting for the 2012 Presidential Primaries and Caucuses
Mon 26 Oct 2009 12:32a by Tony Roza
Excellent notes from several sources--
- DemRulz - Frank Leone DNC Virginia: DNC Change Commission � Oct 24 AM Session and DNC Change Commission � Oct 24 pm Session
- Suzi's Political & Educational Observations and Experiences: October Change Commission Meeting � Observations, Learnings and Copious Notes�
- DemConWatch: Democratic Change Commission Meeting #2: Timing
- Frontloading HQ (crossposted at DemConWatch): Democratic Change Commission Meeting #2: Timing
8 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Fri 23 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
California: Governor: Carlos Alvarez (Peace And Freedom) - added. House CD 11: Jonathan "Jon" Del Arroz (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 2: Steve Southerland, II (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 14: Bill Cross (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Jack E. Robinson (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 3: Jim Meffert (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added.
Oregon: Governor: state Senator Jason A. Atkinson (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Pennsylvania: House CD 11: Hazleton Mayor Louis J. "Lou" Barletta (Republican) - added.
12 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Thu 22 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Alaska: Lieutenant Governor: state Representative Jay Ramras (Republican) - added.
Colorado: Senate Class 3: Robert Greenheck (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 8: Marvin T. Hutson (No Party Affiliation) - apparently not a candidate.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Canton Selectman Robert E. Burr, Jr. (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Bill Coleman, III (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Albert Howard (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Jim Nickerson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Oregon: Superintendent of Public Instruction: Public Instruction Superintendent Susan Castillo (Nonpartisan) - added as candidate.
Vermont: Governor: former state Senator Matt Dunne (Democratic) - added; Anthony Pollina (Progressive) - added; state Senator Peter Shumlin (Democratic) - added.
Virginia: House CD 5: Ron Ferrin (Republican) - added.
20 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Tue 20 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
California: Lieutenant Governor: Los Angeles Councilwoman Janice Hahn (Democratic) - added. House CD 13: Forest Baker (Republican) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 3: Congressman Corrine Brown (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Lawrence Penpek (Democratic) - added; Alexander Andrew Snitker (Libertarian) - previously listed as No Party Affiliation. Governor: Karl CC Behm (No Party Affiliation) - added. House CD 3: Congressman Corrine Brown (Democratic) - Incumbent to run for re-election. House CD 8: Kenneth John "Ken" Miller (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 24.
Georgia: House CD 8: Angela Maddox Hicks (Republican) - added. House CD 10: Cason Sisk (Republican) - added. Superintendent of Education: Roger Hines (Republican) - was incorrectly listed as a candidate for Comptroller General/Commissioner of Insurance.
Illinois: House CD 5: Congressman Mike Quigley (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 12: Teri Davis Newman (Republican) - added. House CD 16: Freeport Mayor George Gaulrapp (Democratic) - added.
New Mexico: Governor: Nathan Krekula (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Commissioner of Public Lands: Errol J. Chavez (Republican) - added; Sandy Jones (Democratic) - added; Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry B. Montoya (Democratic) - added.
Oregon: Governor: Michael S Hotchkiss (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: Superintendent of Education: Elizabeth Moffly (Republican) - added.
27 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Mon 19 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Alaska: Senate Class 3: Frank J. Vondersaar (Democratic) - added.
Arizona: Senate Class 3: Tucson Council Member Rodney Glassman (Democratic) - added. House CD 3: Jon Hulburd (Democratic) - added.
California: Senate Class 3: Steven Samuel Greyclanus (Republican) - added. House CD 2: Peter Vincent "Pete" Stiglich (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Elizabeth Emken (Republican) - added. House CD 51: Nicholas Allen "Nick" Popaditch (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: House CD 3: Margaret H. "Peggy" Rogers (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Mark Daniel Greenberg (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 3: John Annarumma (Whig) - added. House CD 11: Tony Buntyn (Republican) - added; Steven Craig "Steve" Stanford (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 20: Clayton James Schock (Whig) - added.
Georgia: House CD 9: Thomas Stephen Tarvin (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 9: Vasquez Israel (Republican) - added. House CD 10: Paul Hamann (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 7: Marvin Bailey Scott (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 3: Edward Stafford "Ed" Bridges, II (Republican) - added.
New Mexico: House CD 3: Thomas E. "Tom" Mullins (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 1: George Demos (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 2: Warren County Commissioner C. Michael Kilburn (Republican) - added; Surya Yalamanchili (Independent) - added. House CD 13: Justin Paul Wooden (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 8: Robert A. "Rob" Mitchell, Jr. (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 17: Darren Gene Yancy, Sr. (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Washington: Senate Class 3: Clint B. Didier (Republican) - added; Chris Widener (Republican) - added.
15 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Sat 17 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Alaska: Governor: Tim Triumph (Independent) - added.
California: Superintendent of Public Instruction: Diane Lenning (Republican) - added; Henry Williams (Nonpartisan) - added.
Colorado: Senate Class 3: Steve Barton (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 4: Gary Koniz (Independent) - added. House CD 10: Eric Lee Forcade (Republican) - added. House CD 17: Rudolph "Rudy" Moise (Democratic) - added. House CD 19: state Senator Ted Deutch (Democratic) - added. House CD 24: Jason Davis (Republican) - added.
Hawaii: Lieutenant Governor: state Senator Robert Bunda (Democratic) - added; state Senator Norman Sakamoto (Democratic) - added; former state Representative Brian Schatz (Democratic) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 12: Alan R. Bateman (Republican) - removed.
New York: House CD 15: state Assembly Member Adam Clayton Powell, IV (Democratic) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 5: Jeff Cloud (Republican) - added.
21 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Fri 16 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
California: Governor: Scott H. Vyka (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Iowa: Senate Class 3: Christie Vilsack (Democratic) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 3: Marilyn Parker (Republican) - added.
Missouri: Auditor: state Representative Allen Icet (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 4: Alan R. Bateman (Republican) - added.
New Mexico: Governor: Doug Turner (Republican) - added. House CD 1: Jerry Scott (Constitution) - added.
Oklahoma: Lieutenant Governor: state Representative Colby Schwartz (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Treasurer: state Representative Ken Miller (Republican) - added.
Rhode Island: Governor: General Treasurer Frank T. Caprio (Democratic) - added. General Treasurer: General Treasurer Frank T. Caprio (Democratic) - Open Office.
South Carolina: Lieutenant Governor: Tim Scott (Republican) - added. Superintendent of Education: Kelly Payne (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: Secretary of State: state Senator Ben Nesselhuf (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 9: Michael W. Hope (Republican) - added. House CD 23: Will Hurd (Republican) - added. House CD 29: Leslie Eric Story (Republican) - added.
Vermont: Governor: Lieutenant Governor Brian E. Dubie (Republican) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Brian E. Dubie (Republican) - Open Chair.
Washington: House CD 4: Rex A. Brocki (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Joshua Goodin (Independent) - added.
21 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Thu 15 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Arizona: Attorney General: Felecia Rotellini (Democratic) - added.
California: Governor: Fred Medill (Democratic) - added. House CD 36: Mattie Fein (Republican) - added.
Colorado: Senate Class 3: Aurora City Councilman At Large Ryan L. Frazier (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: Aurora City Councilman At Large Ryan L. Frazier (Republican) - added.
Delaware: Treasurer: state Senator Colin R. J. Bonini (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 8: Jerry Pierce (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Barry Watson (Republican) - added. House CD 19: Congressman Robert Wexler (Democratic) - Open Seat - "Today [14 October 2009 -Ed], I am announcing that I will be accepting the position of president of the Center for Middle East Peace and will leave Congress effective in January of 2010."
Indiana: Secretary of State: Vop Osili (Democratic) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Albert Howard (Republican) - added; John Howard (Independent) - added; Steve MacAusland (Independent) - added; Brian Muello (Independent) - added; Jim Nickerson (Democratic) - added; Peter White (Independent) - added.
Minnesota: Secretary of State: state Representative Dan Severson (Republican) - added.
Missouri: House CD 4: former Jefferson City Councilman Roy Viessman (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 1: Ashley Woolard (Republican) - added.
Oregon: Governor: Steve Shields (Democratic) - added; Jerry Wilson (Progressive) - added.
16 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Wed 14 Oct 2009 7:00a (updated Wed 21 Oct 2009 2:57a)
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: Treasurer: Treasurer Martha A. Shoffner (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Florida: House CD 8: former state Senator Dan Webster (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 25: Craig Porter (No Party Affiliation) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 11: Hendersonville Mayor Greg Newman (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 17: Bill Johnson (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 3: former Commonwealth Court Justice Doris Smith-Ribner (Democratic) - added.
Texas: Governor: David W. Carpenter (Independent) - added; Francis L. "Fran" Cavanaugh (Independent) - added; Clement Glenn (Independent) - added; Curtis Wayne "Tank" Hartfield (Independent) - added; Koo-Hyun "John" Kim (Republican) - added; William C. "Bill" Lawrence (Republican) - added; Steven S. "Steve" Nichols (Libertarian) - added; Kenneth Richardson (Independent) - added; John Roland Ross (Independent) - added; Leslie J. "Les" Sanderfer, III (Independent) - added.
New page: By whom U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS were appointed: 1789 through 1832
Wed 14 Oct 2009 2:36a (updated Wed 14 Oct 2009 2:43a)
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
By whom U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS were "appointed": 1789 through 1832
This table covers the period from the first Presidential Election in 1789 through that of 1832 because, by the time of this latter contest, all States of the American Union save one (South Carolina) allowed for "appointing" by the People of the Presidential Electors from their respective States every four years.
Section: TheGreenPapers.com - Historical Data
18 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Mon 12 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 3: David Jeffrey Whitaker (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 36: Pete Kesterson (Republican) - added. House CD 51: William David McLeroy (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: House CD 3: Jerry Labriola, Jr. (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 25: Luis Antonio Rivera (Democratic) - added.
Idaho: House CD 2: Russell J. "Russ" Mathews (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: Dirk Beveridge (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: House CD 5: Jonathan A. "Jon" Golnik (Republican) - added.
Missouri: House CD 4: Brian Riley (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 2: Anthony Tolda (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: Senate Class 3: Frank Deaton, II (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 1: Bismark Agbemble (Democratic) - added. House CD 11: Christopher Howard "Chris" Paige (Republican) - added. House CD 19: Ryan Scott Sanders (Democratic) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 5: Jacqueline Marie "Jackie" Miller (Independent) - added.
Texas: House CD 17: Richard Eric "Eric" Finley (Republican) - added. House CD 22: Freddie John Wieder, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
Virginia: House CD 10: James Thomas "Jim" Trautz, Jr. (Republican) - added.
24 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Sat 10 Oct 2009 7:00a (updated Sat 10 Oct 2009 5:41p)
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 4: Marc Rosson (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 3: Elk Grove Councilmember Gary Davis (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 10 Special: Tiffany Estrella Attwood (Write-in [Democratic]) - removed.
Colorado: House CD 7: Michael Deming (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: House CD 2: Dan Reale (Libertarian) - added.
Florida: House CD 24: state Representative Dorothy L. Hukill (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Michael Labno (Libertarian) - added. Governor: Ed Scanlan (Democratic) - added; Bill "Dock" Walls, III (Democratic) - added. Comptroller: Julie Fox (Libertarian) - added.
Indiana: House CD 2: state Representative Jackie Walarski (Republican) - added.
Kansas: House CD 2: state senator Laura Kelly (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: Governor: St. Paul Mayor Christopher B. "Chris" Coleman (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - apparently not a candidate.
Nebraska: Treasurer: Treasurer Shane Osborn (Republican) - Open Office.
Nevada: Senate Class 3: Mark Noonan (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Ohio: House CD 13: Frank Chestney (Republican) - added.
Rhode Island: Governor: Rory Smith (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: Secretary of State: Jason Gant (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 6: Lou Ann Zelenik (Republican) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Andrew "Cas" Castanuela (Republican) - added; Michael Louis "Mike" George (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 13: Michael "Mike" Barrett (Republican) - added. Railroad Commissioner 1: Jeff Weems (Democratic) - added.
Wyoming: Governor: state Representative Colin M. Simpson (Republican) - added.
22 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Fri 9 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Colorado: Senate Class 3: Luke Korkowski (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Connecticut: Governor: state Representative Lawrence F. "Larry" Cafero, Jr. (Republican) - added; Ridgefield First Selectman Rudy Marconi (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 3: George Anthony Lovenguth (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; former Ohio state Senator Tom Walsh (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Governor: Marc Shepard (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: Peter Silva (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 8: Armando Gutierrez, Jr. (Republican) - added; Patricia Sullivan (Republican) - added; former state Senator Dan Webster (Republican) - added. House CD 12: Randolph Edwards (Democratic) - added. House CD 21: William Sanchez (Republican) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services: state Senator Carey Baker (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; state Representative Marsha L. "Marty" Bowen (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Indiana: House CD 8: Kristi Risk (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Joseph A. Ligotti, Jr. (Independent) - added; Adam Azia (Independent) - added; Sean Brady (Independent) - added; Jean Anne Kennedy-Windsor (Independent) - added; Stewart J. "Lusty" Lustgarten (Independent) - added.
Minnesota: Governor: Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added.
New York: House CD 23 Special: William L. "Bill" Owens (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic.
18 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Thu 8 Oct 2009 7:00a (updated Mon 12 Oct 2009 3:30a)
by Tony Roza
Delaware: Senate Class 2: Congressman Michael N. "Mike" Castle (Republican) - added. House At-Large: Congressman Michael N. "Mike" Castle (Republican) - Open Seat.
Florida: House CD 8: Jerry Pierce (Republican) - added.
Georgia: House CD 8: Paul Rish (Republican) - added.
Illinois: Governor: former Attorney General Jim Ryan (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Sharon Dixon (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: Secretary of State: Secretary of State Todd Rokita (Republican) - Open Office; Tom McKenna (Democratic) - added.
Kansas: House CD 1: former Salina Mayor Alan Jilka (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana: Governor: Dennis "Dan" "Danny Alan" Northcutt (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: John Adams (Independent) - added.
Michigan: House CD 2: Freddie Lee "Fred" Johnson, III (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 3: former state Senator Joseph J. "Joe" Heck (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for Governor.
New Hampshire: House CD 2: Jennifer M. Horn (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 5: state Senator John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney (Republican) - added.
Vermont: Senate Class 3: Daniel Freilich (Democratic) - added.
Virginia: House CD 5: state Senator Robert Hurt (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Gary Montgomery Stephens (Democratic) - added. 13 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Tue 6 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Arizona: Governor: John Munger (Republican) - added. House CD 4: Joe Cobb (Libertarian) - added. House CD 5: Nick Coons (Libertarian) - added.
Montana: House At-Large: Melinda Gopher (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 3: John Guedry (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
New Hampshire: Senate Class 3: Tom Alciere (Republican) - added; Jim Bender (Republican) - added. House CD 1: Peter Bearce (Republican) - added.
New Mexico: House CD 3: Adam Charles Kokesh (Republican) - previously listed as Republican [Libertarian].
Oregon: Governor: Roger Obrist (Democratic) - added; Clackamas County Commissioner Lynn Peterson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 5: Scott Bruun (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 8: Jeffrey "Jeff " Schott (Republican) - added.
US Supreme Court begins new Term of Court today (Monday 5 October 2009)
Mon 5 Oct 2009 1:12p by Richard E. Berg-Andersson of TheGreenPapers.com
21 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Mon 5 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 6: Scott Bergren (Republican) - added; Rebecca Schneider (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 45: Clayton Del "Clay" Thibodeau (Republican) - added.
Colorado: House CD 3: Robert M. "Bob" McConnell (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 8: Daniel Roy Fanelli (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Eddie Adams, Jr. (Republican) - added. House CD 15: Jonathan F. Bull (Democratic) - added; Shannon Roberts (Democratic) - added. House CD 19: Joseph E. "Joe" Budd (Republican) - previously listed as Unaffiliated.
Georgia: House CD 12: Emmett Wayne "Wayne" Mosley, Jr. (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Jeanne Seaver (Republican) - added.
Illinois: Senate Class 3: Robert Marshall (Democratic) - added.
Kansas: Senate Class 3: Willis "Wink" Hartman, Sr. (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Montana: House At-Large: Agnes J. Otjen (Republican) - added.
Nevada: Senate Class 3: Wil Stand (No Party Designation) - added. House CD 3: Robert Leslie "Rob" Lauer (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 7: Chad A. Kreemer (Independent) - added. Secretary of State: Franklin County Commissioner Marilyn Brown (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Pennsylvania: House CD 4: Keith J. Rothfus (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: House At-Large: Secretary of State Chris Nelson (Republican) - added.
Virginia: House CD 10: Delmar Patrick "Patrick" Lewis (Democratic) - added.
7 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Sat 3 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Alabama: Treasurer: Charley Grimsley (Democratic) - added; former state Treasurer George Wallace, Jr. (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 27: Navraj Singh (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: Attorney General: Attorney General Larry Long (Republican), who was first elected in 2002 and re-elected in 2006, was appointed to the Second Judicial Circuit by Governor Mike Rounds. On 19 August 2009, Governor Rounds appointed former U.S. Attorney Marty J. Jackley (Republican) as Attorney General. He was sworn on 4 September 2009 as South Dakota's 30th Attorney General.
Vermont: Lieutenant Governor: T.J. Donovan (Democratic) - added; Mark Snelling (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: House CD 1: sate Senator Clark S. Barnes (Republican) - added.
14 changes to the 2009 candidate list
Thu 1 Oct 2009 7:00a by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 4: Tom Pawlenko (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 24: Nicholas Ruiz, III (Green) - added.
Illinois: House CD 3: Robert Enriquez (Republican) - removed. House CD 5: David Ratowitz (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Joe Walsh (Republican) - added. Attorney General: Stephen H. Kim (Republican) - added. Treasurer: Justin P. Oberman (Democratic) - added. Comptroller: Orland Park Trustee Jim Dodge (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: Governor: state Senator Scott P. Brown (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
New Hampshire: House CD 2: former Congressman Charles F. "Charlie" Bass (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 7: E. Teresa Touey (Democratic) - added.
South Carolina: Senate Class 3: Chad McGowan (Democratic) - added.
Tennessee: Governor: James Reesor (Independent) - added.
Vermont: Lieutenant Governor: state Representative David E. Zuckerman (Democratic, Progressive) - added.
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- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2018
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2018
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2018
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2017
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2017
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2017
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2017
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2016
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2016
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2016
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2016
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2015
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2015
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2015
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2015
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2014
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2014
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2014
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2014
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2013
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2013
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2013
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2013
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2012
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2012
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2012
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2012
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2011
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2011
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2011
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2011
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2010
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2010
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2010
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2010
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2009
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2009
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2009
- Changes prior to Fri 29 May 2009
Modified Wed 30 Dec 2009 5:00a.