2012 VA-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of Virginia has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Delegates are bound to Presidential contenders according to the results of the winner-take-most Tuesday 6 March 2012 primary.
- In each Congressional District, the National Convention District delegates are bound to the Presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes.
- Statewide (at-large) National Convention Delegates are bound to presidential contenders based on the primary results statewide. If a candidate receives 50.001% or more of the statewide vote, that candidate is allocated all of the statewide delegates. Otherwise, the delegates are proportionally allocated to those candidates receiving 15.000% or more of the statewide vote.
National Convention District delegates are elected at the District Conventions according to the results of the primary.
National Convention Statewide Delegates are elected at the State Convention according to the results of the primary. In addition, the State Convention chooses 3 party leader delegates (a State Party Chairman is elected; and a National Committeeman and a National Committeewoman are nominated) all of whom will attend the convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Tuesday 3 April 2012, states representing 51.05% of the total number of Democratic delegate votes will have begun their delegate selection process and; by Saturday 10 March 2012, states representing 51.43% of the total number of Republican delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
2012 GA SOS Kemp sets 6 Mar 2012 for GA-D and GA-R Pres Primaries
by Tony Roza
On 29 September 2011, Georgia Secretary of State Brian P. Kemp announced that the Georgia Presidential Primaries will be held on Tuesday 6 March 2012.
On 13 May 2011, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal (Republican) signed HB 454. The law moves the Presidential Primary from the 1st Tuesday in February to "a date selected by the Secretary of State which shall not be later than the 2nd Tuesday in June .... The Secretary of State shall select such date no later than December 1 ...." [Official Code of GA 21-2-191]
Both the Democratic Party of Georgia and Georgia Republican Party will being their delegate selection process with the 6 March 2012 primary.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Tuesday 3 April 2012, states representing 51.05% of the total number of Democratic delegate votes will have begun their delegate selection process and; by Saturday 10 March 2012, states representing 51.43% of the total number of Republican delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
2012 ND-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The North Dakota Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
- Presidential Caucuses are held on Tuesday 6 March 2012. Participants must be physically present at the caucuses and affiliated with the Republican Party.
- The State Convention is held on Friday 30 March - Sunday 1 April 2012. National Convention delegates are elected in such a way so that they best reflect the presidential preference of the Caucus participants.
Thanks to Josh Putnam at Frontloading HQ for bringing this to our attention.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
2012 MO Pres Primary bill vetoed / MO-D, MO-R Pres Delegate Selection plans
by Tony Roza
The law to move the Presidential Primary 7 February to 6 March 2012 was vetoed by Governor Jeremiah W. "Jay" Nixon (Democratic).
On Thursday 29 September 2011, the Missouri Republican Party posted this notice on their website:
After Jay Nixon vetoed the elections bill and the General Assembly failed to achieve final passage of the presidential primary bill prior to October 1, the Missouri Republican State Committee held an emergency meeting on Thursday [29 September 2011] to ensure our state is in compliance with the rules of the Republican Party. During this meeting, the committee voted unanimously to amend our call to convention and go to a caucus system for the 2012 election.
The Missouri Republican Party 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
- Tuesday 7 February 2012: Missouri Republican non-binding Primary. The primary has no effect on delegate allocation.
- Saturday 17 March 2012: County Caucuses elect delegates to attend the Congressional District and State Conventions.
- Saturday 21 April 2012: Each of the 8 Congressional District Conventions elects 3 National Convention District delegates. National Convention Delegate candidates indicate their Presidential Preference before voting begins.
- Saturday 2 June 2012: At-Large delegates are elected at the State Convention. National Convention Delegate candidates indicate their Presidential Preference before voting begins.
In addition, the Missouri National Committeeman, National Committeewoman, and the Chairman will attend the convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position.
The Missouri Democratic Party had planned to use the 6 March 2012 primary to begin their Delegate Selection plan. They are likely to re-write their plan to begin with a caucus.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
14 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 2: Marin County Supervisor Susan L. Adams (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 6; state Assemblyman Jared Huffman (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 6; Dan Roberts (Republican) - added; Norman Solomon (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 6. House CD 52: John K.John Kenneth Stahl (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 53.
Connecticut: House CD 3: Wayne Winsley (Republican) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 1: Alexander L. George (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 23: Bernard Sansaricq (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Newton Mayor Setti D. Warren (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Missouri: Senate Class 1: John Brunner (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: Kyle A. Yarber (Democratic) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: Parnell Diggs (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Jackie Gouge (Independent) - added; Jerry Levy (Socialist Party USA) - added. 2012 ID-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Idaho Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
- On Tuesday 6 March 2012, all of Idaho's National Convention delegates are pledged to Presidential contenders based on the results of the County Caucuses. Participants must be registered as Republicans in order to participate.
- At each caucus, voters cast secret ballots in successive rounds. After each round, the lowest vote getter and candidates receiving less than 15% of the vote are eliminated. Voting continues until either a single candidate receives 60% or more of the vote or until only 2 candidates remain and a final vote is taken.
- County Caucuses are assigned a "weight" equal to the percentage of delegates that the Caucus sends to the State Convention.
- If a candidate wins 60% or more of a county's vote, that candidate receives that County's entire "weight". Otherwise, the "weight" is allocated proportionally.
- National Convention Delegates = the total number of delegates × the sum of their "weights" from all counties.
- If a candidate wins more than 50% of the National Convention Delegates, that candidate receives all of the National Convention Delegates.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
NJ Lt Gov Guadagno (R) signs A3777 moving the state's Presidential primary to Tue 5 June 2012
by Tony Roza
On 26 September 2011, New Jersey Lieutenant Governor Kimberly M. "Kim" Guadagno (Republican)-- acting governor while Governor Christopher J. "Chris" Christie (Republican) is out of state-- signed A3777. The bill moves the New Jersey Democratic and Republican Presidential primaries to Tuesday 5 June 2012, the same day as the state's partisan primary.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Tuesday 3 April 2012, states representing 51.05% of the total number of Democratic delegates will have begun their delegate selection process. 2012 VI-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of the Virgin Islands has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
- On Saturday 10 March 2012, Territorial Caucuses meet on St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John to choose 6 delegates to the Republican National Convention. Delegates are directly elected and the top vote getters will attend the National Convention.
- National Convention Delegate Candidates must file by 10 February 2012. Candidates may run pledged to a Presidential candidate or uncommitted. Each candidate's Presidential Preference appears on the ballot. Voters may vote for no more than 6 delegate candidates.
- In addition, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of California's Republican Party, will attend the National convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
31 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alabama: House CD 1: Peter "Pete" J. A. Riehm (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 9: John McDonald (Republican) - added. House CD 18: Congressman Anna G. Eshoo (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 14. House CD 46: Congressman Loretta Sanchez (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 47.
Florida: House CD 4: James R. "Jim" Klauder (Republican) - added. House CD 14: Thomas E. Scherer (Democratic) - added. House CD 15: Mark Anthony Oxner (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 2: James Henry Taylor (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Congressman Judy Biggert (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 13.
Indiana: House CD 6: Lane Arthur Siekman (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Maryland: Senate Class 1: Richard James Douglas (Republican) - added.
Nevada: Senate Class 1: Jonathan Bannon Maher (No Party Affiliation) - correction - running for the U.S. Senate Class 1 seat in New Jersey. House CD 1: state Senator Ruben J. Kihuen (Democratic) - added.
New Jersey: Senate Class 1: Jonathan Bannon Maher (No Party Affiliation) - added.
New Mexico: House CD 2: Evelyn Madrid Erhard (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: John Daniel Kensinger, II (Republican) - added. House CD 19: Ted Waga (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 25: Cleburne Mayor Justin Hewlett (Republican) - added. House CD 33: David William De Lapaz (Democratic) - added.
Utah: House CD 2: John W. Willoughby (Republican) - added.
Vermont: Senate Class 1: Auditor of Accounts Thomas M. "Tom" Salmon (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. Auditor of Accounts: Auditor of Accounts Thomas M. "Tom" Salmon (Republican) - running for re-election.
Virginia: House CD 3: Chuck Smith (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: House CD 1: Sue Thorn (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Jeffrey Scott "Jeff" Barea (Republican) - previously listed as Unaffiliated; Ralph Allen Beach (Libertarian) - previously listed as Republican; Hal Chad Carrington-Hayes (Independent) - added; Todd Marvin Clayton, Jr. (Constitution) - added; Keith Drummond (Republican) - added; Jonathan Michael Gilbert (Republican) - added; Thomas Gregory MacLeran (Republican) - added. New page: Length of Terms of LEGISLATORS in the Several States of the American Union
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
New page: Length of Terms of LEGISLATORS in the Several States of the American Union.
This table describes the dates and lengths of the Terms of Office of State Legislators in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA over time, going back to American Independence in 1776.
24 Sep '11 FL GOP Presidency 5 StrawPoll: Cain 37%, Perry 15%, Romney 14%, Santorum 11%, Paul 10%
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of Florida has published their 24 September 2011 2012 Presidency 5 Straw Poll results.
2,657 votes were cast.
Five individuals received more than 10% of the vote-- Herman Cain (of Georgia): 37.11%, Texas Governor Rick Perry: 15.43%, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney: 14.00%, former Pennsylvania Governor Rick Santorum: 10.88%, Texas Congressman Ron Paul: 10.39%.
For grins, contrast a sample of the 2008 Presidential Straw Polls to the actual results of the 2008 Republican Convention.
2012 CA-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The California Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
- National Convention Delegates are bound "winner take most" to presidential contenders based on the results of the Tuesday 5 June 2012 Presidential Primary.
- In each Congressional District, the district's delegates are bound the the Presidential contender who receives the most votes in each congressional district (Winner-Take-All by district).
- The statewide at-large delegates are bound the the Presidential contender who receives the most votes statewide (Winner-Take-All for statewide).
- In addition, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of California's Republican Party, will attend the National convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
- The National Convention Delegates are selected by the winning Presidential candidates.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
Ohio moves Presidential and partisan primaries to Tue 6 Mar 2012.
by Tony Roza
Ohio will hold its 2012 statewide partisan primary, Democratic Presidential Primary, and Republican Presidential Primary on Tuesday 6 March 2012.
Section 3 of House Bill 319 (Congressional district boundaries) changed the date of the primaries from 8 May 2012 to 6 March 2012.
7 changes to the candidate list / Pres candidate McCotter (MI-R) withdraws and endorses Romney
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 4: Will Moore (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 19: Anna Marie Trujillo (Republican) - added.
Hawaii: Senate Class 1: former state Senator John S. Carroll (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 8: former Winston-Salem City Councilman Vernon L. Robinson (Republican) - added. House CD 13: former Winston-Salem City Councilman Vernon L. Robinson (Republican) - removed.
North Dakota: House At-Large: former state Representative Pam Gulleson (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Congressman Thaddeus G. McCotter (Republican) - 22 September 2011 - "I have withdrawn my candidacy to become the Republican Party's nominee for the Office of President of the United States of America ... I have endorsed Governor Mitt Romney to become our Republican Party's nominee". 15 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 15: state Senator Ellen M. Corbett (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Dublin City Councilman Eric M. Swalwell (Democratic) - added. House CD 47: Alamitos City Councilman Troy D. Edgar (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 13: James A. Gray (Democratic) - added; former state Representative Jay Hoffman (Democratic) - previously listed as Republican; Sam Spradlin (Republican) - added. House CD 14: Congressman Joe Walsh (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 8. House CD 16: Winnebago County Board Member Frank M. Gambino (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Congressman Adam Kinzinger (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 11.
Indiana: Senate Class 1: Andy Horning (Libertarian) - added.
Louisiana: Attorney General: former Congressman Anh Quang "Joseph" Cao (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Michigan: House CD 5: former state Representative Jim Slezak (Republican) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 1: Jim Bridenstine (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 6: Itamar Gelbman (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 25.
Presidential Candidates: Samuel Wiford (Republican) - added. 2012 AK-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of Alaska has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
- National Convention Delegates are proportionally bound to presidential contenders based on the results of the Tuesday 6 March 2012 District Conventions. In addition, the District Conventions elect delegates to the State Convention.
- National Convention delegates are elected during the Thursday 26 April to Saturday 28 April 2012 State Convention according to the results of the District Conventions. Note: National Convention delegates may also be elected at the Tuesday 6 March 2012 District Conventions.
- In addition, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of Alaska's Republican Party, will attend the National convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
2012 ME-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Maine Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
None of Maine's National Convention delegates are bound to a Presidential candidate. There is no formal system applied in the caucuses and conventions to relate the presidential preference of the participants to the election of delegates.
- The Maine Republican Party conducts Municipal Caucuses from Saturday 4 February to Saturday 11 February 2012. The caucuses choose delegates to the District Caucuses and State Convention.
- The Municipal Caucuses include a non-binding Presidential straw poll. The results will be made public on Saturday 11 February 2012. Since no National Convention delegates are bound to Presidential contenders, the straw poll does not violate the RNC's Tuesday 6 March 2012 timing rule.
- The District Caucuses and State Convention are held on Friday 4 May and Saturday 5 May 2012. District Caucuses elect the National Convention District delegates. The State Convention, as a whole, elects the At-Large National Convention delegates.
- In addition, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of Maine's Republican Party, will attend the National convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 15: Congressman Fortney "Pete" Stark (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 13. House CD 36: Raul Ruiz (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 8: Nelson Betancourt (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Indiana: House CD 2: Greg Andrews (Republican) - added; Mitch Feikes (Republican) - added.
Missouri: House CD 3: Congressman W. Blaine Luetkemeyer (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 9.
New Hampshire: Governor: Ovide M. Lamontagne (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 8: John Whitley (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: Senate Class 1: former Governor Tommy G. Thompson (Republican) - added.
14 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 3: Ken Aden (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 1: Jim Reed (Democratic) - added. House CD 2: William L. Courtney (Democratic) - added. House CD 15: state Senator Ellen M. Corbett (Democratic) - added. House CD 51: former state Senator Denise Moreno Ducheny (Democratic) - added. House CD 52: Wayne Iverson (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 6: Dan Bolling (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: House CD 8: David Lewis (Republican) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 2: Wayne Herriman (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 11: Chris Younts (Republican) - added. House CD 14: state Representative Randy Weber (Republican) - added. House CD 16: Congressman Silvestre Reyes (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Washington: Senate Class 1: state Senator Michael Baumgartner (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Robert W. Milnes (Libertarian) - added. 10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska: House At-Large: Ted Gianoutsos (No Affiliation) - added.
California: House CD 7: Amerish "Ami" Bera (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3; Alyson L. Huber (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Michigan: House CD 1: Gary J. McDowell (Democratic) - added.
New Hampshire: Governor: Governor John H. Lynch (Democratic) - Open Chair - retiring.
New Jersey: House CD 13: Michael Joseph Shurin (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 3: former Congressman Mary Jo Kilroy (Democratic) - added.
Washington: Senate Class 1: Philip Yin (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 2: Dane County Treasurer David "Dave" Worzala (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Richard H. Clark (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. 10 changes to the candidate list / Special Elections in NV H02 and NY H09
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 35: Congressman Joe Baca (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 43; state Assemblymember Norma J. Torres (Democratic) - added.
Georgia: House CD 9: Martha Zoller (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 14.
Nevada: House CD 2: Congressman Mark Eugene Amodei (Republican) - new incumbent. This special election was held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dean Heller (Republican) upon his having been appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy in the State's Class 1 U.S. Senate seat caused by the resignation of Senator John Ensign (Republican). Former state Senator Mark Eugene Amodei (Republican) won the 13 September 2011 special election with 58% of the vote.
New York: House CD 9: Congressman Robert L. "Bob" Turner (Republican) - new incumbent. This special election was held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Anthony Weiner (Democrat). Robert L. "Bob" Turner (Republican) won the 13 September 2011 special election with 53% of the vote.
Ohio: House CD 9: Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: Steve Welch (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 14: Robert Gonzalez (Republican) - added.
Utah: Governor: Monty Nafoosi (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. He is running for the U.S. House in Arizona CD 8.
Presidential Candidates: Arthur Rakowitz (Independent) - added.The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 192 Democrats, 242 Republicans, and 1 vacant seat (OR CD 1).
Tuesday 13 September 2011: SPECIAL ELECTIONS to U.S. HOUSE-- NEVADA's 2d Dist. & NEW YORK's 9th Dist.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
SPECIAL ELECTION: NEVADA's 2d Congressional District
NEVADA CD 2 SPECIAL ELECTION results from a media source.
Returns from an official source.
polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM local [Pacific Daylight] time (1400 GMT to 0200 GMT).
This special election is being held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dean Heller (Republican) upon his having been appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy in the State's Class 1 U.S. Senate seat caused by the resignation of Senator John Ensign (Republican).
Former state Senator Mark Eugene Amodei (Republican) won the 13 September 2011 special election with 57% of the vote.
SPECIAL ELECTION: NEW YORK's 9th Congressional District
NEW YORK CD 9 SPECIAL ELECTION results from a media source.
polls are open from 6 AM to 9 PM local [Eastern Daylight] time (1000 GMT to 0100 GMT).
This special election is being held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Anthony Weiner (Democrat).
Robert L. "Bob" Turner (Republican) won the 13 September 2011 special election with 53% of the vote.
AZ Gov sets 28 Feb 2012 Presidential primary / 4 changes to the candidate list / Update: SC to move up their primary
by Tony Roza
Arizona Presidential primary:
12 September 2011 Statement from Governor Jan Brewer Establishing Arizona’s 2012 Presidential Primary on February 28, 2012-- "Today I signed a proclamation establishing February 28 as the date of Arizona's 2012 Presidential Preference Election. It has always been a priority of mine to ensure that Arizona and its voters play an influential role in the nomination process ..."
The Arizona Republican Party may be sanctioned according to party rules: "No primary ... to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to Tuesday 6 March 2012 .... Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after 1 February 2012) ... [Rule 15(b)]. If a state party violates the timing rules ... the number of delegates from that state is reduced by 50%.[Rule 16(a), 16(e)(1)].
Reports state that the Arizona Democrats will begin their delegate selection process using a caucus rather than face sanctions for using the pre-window primary.
Update from politico.com - 13 September 2011 8:17a PDT: S.C. GOP to leapfrog Arizona primary.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
Changes to the candidate list:
Arizona: House CD 8: Monty Nafoosi (Republican) - added.
Georgia: House CD 12: Rick Allen (Republican) - added; state Representative Lee Anderson (Republican) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 2: former state Representative Wayne Pettigrew (Republican) - added.
15 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: House CD 2: former state Senator Nancy Argenziano (Independent [Democratic]) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 18: Jose F. Peixoto (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Mississippi: Commissioner of Insurance: Willice Law-Jackson (Reform) - apparently not a candidate.
Missouri: House CD 1: Candice Lee Britton (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 19: Matthew Clifford "Matt" Alexander (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 17: Congressman Timothy T. "Tim" Holden (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Texas: House CD 30: state Representative Barbara Len Mallory Caraway (Democratic) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 6: Lauren Stephens (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: J. E. Wendell Kennedy Banks (Republican) - added; Jeff Block (Independent) - added; Michael Gerard Francis Kenny (Republican) - added; Mike Benjamin Martisko (Republican) - added; Ronald Marullo (No Party Affiliation) - added; John Lewis "J.L." Mealer (Independent) - added; Michael Emerson Sloan (Republican) - added. AZ, FL, GA Dems to nominate by caucus if their states hold Presidential primaries before 6 Mar 2012
by Tony Roza
On 10 September 2011, Frank Leone (DNC Virginia) re: DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting Report wrote that the Arizona, Florida, and Georgia Democratic Parties will begin their delegate selection process using a caucus should their states decide to hold a pre-window primary. Arizona plans to use a caucus in any case. Party rules state that no states except Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina may being their delegate selection process before the 6 March 2012 window.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Michigan: Senate Class 1: Chuck Marino (Republican) - added. House CD 2: Congressman William P. "Bill" Huizenga (Republican) - added as candidate.
Mississippi: Governor: Bobby A. Kearan (Reform) - apparently not a candidate; Shawn O'Hara (Reform) - apparently not a candidate; William D. "Will" Oatis (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. Lieutenant Governor: Lisa Barfield-McCarty (Reform) - apparently not a candidate. Treasurer: Jon D. McCarty (Reform) - apparently not a candidate; Shawn O'Hara (Reform) - Pending, previously listed as Democratic [Reform].
Texas: House CD 11: Wade Brown (Republican) - added.
24 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Linda E. McMahon (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: Robert Jones (Democratic) - added. House CD 10: Vivek Bavda (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana (filing for the 22 October 2011 election has closed): Governor: David Blanchard (No Party Affiliation) - added; Leonard "Lenny" Bollingham (No Party Affiliation) - added; Ron Ceasar (No Party Affiliation) - previously listed as Independent; Cary J. Deaton (Democratic) - added; William Robert "Bob" Lang, Jr. (No Party Affiliation) - added; Scott Lewis (Libertarian) - added; "Niki Bird" Papazoglakis (Democratic) - added; Ivo "Trey" Roberts (Democratic) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor "Jay" Dardenne (Republican) - added as candidate. Secretary of State: Caroline Fayard (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Treasurer: Treasurer John Neely Kennedy (Republican) - added as candidate. Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry: Belinda "B" Alexandrenko (Reform) - added; Jamie LaBranche (Democratic) - added; Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Michael G. "Mike" Strain (Republican) - added as candidate. Commissioner of Insurance: Insurance Commissioner James J. "Jim" Donelon (Republican) - added as candidate; Donald C. Hodge (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 13: state Rep. Shanelle Jackson (Democratic) - added.
Mississippi: House CD 1: former Eupora mayor Henry Ross (Republican) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: state Senator Dan Patrick (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 14: Pearland City Councilmember Felicia Harris (Republican) - added.
Utah: House CD 1: Jason Buck (Republican) - added.
16 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 7: Congressman Daniel E. "Dan" Lungren (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 24: former Lieutenant Governor Abel Maldonado (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 23. House CD 35: state Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 26. House CD 37: Congressman Karen Bass (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 33. House CD 43: Congressman Maxine Waters (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 35.
Illinois: House CD 14: former McHenry Alderman Frank McClatchey (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 14: Southfield Mayor Brenda L. Lawrence (Democratic) - added; Congressman Gary Peters (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 9.
Nebraska: House CD 2: Jack Heidel (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 23: Manuel Pelaez (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
West Virginia: House CD 1: Raymond Davis, III (Independent) - added; former state Senator Michael Angelo "Mike" Oliverio, II (Democratic) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture: Hardy County Commissioner James Michael "Mike" Teets (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: Senate Class 1: Congressman Tammy Baldwin (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 2. House CD 2: Congressman Tammy Baldwin (Democratic) - Open Seat; state Representative Kelda Helen Roys (Democratic) - added.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 8: Adam Hansen (Republican) - added.
California: Senate Class 1: Dirk Allen Konopik (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 14: James Rowland "Jay" Old, Jr. (Republican) - added. House CD 34: Elmo M. Aycock, III (Democratic) - added.
Wisconsin: Senate Class 1: Gregory Paules (Democratic) - added. House CD 2: Joseph William "Joe" Kopsick (Independent) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Robert Jordan (Democratic) - added; Cody Robert Judy (Democratic) - added; Joan Frances Mary Malone (Republican) - added. Arizona 2012 Presidential Primary update
by Tony Roza
On 2 September 2011, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer released a statement regarding the date of the Arizona Presidential Primary: "Just as important as what I'm announcing today is what I'm not announcing: a formal date for Arizona’s Presidential Preference Election. I will for the time being keep my options open."
Existing Arizona law calls for a 28 February 2012 primary however, the Governor may proclaim an earlier date provided that he/she does so prior to 150 days before the new date of the "Presidential Preference Election".
Both the Arizona Republicans and Arizona Democrats plan to being their delegate selection process using the state primary.
Democratic Party Rule 20.C.1 states that non-exempt jurisdictions beginning their delegate selection process before the 6 March 2012 "window" will have their pledged delegate allocation reduced by 50% and their unpledged delegates will not be allowed to vote at the National Convention. In addition, a presidential candidate who campaigns in the state will not be allowed to receive delegate votes from that state.
Republican Party Rule 15(b)(1)] states that no state except New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada, and South Carolina may elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention prior to Tuesday 6 March 2012. States violoating the rule will have have their National Convention Delegation reduced by 50%.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Illinois: House CD 2: former Congressman Deborah L. "Debbie" Halvorson (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: Governor: Rupert Bohenham (Libertarian) - added.
Louisiana: Governor: state Senator Robert "Rob" Marionneaux, Jr. (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: House CD 23: state Representative Pete P. Gallego (Democratic) - added. House CD 25: Ralph Pruyn (Republican) - added. House CD 27: Rose Meza Harrison (Democratic) - added.
Washington: House CD 10: former state Representative Dennis "Denny" Heck (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3.
Presidential Candidates: Dave Redick (Libertarian) - added; Joy Waymire (Libertarian) - added. 17 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 30: Congressman Brad Sherman (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 27. House CD 32: Congressman Grace Flores Napolitano (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 38. House CD 36: Congressman Mary Bono Mack (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 45. House CD 38: Congressman Linda T. Sánchez (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 39. House CD 41: Riverside County Supervisor John F. Tavaglione (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 44. House CD 45: Irvine Mayor Sukhee Kang (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 48.
Georgia: House CD 9: state Representative Doug Collins (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 13: former state Representative Jay Hoffman (Republican) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 4: John William Waltz (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Massachusetts: House CD 7: Gerry Dembrowski (Republican) - added.
Missouri: Secretary of State: state Senator Scott T. Rupp (Republican) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 2: Dwayne Thompson (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: Attorney General: state Senator John C. Rafferty, Jr. (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: Gary Stephens (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 2: state Representative Mark Pocan (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Matt Snyder (Independent) - added; Andrew Jaye Wildman (Independent) - added. 2012 WY-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
On 27 August 2011, the Wyoming Republican Party Central Committee set the framework for their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
- A non-binding Presidential straw poll will be held circa Friday 10 February to Monday 20 February 2012. The final date has not been determined. Since no delegates are bound to Presidential contenders, the straw poll does not violate the RNC's Tuesday 6 March 2012 timing rule.
- County Conventions will choose a date, from Tuesday 6 March through Saturday 10 March 2012, to meet and select 12 of the 29 National Convention delegates. Wyoming has 23 counties that are grouped into 12 Delegate-Districts. Each district selects a delegate and an alternate.
- The Wyoming State Republican Convention convenes from Thursday 12 April through Saturday 14 April 2012 in Cheyenne. The State Convention chooses the remaining 17 delegates to the Republican National Convention.
- Except for the party leader delegates, each would-be National Convention Delegate or alternate must inform the caucus or convention of which presidential candidate, if any, they would cast their vote for at the national convention unless released from that pledge by the Presidential candidate. The 3 party leader delegates (the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Wyoming's Republican Party) attend the convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
Thanks to Josh Putnam at Frontloading HQ for the heads up.
10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 3: Congressman John Raymond Garamendi (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 10; Charlie Schaupp (Republican) - added.
Hawaii: House CD 2: former Hololulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 13: state Senator Bert Johnson (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 14.
Montana: Governor: Attorney General Steve Bullock (Democratic) - added. Attorney General: Attorney General Steve Bullock (Democratic) - Open Office.
South Carolina: Senate Class 3: Senator James W. "Jim" DeMint (Republican) - Open Seat.
Texas: House CD 12: Bill McCune (Democratic) - added. House CD 16: Beto O'Rourke (Democratic) - added. House CD 25: Chad Wilbanks (Republican) - added.
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
8 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 6: Justin Winters (Independent) - added.
Arkansas: House CD 4: state Senator Gene Jeffress (Democratic) - added; Marcus Richmond (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 30: Susan Shelley (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 14: Timothy Terrel "Tim" Day (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: Senate Class 1: Representative Jeff Fitzgerald (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Kenneth Robert "Ken" Cross (Not readily classifiable) - added; Richard Irven "Rich" Reed (Unaffiliated) - added. 5 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 49: Jerry Tetalman (Democratic) - added.
Colorado: House CD 5: James C. "Jim" Pirtle (Libertarian [Unity, Citizens]) - previously listed as Unity [Citizens].
Illinois: House CD 11: Jim Hickey (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 5: Chris Fields (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 10: Timothy Murphy (Democratic) - added.
2012 KS-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
On 13 August 2011, the Kansas Republican Party State Committee approved new rules for their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
- National Convention Delegates are bound to Presidential contenders based on the results of the Saturday 10 March 2012 Presidential Precinct Caucuses.
- Congressional District delegates are bound to the Presidential contender who receives the most votes in each congressional district.
- At-Large National Convention Delegates are proportionally allocated to those presidential contenders receiving 20% or more of the vote statewide.
- The 3 National Convention automatic delegates are bound to the candidate who receives the most votes statewide.
Still to be determined: District delegates are elected at the Congressional District Conventions and At-Large Delegates are elected at the State Committee meeting.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
Thanks to Josh Putnam at Frontloading HQ for the heads up.
13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 9: Ranjit Singh "Ricky" Gill (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 11. House CD 25: Laura Molina (Democratic) - previously listed as Republican. House CD 47: former Congressman Steven T. "Steve" Kuykendall (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 27: Manny Yevancey (Democratic) - added.
Nebraska: Senate Class 1: Larry Marvin (Democratic) - added; Spencer Zimmerman (Republican) - added. House CD 1: Dennis L. Parker (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3; Jessica L. Turek (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 4: Congressman Ralph Bradley "Brad" Miller (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 13; Congressman David E. Price (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Texas: House CD 14: John Faulk (Republican) - added.
Utah: Governor: Monty Nafoosi (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: Senate Class 1: former Congressman Mark W. Neumann (Republican) - added.
20 changes to the candidate list / 2012 Primary and Runoff Dates for Statewide offices and Congress
by Tony Roza
New page: 2012 Primary and Runoff Dates for Statewide offices and Congress - Chronologically
California: House CD 39: Congressman Gary G. Miller (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 42; Congressman Edward R. "Ed" Royce (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 40.
Florida: House CD 26: former Winter Park City Commissioner Karen Diebel (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 24; former Congressman Alan Mark Grayson (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 8.
Georgia: House CD 14: Martha Zoller (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 9.
New York: House CD 25: former Congressman Daniel B. "Dan" Maffei (Democratic) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: state Representative Thad T. Viers (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 1; Mande Wilkes (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 1.
Texas: House CD 33: David Edwin Cozad (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 6; Al Lee (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 25; John William Stacy (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 4; former Secretary of State Roger Williams (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 21. House CD 34: Cameron County District Attorney Armando R. Villalobos (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 27. House CD 35: state Representative Joaquin Castro (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 25. House CD 36: Travis Bryan (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 29; Jim Engstrand (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 29; state Senator James Michael "Mike" Jackson (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 29; James Neidner (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 2.
Utah: House CD 4: state Representative Carl Wimmer (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3.
West Virginia: Governor: acting Governor Earl Ray Tomblin (Democratic) - added as candidate.
2012 AL-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Delegate Selection plan for the Alabama Republican Party was posted on 19 August 2011.
- National Convention Delegates are bound to Presidential contenders according to the results of the Tuesday 13 March 2012 Presidential Preference Primary.
- District delegates are bound to Presidential contenders, "winner-take-most", according to the vote in each Congressional District. If a candidate receives 50% + 1 of the vote or if only one candidate receives 20% or more of the vote, that candidate is allocated all 3 of the district's delegates. If no candidate receives a majority of the vote, and only one candidate receives 20% or more of the vote, the candidate with the most votes is allocated 2 delegates and the candidate with the next highest number of votes is allocated 1 delegate. If no candidate receives 20% or more of the vote, the 3 delegates are allocated proportionally.
- 26 At-Large National Convention Delegates are bound to Presidential contenders, "winner-take-most", based on the statewide vote. If a candidate receives 50% + 1 of the vote or if only one candidate receives 20% or more of the vote, that candidate is allocated all of the at-large delegates. If no candidate receives a majority of the vote and more than one candidate receives 20% or more of the vote, the at-large delegates are proportionally allocated to those presidential contenders receiving 20% or more of the vote. If no candidate receives 20% or more of the vote, the delegates are allocated proportionally.
- Unless running unopposed, National Convention delegates are listed along with their Presidential Preference on the primary ballot. A voter may cast a ballot for one Presidential candidate and that candidate's delegates. Voting for a Presidential candidate and the delegates of another candidate is not allowed.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
Thanks to Josh Putnam at Frontloading HQ for the heads up.
10 changes to the candidate list, re-cap MS Runoffs for Gov (D) and Tres(R)
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 1: Gregory Cheadle (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: former Congressman Christopher H. "Chris" Shays (Republican) - added.
Georgia: House CD 9: Martha Zoller (Republican) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 3: Darren Brinksneader (Republican) - added; Brooks Wicker (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: Senate Class 1: St. Bonifacius City Councilman Joe Arwood (Republican) - added.
Mississippi: Tuesday 23 August 2011: Runoffs for Governor (Democrat) and Treasurer (Republican).
If no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the Tuesday 2 August 2011 partisan primary, the two top vote-getters proceed to a runoff. The candidate who receives the most votes in the Tuesday 23 August 2011 runoff (aka second primary) shall be nominated as a Party's candidate for the Tuesday 8 November 2011 General Election.
- Governor (Democrat): Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny L. DuPree ** WINNER 55% **; William O. "Bill" Luckett, Jr. - lost Primary.
- Treasurer (Republican): Lynn Fitch ** WINNER 53% **; Lee Yancey - lost Primary.
Washington: Secretary of State: state Senator Jim Kastama (Democratic) - added; Thurston County Auditor Kim Wyman (Republican) - added.
Tuesday 23 August 2011: MISSISSIPPI Runoffs for Governor (Democrat) and Treasurer (Republican)
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Mississippi holds a Second Primary or Runoff election on Tuesday 23 August 2011.
MISSISSIPPI RUNOFF results from a media source
If no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the Tuesday 2 August 2011 partisan primary, the two top vote-getters proceed to a runoff. The candidate who receives the most votes in the Tuesday 23 August 2011 runoff (aka second primary) shall be nominated as a Party's candidate for the Tuesday 8 November 2011 General Election.
- Governor (Democrat): Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny L. DuPree ** WINNER 55% ** (received 43% in the 2 August 2011 Primary) v. William O. "Bill" Luckett, Jr. (40%).
- Treasurer (Republican): Lynn Fitch ** WINNER 53% ** (received 37% in the 2 August 2011 Primary) v. Lee Yancey (34%)
Polling hours are 7 AM local time (1200 GMT) to 7 PM local time (0000 GMT).
17 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 2: Andy Caffrey (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 5. House CD 25: Laura Molina (Republican) - added. House CD 47: Long Beach City Councilman Gary DeLong (Republican) - correction - previously listed as Democratic.
Iowa: House CD 2: Robert Charles "Bob" Huppenbauer, III (Republican) - added.
Michigan: House CD 6: John William Waltz (Democratic) - added. House CD 12: Congressman John D. Dingell (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 15; Julia Williams (Green) - added. House CD 13: Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 14. House CD 14: Congressman Hansen Clarke (Democratic) - added as candidate for House CD 15.
Ohio: House CD 5: Congressman Robert Edward "Bob" Latta (Republican) - added as candidate.
Pennsylvania: House CD 8: Steven Robert "Steve" Davidson (Independent) - added.
Texas: House CD 14: George Harper (Republican) - added. House CD 23: Manuel Pelaez (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Darryl Bryant (Independent) - added; Gregory Bryan "Greg" Martin (Republican) - added; George Christian Pedersen (Republican) - added; William Mark Todd (American) - added. 8 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 3: Colusa County Supervisor Kimberly "Kim" Dolbow Vann (Republican) - added. House CD 26: David Cruz Thayne (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 24.
North Carolina: House CD 3: former New Bern Police Chief Frank Palombo (Republican) - added.
North Dakota: Senate Class 1: Duane Sand (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House At-Large.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Curt Cleaver (Republican) - added. House CD 23: John Bustamante (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: R. Benedict Mayers (Republican) - added; David Michael Rice (Republican) - added. 9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alabama: House CD 1: Dean Young (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 21: state Senator Michael J. Rubio (Democratic) - added. House CD 34: Congressman Xavier Becerra (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 31.
Illinois: House CD 8: Rick Veenstra (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 8: Kristi Risk (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Elizabeth Warren (Democratic) - added.
North Dakota: Governor: Paul Sorum (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 29: Travis Bryan (Republican) - added; state Senator Mike Jackson (Republican) - added.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 47: state Senator Alan S. Lowenthal (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 39.
Illinois: House CD 6: Khizar Jafri (Independent) - added.
Louisiana: Secretary of State: state Representative Walker Hines (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Michigan: House CD 14: Southfield City Treasurer Irv M. Lowenberg (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: Tom Smith (Republican) - added; Joseph John "Joe" Vodvarka (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 27: Dallas Ray Chambless (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Virginia: Governor: Lieutenant Governor William T. "Bill" Bolling (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Steve Moats (Republican) - added. 13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 8: state Senator Frank Antenori (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 6: Congressman Doris K. Matsui (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 5. House CD 17: Congressman Michael M. "Mike" Honda (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 15; state Senator S. Joseph "Joe" Simitian (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 15. House CD 19: Congressman Zoe Lofgren (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 16.
Illinois: House CD 4: Hector Concepcion (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: House CD 8: Karla Romero (Republican) - added.
New Mexico: House CD 1: Bernalillo County Commissioner Michelle Lujan Grisham (Democratic) - added.
Oklahoma: Senate Class 3: Senator Tom Coburn (Republican) - Open Seat - Announced he would not run for re-election in 2016. House CD 2: Dakota Wood (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1 Special: Todd Lee Ritter (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 2: Devon Cade (Democratic) - added.
Virginia: Governor: Governor Robert F. "Bob" McDonnell (Republican) - Open Chair - At term limit.
2012 MI-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Delegate Selection plan for the Michigan Republican Party was approved (92-17) by the Michigan Republican State Committee on 13 August 2011.
- The Michigan Republican State Committee voted to hold a closed Presidential primary between 28 February and 6 March 2012. State law currently calls for a 28 February 2012 primary.
- Any Michigan Republican is eligible to participate in the primary. A registered voter declares her or his party designation by selecting a Republican ballot at the polls. The voter's choice becomes public information.
- National Convention Delegates are bound to Presidential contenders according to the results of Primary.
- The Presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in each Congressional District receives all of the district's National Convention delegates.
- At-Large National Convention Delegates are bound to Presidential contenders based on the statewide vote. Delegates are allocated proportionally to those contenders receiving 15% or more of the statewide vote.
- National Convention delegates are elected, according to the results of the primary, during the Friday 18 May to Saturday 19 May 2012 Congressional District Caucuses and State Convention.
The state may be sanctioned.
- "No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to Tuesday 6 March 2012 .... Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada" ... [The Rules of the Republican Party, Rule 15(b)]. "If a state party violates the timing rules ... the number of delegates from that state is reduced by 50%." [Rule 16(a), 16(e)(1)].
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
21 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 42: Congressman Kenneth S. "Ken" Calvert (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 44. House CD 44: Congressman Janice Hahn (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 36; state Assemblyman Isadore Hall, III (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 37; Congressman Laura Richardson (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 37.
Florida: House CD 11: Hillsborough County Commissioner Mark Sharpe (Republican) - added.
Hawaii: House CD 1: former Congressman Charles Kong Djou (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 5: Cathy Johnson Pendleton (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 5: David Crim (Democratic) - added.
Montana: House At-Large: Rob Stutz (Democratic) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1: Stephan Andrew Brodhead (Republican, Independent Party of Oregon) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 1 Special: Saba Ahmed (Democratic) - added; Labor and Industries Commissioner Brad Avakian (Democratic) - added; state Senator Suzanne Bonamici (Democratic) - added; D R Delgado-Morgan (Republican) - added; Pavel Goberman (Republican) - added; Jim Greenfield (Republican) - added; Dominic Hammon (Democratic) - added; Robert E. Lettin (Democratic) - added; Lisa Michaels (Republican) - added; Dan Strite (Democratic) - added; state Representative Bradley K. "Brad" Witt (Democratic) - added.
Pawlenty (R-MN) withdraws from Presidential Contest / 15 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 8: Anthony Gene Prowell (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 3: Timothy James "Tim" Core (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 2.
Florida: Senate Class 1: Darryl Leon Jackson (Independent) - added.
Illinois: House CD 1: Jordan R. Sims (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 10: Ken Fortenberry (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1: Stephan Brodhead (Independent Party of Oregon) - removed; Stephan Andrew Brodhead (Republican, Independent Party of Oregon) - previously listed as Republican.
Texas: House CD 18: Michael Perez McDonald (Democratic) - added.
Utah: House CD 2: Cherilyn B. Eagar (Republican) - added.
Virginia: House CD 11: Joseph A. Glean (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Harry W. Braun, III (Democratic) - added; Darryl Kinney (Independent) - added; Jerry Lanser (Republican) - previously listed as Independent; former Minnesota Governor Timothy "Tim" Pawlenty (Republican) - Governor Pawlenty dropped out after finishing in 3rd place with 13.6% at the 13 August 2011 Ames straw poll. "I wish it would have been different, but obviously the pathway forward for me doesn't exist so we are going to end the campaign."; Jose Manuel "Joe" Ruiz (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. 13 August 2011 Iowa GOP Ames Presidential Straw Poll Results: Bachmann 28.6%, Paul 27.7%, Pawlenty 13.6%
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of Iowa has published their 13 August 2011 2012 Presidential Straw Poll results.
16,892 votes were cast.
Three individuals received more than 10% of the vote-- Minnesota Congressman Michele M. Bachmann: 28.6%, Texas Congressman Ron Paul: 27.7%, and former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty: 13.6%.
For grins, contrast a sample of the 2008 Presidential Straw Polls to the actual results of the 2008 Republican Convention.
MI GOP to hold Presidential Primary between 28 Feb and 6 Mar 2012
by Tony Roza
13 August 2011 update: The Michigan Republican State Committee has voted 92-17 to hold a closed presidential primary between 28 February and 6 March 2012. Source: Saul Anuzis
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 52: Congressman Brian Phillip Bilbray (Republican) - Incumbent CD 50 added as candidate in the new CD 52; former Assemblyman Lori Saldaña (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 1: Marielena Stuart (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1: Stephan Brodhead (Independent Party of Oregon) - added; Jim Greenfield (Republican) - added; Robert Lettin (Democratic) - added; Dan Strite (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 13: Pam Barlow (Republican) - added. House CD 24: Grant Patrick Stinchfield, Jr. (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 32.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
North Carolina: House CD 8: Weddington Mayor Daniel "Dan" Barry (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Chris Petrella (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 10: William F. "Bill" Tofte (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 22. House CD 24: Grant Stinchfield (Republican) - added. House CD 25: Al Lee (Republican) - added.
Washington: Governor: Shahram Hadian (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Jerry Lanser (Independent) - added; David P. McFadden (Independent) - added; Texas Governor Rick Perry (Republican) - added. 23 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 5: W. John Williamson (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 2: Petaluma City Councilwoman Tiffany Renée (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 6. House CD 5: Erik Smitt (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 6. House CD 10: Congressman Jeff Denham (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 19. House CD 16: Congressman Jim Costa (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 20. House CD 38: state Senator Ronald "Ron" Calderon (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 37.
Florida: House CD 4: Deborah Katz Pueschel (Republican) - added.
Hawaii: House CD 2: Esther Kia'aina (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 17: Greg Aguilar (Democratic) - added; former state Representative Mike Boland (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: Senate Class 1: Byron Georgiou (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
New Hampshire: House CD 1: former Merrimack Town Councilor Mike Malzone (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 20: Dutchess County Legislator Joel Tyner (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 7: Tim Wilkes (Republican) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 2: former state Senator Kenneth Ray Corn (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: Lieutenant Governor: Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples (Republican) - added. House CD 15: Dale Allen Brueggemann (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 28. Commissioner of Agriculture: Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples (Republican) - Open Office. Railroad Commissioner 3: Railroad Commissioner Barry Smitherman (Republican) - On 17 January 2011, Railroad Commissioner Michael Lawrence Williams announced that he would resign to run for the U.S. Senate Class 1 seat in 2012. On 8 July 2011, Governor Perry appointed a successor, Barry Smitherman, to serve until a 6 November 2012 Special Election.
Virginia: Senate Class 1: Courtney Lynch (Democratic) - added; Senator James H. "Jim" Webb, Jr. (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Presidential Candidates: Dorothy "Doc" Adams (Independent) - added; Karen A Bellino. (Republican) - added. 7 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 30: Congressman Howard L. Berman (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 28. House CD 47: Long Beach City Councilman Gary DeLong (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 39.
Florida: House CD 1: James E. Bryan (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana: Secretary of State: state Representative Jim Tucker (Republican) - added.
Montana: Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor John C. Bohlinger (Democratic) - Open Chair.
New Hampshire: House CD 1: Andrew Hosmer (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 1: George Demos (Republican) - added.
13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: Senate Class 1: Wil Cardon (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 2: Stacey Lawson (Democratic) - added. House CD 24: David Cruz Thayne (Democratic) - added. House CD 41: Riverside Community College Board Trustee Mark A. Takano (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 44. House CD 46: Jay Shah (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 38. House CD 49: Mike Paster (Libertarian) - added.
Indiana: House CD 5: Tony Allen Long (Democratic) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 2: Dustin Price Rowe (Republican) - added.
Puerto Rico: Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Puerto Rico Representante Héctor J. Ferrer Ríos (Partido Popular Democrático [Democratic]) - previously listed as Partido Popular Democrático.
Presidential Candidates: Aaron Leon Ammann (Unaffiliated) - added; Brian J. Moran (Unaffiliated) - added; Silvia Stagg (Republican) - added; Mike "Doc" Witort (Not readily classifiable) - added. 2012 NY-D Presidential Primary Calendar Update
by Tony Roza
The Delegate Selection plan for the New York Democratic Party has been posted for public comment.
- Delegates are pledged to presidential contenders according to the results of the Tuesday 24 April 2012 Primary.
- National Convention district level delegates appear on the ballot and are selected by gender from the highest vote getters.
- National Convention Pledged PLEO and At-Large delegates are elected at the Friday 25 May 2012 State Committee Meeting (State Convention) according to the results of the primary.
- Starting on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% pledged delegate bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states begin on the same date. The neighboring states of Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island all begin on 24 April 2012.
- The state should receive a 10% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage II (April).
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here. The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Saturday 14 April 2012, states representing 50.46% of the total number of Democratic delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
16 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 4: Beth Anne Rankin (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 5: Andy Caffrey (Democratic) - added. House CD 30: Mark Reed (Republican) - added. House CD 36: Congressman Janice Hahn (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 38: Jay Shah (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: House CD 6: former Delaware County Councilmember Brad Bookout (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: Senate Class 1: Rob Steele (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Ohio: House CD 1: state Representative Connie Pillich (Democratic) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1 Special: (Democratic) - previously listed as Republican; Rob Cornilles (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 5: Jeremy "Jed" Siple (Write-in) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 1: state Representative Thad T. Viers (Republican) - added; Mande Wilkes (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 25: former Railroad Commissioner Michael Lawrence Williams (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 21.
West Virginia: Commissioner of Agriculture: Wayne Casto (Democratic) - added; Joe Messineo (Democratic) - added.
RNC tables proposal to increase sanctions on states violating their primary calendar
by Tony Roza
The RNC has tabled a proposal to increase sanctions on states violating their primary calendar. States have until 1 October 2011 to determine their 2012 process.
History: On Friday 6 August 2010, the RNC approved the recommendations of the Temporary Delegate Selection Committee to reform the 2012 Presidential Nomination calendar. The new rules allow the "carve-out" states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada to begin their process on 1 February 2012. All other states must wait until Tuesday 6 March 2012. States violating the calendar would forfeit 50% of their delegation. Note that the 1 February 2012 or 6 March 2012 "boundary" date corresponds to the first time the state binds (pledges) National Convention Delegates.
Back to the 2008 cycle for a moment when five states were sanctioned. On 8 November 2007 the Republican National Committee voted 121 to 9 to sanction five states for beginning their Presidential Nominating Process prior to 5 February 2008 in violation of Party Rule 16. Florida, New Hampshire, Michigan, South Carolina, and Wyoming each lost half of their delegates to the National Convention. A fine but important point-- while Iowa held their caucus on 3 January 2008 they were not sanctioned because the state did not actually bind National Convention delegates until their July 2008 State Convention.
Politico: RNC punts on leapfrogging states
Sacbee: RNC rejects tough sanctions on primary calendar
WMUR: RNC Tables Measure Penalizing FL, AZ Primary Moves
CNN: RNC takes wait-and-see approach to punishing primary states (added 5 August 2011 8:30a PDT)
Saul Anuzis: RNC Thoughts: AZ & FL planning on going early (added 5 August 2011 9:08p PDT)
6 changes to the candidate list / OR CD 1 Congressman David Wu (D) resigns.
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 33: Chuck Wilkerson (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 30.
Michigan: House CD 5: former Genesee County Treasurer Dan Kildee (Democratic) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1: Congressman David Wu (Democratic) - Resigned on 3 August 2011 amid scandal. Rob Cornilles (Republican) - added as a candidate.
Governor John A. Kitzhaber (Democratic) called a Special 8 November 2011 Primary Election and a Special 31 January 2012 General Election to fill this vacant seat.
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 192 Democrats, 240 Republicans, and 3 vacant seats (NV CD 2, NY CD 9 and OR CD 1).
Texas: House CD 25: Brian Matthews (Republican) - added. House CD 26: Tracy Raymond Daniels (Libertarian) - previously listed as Independent.
DE Presidential Primaries moved to 24 April 2012
by Tony Roza
On 27 July 2011, Delaware Governor Jack A. Markell (Democratic) signed SB 89. The bill moves the Democratic and Republican Presidential Primary from the 1st Tuesday in February to the 4th Tuesday in April-- 24 April 2012.
Beginning Tuesday 20 March 2012, the Democratic Party awards a 15% pledged delegate bonus when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states (in this case--Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island) begin on the same date (24 April 2012). In addition, the Delaware Democratic Party should receive a 10% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage II (April).
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here. The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Saturday 14 April 2012, states representing 50.46% of the total number of Democratic delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
(Corrected 3 August 2011 6:16a PDT)
2 Aug 2011 MS Primary Recap / 21 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 21: state Assemblyman David Valadao (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 20. House CD 26: Moorpark City Councilman David Pollock (Democratic) - added. House CD 39: Orange County Supervisor Shawn Nelson (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 48. House CD 50: Congressman Duncan Duane Hunter (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 52; Terri Linnell (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 52. House CD 52: Robert Anthony "Bobby" "Bob" Nascenzi (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 50; Mark Edward Powell (Not readily classifiable) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 50. House CD 53: John K.John Kenneth Stahl (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 50.
Mississippi 2 August 2011 Primary: All incumbents running for re-election received their party's nomination. Should no candidate receive a majority of the vote in the partisan primary, the two top vote-getters proceed to a Tuesday 23 August 2011 runoff. The candidate who receives the most votes in the runoff (aka second primary) shall be nominated as a Party's candidate for the office. Contests proceeding to runoff-- Democratic Governor: Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny L. DuPree (43%) v. William O. "Bill" Luckett, Jr. (40%). Republican Treasurer: Lynn Fitch (37%) v. Lee Yancey (34%).
Mississippi: Governor: James Broadwater (Republican) - lost Primary; William Bond "Bill" Compton, Jr. (Democratic) - lost Primary; Dave Dennis (Republican) - lost Primary; Hudson Holliday (Republican) - lost Primary; Guy Dale Shaw (Democratic) - lost Primary; Ron Williams (Republican) - lost Primary. The 2011 Gubernatorial Primaries at a Glance page has been updated accordingly. Lieutenant Governor: state Senator Billy Hewes (Republican) - lost Primary. Secretary of State: Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann (Republican) - Renominated; Ricky Dombrowski (Republican) - lost Primary. Treasurer: Shawn O'Hara (Democratic [Reform]) - lost Primary; Lucien Smith (Republican) - lost Primary. Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce: Max Phillips (Republican) - lost Primary; state Representative Dannie Reed (Republican) - lost Primary.
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Mississippi 2 Aug Partisan Primary / 13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Tuesday 2 August 2011 Mississippi Primaries
Polling hours are 7:00a CDT (1200 UTC) to 7:00p CDT (0000 UTC).
MISSISSIPPI PRIMARY results from a media source
more MISSISSIPPI PRIMARY results from a media source
yet more MISSISSIPPI PRIMARY results from a media source
Clarion Ledger article regarding Precincts report problems.
If no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the Tuesday 2 August 2011 partisan primary, the two top vote-getters proceed to a Tuesday 23 August 2011 runoff. The candidate who receives the most votes in the runoff (aka second primary) shall be nominated as a Party's candidate for the office.
We are covering the statewide Democratic and Republican primaries for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Auditor of Public Accounts, Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, and Commissioner of Insurance.
Changes to the candidate list
California: House CD 6: Erik Smitt (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Alyson L. Huber (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3. House CD 10: Michael James "Mike" Barkley (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 11. House CD 11: Congressman George Miller (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 7. House CD 24: Congressman Lois G. Capps (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 23.
Florida: House CD 2: former state Senator Nancy Argenziano (Democratic) - added. House CD 10: Madeline Vance (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 1: Frederick Collins (Republican) - added.
Mississippi uncontested nominations: Attorney General: Attorney General Jim Hood (Democratic) - Renominated. Auditor of Public Accounts: Auditor of Public Accounts Stacey E. Pickering (Republican) - Renominated. Commissioner of Insurance: Insurance Commissioner Michael Jackson "Mike" Chaney (Republican) - Renominated.
Oregon: House CD 1: state Senator Suzanne Bonamici (Democratic) - added.
Washington: House CD 1: state Senator Steve Hobbs (Democratic) - added.
14 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 3: Alyson Huber (Democratic) - added. House CD 40: John Webb (Republican) - added. House CD 50: Mark Edward Powell (Not readily classifiable) - added.
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Lee Whitnum (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 1: Deon Long (Republican) - added.
New York: Senate Class 1: Michael George Craft, Sr. (Independent) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Timothy Terell Day (Republican) - added. House CD 6: Addison Mayor Joe Chow (Republican) - added. House CD 14: Michael J. Truncale (Republican) - added. House CD 29: Jim Engstrand (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: George Cooper (Republican) - added; Samuel B. Hoff (Independent) - added; Ronald Bruce "Ron" McCune (Independent) - added; David Jon Sponheim (Not readily classifiable) - added. CA Presidential Primaries moved to 5 June 2012
by Tony Roza
On 29 July 2011, California Governor Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown, Jr. signed Assembly Bill No. 80. The bill, introduced by Assembly Member Paul Fong (Democratic) on 3 January 2011, moves the Democratic and Republican Presidential Primaries from the 1st Tuesday in February (7 February 2012) to the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in June (5 June 2012), the same day as the statewide primary.
The California Democratic Party should receive a 20% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage III (May and June). The state party lost one Distinguished Party Leader, former DNC chairman Charles Taylor Manatt, when he passed away on 22 July 2011.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here. The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Saturday 14 April 2012, states representing 50.46% of the total number of Democratic delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
11 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 9: Congressman Jerry McNerney (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 11. House CD 32: El Monte City Council Member Norma Macias (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 16: Winnebago County Board Member Frank M. Gambino (Republican) - added.
Iowa: House CD 2: Dan Dolan (Republican) - added.
Mississippi: House CD 2: Cobby Mondale Williams (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 2: Treasurer Kate Marshall (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: Governor: Governor Beverly Eaves "Bev" Perdue (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Puerto Rico: Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Puerto Rico Representante Héctor J. Ferrer Ríos (Partido Popular Democrático) - previously listed as Partido Popular Democrático [Partido Nuevo Progresista].
Tennessee: House CD 3: Carl "Twofeathers" Whitaker (Democratic) - added.
Utah: House CD 2: former state Representative Morgan Philpot (Republican) - added.
Washington: House CD 1: Andrew Hughes (Democratic) - added.
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Governor Christie of New Jersey admitted to hospital for tests re: Difficulty in Breathing
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Governor Chris Christie [R-New Jersey], considered a rising star in the Grand Old Party as well as a potential Republican presidential contender (though he has, repeatedly, denied interest in so running in 2012), has been admitted to Somerset Medical Center after reportedly having difficulty in breathing. A spokesman for Governor Christie has stated that this action- which includes relevant medical tests- is merely "precautionary" in nature.
10 changes to the candidate list; Congressman Wu (OR CD 1 Democratic) announces resignation.
by Tony Roza
Maine: House CD 2: Jason John Levesque (Republican) - added.
Michigan: Senate Class 1: Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner John P. McCulloch (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 7: Del Pietro (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 8: former Iredell County Commissioner J. Scott Keadle (Republican) - added. House CD 11: District Attorney Jeff Hunt (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1: Congressman David Wu (Democratic) - Open Seat - Amid scandal, announces resignation: "...I therefore intend to resign effective upon the resolution of the debt-ceiling crisis."
Puerto Rico: Governor: Puerto Rico Senador Alejandro J. García Padilla (Partido Popular Democrático) - added. Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Puerto Rico Representante Héctor J. Ferrer Ríos (Partido Popular Democrático) - previously listed as Democratic.
South Carolina: House CD 3: John Dalen (Constitution) - added.
Texas: House CD 25: former Mayor of Highland Village Dianne Salvagno Costa (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 26.
12 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 4: Congressman Michael Avery "Mike" Ross (Democratic) - Open Seat - retiring; Tom Cotton (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 20: state Assemblyman David Valadao (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Vernon Mayor Jason McCoy (Republican) - added.
Michigan: House CD 14: state Senator Bert Johnson (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 1: state Senator John Jay Lee (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 28: Congressman Louise McIntosh Slaughter (Democratic) - added as candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 13: Nathan Tabor (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Oregon: House CD 1: Congressman David Wu (Democratic) - Open Seat - Amid scandal, announced he will not run for re-election.
Puerto Rico: Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Hector J. Ferrer (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 27: Dallas Ray Chambless (Republican) - added.
Virginia: House CD 6: Karen U. Kwiatkowski (Libertarian, Republican) - previously listed as Libertarian.
6 changes to the candidate list / WV-R 2012 Delegate Selection Plan
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 6: Petaluma City Councilwoman Tiffany Renée (Democratic) - added. House CD 25: Lee C. Rogers (Democratic) - added. House CD 45: Palm Springs Mayor Stephen P. "Steve" Pougnet (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 14: Joseph Asher "Joe" Davidow (Republican) - added.
Missouri: House CD 5: state Representative Gerald "Jerry" Nolte (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 6.
Ohio: Senate Class 1: Donna Glisman (Republican) - added.
West Virginia 2012 Republican Delegate Selection: The West Virginia Republican Executive Committee voted 77-25 then voted unanimously to allocated their 2012 National Convention delegates by a primary rather than convention. Hence, the state's 2012 delegate selection process would work more like the 2004 process (the delegates were elected in a May primary by direct election) than the 2008 process (at-large delegates were elected in a February winner-take-most caucus and district delegates elected in a May primary using a winner-take-all by district). References: Charleston Daily Mail, Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register, Frontloading HQ, and Robin Holstein (Twitter).
IA-R State Central Committee Announces 9 Candidates for 13 August Straw Poll ballot
by Tony Roza
The Iowa Republican State Central Committee released the ballot for the Iowa 13 August 2011 Straw Poll at Iowa State University.
- Minnesota Congressman Michele M. Bachmann *
- Herman Cain (of Georgia) *
- former Congressman and House Speaker Newt Gingrich
- former Utah Governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr.
- Michigan Congressman Thaddeus McCotter *
- Texas Congressman Ron Paul *
- former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty *
- former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney
- former Pennsylvania Governor Rick Santorum *
In addition, a write-in option is available.
* Designates a candidate who reserved space at the Straw Poll
Official announcement here.
Find our list of other Presidential Election 2012 Straw Polls here.
12 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 23: Christopher Mitchum (Republican) - added.
Georgia: House CD 5: Howard Stopeck (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 10: Robert A. "Bob" McKenzie (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Iowa: House CD 1: Steve Rathje (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 3: Congressman Erik Paulsen (Republican) - added as candidate; Sharon Sund (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added.
Nevada: House CD 3: former Congressman Alice "Dina" Titus (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 18: Mark Rosen (Republican) - added. House CD 19: Cortlandt Councilman Richard H. "Rich" Becker (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 7: state Senator David Rouzer (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 11: Bill Vinsko (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 25: Wesley Allen "Wes" Riddle (Republican) - added.
NY Presidential Primaries moved to 24 April 2012
by Tony Roza
On 19 July 2011, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (Democratic) announced that he signed SB5753 (A 8363). The bill moves the Democratic and Republican Presidential Primaries from the 1st Tuesday in February to 24 April 2012.
In addition, the bill provides a "winner-take-most" alternative to the statewide "winner-take-all" delegate allocation used by the Republicans in 2008.
For each Congressional District contest and the for statewide (at-large) delegate contest-- If a candidate receives a majority of the vote, that candidate receives all the delegates in that contest. Otherwise, (1) the statewide (at-large) delegates are allocated proportionally according to the statewide vote and (2) Congressional District delegates are split 2 delegates to the first place candidate and 1 delegate to the second place candidate according to the vote in that CD. A candidate must receive 20% or more of the vote in any contest to be allocated delegates. The math is somewhat similar to that used by the Texas Republicans.
Neither major party has published their delegate allocation plans for 2012.
Note for the New York Democrats:
- Starting on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% pledged delegate bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states (Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island) begin on the same date (24 April 2012).
- The state should receive a 10% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage II (April).
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here. The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Saturday 14 April 2012, states representing 50.45% of the total number of Democratic delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
7 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Indiana: House CD 5: former U.S. Attorney Susan Brooks (Republican) - added.
Michigan: Senate Class 1: former Congressman Peter "Pete" Hoekstra (Republican) - added.
Nebraska: House CD 2: Douglas County Treasurer John W. Ewing, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 13: Bill Randall (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 15: Rick Daugherty (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 3: John Lingenfelder, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
Virginia: House CD 2: Paul Hirschbiel (Democratic) - added.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 19: Loraine Goodwin (Democratic) - added. House CD 39: Long Beach City Councilman Gary DeLong (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 1: Florida state Senate President Mike Haridopolos (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Ronald D. "Ron" Rushing (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Illinois: House CD 17: Eric Reyes (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana: Governor: state Senator Robert "Rob" Marionneaux, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
Nebraska: House CD 2: Joe Vaughn (Independent) - added.
Nevada: House CD 3: state Assemblyman John Oceguera (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 25: Itamar Gelbman (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 30.
11 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 37: Ronald "Ron" Calderon (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 1: Piotr Blass (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Michigan: Senate Class 1: Clark Durant (Republican) - added; John McCulloch (Republican) - added; Rob Steele (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: John D. Vernon (Republican) - added.
Rhode Island: House CD 1: John Loughlin (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 25: William Paul "Bill" Burch (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 6. House CD 32: Grant Patrick Stinchfield, Jr. (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: John "Green" Ferguson (Not readily classifiable) - added; Tami L. Stainfield (Unaffiliated) - added. Idaho Republican Party votes to use a caucus- instead of primary- for their 2012 Delegate Selection
by Tony Roza
On Saturday 16 July 2011, the Idaho Republican Party Central Committee voted to use caucuses, rather than the Tuesday 15 May 2012 Primary, to begin the party's National Convention Delegate Selection Process for 2012.
The Idaho Democratic Party will begin their delegate selection process on Saturday 14 April 2012 with County Caucuses.
The Idaho Tuesday 15 May 2012 Presidential Primary coincides with the regular Federal, state, and local primary.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Colorado: House CD 5: James C. "Jim" Pirtle (Unity [Citizens]) - previously listed as Unity.
Florida: House CD 19: Walter Michael "Mike" Trout (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Georgia: House CD 4: Congressman Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Michigan: Senate Class 1: Gary Glenn (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Congressman Dale E. Kildee (Democratic) - Open Seat, retiring.
New Jersey: House CD 9: Jason-Paul Nezmer "J. Paul" Castle (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 11.
North Carolina: House CD 13: Wake County Commissioner Paul Coble (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: House At-Large: Minnehaha County Commissioner Jeffrey Edward "Jeff" Barth (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Jill Reed (Write-in) - added. 14 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: Senate Class 1: Ian Gilyeat (Independent) - added.
California: House CD 36: Congressman Janice Hahn (Democratic) - Incumbent added.
Florida: House CD 8: Val Demings (Democratic) - added; former Congressman Alan Mark Grayson (Democratic) - added (filed for the new CD 26).
Georgia: House CD 12: Jeanne Seaver (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 13: David Gill (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 9: state Representative Martin Joseph "Marty" Knollenberg (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 10: Heath Wynn (Democratic) - added. House CD 13: former U.S. Attorney George Holding (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 14: Eugene Flynn (Independent) - added; Amy Jacobellis (Libertarian) - added; Congressman Ronald E. "Ron" Paul (Republican) - retiring, apparently not a candidate; Bob Smither (Libertarian) - added.
Utah: House CD 3: state Representative Carl Wimmer (Republican) - added.
Commentary: NO ADULT SUPERVISION! ... a day camp food fight over raising the debt ceiling
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
A response to what is the political equivalent of a
day camp food fight over raising the debt ceiling
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
CA CD 36 Special Election results; 9 changes to the candidate list; MI-R, WV-R Presidential Primaries
by Tony Roza
Changes to the candidate list
California: House CD 28: David Hernandez (Republican) - added. House CD 36 Special: Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn (Democratic) was elected to Congress in a 12 July Special Election. She received 55% of the vote. The special runoff election was held to fill the vacant seat of Congressman Jane Harman (Democratic) who resigned on 28 February 2011.
Once Congressman Hahn is seated, the Partisan Composition of the U.S. House will be 193 Democrats, 240 Republicans, and 2 vacant seats (NV CD 2 and NY CD 9).
Florida: House CD 7: Vipin Verma (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 11: Mike Kowall (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 9 Special: state Assemblyman David I. Weprin (Democratic, Independence, Working Families) - received the endorsement of the Working Families Party.
Oregon: House CD 1: state Representative Brad Witt (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: David A. "Dave" Christian (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 14: Congressman Ronald E. "Ron" Paul (Republican) - Open Seat.
Presidential Candidates: Ken Grammer (Independent) - added.Michigan Republican Presidential Primary
Preliminary information on the Michigan Republican Party's Delegate Selection Plan.
- The State Committee's Policy Committee unanimously passed a resolution recommending a closed primary to be held 28 February to 6 March 2012.
- "No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to Tuesday 6 March 2012 .... Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada" ... [The Rules of the Republican Party, Rule 15(b)]. "If a state party violates the timing rules ... the number of delegates from that state is reduced by 50%." [Rule 16(a), 16(e)(1)].
West Virginia Republican Presidential Primary
Preliminary information on the West Virginia Republican Party's Delegate Selection Plan.
- On Tuesday 24 January 2012, County Republican Conventions will select 2,085 delegates to the State Presidential Convention.
- At-large delegates to the Republican National Convention are bound to Presidential contenders during the Tuesday 6 March 2012 state Presidential Convention.
- District delegates to the Republican National Convention are bound to Presidential contenders during the Tuesday 8 May 2012 Presidential Primary.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
CA CD 36 Special Election; 4 changes to the candidate list; CT Presidential Primaries
by Tony Roza
California CD 36 Special Election
On Tuesday 12 July 2011, California will hold a House CD 36 Special runoff Election to fill the vacant seat of Congressman Jane Harman (Democratic) who resigned on 28 February 2011 to become the President and CEO of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Since no candidate received 50% of the vote in the non-partisan 17 May 2011 primary, today's runoff will be between the top two vote getters-- Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn (Democratic, 24.6%) and Craig Huey (Republican, 22.24%). Polling hours are 7:00a PDT (1400 UTC) to 8:00p PDT (0300 UTC).
We extend our sympathy to Janice Hahn on the passing of her mother, Ramona Hahn, on Monday 11 July.
Returns from the Secretary of State.
Returns from the County of Los Angeles.
Results from AP.
Changes to the candidate list
Arizona: Senate Class 1: Don Bivens (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: House CD 2: Brendan Mullen (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: John Hatter (Republican) - added.
Montana: Attorney General: Pam Bucy (Democratic) - added.
Correction - Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst is running for the Class 1 Senate Seat. Texas: Senate Class 1: Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst (Republican) - removed.
Connecticut Presidential Primaries
On 8 July 2011, Connecticut Governor Dannel P. "Dan" Malloy (Democratic) signed HB 6532. The bill moves the state's Democratic and Republican Presidential Primary from the 1st Tuesday in February (7 February 2012) to the last Tuesday in April (24 April 2012).
CA CD 36 Special 12 July Election / 7 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
On Tuesday 12 July 2011, California will hold a House CD 36 Special runoff Election to fill the vacant seat of Congressman Jane Harman (Democratic) who resigned on 28 February 2011 to become the President and CEO of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. No candidate received 50% of the vote in the non-partisan 17 May 2011 primary. The runoff is between the top two vote getters-- Los Angeles City Councilwoman Janice Hahn (Democratic, 24.6%) and Craig Huey (Republican, 22.24%). Polling hours are 7:00a PDT (1400 UTC) to 8:00p PDT (0300 UTC).
Iowa: House CD 2: Richard Kent Gate (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 9 Special: Chris Hoeppner (Socialist Workers Party) - added; state Assemblyman David I. Weprin (Democratic, Independence) - received the nomination of the Independence Party.
Ohio: House CD 10: Thomas A. Guarente (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 25: David Henry "Dave" Garrison (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Charles Earl Harvey (Not readily classifiable) - added; Robert William Larock (Republican) - added. 2012 SD-D Presidential Primary Calendar Update
by Tony Roza
The South Dakota Democratic Party has updated their Draft 2012 Delegate Selection Plan.
- Legislative District Caucuses meet on Saturday 10 March 2012 to elect delegates to the Saturday 24 March 2012 Congressional District Caucus. The Congressional District caucus slates National Convention Congressional District delegates for the primary ballot.
- Delegates are pledged to presidential contenders according to the results of the Tuesday 5 June 2012 Presidential Primary.
- Starting on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% pledged delegate bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota) begin on the same date (5 June 2012).
- The state should receive a 20% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage III (May and June).
- National Convention At-Large and Pledged PLEO delegates are elected at the Saturday 30 June 2012: State Convention / State Party Central Committee according to the results of the primary.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here. The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by 3 April 2012, states representing 53.64% of the total number of Democratic delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: Senate Class 1: Craig Miller (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: Andrew Palomo (Republican) - added. House CD 11: former Aurora Township Clerk Juan Thomas (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: House CD 5: former Congressman David Martin McIntosh (Republican) - added.
Missouri: House CD 2: state Senator Jane Cunningham (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: Congressman Billy Long (Republican) - added as candidate.
Montana: Governor: state Senator David E. "Dave" Wanzenried (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
New York: House CD 9 Special: Robert L. "Bob" Turner (Conservative, Republican) - nominated by both parties for the Tuesday 13 September 2011 Special Primary.
North Carolina: House CD 11: Spence Campbell (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 6: Bill Burch (Republican) - added.
2012 OH, RI Presidential Primary Calendar Update
by Tony Roza
On 1 July 2011, Ohio Governor John Richard Kasich (Republican) signed HB 194. The law moves the partisan and Presidential primaries from the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in March (6 March 2012) to the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in May (8 May 2012).
The plan for the Ohio Democratic Party has been updated accordingly.
- Starting on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% pledged delegate bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states (Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia) begin on the same date (8 May 2012).
- The state should receive a 20% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage III (May and June).
The Ohio Republican Party has not yet posted their plan for 2012. The 2008 plan used a Winner-Take-All (by district and statewide) primary.
- - - - - - - - -
On 1 July 2011, Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Davenport "Linc" Chafee (Independent) signed Senate Bill 399. The law moves the Presidential primary from the 1st Tuesday in March (6 March 2012) to the 4th Tuesday in April (24 April 2012).
The plan for the Rhode Island Democratic Party has been updated accordingly.
- Starting on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% pledged delegate bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states begin on the same date.
- The state should receive a 10% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage II (April).
The Rhode Island Republican Party has not yet posted their plan for 2012. The 2008 plan used a proportional primary.
- - - - - - - - -
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here. The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by 3 April 2012, states representing 53.64% of the total number of Democratic delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
18 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 3: Calaveras County Supervisor Darren Spellman (Republican) - added. House CD 25: Harrison Leonard (Republican) - added. House CD 41: Gregg Imus (Republican) - added. House CD 48: Orange County Supervisor Shawn Nelson (Republican) - added.
Colorado: House CD 6: state Representative Joe Miklosi (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 5: John Russell (Independent) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: former Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs L. Tammy Duckworth (Democratic) - correction - previously listed as Republican.
Iowa: House CD 2: John Archer (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 2 Special: Certified list of candidates: Treasurer Kate Marshall (Democratic), former state Senator Mark Eugene Amodei ((Republican), Timothy "Tim" Fasano (Independent American), and Helmuth Lehmann (Independent). Candidates removed: Earl Ammerman, IV (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; B. Dale Gremban (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate; Roland Lee (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Christopher Simon (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
New York: House CD 9 Special: former Congressman Elizabeth J. "Liz" Holtzman (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Robert L. "Bob" Turner (Conservative [Republican]) - added; state Assemblyman David I. Weprin (Democratic) - added. House CD 24: Congressman Richard L. Hanna (Republican) - added as candidate.
Oklahoma: House CD 2: Markwayne Mullin (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Francis J. Savarirayan (Independent) - added. 10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 2: state Assemblyman Jeffrey Miller (Republican) - relisted - running in House CD 44. House CD 48: Irvine Mayor Sukhee Kang (Democratic) - added.
Colorado: House CD 4: state Senator Brandon C. Shaffer (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 8: former Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs L. Tammy Duckworth (Republican) - added.
Louisiana: Governor: Ron Ceasar (Independent) - added.
Maryland: House CD 6: Congressman Roscoe G. Bartlett, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate.
New York: House CD 9 Special: former Congressman Elizabeth J. "Liz" Holtzman (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 4: George Hutchins (Republican) - added. House CD 13: Nathan Tabor (Republican) - added.
25 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 44: Riverside Community College Board Trustee Mark A. Takano (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: On 5 July 2011, the Nevada Supreme Court affirmed the decision to allow parties to nominate candidates for the 13 September 2011 special election to fill the vacant U.S. House CD 2 seat of Congressman Dean Heller. There will be no primary. The winner of the special election (the candidate receiving the most votes) will serve the remainder of current term which ends in January 2013. The Democratic nominee is state Treasurer Kate Marshall and the Republican nominee is former state Senator Mark Eugene Amodei. We have updated our House CD 2 Special Election listing accordingly.
George S. Bay (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Hal Carmack (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Chad Dehne (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Guy Felton (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Blake Franzman (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; R. J. Gillum (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; William R. Graves (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Edward "Ed" "Eddie" "Mr. Clean" Hamilton (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Ryan Henderson (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Greg Hudson (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Joe Hunt (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Zach Jones (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Robert X. Leeds (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Kirk S. Lippold (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Jacques Maye (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Daniel Miller (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Troy "Gunny" Orosco (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Rex Ricks (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Phillip D. Telander (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Busch Voigts, Jr. (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Jonathan M. Yuspa (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Sidney "Sid" Zeller (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst (Republican) - added.
Wyoming: House At-Large: Congressman Cynthia Marie Lummis (Republican) - added as candidate.
14 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 2: state Assemblyman Jeffrey Miller (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 6: David Drain "Dave" Wallace, II (Republican) - added.
Montana: Attorney General: former state Senator Jesse Laslovich (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 2 Special: Billy Howard (Green) - apparently not a candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 13: Vernon Robinson (Republican) - added. Secretary of State: Michael "Mike" Beitler (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1: Kaliko Castille (Democratic) - added.
Washington: House CD 9: Dick Muri (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 4: Daniel P. "Dan" Sebring (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: David Frey (Independent) - added; Loretta "Leah" (Miller) Lax (Democratic) - added; Thomas Edward Lynch (Republican) - added; George Fredrick Rhodes (Republican) - added; Paul Douglas Sims (Republican) - added. 2012 LA-D, LA-R, PR-D Presidential Primary Calendar Update
by Tony Roza
On 28 June 2011, Louisiana Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal (Republican) signed HB 509. The law moves the presidential primary from the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in February (Saturday 11 February 2012) to the 3rd Saturday following the 1st Tuesday in March (Saturday 24 March 2012).
The plan for the Louisiana Democratic Party has been updated accordingly.
- Delegates are pledged to presidential contenders according to the results of the Saturday 24 March 2012 Primary.
- National Convention district level delegates are elected during the April 2012 Post-primary Congressional District Caucuses according to the results of the primary.
- National Convention Pledged PLEO and At-Large delegates are elected at the Saturday 5 May 2012 State Convention according to the results of the primary.
- Starting on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% pledged delegate bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states begin on the same date.
The Louisiana Republican Party has not yet posted their plan.
- - - - - - - - -
The Puerto Rico Democratic Party has posted their Draft 2012 Delegate Selection Plan for public comment. The period for public comment ends 8 July 2011.
- Delegates are pledged to presidential contenders based on the results of the Sunday 3 June 2012 Senate District Caucuses.
- National Convention delegates are elected during the Sunday 10 June 2012 Assembly of the Democratic Party according to the results of the Senate District Caucuses.
- The Commonwealth should receive a 20% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage III (May and June).
- Starting on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% pledged delegate bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states begin on the same date. American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are considered neighboring states of each other.
- - - - - - - - -
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here. The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by 20 March 2012, states representing 51.69% of the total number of Democratic delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
8 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: House CD 25: Annette Taddeo (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana: Governor: Tara Hollis (Democratic) - added.
Massachusetts: House CD 4: Sean D. Bielat (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 2 Special: B. Dale Gremban (Libertarian) - added; Nancy Price (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Oklahoma: House CD 2: former Congressman Brad Carson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; state Representative George Faught (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Congressman Thaddeus G. McCotter (Republican) - added. SPECIAL ELECTION for Congressman Weiner's seat in NEW YORK now set for Tuesday 13 September 2011
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-New York) has scheduled a SPECIAL ELECTION in the 9th Congressional District of NEW YORK to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Anthony Weiner (D-New York) [effective this past 22 June] for Tuesday 13 September 2011. The Democratic and Republican Parties in the District will name the candidates (that is: there will be no Primary Elections preceding this special election).
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2025
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2024
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2024
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2024
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2024
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2023
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2023
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2023
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2023
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2022
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2022
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2022
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2022
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2021
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2021
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2021
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2021
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2020
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2020
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2020
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2020
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2019
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2019
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2019
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2019
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2018
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2018
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2018
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2018
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2017
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2017
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2017
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2017
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2016
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2016
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2016
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2016
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2015
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2015
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2015
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2015
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2014
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2014
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2014
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2014
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2013
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2013
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2013
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2013
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2012
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2012
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2012
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2012
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2011
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2011
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2011
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2011
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2010
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2010
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2010
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2010
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2009
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2009
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2009
- Changes prior to Fri 29 May 2009
Modified .