AK Senate candidate Miller (R) says he will not oppose certification of Murkowski (R) as the victor.
by Tony Roza
Alaska Senate Class 3 candidate Joseph W. "Joe" Miller (Republican, 35.26%) has announced that he will not oppose the certification of Senator Lisa Murkowski (write-in Republican, 36.11%) as the victor however, he will continue with his suit in Federal District Court. On Wednesday, 22 December, the Alaska Supreme Court ruled against Miller stating "There are no remaining issues raised by Miller that prevent this election from being certified."
Media report from The Anchorage Daily News and the Alaska Dispatch. The Miller Statement. 2012 Dem and Rep National Convention Delegate Allocations updated to reflect the 2012 Apportionment
by Tony Roza
Our estimates of the 2012 National Convention delegate allocations have been updated according to the 2012 to 2020 apportionment of the U.S. House of Representatives. Note: Our previous numbers utilized the estimated apportionment provided by the Census Bureau in December 2009.
The Democratic Convention has now a total of 5,068 delegates votes with 2,535 needed to nominate.
- Florida changed: +3 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate, +1 pledged PLEO delegate. The delegation has now 263 delegate votes.
- Illinois changed: -3 district delegates, -1 at-large delegate, -1 pledged PLEO delegate. The delegation has now 209 delegate votes.
- Missouri changed: -3 district delegates, -1 pledged PLEO delegate. The delegation has now 99 delegate votes.
- New York changed: -2 district delegates, -1 at-large delegate, -1 pledged PLEO delegate. The delegation has now 315 delegate votes.
- Ohio changed: -2 district delegates, -1 at-large delegate, -1 pledged PLEO delegate. The delegation has now 180 delegate votes.
- South Carolina changed: +2 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate, +1 pledged PLEO delegate. The delegation has now 67 delegate votes.
- Texas changed: +3 district delegates. The delegation has now 281 delegate votes.
- Washington changed: +3 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate. The delegation has now 117 delegate votes.
The Republican Convention has now a total of 2,421 delegates with 1,211 needed to nominate.
- Florida changed: +3 district delegates. The delegation has now 99 delegates.
- Missouri changed: -3 district delegates. The delegation has now 53 delegates.
- New York changed: -3 district delegates. The delegation has now 95 delegates.
- Texas changed: +3 district delegates. The delegation has now 152 delegates.
For those interest in the math behind these calculations ...
Alaska Supreme Court rules against U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller
by Tony Roza
Regarding the Alaska U.S. Senate Class 3 election of 2 November 2010 in which Senator Lisa Murkowski (Write-in Republican) received 36.11% over Joseph W. "Joe" Miller (Republican) 35.26%-- the Alaska Supreme Court writes "There are no remaining issues raised by Miller that prevent this election from being certified."
- Supreme Court No. S-14112 / JOE MILLER v. MEAD TREADWELL - Opinion No. 6532.
- Media: Alaska Dispatch
- Media: Ancorage Daily News
U.S. District Court Judge Ralph Beistline has blocked certification pending a review by the Alaska Courts.
Census Bureau releases 2012 apportionment - 18 states to see changes in Congressman/Presidential Electors
by Tony Roza
Today, 21 December 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau released the Apportionment Population and Number of Representatives for 2012 through 2020- A New Portrait of America, First 2010 Census Results.
Accordingly, the number of U.S. Representatives and Presidential Electors for 2012, 2016, and 2020 is changed for 18 states:
- Gain 4: Texas.
- Gain 2: Florida.
- Gain 1: Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah, Washington.
- Lose 1: Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Pennsylvania.
- Lose 2: New York, Ohio.
The details and the math--
- United States Census 2010 Home
- 2010 Census State Population and the Distribution of Electoral Votes and Representatives
- 2012 - 2020 Federal Representation by People per House Seat, Senate Seat, and Electors
- The state that would have received the 436th Representative (yes, we know there are only 435!) is North Carolina. The Math Behind the 2010 Census Apportionment of Representatives
New pages: 2011 Off-Year Election
by Tony Roza
New pages: 2011 Primary, Runoff, and General Elections for Statewide offices and Congress and the calendar of regularily scheduled elections.
New page: Dates of PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES to Major Party National Conventions - 1952 to current
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
New page: Dates of PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES re: selection and/or allocation/distribution of Delegates to Major Party National Conventions. This page contains a compilation of the dates, from 1952 to current, on which States scheduled a PRESIDENTIAL Primary (a Primary Election, as opposed to the indirect Primary [that which we, nowadays, would call either Caucuses or Mass Meetings]) utilized as at least an adjunct to the distribution of a Party's National Convention delegates pledged to the various and sundry contenders for that Party's Presidential Nomination every four years).
New page: Direct Primary dates by state for Major Party Nominations - 1952 to current
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
New page: Dates of DIRECT PRIMARY Elections re: Major Party Nominations for Statewide and/or Federal Office. This page is a compilation of the dates form 1952 to current on which States scheduled a Direct Primary (a Primary Election, as opposed to the indirect Primary [that which we, nowadays, would call either Caucuses or Mass Meetings]) to nominate candidates for Statewide and/or Federal elective office.
10 changes to 2010 candidate list. A belated update on IL US House CD 10. A ruling on AK Senate Election.
by Tony Roza
Illinois 2010: Senate Class 3: Susanne Atanus (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Corey Dabney (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Stan Jagla (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Avner Nagar (Write-in) - added; Darren Raichart (Write-in) - added; Lowell M. Seida (Write-in) - added; Robert Lawerence Zadek (Write-in [Republican]) - added. House CD 10: former Congressman Mark Steven Kirk (Republican) - Vacant Office; Author C. Brumfield (Write-in) - added. House CD 14: Doug Marks (Write-in) - added.
A belated update on Illinois U.S. House CD 10: Congressman Mark Steven Kirk (Republican) was elected in a special election to the Class 3 U.S. Senate Seat on 2 November 2010. He actually won two elections to the Senate: The first for the partial term ending in January 2011 and second for the full term ending in January 2017. The Congressman resigned from Congress on 29 November 2010 to take his new seat in the Senate.
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 255 Democrats, 179 Republicans, and 1 vacant Seat.
A 10 December 2010 update on the Alaska U.S. Senate Class 3 election. Superior Court Judge William Carey ruled that the Division of Elections correctly interpreted the law when they counted ballots for Murkowski even though her name was misspelled. The Judge also found that Mr. Miller's claims of fraud were unsubstantiated. The uncertified vote total is Senator Lisa Murkowski (Republican) 36.11% to Joseph W. "Joe" Miller (Republican) 35.26%. More here and here.
2012 Democratic and Republican National Convention Estimated Delegate Allocations Updated
by Tony Roza
Our 2012 estimates for the number of delegates allocated to each state for the Democratic and Republican National Conventions have been updated according to the results of the 2010 General Elections for the U.S. Senate, U.S. House, Governors, and State Legislatures.
For those interest in the math behind these calculations ...
The allocations will be updated at the end of this month when the U.S. Census Bureau releases the data for the Apportionment of the U.S. House of Representatives.
General Election update - NY U.S. House CD 1 called - Congressman Tim Bishop (D) re-elected
by Tony Roza
Contest called:
New York U.S. House CD 1: Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) has conceded. 977 absentee ballots remain to be counted and Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop (Democratic; Independence; Working Families) leads by 263 votes. Media reports here and here.
All 2 November 2010 General Election contests covered by this website have now been called.
General Election update - MN Gov called - Mark Dayton (D) wins / 6 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Contest called:
Minnesota Governor: former Senator Mark Dayton (Democratic-Farmer Labor - WINNER): 43.63% v. state Representative Tom Emmer (Republican): 43.21%. Media reports indicate that Mr. Emmer has decided to concede. The recount made no significant change to the vote totals.
Contest too close to call:
New York U.S. House CD 1: Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop
(Democratic; Independence; Working Families) leads Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) by about 277 votes. Contested absentee ballots continue to be processed.
6 changes to the 2010-2012 candidate list
Minnesota 2010: Governor: former Senator Mark Dayton (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - elected. House CD 4: Amber Garlan (Write-in) - added; Jack Shepard (Write-in [Republican]) - added. House CD 6: Dennis S. Ferche (Write-in) - added.
Missouri 2012: Senate Class 1: Sarah Steelman (Republican) - added.
New Mexico 2012: Senate Class 1: Greg Sowards (Republican) - added.
New page: Election Years in which the DIRECT PRIMARY has been specifically authorized
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
New page: Election Years in which the DIRECT PRIMARY has been specifically authorized . This page is a compilation of those Election Years in which States (or equivalent jurisdictions) were permitted to use the Direct Primary (a Primary Election, as opposed to the indirect Primary [that which we, nowadays, would call either Caucuses or Mass Meetings]) to nominate candidates for Statewide and/or Federal elective office.
12 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida 2012: Senate Class 1: Mike McCalister (Republican) - added.
Illinois 2010: Senate Class 3 Special: Susanne Atanus (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Corey Dabney (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Stan Jagla (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Ina Pinkney (Write-in) - added; Lowell M. Seida (Write-in) - added; Robert Lawerence Zadek (Write-in [Republican]) - added.
Kentucky 2011: Commissioner of Agriculture: Rob Rothenburger (Republican) - added.
Michigan 2010: House CD 8: Eric Harvey (Write-in [Republican]) - previously listed as Write-in.
New Mexico 2012: Senate Class 1: William S. "Bill" English (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania 2012: Senate Class 1: Marc Scaringi (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Randolph Wilson "Randy" Crow (Republican) - previously listed as Independent.
General Election update - CA Attorney General called - Kamala D. Harris (D) is the winner.
by Tony Roza
Contest called:
California Attorney General: Kamala D. Harris (Democratic): 45.97% (WINNER) v. Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley (Republican): 45.40%. Mr. Cooley has conceded.
General Election update: NY House CD 25 called, 3 races too close to call.
by Tony Roza
Contest called:
New York U.S. House CD 25: Ann Marie Buerkle (Republican; Conservative; Independence): 50.14% (WINNER) v. Congressman Daniel Benjamin "Dan" Maffei (Democratic; Working Families): 49.86%. Congressman Mafffei conceded. He lost by 567 votes.
Contests too close to call:
California Attorney General: Kamala D. Harris (Democratic): 45.98% v. Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley (Republican): 45.41%. If the current trend continues, the election will be callable for Harris who leads by 53,764 votes. The Secretary of State reports that 154,806 ballots remain to be counted.
Minnesota Governor: former Senator Mark Dayton (Democratic-Farmer Labor): 43.63% v.
state Representative Tom Emmer (Republican): 43.21%. The results were certified on Tuesday 23 November. Since the difference of 0.42% is less than 0.5%, an automatic recount will begin on 29 November and is expected to be completed by mid December.
New York U.S. House CD 1: With about 2,000 challenged ballots remaining to be counted, Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop
(Democratic; Independence; Working Families) leads Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) by 235 votes.
Other close contests-- 2010 Close Contests Summary -- Decision by 2% or less.
General Election update - TX U.S. House 27 called - Farenthold (R) ousts Congressman Ortiz (D)
by Tony Roza
Texas U.S. House CD 27: Randolph Blake "Blake" Farenthold (Republican, WINNER): 47.85% v. Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz (Democratic): 47.10%. Media reports state the Congressman has conceded.
General Election update on NY U.S. House 25. Buerkle (R) leads Congressman Maffei (D)
by Tony Roza
18 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Michigan 2010: Governor: Linda Blauwkamp (Write-in) - added; Angelo Brown (Write-in) - added; George DeLorean (Write-in) - added; Larry Hutchinson, Jr. (Write-in) - added; James Mote (Write-in) - added; Thomas Neuenfeldt (Write-in) - added; Mark Van Kleeck (Write-in) - added; Dovelyn Waynick (Write-in) - added. House CD 7: Danny Davis (Write-in) - added. House CD 8: Eric Harvey (Write-in) - added; Katherine Houston (Write-in) - added. House CD 10: Kurt Hausauer (Write-in) - added. House CD 13: James Casha (Write-in) - added; Verl Pittman (Write-in) - added. House CD 15: Louis Czako (Write-in) - added.
Wisconsin 2010: Senate Class 3: Michael D. Laforest (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Ernest J. Pagels, Jr. (Write-in [Republican]) - added. Governor: Patricia Messicci (Write-in [Independent]) - added.
General Election update: CA House CD 11 called, 5 races too close to call, 28 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Contest called:
California U.S. House CD 11: Congressman Jerry McNerney
(Democratic -WINNER): 47.82% v. David Jeffrey Harmer (Republican): 47.05%. McNerney has declared victory but Harmer has not conceded.
Contests too close to call:
California Attorney General: Kamala D. Harris (Democratic): 45.89% v. Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley (Republican): 45.57%. 670,994 ballots remain to be counted.
Minnesota Governor: former Senator Mark Dayton (Democratic-Farmer Labor): 43.63% v.
state Representative Tom Emmer (Republican): 43.21%. The results are expected to be certified on Tuesday 23 November. If a recount is necessary, it would begin circa 29 November.
New York U.S. House CD 1: Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) is ahead of Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop
(Democratic; Independence; Working Families) by 272 votes.
New York U.S. House CD 25: Ann Marie Buerkle (Republican; Conservative; Independence) is ahead of Congressman Daniel Benjamin "Dan" Maffei (Democratic; Working Families) by 824 votes.
Texas U.S. House CD 27: Randolph Blake "Blake" Farenthold (Republican): 47.85% v. Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz (Democratic): 47.10%.
Other close contests-- 2010 Close Contests Summary -- Decision by 2% or less.
28 changes to the 2010 to 2012 candidate lists:
Alaska 2010: Senate Class 3: Kory W. Bradshaw (Write-in) - added; Edward D. Marin (Write-in) - added; Senator Lisa Murkowski (Write-in [Republican]) - elected; Lisa Murkowski (Write-ins challenged and counted) (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Lisa Murkowski (Write-ins challenged and NOT Counted) (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Other - Misc. Names (Scattering) - added; Ben F. Sawer (Write-in) - added.
Connecticut 2010: Senate Class 3: John M. Joy (Write-in) - added. Governor: John M. Joy (Write-in) - added. House CD 5: Muriel P. Bianchi (Write-in) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 2; Matthew Coleman (Write-in) - added; Eugene Flanagan (Write-in) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 4; Stephen E. D. "Steve" Fournier (Write-in [Independent Party of Connecticut, Green]) - added; Walter Gengarelly (Write-in) - added; Boaz "Bo" ItsHaky (Write-in) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3; Daniel J. Reale (Write-in [Libertarian]) - added; Daniel J. Stepanek (Write-in) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 1; Todd Vachon (Write-in) - added.
Delaware 2012: Senate Class 2: Senator Christopher A. "Chris" Coons (Democratic) - Incumbent to run for re-election.
Illinois 2010: House CD 8: Joe Walsh (Republican) - elected.
Kentucky 2010: House CD 6: Congressman A.B. "Ben" Chandler, III (Democratic) - elected. Commissioner of Agriculture: Robert "Bob" Farmer (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana 2011: Secretary of State: former state Senator Tom Schedler (Republican) - added.
Missouri 2010: Senate Class 3: Mark Stephen Memoly (Write-in [Republican]) - previously listed as Write-in.
Texas 2012: Senate Class 1: Railroad Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones (Republican) - added; former Texas Secretary of State Roger Williams (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates 2012: Winona LaDuke (Green) - added. General Election update: AK Senate called for Murkowski (Republican)
by Tony Roza
Contest called:
Alaska Senate Class 3. The write-ins have been counted. The currently tallies including the challenged ballots are-- Senator Lisa Murkowski (Republican - WINNER): 39.23% to Joseph W. "Joe" Miller (Republican): 35.29%. If the challenged ballots are removed from the tally-- Murkowski (WINNER): 36.06% to Miller 35.29%. The Miller campaign will apparently request recount. Reference: The Anchorage Daily News.
General Election update: IL House CD 8- called, AK Senate- Murkowski leads, 6 others too close to call
by Tony Roza
Contest called:
Illinois U.S. House CD 8: Joe Walsh (Republican -- ELECTED): 48.53% v. Congressman Melissa Luburich Bean (Democratic): 48.25%. The Congressman conceded on 16 November 2010 after the ballot counting was completed.
Contests too close to call:
Alaska Senate Class 3. As of 4:55p Juneau time on 16 November 2010 the tallies are: Senator Lisa Murkowski (Republican, unchallenged write-in votes): 36.12%; Joseph W. "Joe" Miller (Republican): 35.25%; Murkowski (challenged write-in votes due to minor misspellings or penmanship): 3.18%. About 600 ballots remain to be counted. The Miller campaign apparently will request a recount but it is unlikely that Mr. Miller will be able to make up the difference. Certification is set for 29 November.
References: The Anchorage Daily News and State of Alaska 2010 General Election Unofficial Results / United States Senator Write-In.
California U.S. House CD 11: Congressman Jerry McNerney
(Democratic): 47.82% v. David Jeffrey Harmer (Republican): 47.06%. McNerney
has declared victory but Harmer has not conceded. Reports state that about 8,500 ballots remain to be counted.
California Attorney General: Kamala D. Harris (Democratic): 45.92% v. Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley (Republican): 45.59%. 761,218 ballots remain to be counted.
Minnesota Governor: former Senator Mark Dayton (Democratic-Farmer Labor): 43.63% v.
state Representative Tom Emmer (Republican): 43.21%. The contest is headed for a recount. An automatic recount is required if the difference between candidates is less than 0.5%.
New York U.S. House CD 1: An election night tabulating error make it appeared that Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop
(Democratic; Independence; Working Families) had won re-election defeating Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) by about 3,000 votes (50.96% to 49.04%). The corrected vote shows Mr. Altschuler leading. 11,000 absentee votes remain to be counted.
New York U.S. House CD 25: Ann Marie Buerkle (Republican; Conservative; Independence): 50.17% v. Congressman Daniel Benjamin "Dan" Maffei (Democratic; Working Families): 49.83%. 6,000 absentee votes remain to be counted.
Texas U.S. House CD 27: Randolph Blake "Blake" Farenthold (Republican): 47.85% v. Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz (Democratic): 47.10%. Headed for a recount.
Other close contests-- 2010 Close Contests Summary -- Decision by 2% or less.
General Election update: Alaska Senate and 7 other races remain too close to call.
by Tony Roza
Contests too close to call:
Alaska Senate Class 3. As of 4:07p Juneau time on 15 November 2010, the Alaska Division of Elections reports that 92.79% (94,674 out of 102,028) of the write-in votes have been counted. Update-- The Anchorage Daily News has an AM 16 November report stating that Murkowski has 1,700 votes more than Miller.
The 4:07p Juneau time tallies are: Joseph W. "Joe" Miller (Republican): 35.46%; Senator Lisa Murkowski (Republican, unchallenged write-in votes): 33.15%; Murkowski (challenged write-in votes due to minor misspellings or penmanship): 2.98%; and Write-in Votes waiting to be counted: 2.88%.
References: The Anchorage Daily News and State of Alaska 2010 General Election Unofficial Results / United States Senator Write-In.
The counting schedule: 9 November-- early votes / absentee ballots; 10 November-- write-in votes; 12 to 16 November-- questioned ballots; 17 November-- overseas ballots; certification-- 29 November. Once certification is complete, the results can be contested.
California U.S. House CD 11: Congressman Jerry McNerney
(Democratic): 47.83% v. David Jeffrey Harmer (Republican): 47.06%. McNerney
has declared victory but Harmer has not conceded. Reports state that about 8,500 ballots remain to be counted.
California Attorney General: Kamala D. Harris (Democratic): 45.95% v. Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley (Republican): 45.60%. 774,065 ballots remain to be counted.
Illinois U.S. House CD 8: Joe Walsh (Republican): 48.53% v. Congressman Melissa Luburich Bean (Democratic): 48.25%.
Minnesota Governor: former Senator Mark Dayton (Democratic-Farmer Labor): 43.63% v.
state Representative Tom Emmer (Republican): 43.21%. The contest is headed for a recount. An automatic recount is required if the difference between candidates is less than 0.5%.
New York U.S. House CD 1: An election night tabulating error make it appeared that Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop
(Democratic; Independence; Working Families) had won re-election defeating Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) by about 3,000 votes (50.96% to 49.04%). The corrected vote shows Mr. Altschuler leading. 11,000 absentee votes remain to be counted.
New York U.S. House CD 25: Ann Marie Buerkle (Republican; Conservative; Independence): 50.17% v. Congressman Daniel Benjamin "Dan" Maffei (Democratic; Working Families): 49.83%. 6,000 absentee votes remain to be counted.
Texas U.S. House CD 27: Randolph Blake "Blake" Farenthold (Republican): 47.85% v. Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz (Democratic): 47.10%. Headed for a recount.
Other close contests-- 2010 Close Contests Summary -- Decision by 2% or less.
Two newly (and specially) elected U.S. Senators (from DELAWARE and WEST VIRGINIA, respectively) formally sworn in today
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Chris Coons (D-Delaware) and Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia), both of whom were elected in Special Elections in their respective States on Tuesday 2 November 2010, were both sworn in as United States Senators by Vice President Joe Biden shortly after 4 o'clock p.m. Washington Time (2100 GMT) on Monday 15 November 2010.
Senator Chris Coons was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Joe Biden [Democrat] in January 2009 in order to accede to the Vice-Presidency of the United States; he replaces Senator Ted Kaufman [Democrat] who had been appointed by the Governor of DELAWARE to temporarily fill this vacancy. Senator Coons will now finish out the 6-year term to which Senator Biden had been re-elected in November 2008, one which ends at Noon, 3 January 2015.
Senator Joe Manchin was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Robert C. Byrd [Democrat] in June 2010; he replaces Senator Carte Goodwin [Democrat] who had been appointed by the Governor of WEST VIRGINIA to temporarily fill this vacancy. Senator Manchin will now finish out the 6-year term to which Senator Byrd had been re-elected in November 2006, one which ends at Noon, 3 January 2013.
West Virginia U.S. Senator Manchin and acting West Virginia Governor Tomblin take office.
by Tony Roza
West Virginia Senate President Earl Ray Tomblin (Democratic) will became acting Governor today as Governor Joe Manchin, III (Democratic) is sworn as a U.S. Senator.
On 2 November 2010, Governor Joe Manchin, III won the special election for the U.S. Senate Class 1 seat with 53.47% of the vote. Governor Manchin was first elected as Governor in 2004 and re-elected in 2008.
The Class 1 Senate Seat became vacant upon the 28 June 2010 death of Senator Robert C. Byrd (Democratic). On 16 July 2010, Governor Joe Manchin appointed 36 year old Carte P. Goodwin (Democratic) as interim Senator to fill the vacant Senate seat.
General Election Update: Alaska Senate
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Alaska Senate Class 3. As of evening 14 November, 89.36% (88,076 out of 98,565) of the write-in votes have been counted. About 89% of the unchallenged write-ins are for Senator Lisa Murkowski.
The current tallies are: Joseph W. "Joe" Miller (Republican): 35.50%; Senator Lisa Murkowski (Republican, unchallenged write-in votes): 31.92%; Murkowski (challenged write-in votes due to minor misspellings or penmanship): 2.86%; and Write-in Votes waiting to be counted: 4.25%. If the uncounted write-ins continue to break for Murkowski at 89%, she would receive an additional 3.78% (89% of 4.25%) bringing her to 35.70% of the vote-- enough to win without the challenged ballots.
References: The Anchorage Daily News and State of Alaska 2010 General Election Unofficial Results / United States Senator Write-In.
General Election Update: 1 contest called and Alaska Senate
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Contest called:
Kentucky U.S. House CD 6: The results of the 12 November 2010 recanvass changed but 1 vote (from the certified results) between the top two candidates. Consequently, Garland "Andy" Barr (Republican) conceded. Congressman A.B. "Ben" Chandler, III (Democratic) has been re-elected with 50.08%.
Alaska Senate Update
Alaska Senate Class 3. 74.5% (69,249 of the 92,979) of the write-in ballots have been reviewed. About 90% of the unchallenged write-ins are for Senator Lisa Murkowski. 8% of the write-ins votes have been challenged by the Joe Miller campaign but these ballots appear to be for Murkowski. The remaining 2% have either been successfully challenged or were cast for other candidates. References: The Anchorage Daily News and Alaska Dispatch.
General Election Update: 9 contests too close to call.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Contests too close to call:
Alaska Senate Class 3. 48.5% (45,132 of the 92,979) of the write-in ballots have been counted. The write-ins comprise 41% of the vote. Reports state that 89.78% of the unchallenged write-ins are for Senator Lisa Murkowski. Another 8% of the write-ins appear to be for Murkowski but have been challenged by the Joe Miller campaign. Reference: The Anchorage Daily News.
Counting schedule: 9 November-- early votes / absentee ballots; 10 November-- write-in votes; 12 to 16 November-- questioned ballots; 17 November-- overseas ballots; certification-- 29 November. Once certification is complete, the results can be contested.
California: U.S. House CDs 11 and Attorney General.
Illinois U.S. House CD 8.
Kentucky U.S. House CD 6: Certified results show Congressman A.B. "Ben" Chandler, III (Democratic) 50.08% v. Garland "Andy" Barr (Republican) 49.81%. A recanvass of the results will be conducted on 12 November 2010 in each county within the district.
Minnesota Governor: County Canvassing Boards must complete their vote counts by 12 November; the State Canvassing Board meets on 23 November to certify the result (only then will it be seen whether or not an automatic recount [only required if the difference between candidates is less than 0.5%] in this race will be authorized).
New York U.S. House CD 1: An election night tabulating error make it appeared that Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop
(Democratic; Independence; Working Families) had won re-election defeating Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) by about 3,000 votes (50.96% to 49.04%). The corrected vote shows Mr. Altschuler leading by 400 votes with 9,000 absentee votes yet to be counted.
New York U.S. House CD 25.
Texas U.S. House CD 27.
11 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Missouri: Senate Class 3: Charlie L. Bailey (Write-in) - added; Dale M. Hoinoski (Write-in) - added; Mark S. Memoly (Write-in) - added; Jeff Wirick (Write-in) - added; Richie L. Wolfe (Write-in) - added. House CD 2: Patrick M. Cannon (Write-in) - added. House CD 3: Brian Wallner (Write-in) - added. House CD 6: Kyle Yarber (Write-in) - added. House CD 7: D. Day (Write-in) - added; Nicholas Ivan Ladendorf (Write-in [Progressive, Green]) - added. House CD 9: Ron Burrus (Write-in) - added.
General Election Update: 1 Contest called (CA H20), 9 too close to call.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Contest called:
California U.S. House CD 20: Congressman Jim Costa (Democratic) has been re-elected with 50.84% of the vote.
Contests too close to call:
Alaska Senate Class 3. The state is counting the write-in ballots which comprise 41% of the vote. One fifth of the precincts are now counted. Reports state that about 89% of the unchallenged write-ins are for Senator Lisa Murkowski. Doing the math ... 89% of 92,528 write-ins cast = 82,350 votes. Joseph W. "Joe" Miller has 81,195 82,180 votes. About 8.5% of the challenged ballots contain misspellings of "Murkowski". Reference: The Anchorage Daily News.
Counting schedule: 9 November-- early votes / absentee ballots; 10 November-- write-in votes; 12 to 16 November-- questioned ballots; 17 November-- overseas ballots.
California: U.S. House CDs 11 and Attorney General.
Illinois U.S. House CD 8.
Kentucky U.S. House CD 6: Headed for a recount.
Minnesota Governor: County Canvassing Boards must complete their vote counts by 12 November; the State Canvassing Board meets on 23 November to certify the result (only then will it be seen whether or not an automatic recount [only required if the difference between candidates is less than 0.5%] in this race will be authorized).
New York U.S. House CD 1: An election night tabulating error make it appeared that Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop
(Democratic; Independence; Working Families) had won re-election defeating Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) by about 3,000 votes (50.96% to 49.04%). The corrected vote shows Mr. Altschuler leading by 400 votes with 9,000 absentee votes yet to be counted.
New York U.S. House CD 25.
Texas U.S. House CD 27.
11 changes to the 2010/2011 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Kentucky 2011: Secretary of State: Bill Johnson (Republican) - added. Auditor of Public Accounts: John T. Kemper, III (Republican) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture: James R. Comer (Republican) - added; B.D. Wilson (Democratic) - added.
Maryland 2010: Senate Class 3: Robert J. Evans (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added; Mary Catherine Podlesak (Write-in [Republican]) - added. House CD 1: Michael Kennedy (Write-in) - added. House CD 7: Fred Donald Dickson, Jr. (Write-in) - added.
Montana 2011: Senate Class 1: Steve Daines (Republican) - added. Governor: former state Representative Rick Hill (Republican) - added; former state Senator Ken Miller (Republican) - added.
General Election Update: 3 Contests called (GU Gov, VA H11, WA H2), 10 too close to call
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Contests called:
Guam Territorial Governor: The team of Edward J. Baza "Eddie" Calvo / Raymond S. "Ray" Tenorio (Republican) has been certified the winner with 50.61% of the vote. A report from KUAM says the the team of Carl T.C. Gutierrez / Frank Blas Aguon, Jr. (Democratic) (49.39%) will contest the results.
Virginia U.S. House CD 11. Congressman Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly (Democratic) has been re-elected with 49.23% of the vote. His closest opponent, Keith S. Fimian (Republican), received 48.79%.
Washington U.S. House CD 2: Congressman Rick R. Larsen
(Democratic) has been re-elected with 50.81% of the vote.
Contests too close to call:
Alaska Senate Class 3. 41% of the vote are write-ins. Counting schedule: 9 November-- early votes / absentee ballots; 10 November-- write-in votes; 12 to 16 November-- questioned ballots; 17 November-- overseas ballots.
California: U.S. House CDs 11, 20, Attorney General.
Illinois U.S. House CD 8.
Kentucky U.S. House CD 6: Headed for a recount.
Minnesota Governor: County Canvassing Boards must complete their vote counts by 12 November; the State Canvassing Board meets on 23 November to certify the result (only then will it be seen whether or not an automatic recount [only required if the difference between candidates is less than 0.5%] in this race will be authorized).
New York U.S. House CD 1: An election night tabulating error make it appeared that Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop
(Democratic; Independence; Working Families) had won re-election defeating Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) by about 3,000 votes (50.96% to 49.04%). The corrected vote shows Mr. Altschuler leading by 400 votes with 9,000 absentee votes yet to be counted.
New York U.S. House CD 25.
Texas U.S. House CD 27.
General Election Update: U.S. House NY CD 1, CO Treasurer
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Contest in play:
New York U.S. House CD 1: Due to a Suffolk County election night tabulating error, it appeared that Congressman Timothy H. "Tim" Bishop
(Democratic; Independence; Working Families) had won re-election defeating Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Republican; Conservative) by about 3,000 votes (50.96% to 49.04%). The error apparently occurred when subtotals were transposed during a telephone call. The corrected vote shows Mr. Altschuler leading by 400 votes with 9,000 absentee votes yet to be counted. The Suffolk County Board of Elections tally is here but-- as of this writing the tally was last updated 3 November 2010 2:57 AM EDT.
Contest called:
Colorado Treasurer. Walker Stapleton (Republican) has defeated Treasurer Cary Kennedy (Democratic incumbent) with 51.25% of the vote.
General Election Update: 2 Contests called, 13 too close to call, 3 new statistics pages.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Contests called:
Arizona US House CD 8: Congressman Gabrielle "Gabby" Giffords (Democratic) has been re-elected with 49% of the vote.
Connecticut Governor: Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy (Democratic) has been elected with 49.5% of the vote.
New 2010 election pages:
U.S. House Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party
Close Contests Summary - Decision by 2% or less
Contests Where No Candidate Received a Majority
Contests too close to call:
Alaska Senate Class 3: The counting of the write-in ballots (41% of the vote) will begin on 11 November.
California: U.S. House CDs 11, 20, Attorney General.
Colorado Treasurer.
Guam Territorial Governor: Headed for a recount. Report from KUAM.
Illinois U.S. House CD 8.
Kentucky U.S. House CD 6: Headed for a recount.
Minnesota Governor: County Canvassing Boards must complete their vote counts by 12 November; the State Canvassing Board meets on 23 November to certify the result (only then will it be seen whether or not an automatic recount [only required if the difference between candidates is less than 0.5%] in this race will be authorized).
New York U.S. House CD 25.
Texas U.S. House CD 27.
Virginia U.S. House CD 11.
Washington U.S. House CD 2.
Results from media sources: USA Today, Fox News, CNN, LA Times California, CBS, KUAM Guam, CBS Chicago Illinois, ABC, New York Times.
Commentary: MIXED EMOTIONS PRODUCING EVEN MORE MIXED SIGNALS. A most indecisive 'decisive election'
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
A most indecisive
"decisive election"
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
General Election Update: Contests called and too close to call, new results pages, and media links.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Contests called:
Arizona CD 7: Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (Democratic) has been re-elected with 49% of the vote.
Connecticut Governor: Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy (Democratic) has been elected with 49.5% of the vote.
Illinois Governor: Governor Pat Quinn (Democratic) has been re-elected with 47% of the vote.
Oregon Governor: former Oregon Governor John A. Kitzhaber (Democratic, Independent Party of Oregon) has been elected with 49% of the vote.
Washington Senate Class 3: Senator Patty Murray (Democratic) has been re-elected with 51% of the vote.
New 2010 election pages:
U.S. Senate Popular Vote and FEC Total Receipts by Party
Gubernatorial Popular Vote by Party
Contests too close to call:
Alaska Senate Class 3: The counting of the write-in ballots (41% of the vote) will begin on 11 November.
Arizona US House CD 8.
California: U.S. House CDs 11, 20, Attorney General.
Colorado: Treasurer.
Guam: Territorial Governor.
Illinois: U.S. House CD 8.
Kentucky U.S. House CD 6: Headed for a recount.
Minnesota Governor: County Canvassing Boards must complete their vote counts by 12 November; the State Canvassing Board meets on 23 November to certify the result (only then will it be seen whether or not an automatic recount [only required if the difference between candidates is less than 0.5%] in this race will be authorized).
New York: U.S. House CD 25.
Texas: U.S. House CD 27.
Virginia U.S. House CD 11.
Washington U.S. House CD 2.
Results from media sources: USA Today, Fox News, CNN, LA Times California, CBS, KDVR Colorado, WFSB Connecticut, CBS Atlanta Georgia KUAM Guam, CBS Chicago Illinois, KCAU TV Sioux City, Iowa, KCTV Kansas City - Kansas and Missouri results, ABC, New York Times .
2 Nov 2010 Special Elections: US House: IN CD 3, NY 29; US Senate: NY Class 1, WV 1, DE 2, IL 3
by Tony Roza
Two Special U.S. House Elections were held concurrently with the General Elections for the full 2-year term in INDIANA, Congressional District 3 and NEW YORK, Congressional District 29.
Indiana state Senator Marlin Stutzman (Republican) won 63% of the vote in the special election to fill the seat of former Congressman Mark Edward Souder (Republican). Congressman Souder was first elected in 1994 and resigned on 21 May 2010.
Corning New York Mayor Thomas W. "Tom" Reed, II (Republican; Conservative; Independence) won 57% of the vote in the special election to fill the seat of former Congressman Eric J. J. Massa (Democratic). Congressman Massa was first elected in 2008 and resigned on 8 March 2010.
Both candidates will serve out the remainder of the term ending 3 January 2011. In addition, they also won their respective General Elections for the terms ending January 2013.
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is 255 Democrats and 180 Republicans.
Three Special U.S. Senate Elections were held concurrently with the General Elections.
Senator Kirsten Elizabeth Gillibrand (Democratic) won her special election for the Senate Class 1 seat in New York. She was apointed to this seat on 21 January 2009 and will serve the remainder of the unexpired term ending 3 January 2013. The seat was formerly held by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (Democratic).
West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin, III (Democratic) won the special election for the Senate Class 1 seat in West Virginia . On 16 July 2010 Governor Manchin appointed Carte P. Goodwin (Democratic) as interim Senator to fill the seat which became vacant when Senator Robert C. Byrd (Democratic) died in office on 28 June 2010.
New Castle County Executive Christopher A. "Chris" Coons (Democratic) won the special election for the Senate Class 2 seat in Delaware. The term expires 3 January 2015. The seat is currently held by Senator Edward E. "Ted" Kaufman (Democratic) who, on 15 January 2009, was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator and then Vice President-elect Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, Jr.
Congressman Mark Steven Kirk (Republican) won the special election for the Senate Class 3 seat in Illinois for the term ending 3 January 2011. Congressman Kirk also won the General Election for the full term ending in January 2017. The seat is currently held by Senator Roland W. Burris (Democratic) who was appointed on 31 December 2008 to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator and then President-elect Barack Hussein Obama.
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. Senate is 58 Democrats (including 1 Independent and 1 Independent Democrat) and 42 Republicans.
General Election media links and contests too close to call
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Contests too close to call:
Alaska: Senate Class 3. The counting of the write-in ballots (41% of the vote) will begin on 11 November.
Arizona: US House CDs 7, 8.
California: U.S. House CDs 11, 20, Attorney General.
Colorado: Treasurer.
Connecticut: Governor.
Guam: Territorial Governor.
Illinois: U.S. House CD 8.
Kentucky: U.S. House CD 6.
Minnesota: Governor.
New York: U.S. House CD 25.
Texas: U.S. House CD 27.
Virginia: U.S. House CD 11.
Washington: U.S. House CD 2.
Results from media sources: USA Today, Fox News, CNN, LA Times California, CBS, KDVR Colorado, WFSB Connecticut, CBS Atlanta Georgia KUAM Guam, CBS Chicago Illinois, KCAU TV Sioux City, Iowa, KCTV Kansas City - Kansas and Missouri results, ABC, New York Times .
Tuesday 2 November 2010: GENERAL ELECTION DAY in the United States of America
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
37 Governor's Chairs (out of 50 total) are up for election:
- 34 for full 4-year terms;
- 2 [NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT] for full 2-year terms;
- 1 via a Special Election [UTAH] for an unexpired 4-year term.
37 seats in the United States Senate (out of 100 total) are up for election:
- 34 'Class 3' for full 6-year terms, expiring 3 January 2017;
- 2 'Class 1' via Special Election [NEW YORK, WEST VIRGINIA] for unexpired terms, expiring 3 January 2013;
- 1 'Class 2' via Special Election [DELAWARE] for an unexpired term, expiring 3 January 2015.
[NOTE: There is also a Special Election being held concurrently with the election for the full 6-year term in ILLINOIS for the unexpired term of the 'Class 3' seat ending 3 January 2011.]
all 435 members of the United States House of Representatives, from all 50 States of the American Union, are up for election.
- There are two Special Elections being held concurrently with the election for the full 2-year term in INDIANA, Congressional District 3 and NEW YORK, Congressional District 29. The winners will serve out the remainder of the term ending 3 January 2011.]
General Election Poll Closing Times
![]() |
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Part 2: the U.S. House of Representatives and State Governors
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
New page: 2010 General Election Polling Hours
by Tony Roza
140 changes to the 2010 candidate list (all are AK Senatorial write-ins)
by Tony Roza
Alaska: Senate Class 3: Michael Alexander (Write-in) - added; Susan J. Apling-Gilman (Write-in) - added; Kevin Austin (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Lawrence W. "Larry" Austin (Write-in) - added; Carita Backman (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Keith Barkwood (Write-in) - added; David E. Beeman (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Vicky L. Beeman (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Mark W. Bills (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Lavonne Boyd (Write-in) - added; David Boyle (Write-in) - added; Red K. Bradley (Write-in) - added; Richard O. Braun (Write-in) - added; William P. "Bill" Brownfield (Write-in) - added; Ken Bullard (Write-in) - added; Linda Bullard (Write-in) - added; Richard O. Burns (Write-in) - added; Michael Butler (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Curtis G. Champagne (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Elizabeth A. Cherry (Write-in) - added; John P. Collinge (Write-in) - added; Fred W. "Bill" Colson (Write-in) - added; Gary C.L. Cox (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Darae K. Crews (Write-in) - added; Margaret A. "Maggie" Crowell (Write-in) - added; Guy A. Cummins (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Dana Davis (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Karen S. Deardorff (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Stephanie Devault (Write-in) - added; Tyran J. "Ty" Devault (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Chris S. Dillingham (Write-in) - added; Erma C. Doggett (Write-in) - added; Gale J. Doggett (Write-in) - added; Donald S. Dorsey (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Allison K. Drake (Write-in [Republican]) - added; James P. Duffield, II (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Michael J. "Mike" Dunton (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Erica L. Dvorak (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Christopher G. Erickson (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Joe P. Erickson (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Gregory T. "Gerkie" Erkins (Write-in) - added; Randy Estes (Write-in) - added; Shannon R. Fechtner (Write-in) - added; John E. Francis (Write-in [Libertarian]) - added; Merle R. Frank (Write-in) - added; Eric L. Franklin (Write-in [Republican]) - added; James A. Garhart (Write-in [Alaskan Independence]) - added; David S. George (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Steve Grand (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Bob Griffin (Write-in) - added; Dona L. Grossman (Write-in [Libertarian]) - added; Marty Grossman (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Cheryl B. Haakenson (Write-in) - added; Jay M. Hamacher (Write-in) - added; Lee Hamerski (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Fred Handy (Write-in) - added; Carl L. Hardin (Write-in) - added; Devone Hasara (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Dominic L. Hasara (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Janet Henry (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Katherine Hicks (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Julie Holbrook (Write-in) - added; Carl L. Holman (Write-in) - added; Nan T. Hooper (Write-in [Libertarian]) - added; Karen K. Horton (Write-in) - added; Alan D. Humphries (Write-in) - added; Derrick R. Hunziker (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Jimmie D. Janeway, Jr. (Write-in [Republican]) - added; David A. Jenkins (Write-in) - added; Cindy Johnson (Write-in) - added; Grover Johnson (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Petter M. "Pete" Johnson (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Sandra L. "Sandy" Johnson (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Maggie S. Joyner (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Veronica L. Keanaaina (Write-in) - added; Eric C. Kelly (Write-in) - added; Steve Kelly (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Holly M. Kjostad (Write-in) - added; Bill Klemme (Write-in) - added; Richard T. "Ric" Koller (Write-in) - added; Lisa M. Lackey (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Marjorie L. Landis-Beck (Write-in) - added; Brian G. Leon (Write-in) - added; Kevin S. Luce (Write-in) - added; David D. March (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Deanna M. March (Write-in) - added; Lyn Marcum (Write-in) - added; Paul Markstrom (Write-in) - added; Richard McGahan (Write-in) - added; Caroline C. McMullins (Write-in) - added; William M. Merrill (Write-in) - added; Matt Michetti (Write-in) - added; Chimene Mills (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Stephen "Steve" Moore (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Tom R. Moore (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Joe S. "Steve" Morawitz (Write-in) - added; Marvin Roger Moser (Write-in [Republican]) - added; William A. Nilsson (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Roger L. Pearson (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Sam R. Pepper (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Karen Perry (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Roderic Perry (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Daniel C. Piaskowski (Write-in) - added; Bradley T. Porter (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Gregory G. Purvis (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Janice A. "Jan" Quinn (Write-in) - added; Eileen M. Ransom (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Laura L. "Lisabeth" Raschal (Write-in) - added; Cullen L. Reece (Write-in) - added; Carl Remley (Write-in) - added; Patrina Remley (Write-in) - added; Richard S. Repper, Jr. (Write-in) - added; Anthony "Tony" Rice (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Lance Roberts (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Ben F. Sawyer (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Howard J. "Jim" Shanks (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; William H. Smith (Write-in) - added; Richard A. "Rick" Stillie, Jr. (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Glenn E. Swan (Write-in) - added; Trevor Tew (Write-in [Republican]) - added; James Thatch (Write-in) - added; Pamela S. Thatch (Write-in) - added; Janelle B. Thibodeaux (Write-in [Republican]) - apparently not a candidate, previously listed as Write-in [Republican]; Georgia Lee Tolbert (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Marty Vandiest (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Garret Y. Vaneck (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Linda Vrem (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Tracy Vrem (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Kelly S. Walters (Write-in) - added; Willard H. "Bill" Wamsganz, Sr. (Write-in) - added; Jerry Ward (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Ryan L. Waters (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Rene Weber (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Timothy M. Weidensee (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Martin Williams (Write-in) - added; Sandra E. "Sandi" Williams (Write-in [Alaskan Independence]) - added; Kimberly T. Wilson (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Jeffrey S. Wood (Write-in [Republican]) - added; James M. Woosley (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Kathy Jo Zurek (Write-in [Republican]) - added.
26 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska: Senate Class 3: Michael Ames (Write-in) - added; Thomas Baxter (Write-in) - added; Vern Carlson (Write-in) - added; Robert A. Flynn (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Glenn J. Gillette (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Kevin E. Hite (Write-in) - added; Lynette A. Largent (Write-in) - added; Tom M. (Write-in) - added; Edward D. Martin, Jr. (Write-in) - added; Mark McArthur (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Maureen M. "Mo" Meeks (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Irene M. Repper (Write-in) - added; David R. Roberts (Write-in) - added; Tim Sovde (Write-in) - added; Norman Starkey (Write-in) - added; Thompson Steve (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Nicola J. "Nicki" Taysom (Write-in) - added; Janelle B. Thibodeaux (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Kim A. Thibodeaux (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Jed Whittaker (Write-in) - added. House At-Large: Steve Pratt (Write-in [Republican]) - added.
California: House CD 8: Summer J. Shields (Write-in [Democratic]) - previously listed as Write-in. House CD 33: Mervin Leon Evans (Write-in [Democratic]) - previously listed as Write-in.
District of Columbia: Mayor: Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (Write-in [Democratic]) - added.
Louisiana: Lieutenant Governor: interim Lieutenant Governor Scott Angelle (Republican) - On 26 October 2010 Lieutenant Governor Angelle switched his party affiliation from Democratic to Republican.
New Hampshire: Senate Class 3: Brian Chabot (Write-in) - added.
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Part 1: the United States Senate
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
32 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: Senate Class 3: Jerry Leon Carroll (Write-in) - added; Hans J. Kuglar (Write-in) - added; Connor Vlakancic (Write-in) - added. Governor: Hugh Bagley (Write-in) - added; Anselmo A. Chavez (Write-in) - added; Rakesh Kumar Christian (Write-in) - added; Karen England (Write-in) - added; Cassandra A. Lieurance (Write-in) - added; Rowan Millar (Write-in) - added; Jacob Vangelisti (Write-in) - added. House CD 2: Mark A. Jensen (Write-in) - added. House CD 5: Tony Lacy (Write-in) - added. House CD 8: Summer Shields (Write-in) - added. House CD 12: Joseph Michael "Joe" Harding (Write-in) - added. House CD 17: Ronald P. Kabat (Write-in) - added. House CD 19: John Anthony Estrada (Write-in [Democratic]) - apparently not a candidate; Les Marsden (Write-in [Democratic]) - added. House CD 22: John Uebersax (Write-in) - added. House CD 31: Sal Genovese (Write-in [Democratic]) - added. House CD 33: Mervin Leon Evans (Write-in) - added. House CD 35: Suleiman Charles Edmondson (Write-in) - added. House CD 41: Pamela Zander (Write-in) - added. House CD 46: Jayendra Arvindlal "Jay" Shah (Write-in [Democratic]) - added. Superintendent of Public Instruction: Diane A. Lenning (Write-in [Republican]) - added.
New York: Governor: Edmund "Ed" Dunn (Write-in) - added.
Virginia: House CD 8: Stephen Thomas Yelverton (Write-in) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Christopher Dardzinski (Independent) - added; L. John Davis, Jr. (Republican) - added; Michael David Elder (Independent) - added; Thaddaus Hill (Independent) - added; Tom Miller (Republican) - added; Billy Roper (Independent) - added. 14 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: Lieutenant Governor: Karen England (Write-in) - added.
Connecticut: Senate Class 3: Matthew Coleman (Write-in) - added; Jay J. Giles (Write-in) - added. House CD 2: Matthew Coleman (Write-in) - added. House CD 4: Eugene Flanigan (Write-in) - added.
Louisiana: House CD 4: Artis Cash (Other [Democratic]) - previously listed as Other.
Missouri: House CD 9: Clifford Jeffrey "Jeff" Reed (Write-in [Democratic]) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 3: Donald John (Write-in [Constitution]) - added; Melvin Joseph "Mel" Packer (Write-in [Green]) - added. Governor: John Krupa (Write-in [Constitution]) - added.
Rhode Island: Lieutenant Governor: Robert J. "Bob" Healey, Jr. (Independent [Libertarian]) - previously listed as Independent.
Presidential Candidates: Kenneth Gates (Republican) - added; James Koch (Republican) - added; Michael Walton (Republican) - added. 3 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 3: John Traceski (Write-in) - added. House CD 2: Muriel P. Bianchi (Write-in) - added.
New York: Governor: Andi Weiss Bartczak (Write-in) - added.
15 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: Synchronized with the Florida Department of State - Division of Elections. Senate Class 3: Governor Charlie Crist (No Party Affiliation [Republican]) - previously listed as No Party Affiliation.
New York: House CD 29 Special Election: Corning Mayor Thomas W. "Tom" Reed, II (Republican, Independence, Conservative) - added; Matthew C. "Matt" Zeller (Working Families, Democratic) - added.
Virgin Islands: Synchronized with the Election System of the Virgin Islands. Governor: Ken E. Mapp (No Party Affiliation) - previously listed as No Affiliation. Delegate to the House of Representatives: Guillaume Mimoun (No Party Affiliation [Green]) - previously listed as No Affiliation [Green]; Jeffrey Baxter Christian Moorhead (No Party Affiliation) - previously listed as No Affiliation.
Virginia: Synchronized with the Virginia State Board of Elections. House CD 2: Douglas Alexander "Doug" "Hutch" Hutchison (No Party Designation) - removed. House CD 4: Janet Murphy (Independent Greens) - removed. House CD 5: Bradley S. "Brad" Rees (Independent [Republican, American Conservative]) - removed. House CD 7: Albert Steven "Charlie" Diradour (Democratic) - removed. House CD 8: Matthew "Matt" Mosley (Libertarian) - removed; Carvel St. John (Independent) - removed. House CD 9: Dale Firebaugh (Independent [Republican]) - removed. House CD 11: James H. "Jim" Lemon (Independent) - removed.
West Virginia: Synchronized with the West Virginia Secretary of State. House CD 3: Ervin H. "Butch" Paugh (Write-in) - removed.
The Boston Tea Party has released their 2010 endorsements. Find the list here.
13 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 3: Dave Olszta (Write-in) - added.
Maine: Governor: Samuel A. "Samme" "Sam" Bailey (Write-in [Independent]) - previously listed as Independent; Donna J. Dion (Write-in [Democratic]) - removed.
Maryland: Senate Class 3: Denise Whittington (Write-in) - added.
New York: House CD 1: Christopher N. "Chris" Cox (Taxpayer) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 17: York Jay Kleinhandler (Conservative) - previously listed as Conservative, Republican; Anthony "Tony" Melé (Republican) - previously listed as Republican, Taxpayer. House CD 25: Marc Alan Romain (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate. Attorney General: Stephen J. Lynch (Independence) - apparently not a candidate; State Senator Eric T. Schneiderman (Democratic, Independence, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic, Working Families.
South Carolina: Senate Class 3: Nathalie Dupree (Write-in) - added.
Texas: House CD 20: Rhett Rosenquest Smith (Write-in) - added.
Vermont: House At-Large: Gerald "Jerry" Trudell (Independent) - removed.
11 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: House CD 3: Boaz "Bo" ItsHaky (Write-in) - added.
Ohio: Synchronized with the Ohio Secretary of State. Governor: David S. Sargent, II (Write-in) - added. House CD 12: Robert "Bob" Fitrakis (Write-in [Green]) - removed. House CD 17: Elaine R. Mastromatteo (Write-in [Green]) - removed. House CD 18: Lindsey Dean Sutton (Constitution) - previously listed as Write-in [Constitution].
Texas: Synchronized with the Texas Secretary of State. Senate Class 1: Candidate list removed. There is no 2010 special election for this office. Governor: Amanda Ulman (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - removed. Lieutenant Governor: Chuck Burnett (Constitution) - removed.
Utah: Synchronized with the Utah Elections Office. House CD 2: George David "Dave" Glissmeyer (Unaffiliated) - previously listed as Independent; Wayne L. Hill (Unaffiliated) - previously listed as Independent. House CD 3: Joseph L. "Joe" Puente (Unaffiliated) - previously listed as Independent.
Presidential Candidates: New York Mayor Michael Rubens Bloomberg (Independent) - added. 13 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 3: Brian Keith Hill (Write-in) - added; Todd Vachon (Write-in) - added. House CD 1: Danuiel J. Stepanek (Write-in) - added. House CD 5: John Pistone (Write-in) - added; Elmon Smith (Write-in) - added.
New Hampshire: Synchronized with the New Hampshire Secretary of State.Senate Class 3: David C. Boyle (Independent) - removed; Brian Chabot (Independent) - removed; Cornelius J. Donnelly (Independent) - removed; Tom Peters (Independent) - removed. House CD 2: John Taft (Independent [Republican]) - removed.
Wisconsin: Synchronized with the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board. Governor: In Wisconsin, the Lieutenant Governor is elected on a ticket with- but nominated separately from- the Governor. This year, the Libertarian Party's Gubernatorial candidate did not qualify however the candidate for Lieutenant Governor did. House CD 4: Eddie Ahmad Ayyash (Independent) - added. House CD 5: Robert R. Raymond (Independent) - added.
6 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Maryland: Synchronized with the Maryland State Board of Elections. Senate Class 3: James Guy Adams (Libertarian) - removed; James T. Lynch, Jr. (Write-in [Democratic]) - added. Governor: Ralph Jaffee (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Corrogan R. Vaughn (Write-in) - added.
Massachusetts: Synchronized with the Massachusetts Elections Division. Secretary of the Commonwealth: James D. "Jim" Henderson (Unenrolled) - previously listed as Independent.
West Virginia: Governor: state Senator Clark S. Barnes (Republican) - added.
35 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: Synchronized with the Arizona Department of State. Governor: Stanford Drew Collins (Independent) - removed; Kent Couchee (Independent) - removed; Harold F. Howard (Independent) - removed; Ben H. Jankowski (Independent) - removed; John Paul Mitchell (Independent) - removed; Fredrick Scotty (Independent) - removed. House CD 1: Nicole Patti (Libertarian) - previously listed as Write-in [Libertarian]. House CD 3: Leonard A. Clark (Green) - previously listed as Write-in [Green]; Brian Alan Scott (Independent) - removed. House CD 4: Brian Hill (Independent) - removed. House CD 6: Richard Grayson (Green) - previously listed as Write-in [Green]; Darell Tapp (Libertarian) - previously listed as Write-in [Libertarian]. Secretary of State: Michelle Lochmann (Write-in [Green]) - removed. Attorney General: state Representative David M. Lujan (Democratic) - removed; Andrew P. "Andy" Thomas (Republican) - removed. Treasurer: Thane Eichenauer (Libertarian) - previously listed as Write-in [Libertarian]; Thomas Meadows (Green) - previously listed as Write-in [Green].
District of Columbia: Synchronized with the District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics. Mayor: Jason Anderson (Independent) - removed; Edward B. Baltimore (Independent) - removed; John C. Cheeks (Independent) - removed; Dennis Sobin (Independent [Democratic]) - removed. Delegate to the House of Representatives: Michael Agustus "Matthew" Lee (Independent) - removed; Allen H. Ritter, II (Independent) - removed; Rick Tingling-Clemmons (D.C. Statehood Green) - previously listed as Green.
Illinois: Lieutenant Governor: Michael White (Write-in) - added.
Louisiana: Synchronized with the Louisiana Secretary of State. Governor: Dennis "Dan" "Danny Alan" Northcutt (Independent [Republican]) - previously listed as Republican.
Massachusetts: Synchronized with the Massachusetts Elections Division. House CD 2: Margaret M. Keegan (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 4: Susan F. Allen (Independent) - added; Donald M. Jordan (Independent) - added. House CD 8: George Burton (Constitution) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 10: Thomas A. "Tom" Lawler (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Joe Van Nes (Independent) - added; Peter A. White (Independent [Green]) - apparently not a candidate.
Mississippi: Governor: Dave Dennis (Republican) - added.
Utah: Senate Class 3: Loy Brunson (Write-in) - added.
Sat 2 Oct 2010 LA primary recap / 7 changes to the candidate list / Last Primary before General Election
by Tony Roza
Saturday 2 October 2010: Louisiana Second Party Primary and Open Primary.
- U.S. House CD 3 Republican runoff (Second Party Primary) from the 28 August 2010 First Party Primary: Jeffrey M. "Jeff" Landry has won his party's nomination.
- Lieutenant Governor Open Primary: Since no candidate received 50% of the vote, the top two vote getters, Secretary of State "Jay" Dardenne (Republican, 28%) and Caroline Fayard (Democratic, 23%) advance to a 2 November 2010 runoff. The winner will serve the remainder of the current (2007 - 2011) term. The next regular election for this office is Tuesday 8 November 2011.
2010 Aggregation pages:
2010 Gubernatorial Primaries at a Glance.
2010 Senatorial Primaries at a Glance.
Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats.
Governor's Chairs, Senate, and House Seats up for Election on 2 November 2010 with no incumbent running for them.
Uncontested Governor's Chairs, Senate, and House Seats up for Election on 2 November 2010 (one candidate running for Office).
Governor's Chairs, Senate, and House Seats up for Election on 2 November 2010 with only one major party candidate.
Louisiana: Lieutenant Governor: James "Jim" Crowley (Democratic) - lost Primary; St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis (Republican) - lost Primary; "Butch" Gautreaux (Democratic) - lost Primary; "Sammy" Kershaw (Republican) - lost Primary; Melanie J. McKnight (Republican) - lost Primary; Roger Villere (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 3: former state Representative Huntington B. "Hunt" Downer, Jr. (Republican) - lost Primary.
Sat 2 Oct 2010: Louisiana - Lt. Gov. open primary and 2nd Party Primary - Last Primary of the Year
by TheGreenPapers.com
Louisiana Midterm Election page.
Polling hours are 6:00a CDT (1100 UTC) to 8:00p CDT (0100 UTC).
There is a runoff election in CD 3 for the Republican nomination. Since no candidate received 50% of the vote in the 28 August Republican primary, the top two vote getters participate in a 2 October runoff. The winner of the runoff proceeds to the 2 November 2010 General Election.
There is a special open primary for Lieutenant Governor to fill the seat of of former Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu (he was elected Mayor of New Orleans on 6 February 2010). Scott Angelle became interim Lieutenant Governor on 5 May 2010. If a candidate receives 50% or more of the vote, that candidate is elected. Should no candidate receive 50%, the top two vote getters (regardless of party) advance to a 2 November 2010 runoff. The winner will serve the remainder of the current (2007 - 2011) term. The next regular election for this office is Tuesday 8 November 2011.
LOUISIANA RUNOFF results from a media source;
LOUISIANA RUNOFF Returns from an official source.
16 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska: Synchronized with the Alaska Division of Elections. Lieutenant Governor: Diane E. Benson (Democratic) - removed; Jeffrey D. Brown (Libertarian) - removed; Mead Treadwell (Republican) - removed.
Connecticut: Synchronized with the Connecticut Secretary of State. Senate Class 3: Brian Keith Hill (Independent) - removed; John Mertens (Connecticut For Lieberman) - previously listed as Independent, Connecticut For Lieberman. Governor: former Mayor of the City of Stamford Dannel P. "Dan" Malloy (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic. Lieutenant Governor: Danbury Mayor Mark D. Boughton (Republican) - removed; Nancy Wyman (Democratic) - removed. House CD 2: Daniel J. "Dan" Reale (Libertarian) - removed. House CD 3: Matthew Jason Joseff (Independent) - removed. House CD 4: Rick Torres (Libertarian) - removed. House CD 5: Walter Gengarelly (Libertarian) - removed; John Pistone (Independent) - removed. Comptroller: Emanuel Lorenzo Blake (Independent) - removed. Attorney General: Martha Dean (Libertarian) - removed; Stephen "Steve" Fournier (Green, Independent Party of Connecticut) - previously listed as Independent Party of Connecticut.
20 changes to the 2010 candidate list
by Tony Roza
Colorado: Synchronized with the Colorado Secretary of State. Governor: Sherry Cusson (Write-in) - removed.
Florida: House CD 10: Martin Rokicki (Write-in) - apparently not a candidate.
Kansas: Synchronized with the Kansas Secretary of State. House CD 2: Ty Colin Reynolds (Independent) - removed. House CD 3: Wayne L. Briscoe (Independent) - removed.
Maryland: Synchronized with the Maryland State Board of Elections. Senate Class 3: Claud L. Asbury (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Robert Henry Brookman (Unaffiliated) - apparently not a candidate; Dennis David (Unaffiliated) - apparently not a candidate; Donald Kaplan (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - previously listed as Unaffiliated; Lih Young (Write-in [Democratic]) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 7: Ray Bly (Write-in [Republican]) - previously listed as Republican; Fred Donald Dickson, Jr. (Unaffiliated) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 8: Bruce L. Stern (Republican) - lost 14 September 2010 Primary.
Missouri: Synchronized with the Missouri Secretary of State. Senate Class 3: Theodis Brown, Sr. (Independent) - removed. House CD 6: Kyle A. Yarber (Independent) - removed. House CD 7: Nicholas Ivan "NIL" Ladendorf (Progressive [Green]) - removed; Dean Richard Moore, Jr. (Independent) - removed.
New Mexico: Governor: Kenneth A. Gomez (Write-in [Republican]) - added.
New York: House CD 17: Anthony "Tony" Melé (Republican, Taxpayers) - lost 14 September 2010 Primary.
Tennessee: Synchronized with the Tennessee Division of Elections. House CD 5: John P. Miglietta (Independent [Green]) - previously listed as Independent, Green.
Presidential Candidate: Robert John "Naked Cowboy" Burck (Independent) - added.Archive
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- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2013
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2013
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2013
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2013
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2012
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2012
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2012
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2012
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2011
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2011
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2011
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2011
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2010
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2010
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2010
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2010
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2009
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2009
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2009
- Changes prior to Fri 29 May 2009
Modified .