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First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2015 2016 West Virginia Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
Tue 31 Mar 2015 7:00a (updated Wed 1 Apr 2015 3:45p) by Tony Roza

The West Virginia Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 10 May 2016 primary.

A total of 17 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each congressional district. A total of 9 delegates are to be proportionally pledged based on the primary vote statewide. The district delegates are elected at a post primary caucus on 11 June at the State Convention. The statewide delegates are elected on 12 June at the State Convention.

In addition, West Virginia has 9 unpledged delegates consisting of 7 Democratic National Committee members, 1 US Senator, and 1 Governor.

2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Dates Chronologically,
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Weekly Delegate Distribution. 7 changes to the candidate list.
Mon 30 Mar 2015 7:05a by Tony Roza

7 changes to the candidate list:

Illinois: House CD 18: former Congressman Robert Todd "Bobby" Schilling (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.

Mississippi (filing closed on 27 March for the 12 May Special Election): House CD 1 Special: Sam Adcock (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Danny Bedwell (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate; Walter Howard Zinn, Jr. (Independent [Democratic]) - added.

Nevada: Senate Class 3: former Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto (Democratic) - added.

Ohio: House CD 8: Matthew T. Ashworth (Republican) - added.

Texas: House CD 8: Andre Dean (Republican) - added. 2016 Virginia Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
Mon 30 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

The Virginia Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 1 March 2016 primary.

A total of 62 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each congressional district. A total of 33 delegates are to be proportionally pledged based on the primary vote statewide. The district delegates are elected at post primary Congressional District Conventions on Saturday Saturdays 14 and 21 May 2016. The statewide delegates are elected at the State Convention (to be held on either Saturday 4, 11, or 18 June 2016).

In addition, Virginia has 17 unpledged delegates consisting of 11 Democratic National Committee members, 2 US Senators (Senator Timothy Michael "Tim" Kaine is also a Distinguished Party Leader having been DNC Chairman), 3 US Representatives, 1 Governor (Terence Richard "Terry" McAuliffe is also a Distinguished Party Leader having been DNC Chairman).

2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Dates Chronologically,
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Weekly Delegate Distribution. 2016 District of Columbia Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
Sun 29 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

The District of Columbia Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 7 June 2016 primary.

A total of 11 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders based on the primary results in the District's 2 municipal districts (each consisting of 4 of the city's 8 wards). A total of 6 delegates are to be proportionally pledged based on the primary vote district wide. The district delegates are slated at a pre-primary caucus on Saturday 7 May 2016. The statewide delegates are elected at the Thursday 16 June 2016 State Party Committee.

In addition, the Distrct has 20 unpledged delegates consisting of 16 Democratic National Committee members, 3 Members of Congress (1 nonvoting Delegate to the House of Representatives plus 2 so-called "shadow Senators"), and the Mayor of DC.

2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Dates Chronologically,
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Weekly Delegate Distribution. NV Senator Reid (D) to retire. 8 changes to the candidate list.
Sat 28 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

8 changes to the candidate list:

Illinois: Senate Class 3: Congressman L. Tammy Duckworth (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 8. House CD 8: Congressman L. Tammy Duckworth (Democratic) - Open Seat - running for the Senate Class 3 in 2016. House CD 18: former Congressman Robert Todd "Bobby" Schilling (Republican) - added.

Missouri: Senate Class 3: Christopher Michael Batsche (Republican) - added.

Nevada: Senate Class 3: Senator Harry Mason Reid (Democratic) - Open Seat - not running for re-election. House CD 3: Congressman Joseph John "Joe" Heck (Republican) - added as candidate.

Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats

Presidential Candidates: Cecil Anthony Ince (Libertarian) - added; Bryan Ollivier (Independent) - added. 14 changes to the candidate list.
Fri 27 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

14 changes to the candidate list:

Colorado: House CD 4: Congressman Kenneth R. "Ken" Buck (Republican) - added as candidate.

Florida: House CD 18: Palm Beach County Commissioner Priscilla A. Taylor (Democratic) - added.

Indiana: Senate Class 3: Eric Holcomb (Republican) - added.

Nebraska: House CD 2: Don Bacon (Republican) - added.

North Carolina: House CD 5: Patricia Margaret Curran (Republican) - added.

Presidential Candidates: James Carl Brummett (Independent) - added; Christopher John Cincotta (Independent) - added; Andrew Elijah Mister Duffy (Independent) - added; Claire Elisabeth Elliott (Independent) - added; Jonathan Thomas Evans (Independent) - added; Tom Lineaweaver (Freedom) - added; Virginia J. Morago (No Party Affiliation) - added; Lee Rhodes (Democratic) - added; Ryan W. Shepard (No Party Affiliation) - added. 2016 Wyoming Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
Wed 25 Mar 2015 7:05a by Tony Roza

The Wyoming Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is the Saturday 9 April 2016 County Caucuses.

A total of 8 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders based on the results of the Saturday 9 April 2016 first tier County Caucuses (Wyoming has 1 congressional district).

A total of 6 statewide delegates are to be proportionally pledged based on the results of the Saturday 28 May 2016 second tier State Convention.

All National Convention Delegates are elected at the State Convention.

In addition, Wyoming has 4 unpledged delegates consisting of 4 Democratic National Committee members. IN Senator Coats (R) - retiring. 13 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 25 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

13 changes to the candidate list:

Arizona: House CD 4: Congressman Paul Anthony Gosar (Republican) - added as candidate.

California: House CD 37: Congressman Karen R. Bass (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Florida: Senate Class 3: Congressman Patrick Erin Murphy (Democratic) - added. House CD 18: Congressman Patrick Erin Murphy (Democratic) - Open Seat - running for the Class 3 Senate Seate.

Indiana: Senate Class 3: Senator Daniel Ray "Dan" Coats (Republican) - Open Seat - Announced that he will not run for re-election on 24 March 2015.

Open Governor's Chairs, Senate and House Seats

Maryland: House CD 8: state Senator Jamin B. "Jamie" Raskin (Democratic) - added.

Michigan: House CD 11: Congressman David A. "Dave" Trott (Republican) - added as candidate.

Missouri: House CD 8: Congressman Jason T. Smith (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: William Oren Adams (Independent) - added; Danny Michael Bennett, II (United Party) - added; Jonathan Paul Lavigne (Democratic) - added; Merlin Lloyd Miller (Not readily classifiable) - previously listed as American Freedom Party; Barbara Joy Waymire (Unaffiliated) - added. 2016 Alaska Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
Mon 23 Mar 2015 7:05a by Tony Roza

The Alaska Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The "first determining step" of Alaska's delegate selection process will occur on 26 March 2016 with the House District Caucuses. This date is based on Alaska's participation in a Western Regional caucus with Hawaii and Washington State. If the Regional caucus does not occur, Alaska's House District Caucuses will occur on 1 March 2016.

A total of 9 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders based on the statewide caucus results (Alaska has only 1 congressional district). A total of 5 delegates are to be proportionally pledged based on the support each candidate receives at the State Convention. The statewide delegates are elected at the Saturday 14 May - Sunday 15 May 2016 State Convention.

In addition, Alaska has 4 unpledged delegates consisting of 4 Democratic National Committee members.

2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Dates Chronologically,
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Weekly Delegate Distribution. 8 changes to the candidate list. TX Sen Cruz (R) announces run for President.
Mon 23 Mar 2015 7:00a (updated Mon 23 Mar 2015 2:49p) by Tony Roza

8 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 28: Congressman Adam B. Schiff (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 43: Congressman Maxine Waters (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Florida: Senate Class 3: Lateresa Ann Jones (Democratic) - previously listed as Independent.

Illinois: House CD 4: Hector L. Concepcion (Republican) - added.

Louisiana: Senate Class 3: Thomas Patrick Clements (Republican) - added.

West Virginia: Secretary of State: Secretary of State Natalie Ethel Tennant (Democratic) - Incumbent to run for re-election.

Presidential Candidates: Senator Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz (Republican) - added - 23 March 2015 "I'm running for President and I hope to earn your support!"; Kenn Gividen (American Freedom Party) - added. 2016 IN Dem Delegate Selection. FL Presidential Primary date is Tue 15 Mar 2016.
Fri 20 Mar 2015 7:05a (updated Fri 20 Mar 2015 1:53p) by Tony Roza

The Indiana Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 3 May 2016 primary.

A total of 46 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each congressional district. A total of 24 delegates are to be proportionally pledged based on the primary vote statewide. The delegates are elected at the Saturday 18 June 2016 State Convention.

In addition, Indiana has 9 unpledged delegates consisting of 6 Democratic National Committee members, 1 US Senator, and 2 US Representatives.

On 19 March 2015, Florida Governor Richard L. "Rick" Scott (Republican) signed HB 7035 / SB 7036. The law moves the state's Democratic and Republican Presidential Primaries from "the first Tuesday that the rules of the major political parties provide for state delegations to be allocated without penalty" to "the third Tuesday in March" -- 15 March 2016.

2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions:
Dates Chronologically,
Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates,
Weekly Delegate Distribution. 7 changes to the candidate list.
Fri 20 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

7 changes to the candidate list:

Colorado: House CD 4: Larry Johnson (Democratic) - added.

Florida: Senate Class 3: Richard Paul Dembinsky (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.

Puerto Rico: Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Miguel Hernández Vivoni (Partido Nuevo Progresista) - previously listed as Not readily classifiable.

Texas: House CD 15: Paul Williams (Democratic) - added.

West Virginia: Governor: state Senator Jeffrey V. "Jeff" Kessler (Democratic) - added; Treasurer Johnny Duane "John" Perdue (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.

Presidential Candidates: John Anderson, Jr. (Republican) - added. 9 changes to the candidate list.
Thu 19 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

9 changes to the candidate list:

California: Senate Class 3: Albert Howard (Republican) - added.

Florida: House CD 17: Allen L. Ellison (Democratic) - added.

Illinois: House CD 18 Special: state Senator Darin M. LaHood (Republican) - added.

Maryland: House CD 4: former Prince George County Council Member Ingrid M. Turner (Democratic) - added.

Mississippi: House CD 1 Special: Ed "Doc" Holliday (Republican) - added; former Eupora Mayor Henry Ross (Republican) - added.

Oregon: Governor: William C. "Bud" Pierce (Republican) - added.

Presidential Candidates: Joseph Edward Anderson, Jr. (Republican) - added; Donald John Trump, Sr. (Republican) - added. Congressman Aaron Jon Schock (R, IL CD 18) resigns. 9 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 18 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

9 changes to the candidate list:

California: Senate Class 3: Temperance Lance-Council (Democratic) - added. House CD 36: Kirk Wayne Thompson (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.

Florida: Senate Class 3: Richard Paul Dembinsky (Democratic) - previously listed as Independent. House CD 23: Congressman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Illinois: House CD 10: Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rodkin Rotering (Democratic) - added.

Illinois: House CD 18: Congressman Aaron Jon Schock (Republican) - resigned on 17 March 2015. "Today, I am announcing my resignation as a Member of the United States House of Representatives effective March 31 ... the constant questions over the last six weeks have proven a great distraction that has made it too difficult for me to serve the people of the 18th District with the high standards that they deserve ...". The distraction is a House Office of Congressional Ethics investigation regarding ethics and questionable expenses. Governor Bruce Rauner (Republican) will call a special election within 5 days of the Congressman's 31 March resignation. The special election must occur within 115 days (circa the end of July).

The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 244 Republicans, 188 Democrats, and 3 vacant seats (Illinois House CD 18, Mississippi House CD 1, New York House CD 11).

Maryland: House CD 4: Joseline A. Pena-Melnyk (Democratic) - added. House CD 8: Congressman Christopher "Chris" Van Hollen, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Michigan: House CD 10: state Senator Phillip S. "Phil" Pavlov (Republican) - added. 19 changes to the candidate list.
Mon 16 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

19 changes to the candidate list:

California: Senate Class 3: Akinyemi Agbede (Democratic) - added. House CD 22: Congressman Devin Gerald Nunes (Republican) - added as candidate.

Colorado: House CD 1: Congressman Diana L. DeGette (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Delaware: House At-Large: Hans Reigle (Republican) - added.

Kentucky: House CD 3: Congressman John A. Yarmuth (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Maryland: Senate Class 3: Ed Tinus (Democratic) - added.

Michigan: House CD 10: Shelby Township Treasurer Michael Flynn (Republican) - added.

New Jersey: Senate Class 1: Jeff Bell (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Josh Gottheimer (Democratic) - added.

Pennsylvania: House CD 16: Congressman Joseph R. "Joe" Pitts (Republican) - added as candidate.

Puerto Rico: Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Zoe M. Laboy-Alvarado (Partido Nuevo Progresista) - added.

Rhode Island: Senate Class 2: Senator John F. "Jack" Reed (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Michelle Antoinette Braithwood (No Party Affiliation) - added; Sue Lisa Jones (Independent) - added; Abbey Samuel Laurel-Smith (Republican) - added; James Creighton Mitchell, Jr. (Republican) - added; Deonia Neveu (Independent) - added; Rebecca Pfleiderer (No Party Affiliation) - added; Rickey Joe "The Average Joe" Story (Republican) - added. 8 changes to the candidate list.
Thu 12 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

8 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 16: Madera County Supervisor David Bryan Rogers (Republican) - added.

Idaho: Senate Class 3: Timothy Aaron Raty (Independent) - added.

Maryland: House CD 3: Congressman John Peter Spyros Sarbanes (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 4: former Lieutenant Governor Anthony G. Brown (Democratic) - added.

Mississippi: House CD 1 Special: Starner Jones (Republican) - added.

Oklahoma: House CD 1: Congressman James Frederick "Jim" Bridenstine (Republican) - added as candidate.

Texas: House CD 18: Regino James Gonzales (Republican) - added.

Presidential Candidates: Roseanne Cherri Barr (Peace And Freedom) - added. 10 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 11 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

10 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 21: Congressman David G. Valadao (Republican) - added as candidate.

Louisiana: Commissioner of Insurance: Matt Parker (Republican) - added.

Maryland: House CD 4: Prince George's County State's Attorney Glenn F. Ivey (Democratic) - added.

North Carolina: House CD 3: Philip Joseph "Phil" Law (Republican) - added.

West Virginia: Governor: Tyler Cloud Dixon (Independent) - added; Phil Hudok (Constitution) - added; David Moran (Libertarian) - added. Secretary of State: Dave Rao (Democratic) - added.

Presidential Candidates: O. Hope Jerio (Independent) - added; Chad Koppie (Constitution) - added. Oregon Secretary of State appointed. 14 changes to the candidate list.
Tue 10 Mar 2015 7:00a by Tony Roza

14 changes to the candidate list:

Arkansas: House CD 3: Congressman Stephen A. "Steve" Womack (Republican) - added as candidate.

Florida: Senate Class 3: Richard Paul Dembinsky (Independent) - previously listed as Democratic.

Illinois: House CD 18: Mark Zalcman (Republican) - added.

Iowa: House CD 1: Jack Melton (Independent) - added.

Maryland: Senate Class 3: Congressman Donna Fern Edwards (Democratic) - added. House CD 4: Congressman Donna Fern Edwards (Democratic) - Open Seat. House CD 5: Mark Arness (Republican) - added. House CD 8: state Delegate Kumar P. Barve (Democratic) - added.

Mississippi: House CD 1 Special: Transportation Commissioner Mike Tagert (Republican) - added.

Ohio: House CD 6: Congressman Bill Johnson (Republican) - added as candidate.

Oregon: Secretary of State: Secretary of State Jeanne Atkins (Democratic) - Appointed - Open Office.

On 6 March 2015, Governor Kate Brown appointed Jeanne Atkins (Democratic) as Secretary of State effective 11 March 2015. Secretary of State Jeanne Atkins has indicated that she will not run for this office in 2016.

South Carolina: House CD 2: Congressman Addison Graves "Joe" Wilson (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Mark Everson (Republican) - added; Daniel Travis Michaels (Democratic) - added. 2016 Ohio Democratic Delegate Selection Process.
Sun 8 Mar 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

The Ohio Democratic Party has posted their draft 2016 National Convention Delegate Selection process. The first determining step is a Tuesday 8 March 2016 primary.

A total of 97 district delegates are to be proportionally pledged to presidential contenders based on the primary results in each congressional district. A total of 51 delegates are to be proportionally pledged based on the primary vote statewide. The district delegates are elected at a post primary caucus on Saturday 16 April 2016. The statewide delegates are elected at the Saturday 14 May 2016 State Executive Committee meeting.

In addition, Ohio has 17 unpledged delegates consisting of 11 Democratic National Committee members, 1 US Senator, 4 US Representatives, and 1 Distinguished Party Leader (former DNC Chairman David Wilhelm). MI US Rep Miller (R-CD 10) to retire. 6 changes to the candidate list.
Fri 6 Mar 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

6 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 53: James Ash (Republican) - added.

Michigan: House CD 10: Congressman Candice S. Miller (Republican) - Open Seat - Announced retirement.

Mississippi: House CD 1 Special: Daniel Sparks (Republican) - added.

Pennsylvania: House CD 8: Shaughnessy Naughton (Democratic) - added.

Presidential Candidates: George James Brucato (Republican) - added; Sydneys Voluptous "Syd" Buttocks (Independent) - added. Missouri Auditor appointment. 15 changes to the candidate list.
Thu 5 Mar 2015 8:00a (updated Thu 5 Mar 2015 4:48p) by Tony Roza

15 changes to the candidate list:

Maryland: Senate Class 3: Congressman Christopher "Chris" Van Hollen, Jr. (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 8. House CD 8: Congressman Christopher "Chris" Van Hollen, Jr. (Democratic) - Open Seat.

Mississippi (updated for Tuesday 4 August 2015 Primary): Governor: Shawn O'Hara (Reform) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Ron Williams (Libertarian) - added; Rosa A. Williams (Reform) - added. House CD 1 Special: Sam Adcock (Republican) - added; Greg Pirkle (Republican) - added. Secretary of State: Randy Walker (Reform) - added. Treasurer: Viola V. McFarland (Reform) - added. Auditor of Public Accounts: Lajena Walley (Reform) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce: Cathy L. Toole (Reform) - added. Commissioner of Insurance: Johnny McLeod (Reform) - added.

Missouri: Auditor: acting Auditor John Watson (Democratic) - appointed.

Thomas A. "Tom" Schweich (Republican), who was first elected as Auditor in 2010 and re-elected in 2014, committed suicide on 26 February 2015. On 2 March 2015, Governor Jeremiah W. "Jay" Nixon (Democratic) appointed John Watson (Democratic) as temporary Auditor. Mr. Watson has agreed to serve until a permanent appointment is made.

North Carolina: House CD 10: Carl Andrew Millard (Democratic) - added. 10 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 4 Mar 2015 8:00a (updated Wed 4 Mar 2015 3:37p) by Tony Roza

10 changes to the candidate list:

Florida: House CD 25: Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart (Republican) - added as candidate.

Maine: House CD 2: former state Senator Emily Ann Cain (Democratic) - added.

Maryland: House CD 3: Mark Leroy Plaster (Republican) - added.

New York: House CD 11 Special: James Lane (Green) - added.

Texas: House CD 4: Congressman John Lee Ratcliffe (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: William Ernest Bowhall, Jr. (Independent) - added; Richard Coleman (Democratic) - added; Caesar St Augustine De Buonaparte (Not readily classifiable) - added; Lori Lynn Fleming-Hodge (Independent) - added; David Raphael (Not readily classifiable) - added. MD Sen Mikulski (D) announces retirement. 8 changes to the candidate list.
Tue 3 Mar 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

8 changes to the candidate list:

California: Senate Class 3: Stewart Albertson (Democratic) - added.

Maryland: Senate Class 3: Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (Democratic) - Open Seat - announced retirement on 2 March 2015.

Mississippi: House CD 1 Special: Itawamba County Prosecutor Chip Mills (Republican) - added.

Utah: Governor: Governor Gary R. Herbert (Republican) - added as candidate; Jonathan Johnson (Republican) - added.

Presidential Candidates: Gifford Wheeler Abbott, Jr. (Independent) - added; Justin Nicholas Hyde (Republican) - added; Jeffrey James Windett (Democratic) - added. 2016 Democratic Delegate Allocation Update (DNC delegates)
Sun 1 Mar 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

The Democratic Convention has now a total of 4,483 delegates votes with 2,242 needed to nominate.

  • Delaware changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Total: 27 delegate votes.
  • Hawaii changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Total: 32 delegate votes.
  • Maryland changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Total: 103 delegate votes.
  • Massachusetts changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Total: 121 delegate votes.
  • New Jersey changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Total: 126 delegate votes.
  • North Carolina changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Total: 122 delegate votes.
  • Unassigned changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Total: 1 delegate votes.
  • West Virginia changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Total: 35 delegate votes. CPAC '15 Presidential Straw Poll - Rand Paul: 26%, Scott Walker: 21%, Ted Cruz: 12%, Ben Carson: 11%.
Sun 1 Mar 2015 1:24a by Tony Roza

Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2015 Presidential Straw Poll Results
3,007 Straw Poll Votes Cast.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul: 25.7%
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker: 21.4%
Texas Senator Ted Cruz: 11.5%
Neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson: 11.4%
former Florida Governor Jeb Bush: 8.3%
former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum: 4.3%
...all others below 5%.

Find the CPAC 12 February 2011 results here: Texas Congressman Ron Paul: 30%, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney: 23%. MS filing closes. 21 changes to the candidate list.
Sat 28 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

21 changes to the candidate list:

Florida: House CD 17: Frederica S. Wilson (Democratic) - added.

Louisiana: House CD 2: Congressman Cedric L. Richmond (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Michigan: House CD 10: Congressman Candice S. Miller (Republican) - added as candidate.

Mississippi (filing closes for Tuesday 4 August 2015 Primary) Governor: Governor Phil Bryant (Republican) - added as candidate; Valerie Short (Democratic) - added; Mitch Young (Republican) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Alisha Nelson McElhenney (Republican) - added; Lieutenant Governor Tate Reeves (Republican) - added as candidate. Secretary of State: Charles Graham (Democratic) - added; Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann (Republican) - added as candidate. Attorney General: Mike Hurst (Republican) - added. Treasurer: Treasurer Lynn Fitch (Republican) - added as candidate. Auditor of Public Accounts: Charles E. Graham (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Auditor of Public Accounts Stacey E. Pickering (Republican) - added as candidate; Jocelyn "Joce" Pritchett (Democratic) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce: Addie Green (Democratic) - added; Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Cindy Hyde-Smith (Republican) - added as candidate. Commissioner of Insurance: Insurance Commissioner Michael Jackson "Mike" Chaney (Republican) - added as candidate.

Missouri: Governor: Eric Greitens (Republican) - added. House CD 6: Congressman Samuel B. "Sam" Graves, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 22: Congressman Richard L. Hanna (Republican) - added as candidate. MO state Auditor dies. 18 changes to the candidate list.
Fri 27 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

18 changes to the candidate list:

Illinois: House CD 9: Denis Detzel (Republican) - added.

Maryland: House CD 2: Congressman Charles Albert Dutch "C.A. Dutch" Ruppersberger, III (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Mississippi: Governor: Robert Gray (Democratic) - added. House CD 1 Special: Boyce Adams (Republican) - added; Danny Bedwell (Libertarian) - added; state Representative Chris Brown (Republican) - added; state Senator Nancy Adams Collins (Republican) - added; District Attorney Trent Kelly (Republican) - added; former Jackson City Councilor Quentin Whitwell (Republican) - added.

Missouri: State Auditor and 2016 Gubernatorial candidate Tom Schweich (Republican) committed suicide on 26 February 2016. Governor Jeremiah W. "Jay" Nixon (Democratic) will appoint a replacement Auditor.

New York: House CD 11 Special: Amber LaShelle Adler (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 14: Congressman Joseph "Joe" Crowley (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Ohio: House CD 2: Congressman Brad R. Wenstrup (Republican) - added as candidate.

Pennsylvania: House CD 12: Steven B. "Steve" Larchuk (Democratic) - added.

Texas: House CD 26: Congressman Michael C. Burgess (Republican) - added as candidate.

Virginia: Governor: Lieutenant Governor Ralph S. Northam (Democratic) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Ralph S. Northam (Democratic) - Open Chair. MS US House CD 1 Special Election called. 6 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 25 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant (Republican) has called a Tuesday 12 May 2015 Special Election to fill the vacant Mississippi U.S House CD 1 seat of Congressman Patrick Alan "Alan" Nunnelee (Republican) who passed away on 6 February 2015. All candidates will run in a non-partisan Special Election. Party labels do not appear on the ballot. If no one receives a majority, the top 2 vote getters proceed to a Tuesday 2 June 2015 non-partisan runoff.


6 changes to the candidate list:

California: Senate Class 3: Tom Del Beccaro (Republican) - added.

Minnesota: House CD 2: Mary Lawrence (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added.

Mississippi: Auditor of Public Accounts: Charles E. Graham (Democratic) - added.

New York: House CD 11 Special: New York City Councilman Vincent J. Gentile (Democratic) - added. House CD 26: Congressman Brian M. Higgins (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Richard Peter (Republican) - previously listed as Independent. 9 changes to the candidate list.
Tue 24 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

9 changes to the candidate list:

Florida: House CD 3: Marihelen Wheeler (Democratic) - added.

Kentucky: Governor: Geoffrey M. "Geoff" Young (Democratic) - re-added. Secretary of State: Michael Pitzer (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.

Louisiana: Senate Class 2: Senator William M. "Bill" Cassidy (Republican) - added as candidate.

Mississippi: Lieutenant Governor: Jelanie Barr (Democratic) - added.

North Carolina: House CD 9: John Gunther Burk, Jr. (Republican) - added. House CD 13: Congressman George Edward Bell Holding (Republican) - added as candidate.

Oklahoma: House CD 2: Aaron Davies (Independent) - added.

Tennessee: House CD 8: John John Mills (Republican) - added. NY CD 11 Special Election date. MI Presidential Primary date. 11 changes to the candidate list.
Sat 21 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (Democratic) has called a Tuesday 5 May 2015 special election to fill the vacant U.S. House CD 11 seat of former Congressman Michael G. "Mike" Grimm (Republican). The Congressman resigned on 5 January 2015 after pleading guilty to Federal Tax Evasion. Nominees for the Special Election are selected by the parties in each affected county. There is no primary.


Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (Republican) signed SB 44 on 20 February 2015. The bill changes the date of the Michigan Democratic and Republican Presidential Primaries from the 4th Tuesday in February (23 February 2016) to the 2nd Tuesday in March (8 March 2016).


11 changes to the candidate list:

Arizona: House CD 7: Cesar Chavez (Democratic) - added.

Iowa: House CD 1: Congressman Rodney Leland "Rod" Blum (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Robert James Cramer (Republican) - added.

Mississippi: Governor: Vicki Slater (Democratic) - added. Attorney General: Attorney General Jim Hood (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Missouri: Senate Class 3: Secretary of State Jason Kander (Democratic) - added. Secretary of State: Secretary of State Jason Kander (Democratic) - Open Office; John "Jay" Ashcroft (Republican) - added.

Oregon: Secretary of State: acting Secretary of State Robert Taylor (Democratic) - Secretary of State Kate Brown (Democratic) ascended to the Governor's chair upon the 18 February 2015 resignation of Governor John A. Kitzhaber (Democratic). Deputy Robert Taylor became acting Secretary of State when Kate Brown was sworn in as Governor.

Presidential Candidates: James Dennis "JD" Criveau (Constitution) - added; Darwin Misha Rose Reedy (Independent) - added. 2016 Draft Nevada Democratic Delegate Selection Plan
Fri 20 Feb 2015 8:05a by Tony Roza

The Nevada Democrats have published their dates to elect the party's 31 pledged delegates to the 2016 Democratic National Convention-- Non-binding Precinct Viability Caucuses: Saturday 20 February 2016, County Conventions: Saturday 2 April 2016, State Convention: Saturday 4 June - Sunday 5 June 2016. 2016 Democratic Delegate Allocation Update
Fri 20 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

We have updated our Democratic unpledged delegate tallies per the results of the 2014 General Elections of Governors, U.S. Senate members, and U.S. House members. Unpledged Delegate Detail.

The 2016 Democratic Convention has a total of 4,483 delegates votes with 2,242 needed to nominate.

Alabama: 58 delegates (52 pledged, 6 unpledged).
Alaska: 18 delegates (14 pledged, 4 unpledged).
American Samoa: 10 delegates (6 pledged, 4 unpledged).
Arizona: 74 delegates (63 pledged, 11 unpledged).
Arkansas: 38 delegates (32 pledged, 6 unpledged).
California: 476 delegates (405 pledged, 71 unpledged).
Colorado: 77 delegates (64 pledged, 13 unpledged).
Connecticut: 65 delegates (51 pledged, 14 unpledged).
Delaware: 28 delegates (17 pledged, 11 unpledged).
Democrats Abroad: 17 delegates (13 pledged, 4 unpledged).
District of Columbia: 35 delegates (17 pledged, 18 unpledged).
Florida: 238 delegates (207 pledged, 31 unpledged).
Georgia: 112 delegates (98 pledged, 14 unpledged).
Guam: 11 delegates (6 pledged, 5 unpledged).
Hawaii: 31 delegates (22 pledged, 9 unpledged).
Idaho: 24 delegates (20 pledged, 4 unpledged).
Illinois: 187 delegates (160 pledged, 27 unpledged).
Indiana: 79 delegates (70 pledged, 9 unpledged).
Iowa: 54 delegates (46 pledged, 8 unpledged).
Kansas: 37 delegates (33 pledged, 4 unpledged).
Kentucky: 53 delegates (47 pledged, 6 unpledged).
Louisiana: 61 delegates (54 pledged, 7 unpledged).
Maine: 30 delegates (25 pledged, 5 unpledged).
Maryland: 104 delegates (78 pledged, 26 unpledged).
Massachusetts: 122 delegates (95 pledged, 27 unpledged).
Michigan: 152 delegates (133 pledged, 19 unpledged).
Minnesota: 94 delegates (78 pledged, 16 unpledged).
Mississippi: 41 delegates (36 pledged, 5 unpledged).
Missouri: 88 delegates (75 pledged, 13 unpledged).
Montana: 21 delegates (15 pledged, 6 unpledged).
Nebraska: 31 delegates (26 pledged, 5 unpledged).
Nevada: 39 delegates (31 pledged, 8 unpledged).
New Hampshire: 32 delegates (24 pledged, 8 unpledged).
New Jersey: 127 delegates (110 pledged, 17 unpledged).
New Mexico: 38 delegates (29 pledged, 9 unpledged).
New York: 277 delegates (233 pledged, 44 unpledged).
North Carolina: 121 delegates (107 pledged, 14 unpledged).
North Dakota: 19 delegates (14 pledged, 5 unpledged).
Northern Marianas: 11 delegates (6 pledged, 5 unpledged).
Ohio: 165 delegates (148 pledged, 17 unpledged).
Oklahoma: 42 delegates (38 pledged, 4 unpledged).
Oregon: 65 delegates (52 pledged, 13 unpledged).
Pennsylvania: 181 delegates (160 pledged, 21 unpledged).
Puerto Rico: 58 delegates (51 pledged, 7 unpledged).
Rhode Island: 31 delegates (22 pledged, 9 unpledged).
South Carolina: 57 delegates (51 pledged, 6 unpledged).
South Dakota: 20 delegates (15 pledged, 5 unpledged).
Tennessee: 77 delegates (68 pledged, 9 unpledged).
Texas: 240 delegates (208 pledged, 32 unpledged).
Unassigned: 0 delegates (0 pledged, 0 unpledged).
Utah: 28 delegates (24 pledged, 4 unpledged).
Vermont: 23 delegates (15 pledged, 8 unpledged).
Virgin Islands: 11 delegates (6 pledged, 5 unpledged).
Virginia: 112 delegates (95 pledged, 17 unpledged).
Washington: 103 delegates (86 pledged, 17 unpledged).
West Virginia: 34 delegates (26 pledged, 8 unpledged).
Wisconsin: 89 delegates (79 pledged, 10 unpledged).
Wyoming: 17 delegates (13 pledged, 4 unpledged). OR Gov Kitzhaber (D) resigns, SoS Kate Brown (D) ascends to Governor's chair. 7 changes to the candidate list.
Thu 19 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

7 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 44: Congressman Janice Hahn (Democratic) - Open Seat - she will run for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in 2016; state Senator Isadore Hall, III (Democratic) - added.

Louisiana: Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry: Jamie LaBranche (Democratic) - added.

Mississippi: Commissioner of Insurance: John Mosley (Republican) - added.

Oregon: Governor: Governor John A. Kitzhaber (Democratic) resigns. Secretary of State Kate Brown (Democratic) - ascends to the Governor's chair. Secretary of State: Vacant Office.

Governor John A. Kitzhaber (Democratic), who was first elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2014, resigned on Wednesday 18 February 2015 amid scandal. Secretary of State Kate Brown (Democratic) ascended to the Governor's chair upon the Governor's official resignation and will serve until a Tuesday 8 November 2016 Special Election.

Presidential Candidates: Jason Woodward (Write-in) - added. NY CD 11 Special Election. 10 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 18 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

10 changes to the candidate list:

Arizona: House CD 9: David Victor "Dave" Giles (Republican) - added.

California: Senate Class 3: state Assemblymember Rocky Chávez (Republican) - added.

Idaho: House CD 2: Congressman Michael Keith "Mike" Simpson (Republican) - added as candidate.

Iowa: House CD 1: Ravi Patel (Democratic) - added.

Louisiana: House CD 6: Richard Lieberman (Democratic) - added.

Missouri: House CD 2: Arthur Henry Lieber (Democratic) - added.

New York: House CD 11: On 17 February 2015, U.S. District Court Judge Jack B. Weinstein ruled that New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (Democratic) must, by Friday 20 February, call a special election to fill the vacant seat of former Congressman Michael G. "Mike" Grimm (Republican) who resigned on 5 January 2015. If the Governor fails to do so, the court may set the date [Rossito-Canty v Cuomo, 15-CV-0568].

Presidential Candidates: Christopher Darren Dunn (Independent) - added; Danny Royce Jones, Sr. (Republican) - added; Ronald David Jones (No Party Affiliation) - added; Kent Mesplay (Green) - added. 2016 Republican Delegate Allocation Update
Sun 15 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

The Republican Party awards bonus delegates based on Republican control of the state Legislature, election of Republican Governors and U.S. Senators, and election of Republicans to 50% or more of the state's U.S. House delegation. We have updated our Republican delegate estimates per the results of the 2014 General Elections. Bonus Delegate Detail.

The 2016 Republican Convention has a total of 2,469 delegates with 1,235 needed to nominate.

Alabama: 50 delegates.
Alaska: 28 delegates.
American Samoa: 9 delegates.
Arizona: 58 delegates.
Arkansas: 40 delegates.
California: 172 delegates.
Colorado: 37 delegates.
Connecticut: 28 delegates.
Delaware: 16 delegates.
District of Columbia: 19 delegates.
Florida: 99 delegates.
Georgia: 76 delegates.
Guam: 9 delegates.
Hawaii: 19 delegates.
Idaho: 32 delegates.
Illinois: 69 delegates.
Indiana: 57 delegates.
Iowa: 30 delegates.
Kansas: 40 delegates.
Kentucky: 45 delegates.
Louisiana: 46 delegates.
Maine: 23 delegates.
Maryland: 38 delegates.
Massachusetts: 42 delegates.
Michigan: 59 delegates.
Minnesota: 38 delegates.
Mississippi: 39 delegates.
Missouri: 52 delegates.
Montana: 27 delegates.
Nebraska: 36 delegates.
Nevada: 30 delegates.
New Hampshire: 23 delegates.
New Jersey: 50 delegates.
New Mexico: 24 delegates.
New York: 95 delegates.
North Carolina: 72 delegates.
North Dakota: 28 delegates.
Northern Marianas: 9 delegates.
Ohio: 66 delegates.
Oklahoma: 43 delegates.
Oregon: 28 delegates.
Pennsylvania: 71 delegates.
Puerto Rico: 23 delegates.
Rhode Island: 19 delegates.
South Carolina: 50 delegates.
South Dakota: 29 delegates.
Tennessee: 58 delegates.
Texas: 155 delegates.
Utah: 40 delegates.
Vermont: 16 delegates.
Virgin Islands: 9 delegates.
Virginia: 49 delegates.
Washington: 44 delegates.
West Virginia: 34 delegates.
Wisconsin: 42 delegates.
Wyoming: 29 delegates. Oregon Governor Kitzhaber (D) resigns. 10 changes to the candidate list.
Sat 14 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

10 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 24: Justin Donald Fareed (Republican) - added.

Colorado: Senate Class 3: Charles Joseph Ehler (Republican) - added.

Florida: Senate Class 3: Joe Smith (Republican) - added.

Maryland: Senate Class 3: Greg Dorsey (Unaffiliated) - added. House CD 2: Bill Heine (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Kristin Beck (Democratic) - added.

Oregon: Governor: On 13 February 2015, Governor John A. Kitzhaber (Democratic) resigned (effective Wednesday 18 February 2015) amid a scandal involving payments an advocacy group made to this fiancée. "I am announcing today that I will resign as Governor of the State of Oregon." Secretary of State Kate Brown (Democratic) will ascend to the Governor's chair upon the Governor's resignation.

New York: House CD 11 Special: Amber LaShelle Adler (Democratic) - added.

Presidential Candidates: Christopher Darren Horn (No Party Affiliation) - added; William Jason "Bill" Pruitt (Libertarian) - added. 2016 Democratic Convention will be in Philadelphia. 4 changes to the candidate list.
Fri 13 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

On 12 February 2015, the Democratic National Committee announced that the 47th Democratic National Convention will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


4 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 16: Johnny Tacherra (Republican) - added.

Colorado: House CD 2: Congressman Jared Polis (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Oklahoma: Senate Class 2: Senator James M. "Jim" Inhofe (Republican) - added as candidate.

Texas: House CD 27: Wayne Gordon Raasch (Democratic) - added. 12 changes to the candidate list.
Thu 12 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

12 changes to the candidate list:

Arizona: House CD 1: Gary Kiehne (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Congressman Ruben Gallego (Democratic) - added as candidate.

California: Governor: Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (Democratic) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (Democratic) - Open Chair. House CD 9: Kathryn D. Nance (Republican) - added.

Florida: House CD 11: Matthew John "Matt" Schnackenberg (Libertarian) - added.

Michigan: House CD 2: Congressman William P. "Bill" Huizenga (Republican) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 20: Congressman Paul David Tonko (Democratic) - added as candidate.

North Carolina: House CD 2: Congressman Renee Jacisin Ellmers (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: John "Green" Ferguson (Green) - added; Lynn Sandra Kahn (Independent) - added; Jim L. Rundberg (Republican) - added. 9 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 11 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

9 changes to the candidate list:

Arizona: Senate Class 3: CORRECTION - John Lewis "J.L." Mealer (Independent) - previously listed as Americans Elect.

Connecticut: House CD 5: Congressman Elizabeth H. Esty (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Delaware: Governor: Lacey Lafferty (Republican) - added.

Georgia: House CD 13: Congressman David Albert Scott (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Michigan: House CD 7: state Representative Gretchen Driskell (Democratic) - added.

Mississippi: Auditor of Public Accounts: Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler (Republican) - added.

Missouri: Governor: former state Representative Randy Asbury (Republican) - added.

New Hampshire: House CD 1: Shawn Patrick O'Connor (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for Senate Class 3.

Presidential Candidates: Alan Errol Spears (American Independent) - added. MS CD 1 Congressman Alan Nunnelee (R) has died. 13 changes to the candidate list.
Sat 7 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

13 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 17: Rohit "Ro" Khanna (Democratic) - added.

Connecticut: House CD 5: John J. Pistone (Republican) - added.

Idaho: Senate Class 2: Senator James E. "Jim" Risch (Republican) - added as candidate.

Mississippi: Lieutenant Governor: former state Senator Tim Johnson (Democratic) - added. House CD 1: Congressman Patrick Alan "Alan" Nunnelee (Republican), 56, who was first elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2012 and 2014, passed away on 6 February 2015 from cancer.

Within 60 days, Governor Phil Bryant will call for a special election to fill this vacant seat.
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 245 Republicans, 188 Democrats, and 2 vacant seats (Mississippi House CD 1, New York House CD 11).

New York: House CD 2: Congressman Peter T. "Pete" King (Republican) - added as candidate.

North Carolina: House CD 3: Congressman Walter B. Jones, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Bradley Mark "Mark" Walker (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 11: Congressman Mark Randal Meadows (Republican) - added as candidate.

Ohio: House CD 7: Terry Robertson (Republican) - added.

Oklahoma: House CD 5: Congressman Steven Dane "Steve" Russell (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Ronald Duke (Republican) - added; Jill E. Stein (Green) - added. 14 changes to the candidate list.
Thu 5 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

14 changes to the candidate list:

Arkansas: House CD 4: Congressman Bruce Westerman (Republican) - added as candidate.

California: Senate Class 3: Jason Alan Swaim (Independent) - added. House CD 12: Preston Picus (Independent) - added. House CD 15: Congressman Eric Michael Swalwell (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 25: Congressman Steve Knight (Republican) - added as candidate.

Florida: House CD 20: Jay Alan Bonner (Republican) - added.

Georgia: Senate Class 3: Derrick E. Grayson (Republican) - added.

Hawaii: House CD 2: Congressman Tulsi Gabbard (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Michigan: House CD 7: Congressman Timothy L. "Tim" Walberg (Republican) - added as candidate.

New Mexico: House CD 3: Congressman Ben Ray Luján (Democratic) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 8: Congressman Hakeem S. Jeffries (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Pennsylvania: Senate Class 3: Everett Alexander Stern (Republican) - added.

Washington: House CD 4: Congressman Daniel Milton "Dan" Newhouse (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Larry D. Scarborough (Unaffiliated) - added. 18 changes to the candidate list.
Tue 3 Feb 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

18 changes to the candidate list:

Alabama: House CD 5: Congressman Morris J. "Mo" Brooks, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate.

California: House CD 6: Congressman Doris K. Matsui (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 40: Congressman Lucille Roybal-Allard (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Florida: House CD 11: Congressman Richard B. "Rich" Nugent (Republican) - added as candidate.

Georgia: House CD 4: Congressman Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman John R. Lewis (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Iowa: House CD 2: Congressman David Wayne "Dave" Loebsack (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman Steven A. "Steve" King (Republican) - added as candidate.

Massachusetts: House CD 1: Congressman Richard E. Neal (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Michigan: House CD 8: Congressman Michael D. "Mike" Bishop (Republican) - added as candidate.

Minnesota: House CD 8: Congressman Richard Michael "Rick" Nolan (Democratic) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 4: Francis X. Becker, Jr. (Republican) - added.

Ohio: House CD 13: Congressman Timothy J. "Tim" Ryan (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Oregon: House CD 1: Congressman Suzanne M. Bonamici (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman Kurt Schrader (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Pennsylvania: House CD 2: Congressman Chaka Fattah (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Virginia: House CD 11: Joseph F. "Joe" Galdo (Green) - added.

Presidential Candidates: Willita D. Bush (Green) - added. PA Treasurer resigns. 7 changes to the candidate list.
Sat 31 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

7 changes to the candidate list:

California: Senate Class 3: John Estrada (Republican) - added.

Kansas: House CD 3: Congressman Kevin W. Yoder (Republican) - added as candidate.

New Jersey: House CD 6: Jun Choi (Democratic) - added.

Ohio: Senate Class 3: former Governor and Congressman Ted Strickland (Democratic) - added.

Oregon: House CD 4: Congressman Peter Anthony "Pete" DeFazio (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Pennsylvania: Treasurer: Treasurer Robert M. "Rob" McCord (Democratic) - Vacant Office.

Treasurer Robert M. "Rob" McCord (Democratic), who was first elected in 2008 and re-elected in 2012, resigned on 30 January 2015 amid accusations of corruption. "I have designated Christopher B. Craig, current Chief Counsel to the department and former acting Chief of Staff, to assume the duties and responsibilities of the Office of State Treasurer until such time as a successor is nominated, confirmed and duly qualified pursuant to the state Constitution". Governor Tom Wolf (Democratic) will appoint a successor, who will must be confirmed by the state Senate.

Presidential Candidates: Phillip Kenneth Hill, Sr. (Independent) - added. 12 changes to the candidate list.
Fri 30 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

12 changes to the candidate list:

Maryland: House CD 7: Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Michigan: House CD 3: Congressman Justin Amash (Republican) - added as candidate.

Minnesota: House CD 2: David Gerson (Republican) - added.

Missouri: Governor: Auditor Thomas A. "Tom" Schweich (Republican) - added.

New Jersey: House CD 8: Congressman Albio Sires (Democratic) - added as candidate.

North Carolina: House CD 10: Congressman Patrick Timothy McHenry (Republican) - added as candidate.

Pennsylvania: Treasurer: On 29 January 2015, amid a corruption investigation, Treasurer Robert M. "Rob" McCord submitted his resignation effective 12 February 2015. "I have designated Christopher B. Craig, current Chief Counsel to the department and former acting Chief of Staff, to assume the duties and responsibilities of the Office of State Treasurer until such time as a successor is nominated, confirmed and duly qualified pursuant to the state Constitution".

South Carolina: House CD 5: Congressman John Michael "Mick" Mulvaney (Republican) - added as candidate.

Texas: House CD 2: Congressman Lloyd "Ted" Poe (Republican) - added as candidate.

Virginia: House CD 5: Congressman Robert Hurt (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 9: Congressman H. Morgan "Morgan" Griffith (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Zoltan Istvan (Not readily classifiable) - added. 12 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 28 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

12 changes to the candidate list:

California: Senate Class 3: Phillip Marcel House (Democratic) - added.

Kentucky (filing for the 19 May 2015 primary has closed): Governor: Matthew Griswold "Matt" Bevin (Republican) - added; Robert Lee Rosier (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Geoffrey M. "Geoff" Young (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Treasurer: Jon Larson (Republican) - added.

Massachusetts: House CD 9: Congressman William Richard "Bill" Keating (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Minnesota: House CD 2: Angela Craig (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added.

Mississippi: Treasurer: David McRae (Republican) - added.

Missouri: Attorney General: Saint Louis County Assessor Jake Zimmerman (Democratic) - added.

Ohio: House CD 9: Congressman Marcia Carolyn "Marcy" Kaptur (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (Republican) - added; Mitchell Williams (Write-in) - added. 15 changes to the candidate list.
Tue 27 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

15 changes to the candidate list:

Kentucky: Governor: Drew Curtis (Independent) - added. Secretary of State: Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes (Democratic) - added as candidate; Charles Lovett (Democratic) - added; Michael Pitzer (Republican) - added. Treasurer: state Representative Jim Glenn (Democratic) - added; state Representative Kenneth Churchill "Kenny" Imes (Republican) - added. Auditor of Public Accounts: state Representative Mike Harmon (Republican) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture: Richard Heath (Republican) - added.

Missouri: House CD 4: Congressman Vicky Jo Hartzler (Republican) - added as candidate.

New Jersey: House CD 1: Congressman Donald W. Norcross (Democratic) - added as candidate.

South Carolina: House CD 7: Congressman Hugh T. "Tom" Rice, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate.

Texas: House CD 9: Congressman Alexander "Al" Green (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 14: Congressman Randy Weber (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: New Jersey Governor Christopher J. "Chris" Christie (Republican) - added; Tom Irwin (American) - added. DNC National Convention date set for Mon 25 July 2016. 4 changes to the candidate list.
Sat 24 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

On 23 January 2015, the Democratic National Committee announced that the 47th Democratic National Convention will be held from Monday 25 July through Thursday 28 July 2016. The event will be hosted in either Columbus Ohio, New York, or Philadelphia.


4 changes to the candidate list:

Maryland: House CD 6: Xiangfei Scott Cheng (Republican) - added.

North Carolina: House CD 5: Congressman Virginia Ann Foxx (Republican) - added as candidate.

Oregon: House CD 3: Congressman Earl Blumenauer (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Christopher Scott Abernathy (Not readily classifiable) - added. 18 changes to the candidate list.
Fri 23 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

18 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 27: Congressman Judy Chu (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 39: Congressman Edward R. "Ed" Royce (Republican) - added as candidate.

Florida: Senate Class 3: Richard Paul Dembinsky (Democratic) - added. House CD 23: Joseph "Joe" Kaufman (Republican) - added.

Georgia: House CD 12: Congressman Richard Wallen "Rick" Allen (Republican) - added as candidate.

Kentucky: House CD 2: Congressman Steven Brett "Brett" Guthrie (Republican) - added as candidate. Attorney General: Michael T. "Mike" Hogan (Republican) - added; state Senator Whitney H. Westerfield (Republican) - added. Treasurer: former state Representative Richard Henderson (Democratic) - added. Auditor of Public Accounts: Auditor of Public Accounts Adam H. Edelen (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Minnesota: House CD 7: Congressman Collin Clark Peterson (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Missouri: House CD 4: James Lloyd "Jim" White (Democratic) - added.

New York: House CD 10: Congressman Jerrold Lewis "Jerry" Nadler (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Ohio: House CD 12: Congressman Patrick J. "Pat" Tiberi (Republican) - added as candidate.

Texas: House CD 28: Congressman Henry R. Cuellar (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Senator Lindsey Olin Graham (Republican) - added; Emelia Sandra Harris (Write-in) - added; Muhammad Sho (Not readily classifiable) - added. 23 changes to the candidate list.
Mon 19 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

23 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 47: Congressman Alan S. Lowenthal (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Florida: Senate Class 3: llya Katz (Republican) - added; Paiboon Sunthonchart Jr. (Write-in) - added. House CD 9: Wayne Kurt Liebnitzky (Republican) - added. House CD 19: April June Freeman (Democratic) - added. House CD 20: Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Massachusetts: House CD 2: Congressman James P. "Jim" McGovern (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Michigan: House CD 4: Congressman John Moolenaar (Republican) - added as candidate.

Minnesota: House CD 2: Congressman John Paul Kline, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate.

Montana: House At-Large: Congressman Ryan K. Zinke (Republican) - added as candidate.

Nebraska: House CD 1: Congressman Jeffrey Lane "Jeff" Fortenberry (Republican) - added as candidate.

New Jersey: House CD 3: Congressman Thomas "Tom" MacArthur (Republican) - added as candidate.

Oklahoma: House CD 2: Congressman Markwayne Mullin (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman Thomas Jeffery "Tom" Cole (Republican) - added as candidate.

South Carolina: House CD 6: Congressman James Enos "Jim" Clyburn (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Tennessee: House CD 2: Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Congressman Stephen Lee "Steve" Fincher (Republican) - added as candidate.

Virginia: House CD 1: Congressman Robert J. "Rob" Wittman (Republican) - added as candidate.

Wisconsin: House CD 1: Congressman Paul D. Ryan (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Andy Craig (Libertarian) - added.

Presidential Candidates: Bryce Allen Gidner (Republican) - added; Ronald Henry Hartsfield (No Party Affiliation) - added; Ryan Adam Lipner (Democratic) - added. 13 changes to the candidate list.
Fri 16 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

13 changes to the candidate list:

Arkansas: House CD 2: Congressman James French "French" Hill (Republican) - added as candidate.

Colorado: Senate Class 3: El Paso County Commissioner Darryl Glenn (Republican) - added.

Connecticut: House CD 2: Congressman Joseph D. "Joe" Courtney (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Florida: Senate Class 3: D.J. DeRenzo (Republican) - added.

Iowa: House CD 1: Cedar Rapids City Councilwoman Monica W. Vernon (Democratic) - added.

Louisiana: House CD 6: Congressman Garret Graves (Republican) - added as candidate.

Pennsylvania: House CD 7: Congressman Patrick L. "Pat" Meehan, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate.

Washington: House CD 1: Congressman Suzan Kay DelBene (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Derek Kilmer (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 7: Congressman James Adelbert "Jim" McDermott (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Jason Ritchie (Democratic) - added. House CD 9: Congressman David Adam "Adam" Smith (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 10: Congressman Dennis "Denny" Heck (Democratic) - added as candidate. RNC picks 18-21 July 2016 for their 41st National Convention in Cleveland. 7 changes to the candidate list.
Thu 15 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

The Republican National Committee has selected Monday 18 through Thursday 21 July 2016 as the official dates for the 41st Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Reference:


7 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 7: Congressman Amerish "Ami" Bera (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 11: Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 26: Congressman Julia Brownley (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Colorado: House CD 3: Congressman Scott Randall Tipton (Republican) - added as candidate.

Illinois: Comptroller: Comptroller Leslie Geissler Munger (Republican) - On 12 January 2015, Governor Bruce Rauner (Republican) appointed Leslie Geissler Munger as Comptroller. (Following the 10 December 2014 passing of Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka (Republican), Governor Pat Quinn (Democratic) appointed Jerry Stermer as Comptroller. Mr. Stermer resigned to allow newly elected Governor Rauner to appoint a replacement.)

Massachusetts: House CD 4: Congressman Joseph Patrick "Joe" Kennedy, III (Democratic) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 25: Congressman Louise McIntosh Slaughter (Democratic) - added as candidate. 9 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 14 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

9 changes to the candidate list:

California: Senate Class 3: Attorney General Kamala D. Harris (Democratic) - added. Attorney General: Attorney General Kamala D. Harris (Democratic) - Open Office.

Louisiana: House CD 5: Congressman Ralph Lee Abraham (Republican) - added as candidate.

Missouri: Governor: Les Turulli, Jr. (Independent) - added.

Nebraska: House CD 3: Congressman Adrian M. Smith (Republican) - added as candidate.

New Mexico: House CD 1: Congressman Michelle Lujan Grisham (Democratic) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 7: Congressman Nydia Margarita Velázquez (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 25: Gates Town Supervisor Mark W. Assini (Republican) - added.

Presidential Candidates: Wanda Gayle Duckwald (Republican) - added. 5 changes to the candidate list.
Mon 12 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

5 changes to the candidate list:

California: Senate Class 3: Senator Barbara Boxer (Democratic) - Open Seat - retiring. House CD 9: Congressman Gerald Mark "Jerry" McNerney (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Florida: House CD 4: Congressman Ander M. Crenshaw (Republican) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 13: Assemblyman Keith L.T. Wright (Democratic) - added.

Texas: House CD 15: Congressman Rub�n E. Hinojosa (Democratic) - added as candidate. 43 changes to the candidate list.
Fri 9 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

43 changes to the candidate list:

Alabama: House CD 7: Congressman Terrycina Andrea "Terri" Sewell (Democratic) - added as candidate.

California: House CD 8: Congressman Paul Cook (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 23: Congressman Kevin McCarthy (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 36: Kirk Wayne Thompson (Republican) - added. House CD 50: Congressman Duncan Duane Hunter (Republican) - added as candidate.

Connecticut: House CD 1: Congressman John B. Larson (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Florida: House CD 8: Congressman William "Bill" Posey (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 10: Congressman Daniel "Dan" Webster (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 13: Congressman David W. Jolly (Republican) - added as candidate.

Illinois: House CD 6: Congressman Peter J. Roskam (Republican) - added as candidate.

Indiana: House CD 2: Congressman Jackie Swihart Walorski (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Marlin A. Stutzman (Republican) - added as candidate.

Michigan: House CD 1: Congressman Daniel J. "Dan" Benishek (Republican) - added as candidate.

New Hampshire: Senate Class 3: Richard W. Stanley (Democratic) - added.

New Jersey: Senate Class 2: Senator Cory A. Booker (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 1: Alexander "Alex" Law (Democratic) - added. House CD 9: Michael J. Wildes (Democratic) - added.

New Mexico: Senate Class 2: Senator Tom Udall (Democratic) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 13: Congressman Charles B. "Charlie" Rangel (Democratic) - Open Seat; Adam Clayton Powell, IV (Democratic) - added. House CD 24: Congressman John M. Katko (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 27: Congressman Christopher Carl "Chris" Collins (Republican) - added as candidate.

North Dakota: House At-Large: Congressman Kevin Cramer (Republican) - added as candidate.

Ohio: House CD 5: Congressman Robert Edward "Bob" Latta (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 14: Congressman David P. "Dave" Joyce (Republican) - added as candidate.

Oklahoma: Senate Class 3: Senator James Paul Lankford (Republican) - added as candidate.

Oregon: Senate Class 2: Senator Jeffrey Alan "Jeff" Merkley (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Pennsylvania: House CD 8: Congressman Michael G. "Mike" Fitzpatrick (Republican) - Open Seat; state Representative Steven J. "Steve" Santarsiero (Democratic) - added. House CD 11: Congressman Louis J. "Lou" Barletta (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 18: Congressman Timothy "Tim" Murphy (Republican) - added as candidate.

South Carolina: Senate Class 2: Senator Lindsey Olin Graham (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Jeffrey D. "Jeff" Duncan (Republican) - added as candidate.

South Dakota: Senate Class 2: Senator Marion Michael "Mike" Rounds (Republican) - added as candidate.

Tennessee: Senate Class 2: Senator Lamar Alexander (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman James H. S. "Jim" Cooper (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Texas: House CD 12: Congressman Kay N. Granger (Republican) - added as candidate.

Utah: House CD 3: Congressman Jason Chaffetz (Republican) - added as candidate.

Virginia: Senate Class 2: Senator Mark Robert Warner (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 11: Congressman Gerald Edward "Gerry" Connolly (Democratic) - added as candidate.

West Virginia: Senate Class 2: Senator Shelley Moore Capito (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Marc Allan Feldman (Libertarian) - added; Scot Grant Olewine (Republican) - added. Gov Shumlin [D-VT] re-elected by State Legislature, 110-69: to be sworn in this afternoon
Thu 8 Jan 2015 5:00p by Staff

By a vote of 110 for him in a 'joint assembly' of both houses of the Vermont General Assembly, incumbent Governor Peter Shumlin [Democrat] was (as had been widely expected) officially re-elected to his third consecutive two-year term in that office. His main challenger, Scott Milne [Republican] received 69 votes from among the assembled legislators; Libertarian Dan Feliciano received not a single vote.

This joint assembly was necessitated by the fact that Shumlin, although he had gained the plurality of the popular vote in last November's gubernatorial election, did not gain an outright majority of same. Under Vermont's own Constitution, elections for certain State offices (including Governor) that do not produce any candidate with a majority of the popular vote must be decided by just such a joint assembly of the Green Mountain State's legislature.

Governor Shumlin will be sworn in for his new Term of Office early this (Thursday 8 January 2015) afternoon Eastern Time US, after which he will give an Inaugural Address before the same lawmakers who had voted for the office earlier today. Vermont's legislature to choose the State's Governor on Thurs 8 Jan
Wed 7 Jan 2015 6:30p (updated Thu 8 Jan 2015 4:15a) by Staff

Each house of the General Assembly of VERMONT- the State's Senate and House of Representatives- has convened today (Wednesday 7 January 2015) in an organizational session in which officers, such as House Speaker and Senate President pro Tempore, are to be chosen by the respective members of each chamber. Tomorrow (Thursday 8 January), the Green Mountain State's legislators get down to the business of electing Vermont's Governor, a procedure constitutionally required when no candidate for the office has received a majority of the popular vote in the most recent November State election: the choice will be between incumbent Governor Peter Shumlin [Democrat] and challengers Scott Milne [Republican] and Dan Feliciano [Libertarian]

The legislators will meet in "joint assembly" in which each legislator has one vote (as a result, the 30 State Senators- as a unit- can be outvoted by the 150 State Representatives [although this factoid is of only theoretical interest in this day and age]); Lieutenant Governor Phil Scott [Republican] will preside. The joint assembly (scheduled to convene at 10 AM EST [1500 GMT]) will vote by secret ballot, so there will be no official record as to how each legislator has voted; Lt. Gov. Scott will have no vote in case of a tie and as many ballots as might be needed to gain a candidate at least a majority of 91 will be taken.

It is expected that the eventual winner will be known in time for him to be sworn in as Governor at around 1:30 PM EST [1830 GMT] tomorrow (Thursday 8 January). The Democrats are the Majority in both houses of the General Assembly and it would be a real political shocker should Gov. Shumlin- who gained the plurality of the popular vote- not be re-elected to his third two-year term in that office. 27 changes to the candidate list.
Wed 7 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

27 changes to the candidate list:

Arkansas: Senate Class 2: Senator Thomas B. "Tom" Cotton (Republican) - added as candidate.

California: House CD 16: Congressman Jim Costa (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 21: Michael Rubio (Democratic) - added. House CD 42: Congressman Kenneth S. "Ken" Calvert (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 48: Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 49: Congressman Darrell Edward Issa (Republican) - added as candidate.

Colorado: House CD 1: Charles H. "Chuck" Norris (Democratic) - added.

Delaware: Senate Class 2: Senator Christopher A. "Chris" Coons (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Florida: House CD 26: Congressman Carlos L. Curbelo (Republican) - added as candidate.

Hawaii: Senate Class 3: Senator Brian Emanuel Schatz (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Indiana: House CD 4: Kevin Jay Grant (Republican) - added.

Iowa: Senate Class 2: Senator Joni K. Ernst (Republican) - added as candidate.

Kansas: Senate Class 2: Senator Pat Roberts (Republican) - added as candidate.

Kentucky: Governor: former state Supreme Court Justice Will T. Scott (Republican) - added. House CD 1: Samuel Lewis "Sam" Gaskins (Democratic) - added. House CD 5: Congressman Harold Dallas "Hal" Rogers (Republican) - added as candidate.

Louisiana: Senate Class 3: Senator David B. Vitter (Republican) - added as candidate.

Maine: House CD 2: Congressman Bruce L. Poliquin (Republican) - added as candidate.

Maryland: House CD 7: Michael Tyrone Pearson (Not readily classifiable) - added.

Massachusetts: Senate Class 2: Senator Edward John "Ed" Markey (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Michigan: Senate Class 2: Senator Gary Peters (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 7: Bruce Allen Gidner (Republican) - added.

Minnesota: Senate Class 2: Senator Al Franken (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added as candidate.

Montana: Senate Class 2: Senator Steven "Steve" Daines (Republican) - added as candidate.

Nebraska: Senate Class 2: Senator Benjamin E. "Ben" Sasse (Republican) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 19: Congressman Christopher Patrick "Chris" Gibson (Republican) - Open Seat - not running for re-election in 2016.

Ohio: Senate Class 3: Cincinnati Council Member P.G. Sittenfeld (Democratic) - added. 114th CONGRESS convenes: Boehner re-elected Speaker, vote for him falls short of majority of total US House membership
Tue 6 Jan 2015 7:35p (updated Wed 7 Jan 2015 5:29a) by Staff

The United States House of Representatives of the 114th Congress of the United States was first gaveled into session at 12:36 PM EST [1736 GMT], Tuesday 6 January 2015, by Clerk of the House Karen Haas. Congressman John A. Boehner of Ohio [Republican] was re-elected to a third consecutive 2-year term as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 216 to 164 votes for former Speaker (and still current Minority Leader) Nancy Pelosi of California [Democrat].

Three other Republican Members of Congress also had their names formally placed in nomination for Speaker of the House: these being Congressman Louis B. Gohmert [Republican- Texas], Congressman Theodore S. Yoho [Republican-Florida] and Congressman Daniel Webster [Republican-Florida]. Of these three: Webster received 12 votes for Speaker on the floor of the House, Gohmert received 3 votes and Yoho received 2 votes.

11 other votes for Speaker were scattered among 10 others (including 2 United States Senators- Jeff Sessions [R-Alabama] and Rand Paul [R-Kentucky], each of whom received 1 vote- and former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, who also received 1 vote). In addition, 1 Member of Congress voted 'Present'.

408 votes thus having actually been cast for Speaker and Boehner's 216 being a majority of said 408, Boehner was thereby re-elected to that post. Nevertheless, the Speaker's total of 216 was 2 votes short of an outright majority of the total membership of the House of Representatives (currently 434, with 1 vacancy) which, in turn, suggests something of a revolt against the current House GOP leadership amongst at least some of the chamber's Republican members (by contrast, only 4 Democrats present failed to vote for Mrs. Pelosi).

The United States Senate was called to order by Vice President of the United States Joseph R. Biden, in his capacity as constitutional President of the Senate, at 12:08 PM EST [1708 GMT], Tuesday 6 January 2015. 34 newly elected (or re-elected) United States Senators- 1 elected in a Special Election this past November joining the 33 chosen in the most recent election for Class 2 Senators (also last November)- sworn in at the dais in groups of four presenting themselves before the Vice President. All answered in the affirmative to the requisite Oath of Office posed as the following question:

  • Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter?
Newly re-elected Speaker of the House John Boehner took the same Oath, and in the same manner, as the above before administering the same Oath (again, in the same manner) to the assembled newly elected (or re-elected) members of the U.S. House of Representatives in the 114th Congress as well. Congressman Mike Grimm (R - NY H11) resigns. 101 changes to the candidate list.
Tue 6 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

101 changes to the candidate list:

Alabama: Senate Class 2: Senator Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions, III (Republican) - added as candidate.

Kentucky: House CD 1: Congressman Wayne Edward "Ed" Whitfield (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman Thomas H. Massie (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Garland "Andy" Barr (Republican) - added as candidate.

Louisiana: House CD 3: Congressman Charles W. Boustany, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate.

Maine: House CD 1: Congressman Chellie M. Pingree (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Maryland: House CD 1: Congressman Andrew P. "Andy" Harris (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman Steny Hamilton Hoyer (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman John K. Delaney (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Congressman Christopher "Chris" Van Hollen, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Massachusetts: House CD 6: Congressman Seth W. Moulton (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Michigan: House CD 5: Congressman Daniel T. "Dan" Kildee (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Frederick Stephen "Fred" Upton (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 9: Congressman Sander Martin "Sandy" Levin (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 13: Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Minnesota: House CD 1: Congressman Timothy J. "Tim" Walz (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Erik Paulsen (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman Keith Maurice Ellison (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Thomas Earl "Tom" Emmer, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate.

Nevada: House CD 1: Congressman Alice Costandina "Dina" Titus (Democratic) - added as candidate.

New Hampshire: House CD 1: Congressman Frank C. Guinta (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 2: Congressman Ann McLane "Annie" Kuster (Democratic) - added as candidate.

New Jersey: House CD 2: Congressman Frank A. LoBiondo (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman Christopher Henry "Chris" Smith (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman Ernest Scott "Scott" Garrett (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 11: Congressman Rodney P. Frelinghuysen (Republican) - added as candidate.

New Mexico: House CD 2: Congressman Stevan E. "Steve" Pearce (Republican) - added as candidate.

New York: House CD 1: Congressman Lee Michael Zeldin (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Steve J. Israel (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman Kathleen M. Rice (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman Gregory Weldon Meeks (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Grace Meng (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 11: Congressman Michael G. "Mike" Grimm (Republican) - Vacant Office. House CD 11 Special: Richmond County District Attorney Daniel M. "Dan" Donovan, Jr. (Republican) - added. House CD 15: Congressman José Enrique Serrano (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 17: Congressman Nita M. Lowey (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 18: Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 19: Congressman Christopher Patrick "Chris" Gibson (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 21: Congressman Elise M. Stefanik (Republican) - added as candidate.

The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 246 Republicans, 188 Democrats, and 1 vacant seat (New York House CD 11).

North Carolina: House CD 1: Congressman George Kenneth "G. K." Butterfield, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman David Eugene Price (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 7: Congressman David Cheston Rouzer (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 9: Congressman Robert M. Pittenger (Republican) - added as candidate.

Ohio: House CD 4: Congressman James D. "Jim" Jordan (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 7: Congressman Robert Brian "Bob" Gibbs (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Congressman John Andrew Boehner (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 15: Congressman Steve E. Stivers (Republican) - added as candidate.

Oklahoma: House CD 3: Congressman Frank D. Lucas (Republican) - added as candidate.

Oregon: House CD 2: Congressman Gregory Paul "Greg" Walden (Republican) - added as candidate.

Pennsylvania: House CD 3: Congressman George J. "Mike" Kelly, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman Scott Perry (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Ryan A. Costello (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 9: Congressman William Franklin "Bill" Shuster (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 10: Congressman Thomas Anthony "Tom" Marino (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 12: Congressman Keith J. Rothfus (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 13: Congressman Brendan F. Boyle (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 15: Congressman Charles W. "Charlie" Dent (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 17: Congressman Matthew A. "Matt" Cartwright (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Rhode Island: House CD 1: Congressman David N. Cicilline (Democratic) - added as candidate.

South Carolina: House CD 4: Congressman Harold W. "Trey" Gowdy, III (Republican) - added as candidate.

South Dakota: House At-Large: Congressman Kristi Lynn Noem (Republican) - added as candidate.

Tennessee: House CD 6: Congressman Diane Lynn Black (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 7: Congressman Marsha Blackburn (Republican) - added as candidate.

Texas: House CD 1: Congressman Louis B. "Louie" Gohmert (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Samuel Robert "Sam" Johnson (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman Jeb Hensarling (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 7: Congressman John Culberson (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Congressman Kevin Patrick Brady (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 11: Congressman K. Michael "Mike" Conaway (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 13: Congressman William McClellan "Mac" Thornberry (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 16: Congressman Robert "Beto" O'Rourke (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 17: Congressman William "Bill" Flores (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 19: Congressman Randy Neugebauer (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 20: Congressman Joaquin Castro (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 21: Congressman Lamar Seeligson Smith (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 22: Congressman Peter Graham "Pete" Olson (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 23: Congressman William "Will" Hurd (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 25: Congressman Roger Williams (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 27: Congressman Randolph Blake "Blake" Farenthold (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 31: Congressman John Rice Carter (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 32: Congressman Pete Sessions (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 34: Congressman Filemon B. Vela (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 35: Congressman Lloyd Alton Doggett, II (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 36: Congressman Brian Babin (Republican) - added as candidate.

Utah: House CD 4: Congressman Mia B. Love (Republican) - added as candidate.

Vermont: House At-Large: Congressman Peter F. Welch (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Virginia: House CD 2: Congressman Edward Scott "Scott" Rigell (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman J. Randy Forbes (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Congressman Donald Sternoff "Don" Beyer, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 10: Congressman Barbara J. Comstock (Republican) - added as candidate.

Washington: House CD 2: Congressman Richard Ray "Rick" Larsen (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Joseph A. "Joe" Pakootas (Democratic) - added. House CD 8: Congressman Dave Reichert (Republican) - added as candidate.

West Virginia: House CD 1: Congressman David Bennett McKinley (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 2: Congressman Alexander Xavier "Alex" Mooney (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Evan H. Jenkins (Republican) - added as candidate.

Wisconsin: House CD 2: Congressman Mark Pocan (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman Gwendolynne S. "Gwen" Moore (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman Frank James "Jim" Sensenbrenner, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 7: Congressman Sean P. Duffy (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Congressman Reid J. Ribble (Republican) - added as candidate. 93 changes to the candidate list.
Sat 3 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

93 changes to the candidate list:

Alabama: House CD 2: Congressman Martha Roby (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Michael "Mike" Rogers (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Gary Palmer (Republican) - added as candidate.

Arizona: House CD 1: Congressman Ann Kirkpatrick (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 2: Congressman Martha E. McSally (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 9: Congressman Kyrsten Sinema (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Arkansas: House CD 1: Congressman Eric Alan "Rick" Crawford (Republican) - added as candidate.

California: House CD 1: Congressman Doug LaMalfa (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman John Raymond Garamendi (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman Thomas "Tom" McClintock (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman C. Michael "Mike" Thompson (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 10: Congressman Jeff Denham (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 12: Congressman Nancy Pelosi (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 13: Congressman Barbara Lee (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 17: Congressman Michael M. "Mike" Honda (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 18: Congressman Anna G. Eshoo (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 19: Congressman Zoe Lofgren (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 20: Congressman Sam Farr (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 29: Congressman Tony Cárdenas (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 30: Congressman Brad Sherman (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 31: Congressman Pete Aguilar (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 32: Congressman Grace Flores Napolitano (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 33: Congressman Ted W. Lieu (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 34: Congressman Xavier Becerra (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 35: Congressman Norma J. Torres (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 36: Congressman Raul Ruiz (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 38: Congressman Linda T. Sánchez (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 41: Congressman Mark A. Takano (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 44: Congressman Janice Hahn (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 45: Congressman Mimi Walters (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 46: Congressman Loretta Sanchez (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 51: Congressman Juan C. Vargas (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 52: Congressman Scott Peters (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 53: Congressman Susan A. Davis (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Colorado: House CD 6: Congressman Michael "Mike" Coffman (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 7: Congressman Edwin G. "Ed" Perlmutter (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Connecticut: House CD 3: Congressman Rosa L. DeLauro (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 4: Congressman Jim Himes (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Delaware: Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Matthew P. "Matt" Denn (Democratic) - Vacant Office. House At-Large: Congressman John Charles Carney, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate.

District of Columbia: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Territorial Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Florida: House CD 2: Congressman Gwendolyn "Gwen" Graham (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Theodore Scott "Ted" Yoho (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Ronald D. "Ron" DeSantis (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 9: Congressman Alan Mark Grayson (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 12: Congressman Gus Michael Bilirakis (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 15: Congressman Dennis Alan Ross (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 16: Congressman Vernon "Vern" Buchanan (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 17: Congressman Thomas Joseph "Tom" Rooney (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 18: Congressman Patrick Erin Murphy (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 19: Congressman Curtis J. "Curt" Clawson (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 21: Congressman Theodore Eliot "Ted" Deutch (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 22: Congressman Lois J. Frankel (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Georgia: House CD 2: Congressman Sanford Dixon Bishop, Jr. (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 3: Congressman Lynn Acton Westmoreland (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Thomas Edmunds "Tom" Price (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Congressman James Austin "Austin" Scott (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 9: Congressman Douglas Allen "Doug" Collins (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 10: Congressman Jody B. Hice (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 11: Congressman Barry D. Loudermilk (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 14: Congressman John Thomas "Tom" Graves, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate.

Hawaii: House CD 1: Congressman Kyle Mark "Mark" Takai (Democratic) - added as candidate.

Idaho: House CD 1: Congressman Raúl Rafael Labrador (Republican) - added as candidate.

Illinois: House CD 2: Congressman Robin L. Kelly (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Congressman Mike Quigley (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Congressman L. Tammy Duckworth (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 9: David Earl Williams, III (Republican) - added. House CD 10: Congressman Robert James "Bob" Dold, Jr. (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 11: Congressman G. William "Bill" Foster (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 12: Congressman Michael J. "Mike" Bost (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 13: Congressman Rodney L. Davis (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 14: Congressman Randall M. "Randy" Hultgren (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 15: Congressman John M. Shimkus (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 16: Congressman Adam Kinzinger (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 17: Congressman Cheri Bustos (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 18: Congressman Aaron Jon Schock (Republican) - added as candidate.

Indiana: House CD 5: Congressman Susan W. Brooks (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 6: Congressman Allen Lucas "Luke" Messer (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 7: Congressman André D. Carson (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Congressman Larry D. Bucshon (Republican) - added as candidate. House CD 9: Congressman Todd Christopher Young (Republican) - added as candidate.

Kentucky: Commissioner of Agriculture: Jean-Marie Lawson Spann (Democratic) - correction - previously listed as a candidate for Auditor of Public Accounts.

Louisiana: Lieutenant Governor: Jefferson Parish President John F. Young, Jr. (Republican) - added.

Michigan: House CD 5: Allen Hardwick (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Douglas Radcliffe North (Republican) - added; Rick Strawcutter (U.S. Taxpayers) - added.

Minnesota: House CD 5: Douglas James "Doug" Daggett (Republican) - added.

North Carolina: Governor: Kenneth Hale "Ken" Fortenberry (Libertarian) - added.

Rhode Island: House CD 1: H. Russell Taub (Republican) - added.

Wisconsin: House CD 1: Tom Breu (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: Congressman Glenn S. Grothman (Republican) - added as candidate.

Presidential Candidates: Curtis "Curt" Woolsey (Constitution) - added. United Nations Security Council 2015
Fri 2 Jan 2015 8:00a by Richard E. Berg-Andersson

The beginning of the calendar year 2015 also brings about a new, year-long rotation of those Member-States holding the PRESIDENCY of the UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL each month, as outlined on Monthly Rotation of PRESIDENCIES of the United Nations SECURITY COUNCIL.

As of 1 JANUARY 2015, 5 new non-Permanent Members of the UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL will be taking their respective seats for 2-year terms. Updated historical, as well as current (for the calendar year 2015), information on the UN Security Council can now be found on The United Nations Security Council. 11 changes to the candidate list.
Thu 1 Jan 2015 8:00a by Tony Roza

11 changes to the candidate list:

California: House CD 10: Michael James "Mike" Barkley (Democratic) - added. House CD 31: Paul Chabot (Republican) - added. House CD 38: Benjamin "Ben" Campos (Republican) - added. House CD 42: Timothy J. "Tim" Sheridan (Democratic) - added.

Colorado: House CD 6: former state Representative Edward "Ed" Casso (Democratic) - added.

Delaware: House At-Large: Rose Izzo (Republican) - added.

Florida: House CD 9: Valleri Crabtree (Democratic) - added.

New York: House CD 11: Congressman Michael G. "Mike" Grimm (Republican) - Open Seat. On 30 December 2014 he announced his resignation effective 5 January 2015.

Presidential Candidates: Andrew Augustine Caffrey, IV (Democratic) - added; Margaret M. Davidson (Not readily classifiable) - added; Marc Alexander "Paul" Keller (Independent) - previously listed as Republican.


Modified Wed 1 Apr 2015 3:45p.