14 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
American Samoa: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Fatumalala Leulua'iali'i A. Al-Sheri (Independent) - added; Kereti Mata'utia, Jr. (Independent) - added.
Illinois: House CD 3: Laurel Lambert Schmidt (Green) - removed. House CD 6: Khizar Jafri (Independent) - removed. House CD 9: Hilaire Fuji Shioura (Independent) - removed. House CD 12: Jeremy P. Lincicum (Independent) - removed; Randall C. "Randy" Stufflebeam (Constitution) - removed. House CD 15: Tim Pearcy (Constitution) - removed. House CD 16: Bronco Bojovic (Independent) - removed. House CD 17: Eric Steven Reyes (Independent) - removed.
New York: House CD 13: Róger Calero (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - apparently not a candidate; Deborah O. Liatos (Socialist Workers Party) - added; Craig Schley (Republican) - Active, previously listed as Democratic.
Virginia: Lieutenant Governor: former State Senator Jeannemarie Devolites Davis (Republican) - previously listed as Democratic.
16 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Iowa: President: Stewart Alexis Alexander (Socialist Party USA) - removed.
New York: Senate Class 1: Michael George Craft, Sr. (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Scott Andrew Noren (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Timothy James "Tim" Sweet (Independent [Republican]) - apparently not a candidate, previously listed as Independent [Republican]. House CD 1: Randolph "Randy" Altschuler (Conservative, Republican, Independence) - previously listed as Republican; Rick Witt (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 2: Congressman Peter T. "Pete" King (Conservative, Republican, Independence, Tax Revolt) - previously listed as Conservative, Republican, Independence; Daniel "Dan" Riina (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 3: Stephen A. "Steve" Labate (Republican, Conservative, Tax Revolt) - previously listed as Republican, Conservative; Anthony Tolda (Constitution) - added. House CD 4: Francis X. "Fran" Becker, Jr. (Republican, Tax Revolt) - previously listed as Republican, Conservative; Congressman Carolyn McCarthy (Democratic, Independence, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic; Frank J. Scaturro (Conservative) - Active, previously listed as Republican.
North Dakota: Governor: Roland Clifford Riemers (Independent) - added; Paul Sorum (Independent) - added. Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tracy Potter (Nonpartisan [Democratic-Farmer Labor]) - previously listed as Nonpartisan [Democratic].
22 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
New Hampshire: President: Jill Stein (Independent [Green]) - removed. Governor: Peter Cordatos (Independent) - removed; Edward Charles "Hobo Ed" Furlong, III (Independent) - removed. House CD 1: Cornelius J. Donnelly (Independent) - removed; Dan Webb (Independent) - removed. House CD 2: Jeanne Louise Ingress (Independent) - removed; Danny Keating (Independent) - removed.
Oklahoma: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Americans Elect) - removed. Corporation Commissioner 2: Corporation Commissioner Bob Anthony (Republican) - elected. Corporation Commissioner 3: Corporation Commissioner Patrice Douglas (Republican) - elected.
Pennsylvania: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added. House CD 2: Robert Ogborn (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: Jim Schneller (Constitution) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 13: Nathan I. "Nate" Kleinman (Write-in [Democratic]) - apparently not a candidate, previously listed as Write-in [Democratic]. Treasurer: Donna Fike (Constitution) - apparently not a candidate; Patricia M. Fryman (Libertarian) - Active. Auditor General: Alan "Bob" Goodrich (Constitution) - apparently not a candidate.
Vermont: House At-Large: Congressman Peter F. Welch (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic.
Virginia: Lieutenant Governor: former State Senator Jeannemarie Devolites Davis (Democratic) - added.
Wyoming: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added. House At-Large: Don Wills (Wyoming Country) - Active, previously listed as Independent.
15 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Paul Passarelli (Libertarian) - Active; L. Lee Whitnum (Progressive [Democratic]) - apparently not a candidate, previously listed as Progressive [Democratic]. House CD 1: Matthew M. Corey (Petitioning Candidate) - added. House CD 3: Congressman Rosa L. DeLauro (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic, Independent Party of Connecticut. House CD 5: Robert A. Lombardo (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: President: James E. Harris, Jr. (Socialist Workers Party) - apparently not a candidate.
Minnesota: Senate Class 1: Tim Davis (Grassroots) - previously listed as Other; Andrew Thomas Schuler (Unaffiliated) - removed.
Missouri: House CD 5: Andrew Charles Feagle (Independent) - removed. House CD 7: Dean Richard Moore, Jr. (Independent) - removed.
New York: House CD 17: Francis E. Morganthaler (We, the People) - Active, previously listed as Republican.
North Dakota: Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tracy Potter (Nonpartisan [Democratic]) - previously listed as Nonpartisan.
Vermont: Governor: Annette Smith (Write-in [Progressive]) - added.
Virginia: Lieutenant Governor: L. Scott Lingamfelter (Republican) - added; Susan Stimpson (Republican) - added.
22 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Indiana: President: Missionary-Tracey Elaine Blair (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Paul Chehade (Write-in [Independent]) - added; John Albert Dummett, Jr. (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Richard Duncan (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Stephen G. Durham (Write-in [Freedom]) - added; Thomas "Tom" Hoefling (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Terry Dale Jones (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Nelson Keyton, Jr. (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Dennis Jerome Knill (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Christina López (Write-in [Freedom]) - added; Jill Ann Reed (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Michael A. Simoneux, Jr. (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Randall A. Terry (Write-in [Independent]) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Timothy "Texas Slim" Day (Independent [Republican]) - removed; Jacquie Henderson (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - removed. House CD 18: Steve Warshell (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - removed. House CD 19: Cindy Jaquith (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - removed. House CD 21: Fidel Castillo (Green) - removed; Bill Stout (Green) - removed. House CD 25: Roger Quannah Settler (Green) - removed. House CD 29: Mike Fitzsimmons (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - removed.
Presidential Candidates: Michael A. Simoneux, Jr. (Independent) - added. 23 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Michigan: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Write-in [Libertarian]) - added.
New Jersey: Senate Class 1: Lawrence J. "Larry" Donahue (Independent) - removed; Jonathan Bannon Maher (No Party Affiliation) - removed. House CD 8: Anthony Zanowic (Independent) - removed. House CD 11: Jim Gawron (Libertarian) - removed.
Ohio: President: Susan E. Daniels (Write-in) - added; Nelson Keyton, Jr. (Write-in) - added; Jill Ann Reed (Write-in) - added; Platt Robertson (Write-in) - added; Randall A. Terry (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Michael "Mike" Vargo (Write-in [Independent]) - Active, previously listed as Independent. House CD 7: Dawn Howard (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
South Carolina: House CD 4: Jeff Sumerel (Green) - added.
Texas: President: Stewart Alexis Alexander (Write-in [Socialist Party USA]) - added; former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (Write-in [Justice Party]) - added; Avery L. Ayers (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Andre Nigel Barnett (Write-in [Reform]) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Write-in [Constitution]) - added; Thaddaus Hill (Write-in [Independent]) - added; Thomas "Tom" Hoefling (Write-in [America's Party]) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Susan E. Daniels (Write-in) - added. 41 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Mississippi: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - removed; Barbara Dale Washer (Reform) - added. House CD 4: Matt Moore (Democratic) - added.
West Virginia: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (Write-in [Justice Party]) - added; Roseanne Cherri Barr (Write-in [Peace And Freedom]) - added; Robert Brown (Write-in) - added; Jerry Leon Carroll (Write-in) - added; Paul Chehade (Write-in) - added; Santa Claus (Write-in) - added; David Michael Crosby (Write-in) - added; John Albert Dummett, Jr. (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Richard Duncan (Write-in) - added; Stephen G. Durham (Write-in) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Write-in [Constitution]) - added; Thomas "Tom" Hoefling (Write-in [America's Party]) - added; Darrell Hykes (Write-in) - added; Nelson Keyton, Jr. (Write-in) - added; Dennis Jerome Knill (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Cam Ray Lemley (Write-in) - added; Erin Kent Magee (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Merlin L. Miller (Write-in [American Third Position]) - added; Dean D. Morstad (Write-in) - added; Barbara Ann K. "Barb" Prokopich (Write-in) - added; Platt Robertson (Write-in) - added; Rick L. Rogers (Write-in) - added; Cecil James Roth (Write-in) - added; Joseph Charles "Average Joe" Schriner (Write-in [Americans Elect]) - added; Beverly Simmons-Miller (Write-in) - added; Sheila Telles "Samm" Tittle (Write-in [Republican]) - added. Senate Class 1: Jeff Becker (Write-in) - added; Sheirl L. Fletcher (Write-in [Democratic]) - added. Governor: Phil Hudok (Write-in [Constitution]) - added; Frankie Rocchetti (Write-in) - added; Barbara Lynn Spurlock (Write-in) - added. House CD 1: Lou Manley (Write-in) - added. House CD 2: Jerry Franklin (Write-in) - added. Auditor: John Klayton Miller (Write-in) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture: Betty Quintana (Write-in) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Robert Brown (Write-in) - added; Cam Ray Lemley (Write-in) - added; Rick L. Rogers (Write-in) - added. 54 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: President: Roseanne Cherri Barr (Peace And Freedom) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Delaware: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added. Senate Class 1: Alexander J. "Alex" Pires, Jr. (Independent Party Of Delaware) - previously listed as Independent Party Of Delaware, Independent. Governor: Jesse McVay (Libertarian) - added; Mark Joseph Perri (Green) - added.
Louisiana: House CD 1: David "Turk" Turknett (No Party) - previously listed as Independent; Arden Wells (No Party) - previously listed as Independent. House CD 5: Ron Ceasar (No Party) - previously listed as Independent.
Maryland: House CD 1: John LaFerla (Write-in [Democratic]) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Michael Edward Champion (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Craig Couvillion (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Eric Kirkland (Constitution) - apparently not a candidate; Lorenzo Morales (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Michael R. Powell (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 2: Eldon Dean Monk (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 3: Ramon Francis Phillips (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 4: Fredrick W. "Fred" Rostek (Write-in) - added; Timothy Williams (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 5: Michael Timothy Jeffery (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 6: Chris Dobson (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Ryan O'Neal Lee (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: John Flatten (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; King Grossman (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 8: Timothy A. Kimbley (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 11: John Roy Ulstrom (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 12: Michael F. Fanelli (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Bobby Brian Ingram (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 14: Ethan Lee Singletary (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 15: LaVilla School Board Member Benjamin "Benny" Perez (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 16: Robert H. Cameron (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Rodney Darcy (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 17: Michael Stanford (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 18: Maurice Edward Duhon, Jr. (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 19: Mark Lawson (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 21: Carlos J. Pena (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 23: Craig T. Stephens (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 24: Jon Robert Bullock (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Robert C. "Bobby" Davis (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 25: Nathanael Lee Berman (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; John Fleckenstein, II (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 30: Stephen Benavides (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Paul Izyk (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Paul Wehrmann (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 32: Emma Elizabeth Berry (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Michael Jeremy Piles (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Eric S. Smith (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 33: Robert J. Devine (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; M. Lance "Occupy" Donohue (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 34: Donald Ramon DeLeon (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 35: William Paul Frederick Wright (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 36: Chester Nabours (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
25 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Illinois: House CD 13: John Hartman (Independent) - added.
Maryland: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (Write-in [Justice Party]) - added; Michael David Boyles (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added; Tiffany Renee Briscoe (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Theodis "Ted" Brown, Sr. (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added; Paul Chehade (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added; Santa Claus (Write-in [Independent]) - added; David Michael Crosby (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added; Fred Donald Dickson, Jr. (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added; Robert William Dietz (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added; Richard Duncan (Write-in [Independent]) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Write-in [Constitution]) - added; Nelson Keyton (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added; Dennis Jerome Knill (Write-in [Democratic]) - added; Matthew Lydick (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Merlin L. Miller (Write-in) - added; Barbara Ann K. "Barb" Prokopich (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Cecil James Roth (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added. Senate Class 1: Ed Tinus (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - Active, previously listed as Democratic; Lih Young (Write-in [Democratic]) - Active, previously listed as Democratic.
West Virginia: Governor: Phil Hudok (Constitution) - removed.
Presidential Candidates: Theodis "Ted" Brown, Sr. (Write-in) - added; Robert William Dietz (Write-in) - added; Peter Joseph Hernandez, Sr. (Not readily classifiable) - added; Dennis Jerome Knill (Democratic) - previously listed as Republican. Commentary: MEMORIAL vs REMEMBRANCE. A Decade after its 1st Anniversary, 9/11 now prompts newer questions
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
A Decade after its First Anniversary,
9/11 now prompts newer questions
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
This past Tuesday- 11 September 2012- was, obviously, the 11th Anniversary of another, earlier Tuesday 11 September: the one all of us who lived through that terrible day (whether we lost co-workers or friends, family or other loved ones-- or [as is my own case] not!) will forever remember as the "9/11". More to the point of this piece, however, this past Tuesday was- by very definition, then- the 10th Anniversary of the first of a now-decade long string of such 9/11 Anniversaries.
I saw, heard and/or read a number of opinions by various and sundry commentators and pundits- both within and without the so-called 'mainstream media'- this past week, all of which suggested that ....
27 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Colorado: President: Randall A. Terry (Write-in) - previously listed as Unaffiliated.
Georgia: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Missouri: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Ohio: President: Stewart Alexis Alexander (Socialist Party USA) - added.
Utah: President: Nelson Keyton (Write-in) - previously listed as Unaffiliated.
Vermont: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation) - previously listed as Independent [Socialism and Liberation]. Senate Class 1: Pete Diamondstone (Liberty Union) - added; Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (Independent [Democratic]) - previously listed as Democratic, Independent. Governor: Martha Abbott (Progressive) - apparently not a candidate; Dave Eagle (Liberty Union) - added; Governor Peter Shumlin (Working Families, Democratic) - previously listed as Democratic. Lieutenant Governor: Cassandra "Cass" Gekas (Progressive, Democratic) - previously listed as Democratic; Ben Mitchell (Liberty Union) - added; Marjorie Power (Progressive) - apparently not a candidate. House At-Large: Jane Newton (Liberty Union) - added. Secretary of State: Secretary of State James C. "Jim" Condos (Working Families, Republican, Progressive, Democratic) - previously listed as Democratic; Mary Alice "Mal" Herbert (Liberty Union) - added. Attorney General: Thomas "T.J." Donovan (Democratic) - lost Primary; Rosemarie Jackowski (Liberty Union) - added; Ed Stanak (Progressive) - added. Treasurer: Jessica "Jessy" Diamondstone (Liberty Union) - added; Treasurer Elizabeth "Beth" Pearce (Working Families, Democratic) - previously listed as Democratic. Auditor of Accounts: Doug Hoffer (Democratic, Progressive) - previously listed as Democratic; Vince Illuzzi (Working Families, Republican) - previously listed as Republican; Jerry Levy (Liberty Union) - added.
2012 State Primary Statistics / Presidential Candidates by State (a work in progress)
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
President Candidates by State (a work in progress).
Senatorial Primaries at a Glance
Gubernatorial Primaries at a Glance
Open Governor's Chairs (13), Senate (13) and House (57) Seats (the incumbent is not running for re-election)
Governor's Chairs (5), Senate (11), and U.S. House Seats (55) with no incumbent running
Uncontested Governor's Chairs (0), Senate (0), and U.S. House (10) Seats (one candidate running for office)
Governor's Chairs (0), Senate (0), and U.S. House (5) Seats with multiple incumbents running
Governor's Chairs (0), Senate (0), and U.S. House (41) Seats with only one major party candidate running
20 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Linda E. McMahon (Republican, Independent Party of Connecticut) - previously listed as Republican [Independent Party of Connecticut].
Kentucky: President: Richard Duncan (Write-in) - added; Louis Todd House (Write-in) - added; Barbara Ann K. "Barb" Prokopich (Write-in) - added. House CD 6: Randolph S. Vance (Write-in) - removed.
Maine: President: Jill Stein (Green Independent) - added. House CD 2: Ralph Blaine "Blaine" Richardson (Republican) - removed.
Massachusetts (6 September primary update): House CD 9: former Sandwich Selectman Adam G. Chaprales (Republican) - lost Primary.
Michigan (7 August primary update): House CD 12: Karen E. Jacobsen (Republican) - lost Primary.
Missouri (7 August primary update): House CD 2: George D. "Boots" Weber (Democratic) - lost Primary; Harold L. Whitfield (Democratic) - lost Primary. Secretary of State: state Senator Scott T. Rupp (Republican) - lost Primary.
North Carolina: Governor: Donald Kreamer (Write-in) - added. House CD 8: Antonio Blue (Write-in) - added.
Tennessee: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (Independent [Justice Party]) - Active, previously listed as Independent [Justice Party].
Wisconsin: Senate Class 1: Riley J. "Jon" Hood (Write-in [Constitution]) - removed; Dan Mastrocola (Independent) - removed. House CD 2: Joseph William "Joe" Kopsick (Independent) - removed. House CD 7: Dale Clifford Lehner (Independent) - removed.
Presidential Candidates: Louis Todd House (Write-in) - added. Thursday 13 September 2012: LOCAL Primaries in NEW YORK STATE
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Although The Green Papers does not cover Primary elections for offices below either the Federal or Statewide level, it should be noted that NEW YORK STATE is holding Primaries today (Thursday 13 September 2012) for the purpose of nominating Party candidates for both chambers of the State Legislature as well as other local (County, Town and Municipal) elective offices; the polls are open from Noon to 9 PM local time [1600 to 0100 GMT], except that- in the Counties of ERIE, NASSAU, ORANGE, PUTNAM, ROCKLAND, SUFFOLK & WESTCHESTER and the Five Boroughs of NEW YORK CITY- the polls open at 6 AM [1000 GMT].
Results from AP
DE, NH, RI 11 September primary recap / 52 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alabama: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Independent [Constitution]) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Independent [Libertarian]) - previously listed as Libertarian; Jill Stein (Independent [Green]) - added.
Alaska: House At-Large: Sidney I. Hill (No Affiliation) - Pending.
Connecticut: President: Jill Stein (Write-in [Green]) - added. Senate Class 1: Paul Passarelli (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate; Jeff Russell (Write-in [Green]) - added. House CD 1: Congressman John B. Larson (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 2: Colin D. Bennett (Green) - added; Congressman Joseph D. "Joe" Courtney (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic; Daniel "Dan" Reale (Write-in [Libertarian]) - previously listed as Libertarian. House CD 3: Congressman Rosa L. DeLauro (Democratic, Independent Party of Connecticut) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 4: Congressman Jim Himes (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 5: S. Michael "Mike" DeRosa (Green) - added; John Pistone (Write-in [Independent]) - previously listed as Independent; state Senator Andrew Roraback (Republican, Independent Party of Connecticut) - previously listed as Republican.
Delaware (11 September primary): Senate Class 1: Senator Thomas R. "Tom" Carper (Democratic) - Renominated; Keith Robert Spanarelli (Democratic) - lost Primary. House At-Large: Rose Izzo (Republican) - lost Primary. Commissioner of Insurance: Mitch Crane (Democratic) - lost Primary; Paul J. Gallagher (Democratic) - lost Primary; Dennis Spivack (Democratic) - lost Primary.
Georgia: House CD 5: Kevin Lewis (Independent) - added.
Maryland: House CD 1: Wendy W. Rosen (Democratic) - Pending.
Nebraska: Senate Class 1: Russell Paul Anderson (Write-in [Independent]) - previously listed as Independent. House CD 2: Joe Vaughn (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
New Hampshire (11 September primary): Governor: former state Senator Jackie Cilley (Democratic) - lost Primary; Bill Pearce Kennedy (Democratic) - lost Primary; former state Representative Kevin H. Smith (Republican) - lost Primary; Robert M. Tarr (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 1: Congressman Frank C. Guinta (Republican) - Renominated; Vern Clough (Republican) - lost Primary; Richard Charles "Rick" Parent (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Congressman Charles F. "Charlie" Bass (Republican) - Renominated; Gerard Beloin (Republican) - lost Primary; Will Dean (Republican) - lost Primary; Miroslaw "Miro" Dziedzic (Republican) - lost Primary; Dennis Lamare (Republican) - lost Primary.
Rhode Island (11 September primary): House CD 1: Congressman David N. Cicilline (Democratic) - Renominated; Anthony P. Gemma (Democratic) - lost Primary; Christopher F. "Chris" Young (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Congressman James R. Langevin (Democratic) - Renominated; Michael J. Gardiner (Republican) - lost Primary; John O. Matson (Democratic) - lost Primary; Donald F. Robbio (Republican) - lost Primary; Kara D. Russo (Republican) - lost Primary.
Virginia: Senate Class 1: Robert Lee (Independence) - removed; Terrence Wayne "Terry" Modglin (No Party Affiliation) - removed; David Wayne Stroupe, Jr. (Independent) - removed. House CD 1: Adam M. Cook (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: Karen U. Kwiatkowski (Libertarian [Republican]) - removed. House CD 11: Joseph A. Glean (No Party Affiliation) - removed.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
the polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM local time [1100 to 0000 GMT]
Results from AP.
polls may open at any time no later than 11 AM local time [1500 GMT] by Local Option: most polls open no earlier than 6 AM local time [1000 GMT]; most polls close at 7 PM local time [2300 GMT], but polls in Muncipalities may- by Local Option- remain open until 8 PM local time [0000 GMT].
Results from AP.
the polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM local time [1100 to 0000 GMT]
Results from AP.
27 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona (28 August primary update): Senate Class 1: Marc J. Victor (Libertarian) - previously listed as Write-in [Libertarian]. House CD 1: Kim Allen (Libertarian) - previously listed as Write-in [Libertarian]. House CD 2: Charlie Manolakis (Write-in [Democratic, Green]) - lost Primary, previously listed as Write-in [Democratic, Green]. House CD 4: Richard Grayson (Americans Elect) - previously listed as Write-in [Americans Elect]; Mikel L. Weisser (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 6: Mark Salazar (Green) - previously listed as Write-in [Green]; Walter John Williamson (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 7: Scott Michael Fistler (Write-in [Republican]) - lost Primary, previously listed as Write-in [Republican]. House CD 9: Powell Gammill (Libertarian) - previously listed as Write-in [Libertarian].
Kentucky: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Maryland: House CD 1: John James LaFerla (Democratic) - lost 3 April 2012 Primary; Wendy W. Rosen (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate - withdrew.
Mississippi: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added. House CD 3: Crystal Corshe Biggs (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 4: Michael Herrington (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
North Dakota: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
South Carolina: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
South Dakota: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Barbara Dale Washer (Reform) - added. VI 8 September Primary recap / 22 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alabama: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Georgia: President: Jill Stein (Write-in [Green]) - added.
Kentucky: President: Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Louisiana: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added; Sheila Telles "Samm" Tittle (We, the People) - added; Jerome S. "Jerry" White (Socialist Equality) - added.
New York: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Conservative, Republican) - previously listed as Republican.
Oregon: President: Jill Stein (Pacific Green) - previously listed as Green. House CD 1: James Foster (Libertarian) - removed. Attorney General: James L. Buchal (Republican) - previously listed as Republican, Libertarian. Treasurer: Thomas "Tom" Cox (Republican) - previously listed as Libertarian, Republican.
Rhode Island: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Virgin Islands (8 September primary re-cap): Delegate to the House of Representatives: Territorial Delegate Donna M. Christensen (Democratic) - Renominated; Vincent Emile "Vince" Danet (Republican) - lost Primary; Stacey E. Plaskett (Democratic) - lost Primary.
Presidential Candidates: Santa Claus (Independent) - added; Victor Bryan Walker (No Party Affiliation) - added. Commentary: ON THE 'ON RAMP' AND ACCELERATING TO SPEED. The General Election phase - finally!
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
The General Election phase of the campaign
for the Presidency is now- finally!- underway
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
And so the battle for the Presidency in 2012 has now been most fully joined and the core arguments of each side- one arguing that the incumbent President is a miserable failure who should be replaced (are you better off than you were four years ago?), the other that a valiant incumbent President who kept things from falling apart altogether should be allowed to continue the difficult work that, admittedly, still needs to be done (we were once at the very precipice we are still being pulled away from, so why now change horses in the middle of the stream?)- have been most fully made at their respective National Conventions.
Of course, there is ever lurking behind American Elections that old bugaboo: the well-worn adage that ....
Saturday 8 September 2012: Virgin Islands Primary
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM local time [1100 UTC to (2300 UTC].
Returns from vivote.gov
Results from St. John Source.
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The third and final session of the 46th Democratic National Convention formally got underway when it was gaveled to order by Permanent Chair Antonio Villaraigosa at 5:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time (2121 GMT) in that same Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina in which the previous two sessions had been held.
[NOTE: This session was originally scheduled to be held outdoors- in Charlotte's Bank of America Stadium- but the threat of inclement weather had forced the proceedings indoors]
The Invocation was given by the Reverend Gabriel Salguero, president of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition and the Presentation of Colors was by American Legion Post 400 of Charlotte. The National Anthem was performed by singer Marc Anthony.
There was now a film about....
MA 6 September Primary Recap / 75 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alabama: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Alaska: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Arizona: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Arkansas: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
California: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Colorado: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Connecticut: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Delaware: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
District of Columbia: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Florida: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Georgia: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 12 (21 August runoff update): Richard W. "Rick" Allen (Republican) - lost Primary.
Hawaii: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Idaho: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Illinois: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Indiana: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Iowa: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Kansas: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Kentucky: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Louisiana: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Maine: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Maryland: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Massachusetts (6 September primary): President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 1: former state Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. (Democratic) - lost Primary; Bill Shein (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Congressman Richard E. Neal (Democratic) - Renominated; William Feegbeh (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 3: Congressman James P. "Jim" McGovern (Democratic) - Renominated; Thomas J. M. "Tom" Weaver (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 4: Rachel E. Brown (Democratic) - lost Primary; Elizabeth Childs (Republican) - lost Primary; Herbert William "Herb" Robinson (Democratic) - lost Primary; David L. Steinhof (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Frank John Addivinola, Jr. (Republican) - lost Primary; Jeffrey M. "Jeff" Semon (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 8: Matias "Matt" Temperley (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 9: Bristol County District Attorney C. Samuel "Sam" Sutter (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 10: Congressman William Richard "Bill" Keating (Democratic) - Renominated.
House CD 9 Republican is too close to call.
Michigan: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Minnesota: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added as candidate.
Mississippi: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Missouri: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Montana: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Nebraska: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Nevada: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
New Hampshire: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
New Jersey: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
New Mexico: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
North Carolina: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Thomas B. Hill (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate.
North Dakota: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic-Nonpartisan League) - added as candidate.
Ohio: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Oklahoma: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Oregon: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Pennsylvania: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Puerto Rico: Governor: Rafael Bernabe (Partido del Pueblo Trabajador) - added; Rogelio Figueroa (Partido Puertorriqueños por Puerto Rico) - added; Governor Luis G. Fortuño (Partido Nuevo Progresista) - added as candidate; Arturo Luis Hernández (Movimiento Unión Soberanista) - added. Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Puerto Rico Representante Héctor J. Ferrer Ríos (Partido Popular Democrático [Democratic]) - apparently not a candidate; María de Lourdes Guzmán (Movimiento Unión Soberanista) - added; Félix Córdova Iturregui (Partido del Pueblo Trabajador) - added.
Rhode Island: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
South Carolina: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
South Dakota: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Tennessee: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Texas: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Utah: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Vermont: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Virginia: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Washington: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
West Virginia: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Wisconsin: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Wyoming: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Presidential Candidates: Platt Robertson (Write-in) - added. Democratic National Convention 5 September 2012 Roll Call Vote By State
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Roll Call Vote By State - 5 September 2012:
Delegate votes: Obama 5,424.5 (2,777 necessary to nominate), Not Announced 127.5.
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The second session of the 46th Democratic National Convention was called to order at 5:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time (2101 GMT) on Wednesday 5 September 2012 by Convention Permanent Chair Antonio Villaraigosa
Before proceeding any further, there was a little unexpected (by we who were looking on, that is) business to be attended to: a motion was made by former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland (an ordained United Methodist Church minister) to suspend the rules in order to add an amendment to the Platform already adopted the evening before-- the motion to so suspend the rules was adopted (or so it seemed) viva voce. The amendment Strickland then put forth was two-part- one to add a reference to the "God-given potential" of working people, the other to add a provision that would indicate that the Party supported Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, while the city should "remain undivided" and "accessible to people of all faiths"; this amendment was eventually ....
Thursday 6 September 2012: MASSACHUSETTS PRIMARY
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
most polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM local time [1100 to 0000 GMT]
[NOTE: By Local Option, municipalities may open their polls as early as 5:45 AM (0945 GMT)]
Results from AP.
Special MI CD 11 Republican Primary Recap / 39 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: President: Terry D. Jones (Write-in) - apparently not a candidate; Charles Frederick Tolbert (Write-in) - apparently not a candidate.
Kentucky: President: Randall A. Terry (Independent) - added.
Louisiana: President: Lowell Jackson "Jack" Fellure (Prohibition Party) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation) - added.
Michigan (Special 5 September CD 11 Republican Primary): House CD 11 Special: Kerry Bentivolio - won primary; former state Senator Nancy Cassis (Republican) - lost Primary; Kenneth Crider (Republican) - lost Primary; Carolyn Kavanagh (Republican) - lost Primary; Steve King (Republican) - lost Primary.
Nebraska: President: Randall A. Terry (Independent) - added.
Nevada: President: None of these candidates (None of these candidates) - added. Senate Class 1: None of these candidates (None of these candidates) - added. House CD 1: None of these candidates (None of these candidates) - added. House CD 2: None of these candidates (None of these candidates) - added. House CD 3: None of these candidates (None of these candidates) - added. House CD 4: None of these candidates (None of these candidates) - added.
New York: President: President Barack Hussein Obama (Working Families) - added as candidate.
Oregon: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (Progressive) - added. House CD 1: Congressman Suzanne Bonamici (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 2: Joyce B. Segers (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 4: Congressman Peter Anthony "Pete" DeFazio (Democratic, Progressive, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic; Arthur Brouhard "Art" Robinson (Republican, Constitution) - previously listed as Republican [Libertarian]. House CD 5: Raymond Baldwin (Constitution) - added; Christina Jean Lugo (Pacific Green) - added. Secretary of State: Secretary of State Kate Brown (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic; Knute Buehler (Republican, Independent) - previously listed as Republican; Robert Wolfe (Progressive) - added; Seth Woolley (Pacific Green) - added. Attorney General: Orrin Grover (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate; Chris Henry (Progressive) - added. Treasurer: John F. Mahler (Libertarian) - added; Michael Paul Marsh (Constitution) - added; Treasurer Ted Wheeler (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic; Cameron Whitten (Progressive) - added.
Wyoming: Senate Class 1: Joel Otto (Independent) - added. House At-Large: Daniel Cummings (Constitution) - added; Don Wills (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
At 5 o'clock p.m. Eastern Daylight Time [2100 GMT] on Tuesday 4 September 2012, the 46th Democratic National Convention meeting inside the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, North Carolina was gaveled to order by the Democratic National Committee Chair, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, who thereafter made a few remarks, during which she declaimed This Convention is about more than re-nominating President Obama: it's about Americans coming together to build one Economy- not from the top down, but from the Middle Class out and the bottom up. The Invocation was then given by His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas of the Greek Orthodox Diocese of Detroit; the Presentation of Colors was made by the American Disabled Veterans' Stanly County, North Carolina Chapter 12 Honor Guard and the Pledge of Allegiance was then led by ....
Wednesday 5 September 2012-- SPECIAL PRIMARY for U.S. House of Representatives in MICHIGAN's 11th Congressional District
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM local time [1100 to 0000 GMT]
This is a Primary to nominate candidates for a SPECIAL ELECTION scheduled for the same day as the Tuesday 6 November 2012 General Election and being held to fill the unexpired term of former Congressman Thaddeus G. "Thad" McCotter [Republican] who had resigned his seat back on 6 July 2012. The winner of the Special Election in November will serve until Noon on 3 January 2013.
Wayne County returns.
Oakland County returns.
Results from The Oakland Press.
11 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Michigan: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (U.S. Taxpayers) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added. Senate Class 1: John D. Litle (Natural Law) - added. House CD 4: George M. Zimmer (U.S. Taxpayers) - added. House CD 5: Flint School Board of Education Member David Davenport (No Party Affiliation) - previously listed as Independent. House CD 11: Daniel Johnson (Natural Law) - added. House CD 11 Special: Marc J. Sosnowski (Natural Law) - added; John J. Tatar (Libertarian) - added. House CD 13: George Corsetti (Green) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: House CD 35: Símon Alvarado (Write-in) - added.
Wisconsin: Senate Class 1: Riley J. "Jon" Hood (Write-in [Constitution]) - added.
Commentary: BARACK OBAMA's TURN. The President will have to demonstrate why he should be re-elected
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
The President and his Party will now have to
well demonstrate why he should be re-elected
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
When the Democrats convene in Charlotte, North Carolina for their 46th quadrennial National Convention this coming week, they (and, more than anyone else amongst that number, the candidate for re-election himself) must well make the case as to why President Barack Obama should be re-elected this coming November. This simply can't be done with faux Greek temples behind a mock presidential podium or a rain of confetti as fireworks are launched (as was the case back in Denver inside that stadium at 'Mile High' a little over four years ago now) or any equivalent of same.
The economy is just too sluggish- seemingly growing (albeit slowly) on one front while it yet lags behind on another: the national unemployment rate is, statistically, just about ....
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
In my immediately previous piece for this website, I noted how I began to watch gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Major Party National Conventions every four years back in 1984: indeed, I have not missed a single moment of any such Convention on television since and (obvious to anyone who knows the history of The Green Papers) have been writing about them for this very website since 2000. Of course, I had been watching large chunks of National Convention coverage for a long time before then (for instance: my rushing home from work in order to catch a key portion of the 1980 Democratic Convention is mentioned in the piece I wrote for this website following the death of Senator Ted Kennedy) going all the way back to the (in)famous- and wild (not only in the streets, but also within the Convention Hall itself)- Democratic Convention of 1968 in Chicago: I would have also ....
Guam Primary Recap / 8 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added; Tom Hoefling (American Independent) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Guam (1 September primary): Delegate to the House of Representatives: Territorial Delegate Madeleine Z. Bordallo (Democratic) - Renominated; Karlo Isaias Jorge Dizon (Democratic) - lost Primary.
Tennessee: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Independent [Justice Party]) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 2: H. James "Jim" Headings (Constitution) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 6: Rachel Robinson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Commentary: SO... WHAT DID IT ALL MEAN? Did the Republicans do what they had to do?
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Did Mitt Romney and the Republicans actually
do what they had to do at the GOP's Convention?
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
A couple days ago- in fact, on the very morning my piece about the events of Day 3 of this most recently completed Republican National Convention had been posted to The Green Papers, I received an e-mail from a user of this website- who happens to be a supporter of President Obama- in which I was told that I was, in my summaries of Convention events this past week, allowing many- indeed, most- statements by the speakers before that gathering which- in her own opinion- were spurious to go by without any comment from me. I immediately assured her that I would be handling the events of the Democratic National Convention next week in the same way in which I had handled what had taken place at that of the Republicans.
However, this particular e-mailer has- by her own account- only known about the existence of ....
Saturday 1 September 2012: PRIMARIES on GUAM
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
polls are open from 7 AM [2100 GMT Friday 31 August] to 8 PM [1000 GMT]
Results from KUAM News.
Commentary: Day 4 of the 2012 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The fourth and final day of the 40th Republican National Convention was called to order at 7:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday 30 August 2012 [2330 GMT] by the Convention Permanent Chair, Speaker of the U.S. House John Boehner. The colors were presented by the US Central Command Joint Forces Color Team and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dylan Nonaka, former Executive Director of the Republican Party of Hawaii and a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq War; the National Anthem was sung by the singing group SEVEN and the Invocation was delivered by Ken Hutchins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (the Mormon Church of which Governor Romney himself is ....
66 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alabama: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Alaska: President: Stephen G. Durham (Write-in [No Affiliation]) - added; former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added. House At-Large: Sidney I. Hill (No Affiliation) - apparently not a candidate.
Arizona: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added. Senate Class 1: Luis Acle (Write-in [Republican]) - lost Primary, previously listed as Write-in [Republican]; John Jeffrey Lyon (Write-in [Republican]) - lost Primary, previously listed as Write-in [Republican]. House CD 8: Helmuth Hack (Write-in [Republican]) - lost Primary, previously listed as Write-in [Republican]. House CD 9: Wendy Rogers (Republican) - lost Primary; former Chandler City Councilman Martin C. Sepulveda (Republican) - lost Primary.
Arkansas: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
California: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Colorado: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added. House CD 5: state Representative Christopher G. "Chris" Donovan (Working Families) - apparently not a candidate; former state Representative Elizabeth H. Esty (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic.
Delaware: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
District of Columbia: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Florida: President: Stewart Alexis Alexander (Socialist Party USA) - added; Andre Barmett (Reform) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation) - added; former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Georgia: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Hawaii: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Idaho: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Illinois: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Indiana: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Iowa: President: Stewart Alexis Alexander (Socialist Party USA) - added; former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Kansas: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Kentucky: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Louisiana: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Maine: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Maryland: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Michigan: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Mississippi: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Missouri: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Montana: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Nebraska: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Nevada: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
New Hampshire: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
New Mexico: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
New York: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
North Dakota: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Ohio: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added; Michael "Mike" Vargo (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
Oklahoma: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Oregon: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Rhode Island: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Texas: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Utah: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Vermont: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Virginia: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Washington: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Wisconsin: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Wyoming: President: former Massachusetts Governor Willard "Mitt" Romney (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Andre Barmett (Reform) - added. Commentary: Day 3 of the 2012 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
A Major Party National Convention in the United States of America is very like a funnel turned on its side: into the wide end of this "funnel" are fed the various and sundry factions and wings of the Major Party while, out of the narrow "spout" at its opposite end, a unified Party led by the two nominees on its National Ticket (and one- hopefully, or so Herbert Agar might have hoped- that is, indeed, his "true federation" of "many voices", that "true accommodator of all the interests of a continent" [or at least more so than the other Major Party might be in the course of a given Presidential Election cycle]) is that which is generally expected to emerge therefrom.
Yesterday [Day 2], those many variations on the overall Republican Party theme were well heard from (one has only to make a decent perusal of the samplings from the rhetoric heard from the dais during the course of the day's proceedings I myself provided in my immediately previous piece to this one to see how such variations might intertwine, intersect and, perhaps, even contradict one another). But, this day- Day 3- at the Convention belonged, ultimately, to ....
Commentary: Day 2 of the 2012 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
At 2 o'clock PM Eastern Daylight Time [1800 GMT] on Tuesday 28 August 2012, the real business of the 40th Republican National Convention finally got underway as Republican National Committee Chair Reince Preibus, once again, gaveled the Convention back to order (technically, taking it out of a nearly 24-hour Recess). The colors were then presented by the Color Corps of the Knights of Columbus of New Haven, Connecticut.
This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by former Montana Governor Tim Babcock and Tom Hogan- both combat veterans (the first of World War II, the second of the Korean War), after which the National Anthem was then sung by Philip Alongi II and the Invocation was delivered by Rabbi Meir Soloveichik of Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun and Yeshiva University of New York City. Then the Convention got down to the rather arcane matters Conventions have to always "get out of the way" before the more entertaining aspects of ....
AK, AZ, OK, VT re-cap / Cong. Quayle (AZ, CD 3, R) lost primary / 46 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska (28 August 2012 Primary): House At-Large: Congressman Don E. Young (Republican) - Renominated; Debra Sue Chesnut (Democratic) - lost Primary; John Robert Cox (Republican) - lost Primary; Terre L. Gales (Republican) - lost Primary; Matthew Edward "Matt" Moore (Democratic) - lost Primary; Douglas C. "Doug" Urquidi (Democratic) - lost Primary; Frank J. Vondersaar (Democratic) - lost Primary.
Arizona (28 August 2012 Primary): Senate Class 1: Wilford R. "Wil" Cardon (Republican) - lost Primary; Bryan Karl Hackbarth (Republican) - lost Primary; Clair "Van the Radio Man" Van Steenwyk (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 1: Congressman Paul Anthony Gosar (Republican) - Renominated; Wenona Rae Benally Baldenegro (Democratic) - lost Primary; Patrick Gatti (Republican) - lost Primary; Gaither Martin (Republican) - lost Primary; Douglas "Doug" Wade (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Congressman Trent Franks (Republican) - Renominated; state Representative Matthew Gerald "Matt" Heinz (Democratic) - lost Primary; Mark Stephen Koskiniemi (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 3: Congressman Ben Quayle (Republican) - Lost Primary; former state Senator Amanda Aguirre (Democratic) - lost Primary; Juan Manuel "Manny" Arreguin (Democratic) - lost Primary; Jaime Alfredo Vasquez (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 4: Congressman Edward L. "Ed" Pastor (Democratic) - Renominated; state Senator Ron Gould (Republican) - lost Primary; Rick Murphy (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Congressman David Schweikert (Republican) - Renominated; state Representative Kirk David Adams (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 6: Congressman Ben Quayle (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 7: Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (Democratic) - Renominated; Rebecca DeWitt (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 8: Congressman Ronald "Ron" Barber (Democratic) - Renominated; Tony Passalacqua (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 9: Lisa Borowsky (Republican) - lost Primary; Leah Campos Schandlbauer (Republican) - lost Primary; Andrei Cherny (Democratic) - lost Primary; Travis W. Grantham (Republican) - lost Primary; state Senator David Schapira (Democratic) - lost Primary; Robert Jeffrey "Jeff" Thompson (Republican) - lost Primary.
Congressman Ben Quayle (House CD 3, Republican) lost his primary for re-election. He was running in the new CD 6.
The primaries for House CD 4 Democratic, House CD 6 Democratic, and House CD 9 Republican are too close to call.
Florida: President: Roseanne Cherri Barr (Peace And Freedom) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Maryland: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Massachusetts: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
New Mexico: Senate Class 1: Jon Ross Barrie (Independent American) - court puts him back on the ballot.
Oklahoma (28 August 2012 Runoff): House CD 2: state Representative George E. Faught (Republican) - lost Primary; Carroll Wayne "Wayne" Herriman (Democratic) - lost Primary.
Vermont (28 August 2012 Primary): Senate Class 1: H. Brooke Paige (Republican) - lost Primary.
The primary for Attorney General Democratic is too close to call.
Republican National Convention 28 August 2012 Roll Call Vote By State
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Roll Call Vote By State - 28 August 2012:
Romney 2,061 (1,144 needed to win), Paul 185, Santorum 9, Bachmann 1, Huntsman 1, Roemer 1, Paul Ryan 5, Undecided 1, Uncommitted 1, Abstentions 13, Not Announced 8.
Commentary: Day 1 (uh-- sorta) of the 2012 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Day 1 (uh-- sorta) of the 2012 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Well... I was wrong about this particular Telethon of a National Convention not having a "tote board"!
For there is (and will be, throughout the Convention's proceedings) a display of both the U.S. National Debt and said National Debt since the start of the Convention: a so-called "Debt Clock". (One suspects that- along with making sure the Convention adhered to its own Call by the Republican Party US itself by first convening at precisely 2 o'clock Eastern Daylight Time [1800 GMT] on Monday 27 August 2012 [come hell... or at least heavy rain... and high water, thanks to Tropical Storm-becoming Hurricane- 'Isaac' churning up the waters of the Gulf of Mexico not all that far west of where the Convention is being held]- the Convention simply had to start this "debt clock" at the same time so that the numbers that almost certainly will be cited come the Convention's adjournment this coming Thursday evening match up with what's ...
Tuesday 28 August 2012: Primaries in ALASKA, ARIZONA & VERMONT; Runoffs in OKLAHOMA
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM local time [1500 to 0400 GMT re: those in the Alaska Time Zone/1600 to 0500 GMT re: those in Aleutian Time Zone]
Results from AP.
polls are open from 6 AM to 7 PM local time [1300 to 0200 GMT]
Results from AP.
polls are open no earlier than 5 AM local time [0900 GMT] and no later than 10 AM local time [1400 GMT], depending on local jurisdiction; all polls throughout VERMONT close at 7 PM local time [2300 GMT]
Results from AP.
polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM local time [1200 to 0000 GMT]
The Green Papers only covers the following runoffs (both for nomination to the U.S. House of Representatives):
- 2nd Congressional District:
- Democrats: Wayne Herriman vs. Rob Wallace
- Republicans: George Faught vs. Markwayne Mullin
Results from AP.
Commentary: MITT ROMNEY's WEEK
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
The Republican Convention gives the GOP presidential candidate
an open opportunity to tell the Nation (and the World)
just who he really is
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
[T]he major parties' National Conventions have, by now, devolved into political versions of Jerry Lewis-style Telethons (except that they tend to be four times as long!)- mainly because they no longer choose a nominee who has not already clinched the presidential nomination through his reaching the "magic number" of a majority of pledged delegates at some point earlier in the pre-Convention phase of the campaign.-- RICHARD E. BERG-ANDERSSON: Commentary entitled IT'S THE DELEGATES, STUPID!!! [originally posted on The Green Papers 23 January 2000]
13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Idaho: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Montana: President: Jill Stein (Green) - apparently not a candidate.
New York: Senate Class 1: Timothy James Sweet (Independent [Republican]) - added.
Oregon: President: Will Christensen (Constitution) - added.
Virgin Islands (readied for 8 September primary): Delegate to the House of Representatives: Stacey E. Plaskett (Democratic) - added.
Virginia: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Will Christensen (Constitution) - added; Maura DeLuca (Socialist Workers Party) - added; David Christopher Holcomb (Independent) - previously listed as Republican; Colin David Teberg (Unaffiliated) - added. Republican National Convention activities to be delayed by Tropical Storm (potentially Hurricane) 'Isaac'
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
It has been announced that, while the 40th Republican National Convention will convene as originally scheduled on Monday 27 August 2012, it will immediately recess until Tuesday afternoon, 28 August, due to the prediction of severe weather- caused by Tropical Cyclone 'Isaac'- in the Tampa Bay area of Florida in which the Convention is to be meeting. A revised schedule for the Convention will be issued on Sunday 26 August.
Santorum Releases his National Convention Delegates
by Tony Roza
"I am pleased to share the news with my supporters that I am releasing my delegates in support of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan so we can go in to next week's convention united and committed to defeating Barack Obama in November. This is our opportunity to energize our party with a strong, conservative ticket. I look forward to making the case on Tuesday night for Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan, because I believe their conservative policies will put our country back on a path to prosperity."
Rick Santorum
As of 21 August 2012, our "soft" Republican delegate count shows Romney 1,545, Santorum 248 (delegates released on 24 August), Paul 173, to be determined 147, Gingrich 142 (delegates released on 22 August), Uncommitted 30, Bachmann 1. A majority, 1,144, is necessary in order for a Presidential candidate to be nominated.
19 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Independent Party of Connecticut [Justice Party]) - added.
Florida: House CD 3: Kenneth Alvin "Ken" Willey (Write-in) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 9: Miguel A. "Mike" Nieves (No Party Affiliation) - apparently not a candidate; Roberto Sanchez (No Party Affiliation) - apparently not a candidate.
Minnesota: President: Stewart Alexis Alexander (Socialist Party USA) - added; former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; James E. Harris, Jr. (Socialist Workers Party) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation) - added; Dean D. Morstad (Independent) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
New York: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Utah: President: Dean D. Morstad (Write-in [Independent]) - added.
West Virginia: President: Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Wyoming: Senate Class 1: Phil Roberts (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
Gingrich Releases his National Convention Delegates
by Tony Roza
Source: http://www.newt.org/2012/08/21/an-open-letter-to-delegates-to-the-republican-national-convention/
"An Open Letter to Delegates to the Republican National Convention
August 21, 2012
Dear Delegates:
With the Republican National Convention beginning in Tampa within the next few days, it is time now for all Republicans to come together in common purpose to defeat President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Everyone must do their part and Callista and I are committed to doing everything that we can.
Toward that end, I hereby release all delegates bound or pledged to me under any and all state laws or party rules. At the same time, I call upon them and all Americans committed to a safer and more prosperous American future to join Callista and me in strongly supporting the Romney-Ryan ticket. Together, we can and will defeat Barack Obama in November.
Your friend,
s/ Newt Gingrich"
As of 21 August 2012, our "soft" Republican delegate count shows Romney 1,545, Santorum 248, Paul 173, to be determined 147, Gingrich 142, Uncommitted 30, Bachmann 1. A majority, 1,144, is necessary in order for a Presidential candidate to be nominated.
GA runoff and WY primary recap / 13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Georgia (21 August runoff): House CD 2: Rick Allen (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 9: Martha Mitchell Zoller (Republican) - lost Primary.
The Republican runoff in Congressional District 12 is too close to call.
Illinois: House CD 17: Joe Faber (Write-in) - added.
Iowa: House CD 3: Scott G. Batcher (Nominated By Petition [Republican]) - previously listed as Nominated By Petition.
Minnesota: Senate Class 1: Andrew Thomas Schuler (Unaffiliated) - added.
North Carolina: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Vermont: President: Peta Lindsay (Independent [Socialism and Liberation]) - added.
West Virginia: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Wyoming (21 August primary): Senate Class 1: Senator John A. Barrasso (Republican) - Renominated; Thomas Bleming (Republican) - lost Primary; William Bryk (Democratic) - lost Primary; Al Hamburg (Democratic) - lost Primary; Emmett A. Mavy (Republican) - lost Primary.
Tuesday 21 August 2012-- RUNOFFS in GEORGIA [GOP: CDs 2, 9 & 12], PRIMARIES in WYOMING
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM local time [1100 to 2300 GMT]
The Green Papers is covering the following Runoffs:
- U.S. House CD 2 Republican: Rick Allen v John M. House
- U.S. House CD 9 Republican: Douglas Allen "Doug" Collins v Martha Mitchell Zoller
- U.S. House CD 12 Republican: Lee Ivey Anderson v Richard W. "Rick" Allen
Results from AP.
polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM local time [1300 to 0100 GMT]
The only competitive Primaries being covered by The Green Papers are those (in both Major Parties) re: the Class 1 United States Senate seat from WYOMING
Results from AP.
Democrats release list of delegates to the 2012 National Convention
by Tony Roza
The Democratic Party has released a list of certified Delegation Members to the 3 to 6 September 2012 Democratic National Convention. Find it here.
49 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska: House At-Large: Tracy L. Shaffer (Write-in [No Affiliation]) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added.
Idaho: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Independent [Justice Party]) - added; Jill Stein (Independent [Green]) - added.
Iowa: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; James E. Harris, Jr. (Socialist Workers Party) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Gloria Estela La Riva (Socialism and Liberation) - added; Jerry Litzel (Nominated By Petition) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added. House CD 1: Gregory Hughes (Nominated By Petition) - added; George Todd Krail, II (Nominated By Petition) - added. House CD 2: Alan Aversa (Nominated By Petition) - added. House CD 3: Scott G. Batcher (Nominated By Petition) - added. House CD 4: Martin James Monroe (Nominated By Petition) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 2: Andrew Beacham (Independent) - added. House CD 3: Bob DeVore, Jr. (Independent) - added. House CD 4: David Lewis (Independent) - added.
Louisiana (filing closed): President: James E. Harris, Jr. (Socialist Workers Party) - added. House CD 1: Congressman Stephen J. "Steve" Scalise (Republican) - On Ballot; M.V. "Vinny" Mendoza (Democratic) - added; David "Turk" Turknett (Independent) - added. House CD 2: Congressman Cedric L. Richmond (Democratic) - On Ballot; Dwayne Bailey (Republican) - added; Gail Ray Dignam (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Gary Landrieu (Democratic) - added. House CD 3: Congressman Jeffrey M. "Jeff" Landry (Republican) - On Ballot; Ronald C. "Ron" Richard (Democratic) - added. House CD 4: Congressman John Calvin Fleming, Jr. (Republican) - On Ballot. House CD 5: Congressman Rodney M. Alexander (Republican) - On Ballot; Ron Ceasar (Independent) - added; Clay Steven Grant (Libertarian) - added. House CD 6: Congressman William "Bill" Cassidy (Republican) - On Ballot.
Montana: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 1: Bobbie Rose (Working Families, Democratic) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 4: Deb Morrow (Working Families, Democratic) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 5: Joyce Knott (Working Families, Democratic) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 7: former state Representative Gloria Bromell Tinubu (Working Families, Democratic) - previously listed as Democratic.
Tennessee: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Independent [Justice Party]) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Independent [Libertarian]) - added; Merlin L. Miller (Independent [American Third Position]) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Utah: President: Gloria Estela La Riva (Independent [Socialism and Liberation]) - added.
Vermont: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added.
Wisconsin: President: Jill Stein (Green) - Pending; Jerome S. "Jerry" White (Independent [Socialist Equality]) - Pending, previously listed as Independent [Socialist Equality].
Presidential Candidates: Jerry Litzel (Independent) - added. 2012 Democratic Delegate Allocation Update
by Tony Roza
The Democratic Convention has now a total of 5,552 delegates votes with 2,777 needed to nominate.
- Arizona changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Congressman Ron Barber (Democratic, Arizona CD 8) was elected to Congress in a 12 June 2012 special election and sworn on 19 June 2012. Total: 80 delegate votes.
- California changed: -2 unpledged PLEO delegates. Congressman Dennis A. Cardoza (Democratic, California CD 18), citing family needs, resigned on 14 August 2012. 1 DNC Member. Total: 609 delegate votes.
- Delaware changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. 1 DNC Member. Total: 33 delegate votes.
- District of Columbia changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. 1 DNC Member. Total: 45 delegate votes.
- Indiana changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate. Distinguished Party Leader - former DNC Chairman Joseph J. "Joe" Andrew. Total: 105 delegate votes.
- Louisiana changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. 1 DNC Member. Total: 72 delegate votes.
- Maryland changed: +4 unpledged PLEO delegates. Distinguished Party Leader - former DNC Chairman Joseph J. "Joe" Andrew. 3 DNC Members. Total: 124 delegate votes.
- New Jersey changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. 1 DNC Member. Total: 172 delegate votes.
- North Carolina changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate. 1 DNC Member. Total: 157 delegate votes.
- Rhode Island changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate. 1 DNC Member. Total: 40 delegate votes.
- Texas changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate. 1 DNC Member. Total: 287 delegate votes.
- Unassigned changed: -5 unpledged PLEO delegates. These unpldeged delegates slots were to be filled at the discretion of the party leadership. Total: 0 delegate votes.
- Virginia changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. 1 DNC Member. Total: 124 delegate votes.
- West Virginia changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate. 1 DNC Member. Total: 47 delegate votes.
10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida (14 Aug Primary update): House CD 3: Congressman Clifford Bundy "Cliff" Stearns (Republican) - lost Primary.
Louisiana: House CD 1: Gary King (Republican) - added; Arden Wells (Independent) - added. House CD 3: Bryan Barrilleaux (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Spencer Young (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 6: Rufus Holt Craig, Jr. (Libertarian) - added; Richard "RPT" Torregano (Independent) - added.
Minnesota (14 Aug Primary update): Senate Class 1: Glen R. Anderson Menez (Independence) - lost Primary.
Wisconsin: Jill Stein (Green) - added; Jerome S. "Jerry" White (Independent [Socialist Equality]) - apparently not a candidate.
CT, FL, MN, WI 14 Aug Primary Recap / 96 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
California: House CD 18: Congressman Dennis A. Cardoza (Democratic) - Vacant Office. Resigned citing family issues. Due to the timing of the resignation, there will be no special election to fill the vacant seat.
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 190 Democrats, 240 Republicans, and 5 vacant seats (CA CD 18, KY CD 4, MI CD 11, NJ CD 10, WA CD 1).
Connecticut (14 August 2012 Primary): Senate Class 1: former Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz (Democratic) - lost Primary; former Congressman Christopher H. "Chris" Shays (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Daria Irene Novak (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Justin Bernier (Republican) - lost Primary; state Representative Christopher G. "Chris" Donovan (Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic, Working Families; Mark Daniel Greenberg (Republican) - lost Primary; Daniel Francis "Dan" Roberti (Democratic) - lost Primary; Lisa A. Wilson-Foley (Republican) - lost Primary.
Florida (14 August 2012 Primary): Senate Class 1: Senator Bill Nelson (Democratic) - Renominated; Glenn A. Burkett (Democratic) - lost Primary; Michael E. "Mike" McCalister (Republican) - lost Primary; Marielena Stuart (Republican) - lost Primary; former Congressman David Joseph "Dave" Weldon (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 2: state Representative Leonard Lee Bembry (Democratic) - lost Primary; Alvin L. Peters (Democratic) - lost Primary; Mark Schlakman (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 3: Clay County Clerk of Court James B. "Jimmie" Jett (Republican) - lost Primary; state Senator Stephen M. "Steve" Oelrich (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 4: Congressman Ander M. Crenshaw (Republican) - Renominated; Robert Harrison "Bob" Black (Republican) - lost Primary; Deborah Katz Pueschel (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 6: Jacksonville City Councilman Richard Andrew Clark (Republican) - lost Primary; state Represenative Fredrick William "Fred" Costello (Republican) - lost Primary; William "Billy" Kogut (Republican) - lost Primary; Craig S. Miller (Republican) - lost Primary; Alec Edmund Pueschel (Republican) - lost Primary; St. Johns County School Board Chairman Beverly Ann "Bev" Slough (Republican) - lost Primary; Vipin Verma (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 7: Congressman John L. Mica (Republican) - Renominated; Congressman Sandra "Sandy" Adams (Republican) - lost Primary; Nicholas Ruiz, III (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 9: Julius Anthony Melendez (Republican) - lost Primary; Mark Anthony Oxner (Republican) - lost Primary; Osceola County Commission Chairman John "Q" Quiñones (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 10: Congressman C.W. "Bill" Young (Republican) - Renominated. House CD 13: Darren L. Ayres (Republican) - lost Primary; Madeline Vance (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 14: Eddie Adams, Jr. (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 16: Congressman Thomas Joseph "Tom" Rooney (Republican) - Renominated. House CD 17: Congressman Frederica S. Wilson (Democratic) - Renominated; Joe Arnold (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 18: Jerry Lee Buechler (Democratic) - lost Primary; Martin County Sheriff Robert L. "Bob" Crowder (Republican) - lost Primary; James "Jim" Horn (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 19: state Representative Gary Aubuchon (Republican) - lost Primary; Joseph Asher "Joe" Davidow (Republican) - lost Primary; Byron Donalds (Republican) - lost Primary; Chauncey Porter Goss, II (Republican) - lost Primary; state Representative Paige Vanier Kreegel (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 22: Congressman Allen Bernard West (Republican) - Renominated; Broward County Commissioner Kristin Jacobs (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 23: Gineen Bresso (Republican) - lost Primary; Juan Eliel Garcia (Republican) - lost Primary; Joseph "Joe" Kaufman (Republican) - lost Primary; Osvaldo "Ozzie" deFaria, Jr. (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 24: Congressman Sandra "Sandy" Adams (Republican) - Lost Primary; Rudolph "Rudy" Moise (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 26: Gustavo Marin (Democratic) - lost Primary; Gloria Romero Roses (Democratic) - lost Primary; Justin Lamar "Lamar" Sternad (Democratic) - lost Primary.
In Florida U.S. House CD 7, Congressman John L. Mica defeated Congressman Sandra "Sandy" Adams for the Republican nomination.
Florida U.S. House CD 3 Republican is too close to call. Theodore Scott "Ted" Yoho - 34% v. Congressman Clifford Bundy "Cliff" Stearns - 33%.
Massachusetts: House CD 9: Peter A. White (Unaffiliated) - apparently not a candidate.
Minnesota (14 August 2012 Primary): Senate Class 1: Senator Amy J. Klobuchar (Democratic) - Renominated; David "Dave" Carlson (Republican) - lost Primary; Bob Carney, Jr. (Republican) - lost Primary; Richard "Dick" Franson (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - lost Primary; Jack Edward "Doc" Shepard (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - lost Primary; Darryl Stanton (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - lost Primary. House CD 1: state Senator Mike Parry (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Congressman John Paul Kline, Jr. (Republican) - Renominated; David Adam Gerson (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 3: Congressman Erik Paulsen (Republican) - Renominated; John Whitman Howard, III (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 4: Congressman Betty McCollum (Democratic) - Renominated; former Maplewood Mayor Diana Longrie (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - lost Primary; Ron Seiford (Republican) - lost Primary; Brian Stalboerger (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Congressman Keith Maurice Ellison (Democratic) - Renominated; Gary E. Boisclair (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - lost Primary; Gregg A. Iverson (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - lost Primary. House CD 6: Congressman Michele M. Bachmann (Republican) - Renominated; Aubrey Immelman (Republican) - lost Primary; Stephen Thompson (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 8: Duluth Councilor at Large Jeff Anderson (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - lost Primary; former state Senator Tarryl Lynn Clark (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - lost Primary.
Wisconsin (14 August 2012 Primary): Senate Class 1: state Representative Jeff Fitzgerald (Republican) - lost Primary; Eric D. Hovde (Republican) - lost Primary; former Congressman Mark W. Neumann (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Dennis M. Hall (Democratic) - lost Primary; state Representative Kelda Helen Roys (Democratic) - lost Primary; Matthew Douglas "Matt" Silverman (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 6: Congressman Thomas E. "Tom" Petri (Republican) - Renominated; Lauren Stephens (Republican) - lost Primary.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
the polls are open from 6 AM to 8 PM local time [1000 to 0000 GMT]
Results from AP.
the polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM local time [1100 to 2300 GMT re: the Eastern Time Zone/1200 to 0000 GMT re: the Central Time Zone]
Results from AP.
the polls may open as early as 7 AM local time [1200 GMT] and most polls in the State will do so: however, some Townships have Local Option re: opening no later than 10 AM [1500 GMT]. All polls throughout the State close at 8 PM local time [0100 GMT]
Results from AP.
the polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM local time [1200 to 0100 GMT]
Results from AP.
51 changes to the candidate list / 11 Aug HI Primary Recap
by Tony Roza
California: President: Tom Hoefling (American Independent) - added.
Georgia: House CD 4: former Democratic Congressman Cynthia Ann McKinney (Green) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 6: Wayne Michael Hecht (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
Hawaii (11 August primary): Senate Class 1: former state Senator John S. Carroll (Republican) - lost Primary; former Congressman Edward Espenett "Ed" Case (Democratic) - lost Primary; Charles Augustine Collins (Republican) - lost Primary; Michael Dane Gillespie (Democratic) - lost Primary; Antonio Gimbernat (Democratic) - lost Primary; Edward "Eddie" Pirkowski (Republican) - lost Primary; Arturo Pacheco "Art" Reyes (Democratic) - lost Primary; John P. Roco (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 1: Charles Kaui Jochanan Amsterdam (Republican) - lost Primary; John Raghu Giuffre (Republican) - lost Primary; Roy "Sky" Wyttenbach, II (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Matthew J. "Matt" DiGeronimo (Republican) - lost Primary; former Hololulu Mayor Muliufi F. "Mufi" Hannemann (Democratic) - lost Primary; Esther Puakela Kia'aina (Democratic) - lost Primary; Robert P. "Bob" Marx (Democratic) - lost Primary; Miles F. Shiratori (Democratic) - lost Primary; Rafael Goodwin "Del" del Castillo (Democratic) - lost Primary.
Louisiana: House CD 2: Josue Larose (Republican) - added.
Maryland: Senate Class 1: Bryant Alexander (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Dennis David (Unaffiliated) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 1: Marc Cohen (Unaffiliated) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 2: Mark Shell (Green) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 5: Jeremy Royce Stinson (Unaffiliated) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: Robert Henry Brookman (Unaffiliated) - apparently not a candidate.
Pennsylvania: House CD 2: Jim Foster (Independent) - added; Robert Ogborn (Independent) - added. House CD 3: Stacey Gray (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Steve Porter (Independent) - added. House CD 4: Robert Joseph Marcoccio (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Wayne Wolff (Independent) - added. House CD 5: Timothy Havener (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 7: Owen Powell (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 8: Steven Robert "Steve" Davidson (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 13: Theodore Manko, lll (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 14: Scott Robert Grimes (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 15: Jake Towne (No Party Affiliation) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 16: Jim Bednarski (Independent) - added. House CD 18: Demo Agoris (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate. Attorney General: former Democratic Congressman Donald Allen "Don" Bailey (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. Treasurer: Donna Fike (Constitution) - added; Patricia M. Fryman (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate. Auditor General: Alan "Bob" Goodrich (Constitution) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 6: Rachel Robinson (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Andre Nigel Barnett (Reform Party Nominee) - previously listed as Independent; Letitia Y. Cox (Independent) - added; Anthony Joseph Cronin, Jr. (Democratic) - added; Cheri Honkala (Green) - added; Terry James Jensen (Independent) - added. Commentary: THE SUMMER OF THEIR [RESPECTIVE] DISCONTENTS ... Romney chooses Ryan as his running mate
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Romney chooses Ryan as his running mate
and the stage is already set for the Fall Campaign
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
From the very beginning of his campaign for the 2012 Republican Party Presidential Nomination, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has struggled to ensure his conservative "street cred". Even after his one-time rival for that same nomination, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (the very man who famously dubbed Romney as "a Massachusetts Moderate" who couldn't beat President Barack Obama come November), had been quoted- a few weeks back now- as noting [y]ou have to think of Romney as having a foot in the Tea Party and a foot in the Establishment: that's right where the Republicans want him, Romney still has had those many skeptics within the Grand Old Party who, deep in their proverbial "heart of hearts", still suspect he himself is still- in his own "heart of hearts"- a R I N O [Republican In Name Only], that pejorative epithet many a conservative ....
7:04A EDT: Romney campaign announces VP: Congressman Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Republican Presidential candidate Willard "Mitt" Romney of Massachusetts has chosen Congressman Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate.
Saturday 11 August 2012: State/Federal PRIMARIES in HAWAII
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
the polls are open from 7 AM to 6 PM local time [1700 to 0400 GMT]
Results from AP.
15 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska: President: David Michael Crosby (Write-in [No Affiliation]) - added; Richard Duncan (Write-in [No Affiliation]) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Erin Kent Magee (Write-in [No Affiliation]) - added; Barbara K. "Barb" Prokopich (Write-in [No Affiliation]) - added.
District of Columbia: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Ohio: President: Richard Duncan (Independent) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added; Michael Vargo (Independent) - added. House CD 14: Geauga County Prosecutor David P. Joyce (Republican) - added. The Republican Party has named Mr. Joyce as the replacement candidate re: Congressman Steven C. "Steve" LaTourette post primary 31 July 2012 announcement that he is retiring and is no longer running for re-election.
Presidential Candidates: Barbara K. "Barb" Prokopich (Write-in) - added; Michael Vargo (Independent) - added. 32 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska: President: Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Colorado: President: Stewart Alexis Alexander (Socialist Party USA) - added; former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added; Roseanne Cherri Barr (Peace And Freedom) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (American Constitution) - added; James E. Harris, Jr. (Socialist Workers Party) - added; Tom Hoefling (America's Party) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Gloria Estela La Riva (Socialism and Liberation) - added; Merlin L. Miller (American Third Position) - added; Jill Ann Reed (Unaffiliated) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added; Thomas Robert "Tom" Stevens (Objectivist Party) - added; Randall A. Terry (Unaffiliated) - added; Sheila Telles "Samm" Tittle (We, the People) - added; Jerome S. "Jerry" White (Socialist Equality) - added. House CD 1: Thomas Juniel (Independent) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 2: Susan P. Hall (Green) - added. House CD 3: Tisha Trinette Casida (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; John W. Hargis, Sr. (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Jaime McMillan (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - previously listed as Independent; Morgan West (Write-in [Unaffiliated]) - added. House CD 5: George Allen Cantrell (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Misha Luzov (Green) - added. House CD 6: John Taylor DeGraffenried (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
Louisiana: House CD 2: Caleb Trotter (Libertarian) - added. House CD 6: Smith W. Hartley (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate.
Maryland: President: Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Wisconsin: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Gloria Estela La Riva (Socialism and Liberation) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Gloria Estela La Riva (Socialism and Liberation) - added. 12 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Michigan (7 August 2012 primary update): House CD 11: former state Senator Nancy Cassis (Write-in [Republican]) - lost Primary.
Rhode Island (prepared for 11 September 2012 primary): Senate Class 1: Todd Giroux (Independent) - removed; Dany Laporte (Independent [Democratic]) - removed; Gregory Raposa (Other) - removed; Christopher D. Reynolds (Independent) - removed; David J. Slavin (Independent) - removed. House CD 1: C. Michael Blake (Independent) - removed; Kenneth A. "Ken" Capalbo (Unaffiliated) - removed; Ann Marie Delaney (Democratic) - removed; Michael J. "Mike" Donahue (Republican) - removed.
Washington (7 August 2012 primary update): Auditor: state Senator Craig Pridemore (Democratic) - lost Primary.
KS, MI, MO, WA Primary Recap / Clark (MI CD14 D) and Carnahan (MO CD1 D) lose nomination / 187 changes
by Tony Roza
Delaware (updated for 11 September 2012 primary): Governor: Governor Jack A. Markell (Democratic) - Renominated. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Matthew P. "Matt" Denn (Democratic) - Renominated. House At-Large: Congressman John Charles Carney, Jr. (Democratic) - Renominated.
Florida: House CD 14: William Harry "Bill" Kee (No Party Affiliation) - apparently not a candidate.
Kansas: President: Jill Stein (Independent [Green]) - added. 7 August 2012 primary recap: House CD 2: Scott James Barnhart (Democratic) - lost Primary; Robert V. "Bob" Eye (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 4: Esau Adrian Freeman (Democratic) - lost Primary.
Maine: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added.
Michigan: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Natural Law) - added. 7 August 2012 primary recap: Senate Class 1: Clark Durant (Republican) - lost Primary; Gary Richard Glenn (Republican) - lost Primary; former Juvenile Court Judge Randall John "Randy" Hekman (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 3: Trevor Thomas (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Thomas Steven "Tom" Wassa (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 6: Congressman Frederick Stephen "Fred" Upton (Republican) - Renominated; former state Representative Jack Hoogendyk (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 7: Congressman Timothy L. "Tim" Walberg (Republican) - Renominated; Danny Edward "Dan" Davis (Republican) - lost Primary; Ruben Marquez (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 8: Congressman Michael J. "Mike" Rogers (Republican) - Renominated; Brian Clinton Hetrick (Republican) - lost Primary; Vernon Molnar (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 9: Congressman Gary Peters (Democratic) - Renominated; Gregory C. "Greg" Dildilian (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 10: Jerome George Quinn (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 11: William F. "Bill" Roberts (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 12: Daniel "Dan" Marcin (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 13: Congressman Hansen Clarke (Democratic) - Lost Primary; state Senator Glenn Stanford Anderson (Democratic) - lost Primary; John Goci (Democratic) - lost Primary; state Representative Shanelle M. Jackson (Democratic) - lost Primary; state Senator Bertram Courtney "Bert" Johnson (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 14: Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (Democratic) - Renominated; Congressman Hansen Clarke (Democratic) - lost Primary; Robert K. "Bob" Costello (Democratic) - lost Primary; Southfield Mayor Brenda Luienar Lawrence (Democratic) - lost Primary; former state Representative Mary Waters (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 15: Congressman John D. Dingell (Democratic) - Renominated.
The primary in House CD 12 Republican is too close to call.
Congressman Hansen Clarke (Democratic) lost his bid for renomination to Congressman Gary Peters in the new CD 14.
Missouri (7 August 2012 primary recap): Senate Class 1: Jerry Garth Beck (Republican) - lost Primary; John G. Brunner (Republican) - lost Primary; Mark Patrick Lodes (Republican) - lost Primary; Hector Maldonado (Republican) - lost Primary; Mark Stephen Memoly (Republican) - lost Primary; Robert "Bob" Poole (Republican) - lost Primary; former state Treasurer Sarah Steelman (Republican) - lost Primary. Governor: Governor Jeremiah W. "Jay" Nixon (Democratic) - Renominated; William B. Campbell (Democratic) - lost Primary; Bill Randles (Republican) - lost Primary; Fred Sauer (Republican) - lost Primary; Clay Thunderhawk (Democratic) - lost Primary; John D. Weiler (Republican) - lost Primary. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (Republican) - Renominated; former state Representative Judy Baker (Democratic) - lost Primary; Mike Carter (Republican) - lost Primary; William C. "Bill" Haas (Democratic) - lost Primary; former state Representative Fred Kratky (Democratic) - lost Primary; Charles W. Kullmann (Republican) - lost Primary; state Senator Brad Lager (Republican) - lost Primary; state Representative Sara Lampe (Democratic) - lost Primary; Saline County Commissioner Becky Lee Plattner (Democratic) - lost Primary; Jacqueline "Jackie" Townes McGee (Democratic) - lost Primary; Dennis Weisenburger (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1: Congressman William Lacy Clay, Jr. (Democratic) - Renominated; Martin Dewayne Baker (Republican) - lost Primary; Candice Lee Britton (Democratic) - lost Primary; Congressman John Russell "Russ" Carnahan (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 2: James O. Baker (Republican) - lost Primary; Randall Stephen "Randy" Jotte (Republican) - lost Primary; John Morris (Republican) - lost Primary; Marshall Works (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 3: Congressman John Russell "Russ" Carnahan (Democratic) - Lost Primary. House CD 4: Congressman Vicky Jo Hartzler (Republican) - Renominated; Bernie Mowinski (Republican) - lost Primary; Herschel L. Young (Libertarian) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Jason Greene (Republican) - lost Primary; state Representative Gerald "Jerry" Nolte (Republican) - lost Primary; Ron Paul Shawd (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 6: Congressman Samuel B. "Sam" Graves, Jr. (Republican) - Renominated; Bob Gough (Republican) - lost Primary; Ronald William Harris (Democratic) - lost Primary; W. A. "Bill" Hedge (Democratic) - lost Primary; Theodore Harold "Ted" Rights (Democratic) - lost Primary; Christopher Ryan (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 7: Congressman Billy Long (Republican) - Renominated; C. Michael "Mike" Moon (Republican) - lost Primary; Thomas Shane "Tom" Stilson (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 8: Congressman Jo Ann Emerson (Republican) - Renominated; Bob Parker (Republican) - lost Primary. Secretary of State: Rabbi Alam (Democratic) - lost Primary; state Senator Bill Stouffer (Republican) - lost Primary. Attorney General: Adam Lee Warren (Republican) - lost Primary.
The primaries in House CD 02 Democratic and Secretary of State Republican are too close to call.
Congressman John Russell "Russ" Carnahan (Democratic) lost his bid for renomination to Congressman William Lacy Clay, Jr. in the new CD #1.
New Mexico: Senate Class 1: Robert L. "Bob" Anderson (Write-in) - added. House CD 1: Jeanne Pahls (Write-in [Green]) - added. House CD 2: Jack McGrann (Write-in) - added.
Ohio: House CD 2: Robert J. Ogborn (Independent) - added.
Oklahoma: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Americans Elect) - added.
Washington (7 August 2012 primary recap): Senate Class 1: Senator Maria E. Cantwell (Democratic) - On Ballot; Will Baker (Reform) - lost Primary; Arthur "Art" Coday, Jr. (Republican) - lost Primary; Charlie Richard "Chuck" Jackson (Republican) - lost Primary; John Naubert (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - lost Primary, previously listed as Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]; Michael Patrick "Mike the Mover" Shanks (Republican) - lost Primary; Glen R. "Stocky" Stockwell (Republican) - lost Primary; Timmy "Tim" "Doc" Wilson (Democratic) - lost Primary. Governor: Shahram Hadian (Republican) - lost Primary; Rob Hill (Democratic) - lost Primary; Christian Joubert (No Party Preference) - lost Primary; Javier O. Lopez (Republican) - lost Primary; Mary Martin (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - lost Primary, previously listed as Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]; Max Sampson (Republican) - lost Primary; L. Dale Sorgen (Independent) - lost Primary; James White (Independent) - lost Primary. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen (Democratic) - On Ballot; Glenn Anderson (Republican) - lost Primary; James Robert Deal (No Party Preference) - lost Primary; Mark Greene (Independent) - lost Primary; Dave T. Sumner, IV (Independent) - lost Primary. House CD 1 Special: Brian Berry (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1: Darcy Burner (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1 Special: Darcy Burner (Democratic) - lost Primary; Bob Champion (Independent) - lost Primary; Steven J. Gerdes (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 1: state Senator Steve Hobbs (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1 Special: J. Byron Holcomb (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1: former Issaquah School Board President Larry Wayne Ishmael (Independent) - lost Primary. House CD 1 Special: Ruth Morrison (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1: Darshan Rauniyar (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1 Special: Darshan Rauniyar (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1: former state Representative Laura E. Ruderman (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 1 Special: former state Representative Laura E. Ruderman (Democratic) - lost Primary; Snohomish County Councilman Brian Sullivan (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Congressman Richard Ray "Rick" Larsen (Democratic) - On Ballot; Glen S. Johnson (No Party Preference) - lost Primary; Mike LaPointe (Independent) - lost Primary; Eli Olson (Republican) - lost Primary; John C. W. Shoop (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 3: Congressman Jaime Lynn Herrera Beutler (Republican) - On Ballot; Norma Jean Stevens (No Party Preference) - lost Primary. House CD 4: Congressman Doc Hastings (Republican) - On Ballot; Mohammad H. Said (Democratic) - lost Primary; Jamie Wheeler (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Congressman Cathy Ann McMorris Rodgers (Republican) - On Ballot; Ian Moody (No Party Preference) - lost Primary; Randall Lane Yearout (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 6: Eric G. Arentz, Jr. (Independent) - lost Primary; Stephan Andrew Brodhead (Republican) - lost Primary; Douglas Richard "Doug" Cloud (Republican) - lost Primary; David "IKE" Eichner (Republican) - lost Primary; Jesse L. Young (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 7: Congressman James Adelbert "Jim" McDermott (Democratic) - On Ballot; Charles Allen (Democratic) - lost Primary; GoodSpaceGuy (Independent) - lost Primary; Andrew Ifits Hughes (Democratic) - lost Primary; Donovan "Don" Rivers (Democratic) - lost Primary; Scott Sutherland (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 8: Congressman Dave Reichert (Republican) - On Ballot; Keith Roland Arnold (Democratic) - lost Primary; Ernest Huber (Republican) - lost Primary; Keith Swank (Republican) - lost Primary; James T. Windle (No Party Preference) - lost Primary. House CD 9: Congressman David Adam "Adam" Smith (Democratic) - On Ballot; David Paul "Dave" Christie (Democratic) - lost Primary; Thomas Allen "Tom" Cramer (Democratic) - lost Primary; Boleslaw "John" Orlinski (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 10: Jennifer Hortense Ferguson (Democratic) - lost Primary; Stanley L. K. Flemming (Republican) - lost Primary; Susan H. "Sue" Gunn (Independent) - lost Primary; Steve Hannon (No Party Preference) - lost Primary. Secretary of State: David J. Anderson (No Party Preference) - lost Primary; state Senator Jim Kastama (Democratic) - lost Primary; Karen Murray (Constitution) - lost Primary; former Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels (Democratic) - lost Primary; Sam Wright (Independent) - lost Primary. Attorney General: Stephen Pidgeon (Republican) - lost Primary. Auditor: state Representative Mark Miloscia (Democratic) - lost Primary. Commissioner of Public Lands: Public Lands Commissioner Peter James Goldmark (Democratic) - On Ballot; Stephen A. Sharon (No Party Preference) - lost Primary. Insurance Commissioner: Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler (Democratic) - On Ballot; Brian C. Berend (Independent) - lost Primary; Martin "Scott" Reilly (Republican) - lost Primary. Superintendent of Public Instruction: Public Instruction Superintendent Randy I. Dorn (Nonpartisan) - On Ballot; James Bauckman (Nonpartisan) - lost Primary; John Patterson Blair (Nonpartisan) - lost Primary; Don Hansler (Nonpartisan) - lost Primary; Ronald L. "Ron" Higgins (Nonpartisan) - lost Primary.
The primary for Auditor is awaiting returns and currently too close to call.
West Virginia: President: Randall A. Terry (Independent) - added.
Tuesday 7 August 2012: State/Federal PRIMARIES in KANSAS, MICHIGAN, MISSOURI and WASHINGTON State
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
By State Law, the polls in KANSAS must be open for at least 12 continuous hours and open no later than 7 AM and close no earlier than 7 PM local time; however, Counties retain the power to open polls as early as one hour earlier (6 AM local time [1100 GMT re: the Central Time Zone/1200 GMT re: the Mountain Time Zone]) and/or close as late as one hour later (8 PM local time [0100 GMT re: the Central Time Zone/0200 GMT re: the Mountain Time Zone].
Results from AP.
the polls are open from 7 AM to 8 PM local time [1100 to 0000 GMT re: the Eastern Time Zone/ 1200 to 0100 GMT re: the Central Time Zone]
NOTE: There is also a Special Primary being held to nominate candidates for a Special Election (to be held concurrently with the General Election on Tuesday 6 November 2012) in the old (that is: the 2000-Census derived) 11th Congressional District to fill the vacancy caused by the 6 July 2012 resignation of Congressman Thad McCotter [Republican]: the winner of the ensuing Special Election in November will finsh the remainder of the term ending at Noon, 3 January 2013.
Results from AP.
the polls are open from 6 AM to 7 PM local time [1100 to 0000 GMT]
Results from AP.
WASHINGTON State votes by mail: completed ballots must be in the hands of election authorities by no later than 8 PM local time [0300 GMT], the statutory poll closing time.
WASHINGTON State utilizes the so-called 'Top Two' Primary system, in which all candidates for an elective office run "all up" on a single ballot, regardless of political Party (or lack thereof): only the top two vote-getters (even where the leading candidate in a given Primary might gain at least a majority of the total votes cast) will thereafter face off in the November General Election.
Results from AP.
19 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: President: Thomas Robert "Tom" Stevens (Objectivist Party) - added.
Georgia (31 July 2012 primary update): House CD 6: Robert G. "Bob" Montigel (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 12: Daniel Wright "Wright" McLeod (Republican) - lost Primary.
Louisiana: House CD 4: Randall Lord (Libertarian) - added. House CD 5: Spencer Young (Libertarian) - added.
Michigan: House CD 5: Flint School Board of Education Member David Davenport (Independent) - added.
New Mexico: Senate Class 1: Jon Ross Barrie (Independent American) - apparently not a candidate.
Tennessee: Senate Class 1: Kermit Steck (Constitution) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 1. 2 August 2012 Primary updates-- House CD 5: Bob Ries (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 8: John "Wes" Bradley (Democratic) - lost Primary.
Washington: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; James E. Harris, Jr. (Socialist Workers Party) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added. Treasurer: Sharon Hanek (Write-in [Republican]) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Roseanne Cherri Barr - won Peace And Freedom Party nomination on 4 August 2012. For Vice President: Cindy Sheehan; George Lascelles Petro Bonitac Fraser (Independent) - added. TN Primary Recap / 35 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Maine: Senate Class 1: Justin Benjamin "Ben" Pollard (Write-in [Democratic]) - Pending, previously listed as Democratic.
Tennessee (2 August Primary): Senate Class 1: Senator Robert P. "Bob" Corker, Jr. (Republican) - Renominated; Fred R. Anderson (Republican) - lost Primary; Mark Twain Clemens (Republican) - lost Primary; Larry R. Crim (Democratic) - lost Primary; Gary Gene Davis (Democratic) - lost Primary; Dave Hancock (Democratic) - lost Primary; Brenda Shivon Lenard (Republican) - lost Primary; Park Overall (Democratic) - lost Primary; T.K. Owens (Democratic) - lost Primary; Zachary Scott "Zach" Poskevich (Republican) - lost Primary; Benjamin Roberts (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. (Republican) - Renominated; Nicholas "Nick" Ciparro (Republican) - lost Primary; Joseph "Joe" Leinweber, Jr. (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 3: Congressman Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann (Republican) - Renominated; Ranjit "Ron" Bhalla (Republican) - lost Primary; Chandler Cyle "Scottie" Mayfield, Jr. (Republican) - lost Primary; William H. "Bill" Taylor, II (Democratic) - lost Primary; Thomas Weston "Weston" Wamp (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 4: Shannon Kelley (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Justin Jones (Republican) - lost Primary; John W. "Big John" Smith, IV (Republican) - lost Primary; Tracy C. Tarum (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 6: Congressman Diane Lynn Black (Republican) - Renominated; Lou Ann Zelenik (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 8: Congressman Stephen Lee "Steve" Fincher (Republican) - Renominated; Annette Justice (Republican) - lost Primary; Christa Stoscheck (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 9: Congressman Stephen Ira "Steve" Cohen (Democratic) - Renominated; Charlotte Bergmann (Republican) - lost Primary; Memphis City School Board Commissioner Tomeka Rochelle Hart (Democratic) - lost Primary; Ernest Lunati (Republican) - lost Primary; Rollin Wilson "Wilson" Stooksberry (Republican) - lost Primary.
The primaries for U.S. House CD 5 Republican and U.S. House CD 8 Democratic are too close to call.
Wyoming: House At-Large: Richard Brubaker (Libertarian) - added.
Tuesday 2 August 2012: PRIMARIES (also County General Election Day) in TENNESSEE
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
polls are generally open from 8 AM local time [1200 GMT in the Eastern Time Zone/1300 GMT in the Central Time Zone] to 8 PM Eastern Time= 7 PM Central Time [0000 GMT]
PLEASE NOTE: Counties have local option as regards their respective poll opening times but all polls in the State must close at the same relative time [8 PM EDT= 7 PM CDT= 0000 GMT]
The Green Papers will only be dealing with those Primaries for the Class 1 United States Senate seat from the Volunteer State, along with those for U.S. House of Representatives for the term beginning at Noon on 3 January 2013.
However, please note that there may be Primaries for other elective offices on the State level (most notably, for seats in both houses of the TENNESSEE General Assembly) and, in addition, it is also County General Election Day throughout the State, in which County-level elective offices (already nominated via Primaries back on Tuesday 1 May of this year) are actually being elected!
Results from AP.
10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Louisiana: House CD 3: Jim Stark (Libertarian) - added. House CD 6: Smith Hartley (Libertarian) - added.
New Jersey: President: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added; Jeffrey Harlan "Jeff" Boss (NSA Did 911) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Merlin L. Miller (American Third Position) - added.
Oregon: President: Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Pennsylvania: President: Jill Stein (Green) - added.
Texas (Tuesday 31 July 2012 runoff update): House CD 7: James P. Cargas (Democratic) - won runoff; Lissa Squiers (Democratic) - lost runoff. House CD 36: former Congressman Steve Stockman (Republican) - won runoff; Stephen Vincent Takach (Republican) - lost runoff.
Congressman Davis (R, KY H04) resigns / GA Primary + TX runoff recap / 41 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska: House At-Large: Tracy L. Shaffer (Write-in [No Affiliation]) - added.
American Samoa: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Aumua Amata Radewagen (Republican) - added.
Arizona: House CD 3: Peter B. Wilson (Green) - apparently not a candidate.
Georgia (Tuesday 31 July 2012 primary): House CD 1: Nathan C. Russo (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 2: Kenneth Ray "Ken" DeLoach, Jr. (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 3: Congressman Lynn Acton Westmoreland (Republican) - Renominated; Chip Flanegan (Republican) - lost Primary; former Lamar County Commissioner Kent Easton Kingsley (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 4: Congressman Henry C. "Hank" Johnson, Jr. (Democratic) - Renominated; Courtney L. Dillard, Sr. (Democratic) - lost Primary; Lincoln Garnett Nunnally (Democratic) - lost Primary; Gregory Thomas "Greg" Pallen (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Congressman John R. Lewis (Democratic) - Renominated; former Fulton County Superior Court Judge Michael Darrell Johnson (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 7: Congressman William Robert "Rob" Woodall, III (Republican) - Renominated; David Hancock (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 9: Roger Dale Fitzpatrick (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 10: Congressman Paul Collins Broun, Jr. (Republican) - Renominated; Stephen K. "Steve" Simpson (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 11: Congressman John Phillip "Phil" Gingrey (Republican) - Renominated; William Llop (Republican) - lost Primary; Michael S. Opitz (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 12: Maria Sheffield (Republican) - lost Primary.
When no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote in the 31 July 2012 primary, a 21 August 2012 runoff is held between the two top vote-getters. Contests proceeding to a runoff:In addition, the contest in U.S. House CD 6 Democratic is too close to call.
- U.S. House CD 2 Republican: Rick Allen v John M. House
- U.S. House CD 9 Republican: Douglas Allen "Doug" Collins v Martha Mitchell Zoller
- U.S. House CD 12 Republican:Lee Ivey Anderson v either Richard W. "Rick" Allen or Daniel Wright "Wright" McLeod (results are too close to call)
Illinois: House CD 7: Phil Collins (Write-in [Independent]) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 4: Congressman Geoffrey C. "Geoff" Davis (Republican) - Vacant Office. Resigned from Congress at the close of business 31 July 2012: "Recently, a family health issue has developed that will demand significantly more of my time to assist. As a result, I cannot continue to effectively fulfill my obligations to both my office and my family. Family must and will come first."
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 191 Democrats, 240 Republicans, and 4 vacant seats (KY CD 4, MI CD 11, NJ CD 10, WA CD 1).
Oregon: President: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added. Attorney General: James E. Leuenberger (Libertarian, Constitution) - added.
Texas (Tuesday 31 July 2012 runoff): Senate Class 1: Lieutenant Governor David H. Dewhurst (Republican) - lost Primary; Grady Yarbrough (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 5: Tom Berry (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 14: Pearland City Councilmember Felicia Harris (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 15: Eddie Zamora (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 16: Corey Dean Roen (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 23: former Congressman Ciro D. Rodriguez (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 25: Wesley Allen "Wes" Riddle (Republican [Constitution]) - lost Primary, previously listed as Republican [Constitution]. House CD 27: Jerry J. Trevino (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 33: former state Representative Domingo Alberto Garcia (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 34: Adela Garza (Republican) - lost Primary; Denise R. Saenz Blanchard (Democratic) - lost Primary. Railroad Commissioner 2: state Representative Warren Chisum (Republican) - lost Primary. Railroad Commissioner 3: Comal County Commissioner Gregory "Greg" Parker (Republican) - lost Primary.
The runoffs for U.S. House CD 7 Democratic and CD 36 Republican are too close to call.
Tuesday 31 July 2012: PRIMARIES in GEORGIA and RUNOFFS in TEXAS
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM local time [1100 to 2300 GMT]
NOTE: where no candidate receives at least a majority of the vote in a given Primary, a Runoff between the two top vote-getters will be scheduled for Tuesday 21 August 2012
The Green Papers only deals with Primaries for U.S. House of Representatives for the term beginning at Noon, 3 January 2013. However, please note that there may be other Primaries in GEORGIA for those elective offices "down ballot" not covered by The Green Papers
Results from AP.
polls are open from 7 AM to 7 PM local time [1200 to 0000 GMT re: the Central Time Zone portions of the Lone Star State; 1300 to 0100 GMT re: the State's Mountain Time Zone portions (the general area surrounding the city of El Paso)]
The following are those Runoffs in TEXAS that The Green Papers deals with:
- U.S. Senate Democratic: Paul Lindsey Sadler v Grady Yarbrough
- U.S. Senate Republican: Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz v David H. Dewhurst
- U.S. House CD 5 Democratic: Tom Berry v Linda S. Mrosko
- U.S. House CD 7 Democratic: James P. Cargas v Lissa Squiers
- U.S. House CD 14 Republican: Felicia Harris v Randy Weber
- U.S. House CD 15 Republican: Dale Allen Brueggemann v Eddie Zamora
- U.S. House CD 23 Democratic: Pete P. Gallego v former Congressman Ciro D. Rodriguez
- U.S. House CD 25 Republican: Wesley Allen "Wes" Riddle v former Secretary of State Roger Williams
- U.S. House CD 27 Democratic: Rose Meza Harrison v Jerry J. Trevino
- U.S. House CD 33 Democratic: Domingo Garcia v Marc Allison Veasey
- U.S. House CD 34 Democratic: Filemon Vela v Denise R. Saenz Blanchard
- U.S. House CD 34 Republican: Jessica Bradshaw Bradshaw v Adela Garza
- U.S. House CD 36 Republican: former Congressman Steve Stockmanv v Stephen Vincent Takach
- Railroad Commissioner (full term ending in 2012) Republican: Warren Chisum v Christi Craddick
- Railroad Commissioner (partial term ending in 2014) Republican: Gregory "Greg" Parker v Railroad Commissioner Barry Smitherman
Please note, however, that there may be other Runoffs in TEXAS for those elective offices "down ballot" not covered by The Green Papers
Results from AP.
7 changes to the candidate list / OH Congressman LaTourette (R, CD 14) to retire
by Tony Roza
Arizona (readied for Tuesday 28 August 2012 primary): Senate Class 1: Luis Acle (Write-in [Republican]) - added; Sheila Bilyeu (Libertarian) - removed; David A. Ruben (Democratic) - removed; Marc Victor (Write-in [Libertarian]) - added. House CD 2: Anthony Gene Prowell (Libertarian) - removed. House CD 6: Mark Salazar (Write-in [Green]) - added.
Ohio: House CD 14: Congressman Steven C. "Steve" LaTourette (Republican) - Open Seat. Media reports indicate the Congressman will not run for re-election. He was renominated by Primary on 6 March 2012. The Republican Party will select a replacement nominee.
6 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
American Samoa: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Rosie Fuala'au Tago Lancaster (Independent) - added.
Florida: House CD 18: Marilyn Davis Holloman (Write-in [Democratic]) - previously listed as Write-in.
Michigan: House CD 8: Leon Preston Brooks, Jr. (Independent) - added.
Virginia: House CD 3: Xavian Leigh Draper (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate.
Presidential Candidates: Brian Lee Huston (Independent) - added; Luis J. Rodriguez (Justice Party) - added. 26 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Indiana: House CD 9: Jason Sharp (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate.
Kansas: President: Charles Obadiah "Chuck" Baldwin (Reform) - added.
New Hampshire: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Independent [Constitution]) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Independent [Republican, Libertarian]) - added; Jill Stein (Independent [Green]) - added. Governor: Peter Cordatos (Independent) - added. House CD 1: Cornelius J. Donnelly (Independent) - added; Brendan Kelly (Libertarian) - added; Diane Soracco (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Dan Webb (Independent) - added. House CD 2: Jeanne Louise Ingress (Independent) - added.
New Jersey: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - added; James E. Harris, Jr. (Socialist Workers Party) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation) - added; Jill Stein (Green) - added.
North Carolina: President: former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Write-in [Constitution]) - added.
Texas: House CD 34: former Edinburg City Manager Ramiro Garza, Jr. (Democratic) - lost Tuesday 29 May 2012 Primary.
Virginia: House CD 11: Chris DeCarlo (Independent) - added. Attorney General: state Senator Mark R. Herring (Democratic) - added.
West Virginia: Senate Class 1: Bob Henry Baber (Mountain) - added. Governor: Jesse Johnson (Mountain) - added.
Wisconsin: President: Jerome S. "Jerry" White (Socialist Equality) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Charles Obadiah "Chuck" Baldwin (Reform) - added. 16 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Illinois: President: Stewart Alexis Alexander (Socialist Party USA) - apparently not a candidate; former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Constitution) - apparently not a candidate; Michael W. "MW" Hawkins (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
Maryland: Senate Class 1: Bryant Alexander (Independent) - added. House CD 1: Michael "Mike" Calpino (Write-in) - added. House CD 2: Ray Bly (Write-in) - added; Mark Shell (Green) - added. House CD 5: Bob Auerbach (Green) - added. House CD 7: Ty Busch (Write-in) - added; Charles Smith (Write-in) - added.
Michigan: House CD 2: Willie German, Jr. (Write-in [Democratic]) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 11 Special: Kenneth Crider (Republican) - added; David A. "Dave Curson (Democratic) - added; Carolyn Kavanagh (Republican) - added; Steve King (Republican) - added.
19 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Delaware: Governor: Jess McVay (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate.
District of Columbia: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Omari Musa (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 1: Naomi Craine (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - previously listed as Write-in. House CD 17: Tom Baumann (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - previously listed as Write-in. House CD 20: Anthony M. Dutrow (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - previously listed as Write-in.
Georgia: House CD 3: Jacob Perasso (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added. House CD 4: Rachele Fruit (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added. House CD 5: John Benson (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Laura Garza (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added.
Minnesota: Senate Class 1: Frank Forrestal (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added. House CD 5: Tony Lane (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added.
Nebraska: Senate Class 1: Joe Swanson (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added.
New York: Senate Class 1: Dan Fein (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added. House CD 13: Róger Calero (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: Osborne Hart (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added. House CD 1: Chris Hoeppner (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added.
Texas: House CD 19: Cindy Jaquith (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - previously listed as running in CD 9.
Washington: Senate Class 1: John Naubert (Write-in [Socialist Workers Party]) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Randal Trackwell (Not readily classifiable) - added. 12 changes to the candidate list / NC runoff
by Tony Roza
Colorado: House CD 1: Thomas Juniel (Independent) - added.
Delaware: Senate Class 1: Alexander J. "Alex" Pires, Jr. (Independent Party Of Delaware, Independent) - previously listed as Independent.
North Carolina (17 July runoff): Lieutenant Governor: Wake County Commissioner Tony C. Gurley (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 8: former Iredell County Commissioner John Scott "Scott" Keadle (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 9: Mecklenburg County Commissioner James "Jim" Pendergraph (Republican) - lost Primary. House CD 11: Vance Martin Patterson (Republican) - lost Primary. Secretary of State: former Wake County Commissioner Kenneth Michael "Kenn" Gardner (Republican) - lost Primary. Commissioner of Insurance: Richard Morgan (Republican) - lost Primary. Commissioner of Labor: Marlowe Foster (Democratic) - lost Primary. Superintendent of Public Instruction: Richard Alexander (Republican) - lost Primary.
South Carolina: House CD 3: Jeff Sumerel (Green) - added. House CD 6: Nammu Muhammed (Green) - added.
Tuesday 17 July 2012: Runoffs in NORTH CAROLINA
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The following elective offices in NORTH CAROLINA covered by The Green Papers are holding Runoffs re: the political Parties indicated:
- Lieutenant Governor: Republican
- U.S. House of Representatives-- 8th Congressional District: Republican
- U.S. House of Representatives-- 9th Congressional District: Republican
- U.S. House of Representatives-- 11th Congressional District: Republican
- Secretary of State: Republican
- Insurance Commissioner: Republican
- Labor Commissioner: Democratic
- Superintendent of Public Instruction: Republican
The polls are open from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM local time [1030 to 2330 GMT]
Please note there may be other offices "down ballot" for which Runoffs are also being held.
Results from AP.
13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 7: Scott Michael Fistler (Republican) - added.
Connecticut (readied for 14 August primary): Senate Class 1: Linda E. McMahon (Republican [Independent Party of Connecticut]) - previously listed as Republican, Independent Party of Connecticut. House CD 1: Congressman John B. Larson (Democratic) - Renominated. House CD 2: Congressman Joseph D. "Joe" Courtney (Democratic) - Renominated. House CD 3: Congressman Rosa L. DeLauro (Democratic) - Renominated. House CD 4: Congressman Jim Himes (Democratic) - Renominated.
Michigan: House CD 2: Willie German, Jr. (Democratic) - added.
Virginia: House CD 11: Mark Timothy Gibson (Independent) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Brown Diamond (Not readily classifiable) - added; Randy Edward Howell (Independent) - added; Kathyern Louise Lane (Independent) - previously listed as Republican; Michealene Cristini Risley (Independent) - previously listed as Americans Elect; Rocky Shih-I "Vp" Wang (Not readily classifiable) - added. Green Party nominates Jill Stein for President
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
At their National Convention in Baltimore on Saturday 14 July 2012, the Green Party nominated Jill Stein of Massachusetts for President of the United States. Stein, a medical doctor, won the support of 193.5 delegates (comedienne Roseanne Barr came in second with 72 delegates and Kent Mesplay came in third with 17 delegates). 294 delegates participated.
NE-R Delegation: Romney 30, Paul 2, Unbound 3.
by Tony Roza
Nebraska Saturday 14 July 2012 Republican State Convention: 32 National Convention delegates are bound by the results of this weekend's Convention. 3 RNC party leader delegates will attend the Republican National Convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position. 2 Paul delegates and 7 Romney delegates were elected at the district level. 23 Romney delegates were elected at-large
Sat 14 July NE-R Presidential Caucus / 16 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Presidential Nominating Process
Nebraska Saturday 14 July 2012 Republican State Convention: 32 National Convention delegates are bound by the results of this weekend's Convention. 3 RNC party leader delegates will attend the Republican National Convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
16 changes to the candidate list
California (5 June primary updates): House CD 21: Fresno City Councilman Blong Xiong (Democratic) - lost Primary. House CD 38: Jorge Robles (Republican) - lost Primary.
Michigan: House CD 11 Special: (Republican) - Incumbent added; Kerry Bentivolio (Republican) - added; former state Senator Nancy Cassis (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Drexel Morton (Write-in) - added.
New Mexico: Governor: Attorney General Gary K. King (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Andrew Abe Diaz (American Independent) - added; Ronald Clinton Forbes (Peace And Freedom) - added; Donald James Gonzales (Republican) - added; Jeremy Hannon (Republican) - added; Sheldon Yeu Howard (Republican) - added; Michael W.R. Meyer, Jr. (Democratic) - added; Leon Leo Ray (Peace And Freedom) - added; Raymond Delmond Smith (American Independent) - added; Shelley Upchurch (Peace And Freedom) - added. 6 changes to the candidate list / MI U.S. House 11 Special Election
by Tony Roza
Delaware (filing closed): Senate Class 1: Keith Robert Spanarelli (Democratic) - added. Governor: Governor Jack A. Markell (Democratic) - added as candidate. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Matthew P. "Matt" Denn (Democratic) - added as candidate. Commissioner of Insurance: Jim Van Houghton (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 13: former Pinellas School Board member Nina Lynn Hayden (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
New York: House CD 3: Mike McDermott (Libertarian) - added.
Michigan: House CD 11: On 10 July 2012, Governor Rick Snyder (Republican) called a Wednesday 5 September Special Primary Election and a Tuesday 6 November Special General Election to fill the vacant seat of Congressman Thaddeus G. "Thad" McCotter (Republican) who resigned on 6 July 2012.
12 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 3: Kenneth Wade "Ken" Aden (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: President: James E. Harris, Jr. (Socialist Workers Party) - added.
Michigan: House CD 7: Kurt Richard Haskell (Democratic) - Active.
Minnesota: President: Jim Carlson (Other) - added.
Missouri: Governor: Leonard Steinman, II (Constitution) - removed. House CD 8: Todd Mahn (Democratic) - removed.
New York: House CD 5: Catherine "Autumn" Wark (Libertarian) - added.
Virginia: Senate Class 1: James Kevin "Kevin" Chisholm (Independent [Green]) - apparently not a candidate, previously listed as Independent [Green].
Washington: House CD 8: Stephen Dolgos (Americans Elect) - removed.
Presidential Candidates: Jim Carlson (Not readily classifiable) - added; James E. Harris, Jr. (Socialist Workers Party) - added; Eddy Michael "Edmitch H" Hill (Not readily classifiable) - added. MI CD 11 Congressman McCotter (R) resigned / 23 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 1: Kim Allen (Libertarian) - added. House CD 9: Powell Gammill (Libertarian) - added.
Indiana: President: Stewart Alexis Alexander (Write-in [Socialist Party USA]) - added; former Congressman Virgil Hamlin Goode, Jr. (Write-in [Constitution]) - added; former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - added; Jill Stein (Write-in [Green]) - added. Senate Class 1: James L. Johnson, Jr. (Write-in) - added; Jack Edward Rooney (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Amy J. Willis (Write-in [Independent]) - added. House CD 2: Andrew Ulysses Dwight Straw (Green) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 4: Benjamin J. Gehlhausen (Libertarian) - added. House CD 7: Mmoja Ajabu (Independent) - apparently not a candidate; Timothy Lee "Tim" Frye (Write-in) - previously listed as Independent. Attorney General: Kay Fleming (Democratic) - added; Attorney General Greg Zoeller (Republican) - added as candidate. Superintendent of Public Instruction: Public Instruction Superintendent Tony Bennett (Republican) - added as candidate; Justin Oakley (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Glenda Ritz (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 11: Congressman Thaddeus G. "Thad" McCotter (Republican) - Vacant Office. "Today I have resigned from the office of United States Representative for Michigan's 11th Congressional District. After nearly 26 years in elected office, this past nightmarish month and a half have, for the first time, severed the necessary harmony between the needs of my constituency and of my family. As this harmony is required to serve, its absence requires I leave."
The Partisan Composition of the U.S. House is now 191 Democrats, 241 Republicans, and 3 vacant seats (NJ CD 10, (MI CD 11, WA CD 1).
Virginia: House CD 7: E. Wayne Powell (Democratic) - added. House CD 9: Anthony Flaccavento (Democratic) - added. House CD 10: Kristin Cabral (Democratic) - added; Kevin Chisholm (Independent) - added.
12 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Colorado: House CD 1: Frank Atwood (Libertarian) - added. House CD 6: Patrick E. Provost (Libertarian) - added. House CD 7: Buck Bailey (Libertarian) - added.
Michigan: Senate Class 1: Richard Matkin (U.S. Taxpayers) - added. House CD 2: Ron Graeser (U.S. Taxpayers) - added. House CD 9: Lester "Les" Townsend (U.S. Taxpayers) - added. House CD 13: Martin Gray (U.S. Taxpayers) - added.
North Dakota: Governor: Roland Riemers (Libertarian) - removed from ballot.
Oregon: House CD 1: Robert "Bob" Ekstrom (Constitution) - added. Attorney General: Attorney General Ellen F. Rosenblum (Democratic) - appointed. Superintendent of Public Instruction: Public Instruction Superintendent - no longer an elective office.
Texas: House CD 14: Eugene J. Flynn (Independent) - apparently not a candidate.
13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 37: Sean McGary (Write-in [Libertarian]) - lost Primary; Morgan Osborne (Republican) - won primary.
New York: House CD 18: Congressman Nan Hayworth (Republican, Conservative) - previously listed as Republican, Independence, Conservative.
Oregon: House CD 3: Chuck Huntting (Libertarian) - correction - running in CD 4.
Tennessee (readied for Thursday 2 August 2012 primary): Senate Class 1: Ashley King (Democratic) - removed. House CD 1: Congressman David Philip "Phil" Roe (Republican) - Renominated. House CD 2: Paul Joseph Coker (Independent) - removed. House CD 4: Congressman Scott Eugene DesJarlais (Republican) - Renominated. House CD 5: Congressman James H. S. "Jim" Cooper (Democratic) - Renominated. House CD 7: Congressman Marsha Blackburn (Republican) - Renominated; Chris Martin (Democratic) - removed. House CD 9: Herbert A. Bass (Independent) - removed.
Presidential Candidates: Lonnie Eugene Dykes (No Party Affiliation) - added. Commentary: 6 WAYS TO SUNDAY - If Mitt Romney should be elected - where will he take the Oath of Office?
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
If Mitt Romney should be elected President,
just where- and how- will he take the Oath of Office?
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Should former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney- the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, as of this typing- be elected President by defeating the incumbent Democrat in the White House- President Barack Obama- he will face an historic dilemma: just where (as well as under what circumstances) will he be able to take the Oath of Office come Noon Eastern Time US [1700 GMT] next 20 January?
The problem is that, in 2013, 20 January falls on a Sunday and, therefore, the public Presidential Inauguaration festivities (the Swearing-In on the steps of the West Front of the United States Capitol followed by the Inaugural Address; then the Inaugural Parade up Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House-- not also to mention all those Inaugural Balls!) will have to be postponed until Monday 21 January this time round. Exacerbating this problem is the fact that, should Romney, indeed, become President as a result of the 2012 Election, he will not only have ....
36 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Linda E. McMahon (Republican, Independent Party of Connecticut) - previously listed as Republican. House CD 5: Robert Lombardo (Libertarian) - added.
Delaware: Governor: Jess McVay (Libertarian) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Margie Waite-McKeown (Libertarian) - added. House At-Large: Scott Gesty (Libertarian) - added. Commissioner of Insurance: David Eisenhour (Libertarian) - added.
District of Columbia: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Bruce Majors (Libertarian) - added.
Kentucky: House CD 2: Craig Astor (Libertarian) - added.
Maine: Senate Class 1: Andrew Ian Dodge (Independent [Libertarian]) - previously listed as Independent.
Maryland: House CD 1: Muir Boda (Libertarian) - added. House CD 2: Leo Dymowski (Libertarian) - added. House CD 3: Paul Drgos (Libertarian) - added. House CD 4: Scott Soffen (Libertarian) - added. House CD 5: Arvin Vohra (Libertarian) - added. House CD 6: Nickolaus Mueller (Libertarian) - added. House CD 7: Ron Owens-Bey (Libertarian) - added. House CD 8: Mark Grannis (Libertarian) - added.
New York: Senate Class 1: Chris Edes (Libertarian) - added. House CD 1: Rick Witt (Libertarian) - added. House CD 6: NYC Council Member Daniel James "Dan" Halloran, III (Conservative, Republican, Libertarian) - previously listed as Conservative, Republican. House CD 26: Dave Schnittker (Libertarian) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 8: Thomas B. Hill (Libertarian) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 5: Robert T. Murphy (Independent [Libertarian]) - previously listed as Independent.
Oregon: House CD 2: Harry Joe Tabor (Libertarian) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 1. House CD 3: Michael Cline (Libertarian) - added. House CD 4: Chuck Huntting (Libertarian) - added. Secretary of State: Bruce Alexander Knight (Libertarian) - added. Attorney General: Orrin Grover (Libertarian) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: Rayburn Douglas Smith (Libertarian) - added. House CD 5: Timothy Havener (Libertarian) - added. House CD 13: Theodore Manko, lll (Libertarian) - added. House CD 18: Demo Agoris (Libertarian) - added. Attorney General: Marakay Rogers (Libertarian) - added. Treasurer: Patricia M. Fryman (Libertarian) - added. Auditor General: Betsy Summers (Libertarian) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 1: Keith Blandford (Libertarian) - added.
Commentary: The effect on the 2012 Fall Campaign of the Supreme Court's Health Care Law decision
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
The effect on the 2012 Fall Campaign of the
Supreme Court's Health Care Law decision
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
First of all, I am not here going to hash out (as I so often [too often? ;-)] do in my Commentaries for this website) all the various and sundry- where not also arcane and obscure- constitutional and legal aspects- or, for that matter, the efficacy (as a matter of government policy)- of either the Affordable Care Act of 2010 itself or the decision of the Nation's Highest Court in regard to same: instead, I'm going to stick rather closely to the very 'Mission Statement' of The Green Papers and only opine as to the political ramifications of all this now as we continue on through this Presidential Election year.
Secondly, it has to be understood that- even as I type this while ...
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- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2013
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- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2012
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2012
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2012
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2012
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2011
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2011
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2011
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2011
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2010
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2010
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2010
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2010
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2009
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2009
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2009
- Changes prior to Fri 29 May 2009
Modified .