2012 NM-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The The Republican Party of New Mexico has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
In April 2012, Republican Party Ward/Precinct Caucuses will meet to choose the precinct's delegates to the County Convention. There is no formal system applied in the Precinct Caucuses to relate the presidential preference of the Caucus participants to the choice of the precinct's delegates to the County Convention.
Saturday 12 May - Saturday 19 May 2012 the County Conventions meet to elect delegates to the State Convention. There is no formal system applied in the County Conventions to relate the presidential preference of the Convention participants to the choice of the Convention's delegates to the State Convention.
New Mexico's delegates to the Republican National Convention are proportionally bound to those presidential contenders receiving 15% or more of the statewide primary vote in the Tuesday 5 June 2012 Presidential Primary.
On Saturday 16 June 2012 (tentative date), the State Convention convenes to elect the National Convention delegates according to the results of the primary.
National Convention Delegates are bound for the first ballot at the National Convention unless released by the candidate.
The 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the New Mexico's Republican Party, will attend the National Convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
15 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
New Jersey: House CD 5: Passaic County Freeholder Terry Duffy (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: House CD 1: Jim Berns (Libertarian) - added; Malcolm Kantzler (Democratic) - added; Queen Noble (Democratic) - added; Jeff Sinnard (Democratic) - added; Rich Stevenson (Green) - added. House CD 2: Tony Brush (Republican) - added; Joe Green (Write-in [Republican]) - added; William R. Smith (Democratic) - added. House CD 7: Congressman Steve C. Austria (Republican) - Open Seat - Retiring; William R. "Bill" Conner (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 10: John Mitchel (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Congressman Marcia L. Fudge (Democratic) - added as candidate; state Senator Nina Turner (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Washington: House CD 10: Richard Walter "Dick" Muri (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 9.
2012 DE-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The The Republican State Committee of Delaware has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
All of Delaware's National Convention delegates are bound to the Presidential candidate receiving the most votes in the Tuesday 24 April 2012 Primary.
The 3 party leaders (the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of Delaware's Republican Party) will attend the National Convention, by virtue of their position, bound to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in the Presidential primary.
On Saturday 28 April 2012, the State Convention convenes to elect the National Convention delegates according to the results of the primary.
National Convention Delegates are bound for the first ballot at the National Convention.
21 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alabama: House CD 5: Jason Anderson (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Phil Norris (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 15: state Senator Ellen M. Corbett (Democratic) - Pending. House CD 44: state Assemblyman Isadore Hall, III (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
District of Columbia: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Natale Lino Stracuzzi (D.C. Statehood Green) - added.
Florida: House CD 14: Christopher Key Sandy (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 2: Gary Stein (Democratic) - added. House CD 5: Michael Cino (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Washington Flores (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 13; Michael Joseph Shurin (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 13; Congressman Albio Sires (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 13.
New York: House CD 9: Congressman Robert L. "Bob" Turner (Republican) - added as candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 11: Susan Harris (Republican) - added; former Madison County School Board Member Ed Krause (Republican) - added; Kenny West (Republican) - added.
Virginia: Senate Class 1: Tim Donner (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Washington: House CD 1: Suzan Kay DelBene (Democratic) - added; Snohomish County Councilman John Marvin Koster (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 2; state Representative Marko Liias (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
West Virginia: House CD 3: Bill Lester (Republican) - added. Treasurer: Curtis Robinson (Democratic) - added.
NASS 2012 Presidential Primaries Guide Released
by Tony Roza
National Association of Secretaries of State Releases Voting Guide to the 2012 Presidential Primaries. Find the PDF here: NASS 2012 Presidential Primaries Guide
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
As I type this piece, Iowa's 'first in the Nation' caucuses are less than a week away and New Hampshire's 'first in the Nation' Presidential Primary but a week thereafter. It is actually rather hard for me to believe that the 2012 pre-National Convention Primary/Caucus 'season' is really just about ...
2012 FL-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of Florida has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Florida's National Convention delegates are bound winner-take-all to the Presidential candidate who receives the most votes in the Tuesday 31 January 2012 Presidential Primary. The date the actual National Convention Delegates are elected has not be set.
- The Tuesday 31 January 2012 Primary in violation of RNC Rule 15(b)(1) which states "No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to the first Tuesday in March...." Subsequently, Rule 16(a) indicates that Florida will forfeit 50% of their National Convention delegates.
The 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of Florida's Republican Party, will attend the convention as guests by virtue of their position.
National Convention Delegates are bound through the 3rd ballot unless the candidate withdraws or releases his/her delegates.
15 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 6: former state Senator Chuck Gray (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Illinois (sync'd to the Board of Elections): House CD 8: Robert L. Jones (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Andrew G. Palomo (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Rick Veenstra (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 9: S. Ron "Ron" Wallace (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 11: Grundy County Board Member Chris Balkema (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Aurora Alderman-At-Large Richard C. Irvin (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 13: former Burbank School Superintendent James A. Gray (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Sam Spradlin (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 14: former McHenry Alderman Frank McClatchey (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 16: David Hale (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 17: Eric Steven Reyes (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
New Jersey: Senate Class 1: Borough of Highlands Mayor Anna C. Little (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 6.
Ohio: House CD 14: Dale Blanchard (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: former New Mexico Governor Gary Earl Johnson (Libertarian) - switched affiliation away from Republican. Presidential Primary updates: VA-D, SC-D, SC-R
by Tony Roza
President Barack Hussein Obama is the sole candidate to qualify for the Saturday 28 January 2012 South Carolina and the Tuesday 6 March 2012 Virginia Democratic primaries. Since only one candidate met the filing requirements, that candidate, President Barack Hussein Obama, is declared the winner and the primaries will not be held. In South Carolina, the 28 January/3 March precinct reorganization will be considered the 1st step in the delegate selection process. President Obama will receive all 56 pledged delegates from South Carolina and the 106 pledged delegates from Virginia.
The South Carolina Republican Party will hold a Saturday 21 January 2012 Primary in violation of RNC Rule 15(b)(1) which states "... South Carolina ... may begin their processes at any time on or after February 1...". Subsequently, Rule 16(a) indicates that South Carolina will forfeit 50% of their 50 National Convention delegates. The pre-penalty process had South Carolina binding 3 delegates in each of the 7 Congressional Districts winner-take-all, 26 At-Large delegates winner-take-all per statewide vote, plus 3 Party Leader Delegates. The post-penalty process will have South Carolina binding 2 delegates in each of the 7 Congressional Districts winner-take-all and 11 At-Large delegates winner-take-all statewide.
16 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 21: state Senator Michael J. Rubio (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 20: Les Winston (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 1: Harold L. Bailey (Democratic) - added; Jimmy Lee Tillman, II (Republican) - added. House CD 2: Brian Woodworth (Republican) - added. House CD 3: Jim Falvey (Republican) - added; Laurel Lambert Schmidt (Green) - added. House CD 4: Jorge Zavala (Democratic) - added. House CD 9: Simon Ribeiro (Democratic) - added. House CD 13: Frank L. Metzger (Republican) - added. House CD 14: Jonathan Farnick (Democratic) - added. House CD 18: Darrel Miller (Republican) - added.
Nebraska: Senate Class 1: Senator E. Benjamin "Ben" Nelson (Democratic) - Open Seat - retiring.
New Jersey: House CD 9: Congressman William J. "Bill" Pascrell, Jr. (Democratic) - incumbent in CD 8 running in CD 9.
Ohio: House CD 15: Patrick "Pat" Lang (Democratic) - added. House CD 16: former Congressman John A. Boccieri (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
2012 OR-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Oregon Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
National Convention delegates are proportionally bound to Presidential candidates according to the statewide vote in the Tuesday 15 May 2012 Presidential Primary.
This is a vote by mail primary. Voters have until 8 PM local time to return the completed ballot to either the county election office or a designated drop site -- postmarks do not count.
In addition, 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of Oregon's Republican Party, will attend the convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
National Convention Delegates are bound through the 2nd ballot unless released by the candidate or the candidate receives less than 35% of the votes.
National Convention delegates are elected at the Saturday 23 June 2012 District Conventions according to the results of the primary. There are 4 ballots: 1 for each the District's 3 delegates and 1 for the 10 statewide At-Large delegates. The delegate candidate(s) receiving the most votes will attend the National Convention.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here. Find our Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates here.
31 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: Senate Class 1: Michael F. Meyer (Independent) - added. House CD 7: Jaime Alfredo Vasquez (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Lee Whitnum (Progressive, Democratic) - previously listed as Democratic.
District of Columbia: Delegate to the House of Representatives: Michael Augustus "Matthew" Lee (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 1: Congressman Bobby Lee Rush (Democratic) - added as candidate; Clifford M. Russell, Jr. (Democratic) - added; Fred Smith (Democratic) - added. House CD 3: Arthur J. "Art" Jones (Republican) - added. House CD 4: Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 5: Dan Schmitt (Republican) - added. House CD 6: Tim Ritter (Democratic) - added. House CD 7: Jacques A. Conway (Democratic) - added; Congressman Danny K. Davis (Democratic) - added as candidate. House CD 8: Robert Gregory Canfield (Republican) - added. House CD 9: Susanne Atanus (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Kane County Clerk John A. "Jack" Cunningham (Republican) - added; Diane M. Harris (Republican) - added. House CD 13: former Madison County School Board Member Michael "Mike" Firsching (Republican) - added. House CD 15: Angela Michael (Democratic) - added. House CD 18: Steve Waterworth (Democratic) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 7: former Edison Mayor Jun H. Choi (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Ohio: House CD 3: Columbus Councilmember Priscilla R. Tyson (Democratic) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: John Morton (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 35: Patrick Shearer (Democratic) - Pending. House CD 36: Max Martin (Democratic) - Pending.
Presidential Candidates: John Douglas Blyth (Independent) - added; Phil Davison (Boston Tea) - apparently not a candidate; Adrienne Hirschfelder (No Party Affiliation) - added; Robert W. Milnes (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate; Leroy Saunders (Independent) - added; Anthony Ray "Tony" Smitherman (Not readily classifiable) - added. 2012 AR-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of Arkansas has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Special County Convention Meetings are held from Monday 23 April through Friday 11 May 2012 to elect delegates to the Special District Conventions. In June, the Special District Conventions will, according to the results of the Presidential Primary, elect the National Convention District delegates. There is no formal system applied in the Special Meetings to relate the presidential preference of the participants to the choice of the meeting's delegates.
National Convention District and At-Large delegates are bound to Presidential candidates by the results of the Tuesday 22 May 2012 Presidential Primary.
- In each Congressional District, if a candidate receives a majority of the vote that candidate is allocated all 3 of the district's delegates. Otherwise, the candidate with the most votes receives 2 delegates and the candidate with the next highest number of votes is allocated 1 delegate.
- The At-Large delegates are allocated to Presidential contenders based on the statewide primary results. Each presidential candidate receiving 15% of the statewide vote receives 1 delegate. If a presidential candidate receives a majority of the statewide vote, that candidate is allocated the remaining at-large delegates. Otherwise, the remaining delegates are proportionally allocated to the 3 highest vote-getters.
In addition, 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Arkansas's Republican Party, will attend the convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
National Convention Delegates are bound through the first ballot unless they are released by the candidate.
National Convention District delegates are elected at the Saturday 9 June 2012 Special District Convention according to the results of the primary.
National Convention At-Large delegates are elected at the Saturday 23 June 2012 State Committee Meeting according to the results of the primary.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
6 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Congressman Christopher Scott "Chris" Murphy (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic.
Florida: House CD 13: Andrew Saltman (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Kentucky: House CD 4: Ben Dusing (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 26: David Sanchez (Democratic) - Pending (intends to re-file when the new Congressional District maps are finalized). House CD 33: Kenneth D. Sanders (Democratic) - added; Tarrant County Justice of the Peace Manuel T. Valdez (Democratic) - added.
2012 Democratic and Republican Delegate Allocation Update
by Tony Roza
The Democratic Convention has now a total of 5,555 delegates votes with 2,778 needed to nominate.
- Ohio changed: -22 district delegates, -8 at-large delegates. Total: 191 delegate votes. Ohio looses 22 District and 8 At-Large (20% Stage III) bonus delegates. Ohio Governor John Richard Kasich (Republican) signed HB 369 on 15 December 2011. This bill moved the state's Presidential primary from Tuesday 12 June 2012 to Tuesday 6 March 2012.
- Pennsylvania changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate (a DNC member). Total: 250 delegate votes.
- Texas changed: +16 district delegates, +5 at-large delegates. Total: 288 delegate votes. On 16 December 2011, a U.S. District Court panel set the 2012 Presidential Primary Election for Tuesday 3 April 2012. The state should receive a 10% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage II (April).
- Unassigned changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate (a DNC member). Total: 5 delegate votes.
The Republican Convention has now a total of 2,286 delegates with 1,144 needed to nominate.
- Oregon changed: -1 one legislative chamber bonus delegate. Total: 28 delegates. Oregon will apparently NOT receive a Legislative Bonus delegate for their state House gains (30 Republicans of 60 tie) and January 2011 power sharing agreement.
- Virginia changed: -1 all legislative chambers bonus delegate. Total: 49 delegates. Virginia will apparently NOT receive a Legislative Bonus delegate for their state Senate gains (20 Republicans of 40 tie with the Republican Lt. Governor to break tie votes) of November 2011.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Delegates shows that by Tuesday 24 April 2012, states representing 61.48% of the total number of Democratic delegate votes will have begun their delegate selection process and; by Saturday 24 March 2012, states representing 51.92% of the total number of Republican delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
40 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 20: Congressman Sam Farr (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 17.
Illinois: House CD 8: DuPage Regional Superintendent of Schools Darlene J. Ruscitti (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Montana: Superintendent of Public Instruction: Public Instruction Superintendent Denise Juneau (Democratic) - added as candidate.
New Jersey: Senate Class 1: Omar Lamont Dyer now (Democratic, Independent) - previously listed as Democratic.
Texas (sync'd to Democratic and Republican party candidate lists): Senate Class 1: Virgil Bierschwale (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Stanley Garza (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; Nick Latham (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Eric Roberson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; John Sharp (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 3: John Lingenfelder, Jr. (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 4: James Kenneth "Jim" Johnson (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 6: Itamar Gelbman (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Phillip Scott Robinson (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 8: former Conroe School Board Trustee Christopher Arthur "Chris" Irish (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 11: Marven Wade "Wade" Brown (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 12: William E. "Bill" McCune (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 14: Jeff Blanding (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; John M. Faulk, Sr (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 16: Barbara Carrasco (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Corey Dean Roen (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Jerome Tilghman (Democratic) - added. House CD 18: Congressman Sheila Jackson Lee (Democratic) - added as candidate; Michael Perez "Mike" McDonald (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 21: Richard Mack (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 25: Donna Campbell (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Ralph Pruyn (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 26: David Sanchez (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 30: Dan Morenoff (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 33: David Edwin Cozad (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; David William De Lapaz (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; former Mayor of Highland Village William Clarence "Bill" Lawrence (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 26; Al Lee (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Monte Mitchell (Republican) - added; John William Stacy (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 34: Elmo M. Aycock, III (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate; William F. "Bill" Tofte (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 10. House CD 35: Patrick Shearer (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 36: Travis Bryan (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Max Martin (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. Railroad Commissioner 3: Railroad Commissioner Barry Smitherman (Republican) - added as candidate.
2012 NV-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Nevada Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Nevada's delegates to the Republican National Convention are bound to presidential contenders based on the results of the Saturday 4 February 2012 Precinct Caucuses. Each Precinct Caucus casts votes for Presidential candidates and chooses the precinct's delegates to the County Conventions.
- National Convention delegates are to be bound proportionally to Presidential contenders based on the caucus vote statewide. A 3.57% threshold is required. All delegates, including the 3 party leaders delegates (the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party) are bound for the 1st ballot at the National Convention by the caucus vote.
Circa March 2012, Republican Party County Conventions convene. Delegates to the Nevada State Republican Convention are chosen.
On Saturday 5 May and Sunday 6 May 2012, the Nevada State Republican Convention convenes to elect the state's National Convention delegates according to the results of the Precinct Caucuses.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
25 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: House CD 5: state Representative Christopher G. "Chris" Donovan (Democratic, Working Families) - previously listed as Democratic.
Kentucky: House CD 4: Boone County Judge-Executive Gary W. Moore (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 3: Bill Taylor (Democratic) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Andrew Paredes "Cas" Castanuela (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Timothy Terell "Tim" Day (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; Michael Louis "Mike" George (Republican) - apparently not a candidate; John Morton (Democratic) - added; Eric Roberson (Democratic) - added. House CD 3: Harry Pierce (Republican) - added. House CD 9: Steve Mueller (Republican) - added. House CD 10: Ernie Beltz, Jr. (Republican) - added. House CD 12: Dave Robinson (Democratic) - added. House CD 15: Johnny Partain (Democratic) - added. House CD 21: Elaine Henderson (Democratic) - added. House CD 27: Don Middlebrook (Republican) - added. House CD 28: William Hayward (Republican) - added. House CD 30: Travis Washington, Jr. (Republican) - added. House CD 34: John Grunwald (Republican) - added; Paul B. Haring (Republican) - added; Murphy Alade Junaid (Democratic) - added. House CD 35: Rob Roark (Republican) - added. House CD 36: Stephen Takach (Republican) - added. Railroad Commissioner 2: Becky Berger (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: James Hedges (Prohibition Party) - apparently not a candidate; Thomas L. "Tom" Knapp (Libertarian) - apparently not a candidate. 2012 NH-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The New Hampshire Republican State Committee has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
New Hampshire's delegates to the Republican National Convention are bound to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in the Tuesday 10 January 2012 New Hampshire Primary.
- National Convention delegates are to be bound proportionally to Presidential contenders based on the primary vote statewide. A 10% threshold is required.
- The individual National Convention Delegates are chosen by the Presidential candidates.
The January date puts New Hampshire's Republican delegate selection plan in violation of the Rules of the Republican Party. Rule 15(b)(1) states
"No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to the first Tuesday in March in the year in which a national convention is held. Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after February 1 in the year in which a national convention is held ..."
Rule 16(a) indicates that New Hampshire will forfeit 50% of their National Convention delegates.
"If any state or state Republican Party violates The Rules of the Republican Party relating to the timing ... the number of delegates to the national convention from that state shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) ... "
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party, will attend the convention as NON-VOTING delegates (part of the penalty) by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
20 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Kentucky: House CD 4: state Representative Alecia Webb-Edgington (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts (redistricting updates): House CD 2: Congressman James P. "Jim" McGovern (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3. House CD 3: Congressman Nicola S. "Niki" Tsongas (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 5. House CD 5: Congressman Edward John "Ed" Markey (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 7. House CD 7: Congressman Michael E. "Mike" Capuano (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 8. House CD 8: Congressman Stephen F. Lynch (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 9.
Ohio: Senate Class 1: Joseph R. DeMare (Green) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 4: state Representative Jim Christiana (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Addie Dainell Allen (Democratic) - added; Jason Gibson (Democratic) - added; former state Representative Paul Sadler (Democratic) - added. House CD 20: Ezra Johnson (Democratic) - added. House CD 23: Craig T. Stephens (Independent) - added. House CD 27: former Brownsville City Commissioner Anthony P. Troiani (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 34. House CD 34: Marc Young (Republican) - added. Railroad Commissioner 2: Beryl Burgess (Republican) - added; Dale Henry (Democratic) - added.
West Virginia: Senate Class 1: K. Scott "Cody" Regan (Democratic) - added. House CD 2: Michael Davis (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Robert David Steele (Reform) - added. 43 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 13: Marilyn M. Singleton (Unaffiliated) - added.
Colorado: House CD 7: Joe Coors (Republican) - added.
Iowa: House CD 1: Steve Rathje (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Massachusetts: House CD 4: Martin Benjamin Farren (Democratic) - added.
New Jersey: Senate Class 1: Omar Lamont Dyer (Democratic) - added. House CD 13: Omar Lamont Dyer (Democratic) - added.
Oregon: Commissioner of Labor and Industries: state Senator Bruce Starr (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 12: Keith J. Rothfus (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 4.
Rhode Island: House CD 2: Michael J. Gardiner (Republican) - added; John O. Matson (Democratic) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: Gloria Bromell Tinubu (Democratic) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Joe Agris (Republican) - added; Ben Gambini (Republican) - added; retired State Appeals Court Judge Charles Holcomb (Republican) - added. House CD 3: Josh Caesar (Republican) - added. House CD 7: James Cargas (Democratic) - added. House CD 14: former Congressman Nicholas V. "Nick" Lampson (Democratic) - added; Mark Mansius (Republican) - added; Bill Sargent (Republican) - added. House CD 15: David Cantu (Democratic) - added; Jane Cross Cross (Democratic) - added. House CD 20: David L. Rosa (Republican) - added. House CD 21: Richard Mack (Republican) - added. House CD 22: Lakesha D. "Kesha" Rogers (Democratic) - added. House CD 24: Patrick McGehearty (Democratic) - added. House CD 27: Denise Saenz Blanchard (Democratic) - added; Congressman Randolph Blake "Blake" Farenthold (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 34. House CD 31: Stephen Wyman (Democratic) - added. House CD 34: Jessica Bradshaw Bradshaw (Republican) - added; William A. "Rusty" Faulk, Jr. (Republican) - passed away; Adela Garza (Republican) - added. House CD 35: Patrick Shearer (Democratic) - added. House CD 36: Jerry L. Doyle (Republican) - added; Max Martin (Democratic) - added. Railroad Commissioner 3: Jaime Perez (Libertarian) - added.
Virginia: House CD 11: Joseph F. "Joe" Galdo (Green) - added.
Washington: Senate Class 1: Arthur "Art" Coday, Jr. (Republican) - added. House CD 10: Stanley L. K. Flemming (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Emil I. Bernard (Republican) - added; James A. "Jim" Hayden (Independent) - added; Roland Durphy Menard, III (Independent) - added; Timothy Jay Moore (Republican) - added; Howard Taylor Mark (Independent) - previously listed as No Party Affiliation. TX primaries move from Tu 6 Mar to Tu 3 Apr / OH primaries move from Tu 12 June to Tu 6 Mar
by Tony Roza
On 16 December 2011, a U.S. District Court panel approved an agreement between the Texas Democratic Party and the Republican Party of Texas. The order moves the 2012 General Primary Election to Tuesday 3 April, the County and Senatorial District Conventions to either Saturday 14 April or Saturday 21 April (party's choice), and the Runoff Election to Tuesday 5 June.
- The Texas Republican Presidential Primary is moved from Tuesday 6 March to Tuesday 3 April 2012. Delegates will be allocated proportionally.
- The Texas Democrat Presidential Primary is moved from Tuesday 6 March to Tuesday 3 April 2012. The state should receive a 10% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage II (April). If awarded, the bonus would increase the party's delegation from 267 to 288 delegates.
- The Texas Elections for Statewide offices and Congress is moved from Tuesday 6 March to Tuesday 3 April 2012.
On 15 December 2011, Ohio Governor John Richard Kasich (Republican) signed HB 369. The law moves the statewide and Presidential primaries from Tuesday 12 June 2012 to Tuesday 6 March 2012.
- The Ohio Republican Presidential Primary is moved from Tuesday 12 June to Tuesday 6 March 2012. The primary is likely to be a "winner-take-most" and not "winner-take-all" so there would be no issues regarding the ban on holding "winner-take-all" primaries before 1 April.
- The Ohio Democrat Presidential Primary is moved from Tuesday 12 June to Tuesday 6 March 2012. The state is expected to loose the 20% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage III (May and June). This would decrease the number of delegates from 221 to 191.
- The Ohio Elections for Statewide offices and Congress is moved from Tuesday 12 June to Tuesday 6 March 2012.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Kentucky: House CD 4: Congressman Geoffrey C. "Geoff" Davis (Republican) - Open Seat - retiring.
Maryland: House CD 3: Dave Lockwood (Democratic) - added. House CD 5: state Delegate Anthony J. "Tony" O'Donnell (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Herbert William "Herb" Robinson (Democratic) - decided to run for the House CD 4 seat.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Ricardo Sauceda "Ric" Sanchez (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Utah: House CD 4: Congressman James David "Jim" Matheson (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 2.
Virginia: House CD 11: Steven Yeh (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: House CD 1: former state Senator Michael Angelo "Mike" Oliverio, II (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
2012 WA-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Washington State Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
On Saturday 3 March 2012, Precinct Caucuses meet to choose the precinct's delegates to the County Convention or Legislative District Caucuses. There is no formal system applied in the Precinct Caucuses to relate the presidential preference of the Caucus participants to the choice of the precinct's delegates.
- The Precinct Caucuses conduct a non-bind Presidential straw poll. Since no National Convention delegates are bound to Presidential contenders, these caucuses do not violate the RNC's timing rule 15(b). The rule states that no primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to Tuesday 6 March 2012 except for Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.
From Saturday 17 March through Saturday 21 April 2012 Republican Party County Conventions and Legislative District Caucuses convene to choose delegates to the State Convention. There is no formal system applied in the Convention/Caucus to relate the presidential preference of the Convention/Caucus delegates to the State Convention.
The Washington Republican State Convention meets from Thursday 31 May through Saturday 2 June 2012. National Convention delegate candidates declare their Presidential preference at the time they are nominated. If elected, these delegates are bound for the 1st ballot at the National Convention
- The State convention meets in Congressional District Caucuses to directly elect the state's National Convention District delegates.
- The State convention meets as a whole to directly elect the state's At-Large National Convention delegates.
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Washington's Republican Party, will attend the convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 13: Marilyn Singleton (Independent) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 1: David Weeks (Independent) - added.
Illinois: House CD 14: Dennis Anderson (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 8: Brian Hetrick (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 15: Joyce S. Johnson (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: House CD 13: Marisha Agana (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 12: Congressman Jason Altmire (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 4.
Texas: House CD 18: Maurice Duhon (Independent) - added. House CD 22: Doug Blatt (Democratic) - added.
2012 FL-D Presidential Caucus Update
by Tony Roza
The Florida Democratic Party has updated their 2012 Delegate Selection Plan.
- Florida will hold a non-binding Democratic Presidential Primary on Tuesday 31 January 2012. The primary has no effect on delegate allocation.
- Delegates are pledged to presidential contenders per the results of the Saturday 5 May 2012 County Caucuses. Note that the Congressional District delegates are to be allocated using the boundaries from the 2000 rather than the 2010 Census.
- The state receives a 20% pledged delegate bonus for starting in Stage III (May and June).
- National Convention delegates are elected during the Saturday 2 June - Sunday 3 June 2012 State Convention according to the results of the County Caucuses.
The Democratic Convention has now a total of 5,564 delegates votes with 2,783 needed to nominate.
- Florida changed: +16 district delegates, +5 at-large delegates. Total: 300 delegate votes.
21 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: Senate Class 1: Mervin Leon Evans (Democratic) now running for House CD 37.
Georgia: House CD 4: J. Chris Vaughn (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 7: Steve Davis (Republican) - added; Jason Sharp (Libertarian) - added. House CD 8: Patrick Scates (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: state Representative Thomas Patrick "Tom" Conroy (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Missouri: Lieutenant Governor: Saline County Commissioner Becky L. Plattner (Democratic) - added. Secretary of State: Ryan Dillon (Democratic) - added; state Representative Shane Schoeller (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: Commissioner of Insurance: Mike Causey (Republican) - added. Superintendent of Public Instruction: Richard Alexander (Republican) - added; Ray E. Martin (Republican) - added; Union County Board of Education Member David Scholl (Republican) - added.
North Dakota: Governor: state Senator Ryan M. Taylor (Democratic) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Craig James (Republican) - added. House CD 14: John Gay (Republican) - added.
Virginia: Attorney General: state Delegate Robert B. "Rob" Bell (Republican) - added.
Washington: Secretary of State: former state Senator Kathleen Drew (Democratic) - added; state Representative Zack Hudgins (Democratic) - added.
West Virginia: House CD 3: Lee Bias (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Laurie Roth (Independent) - added. 25 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: House CD 14: John W. Sawyer, III (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 7: Mmoja Ajabu (Independent) - added; J. D. Miniear (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 1: John James La Ferla (Democratic) - added.
Massachusetts: House CD 10: Matias Temperley (Republican) - added.
Missouri: Senate Class 1: Mark S. Memoly (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 2: Antoinette Morris "Toni" Morris (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: Senate Class 1: Scott Allen Rupert (Independent) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 4: Tanya Elizabeth Bond (Democratic) - added. House CD 15: J. Jackson Eaton (Democratic) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: Deborah B. "Debbie" Harwell (Republican) - added; James Lawrence "Jim" Mader (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 6: Phillip Scott Robinson (Democratic) - added. House CD 16: Corey Dean Roen (Republican) - added. House CD 22: Barbara J. Carlson (Republican) - added. House CD 34: Marvin Kirby Roberts (Republican) - added.
Washington: House CD 8: Karen Porterfield (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: George Edward Bernard (Independent) - added; Brandon Scott Dean (No Party Affiliation) - added; David Christian Finley (American Independent) - added; Ronald Keith Hebert (Libertarian) - added; Joseph Andrew Jensen (Independent) - added; Dean D. Morstad (Independent) - added; Melinda Pillsbury-Foster (Democratic) - added; Barry Joe Ratcliffe (No Party Affiliation) - added. DNC RBL Approves State Delegate Selection plans - waivers granted - no sanctions
by Tony Roza
Virginia DNC Member Frank Leone reports that the Democratic National Committee Rules and Bylaws Committee has approved the 2012 state delegate selection plans.
The 4 pre-window states, Iowa (3 January 2011), New Hampshire (10 January), Nevada (21 January), and South Carolina (28 January) were granted waivers to move to the earlier dates.
Missouri (7 February) was granted a wavier to move earlier so they could use the state primary.
The original rules called for Iowa to begin no earlier than 6 February 2012, New Hampshire-- 14 February 2012, Nevada-- 18 February 2012, and South Carolina-- 28 February 2012, and all other states-- Tuesday 6 March 2012.
7 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Colorado: House CD 6: Perry Haney (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3.
Florida: House CD 11: Thomas Clark Castellano (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Massachusetts: House CD 4: Boston City Councilor Michael P. "Mike" Ross (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 27: former Edinburg City Manager Ramiro Garza (Democratic) - added; Cameron County District Attorney Armando R. Villalobos (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 34.
Presidential Candidates: Phil Davison (Boston Tea) - added; Jim Rogers (Democratic) - added. 6 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Colorado: House CD 2: state Senator Kevin Lundberg (Republican) - added.
Indiana: Senate Class 1: Bob Thomas (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 8: state Representative Fred F. Steen, II (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 16: Congressman Betty Sue Sutton (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 13.
Texas: House CD 6: David Alameel (Democratic) - added.
Vermont: Governor: state Senator Randy Brock (Republican) - added.
14 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 3: former state Senator Amanda Aguirre (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 53: Nicholas Allen "Nick" Popaditch (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 51.
Florida: House CD 5: H. David Werder (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: Steven "Steve" Schonberg (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 27: former Congressman Alan Mark Grayson (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 26.
Georgia: Corrected listings for candidates with similar names. House CD 2: Rick Allen (Republican). House CD 12: Richard W. "Rick" Allen (Republican).
Indiana: House CD 8: Terry A. White (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Maryland: House CD 2: state Senator Nancy Jacobs (Republican) - added. House CD 4: Anne Arundel County Councilman G. James "Jamie" Benoit (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Montana: Governor: state Senator Jeff Essmann (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: state Senator Dominic Pileggi (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Wisconsin: House CD 3: former state Secretary of Veterans Affairs Ray Boland (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Roy Dean Sturges (No Party Affiliation) - added. 12 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: Senate Class 1: Daniel J. "Dan" Hughes (Republican) - added; Vincent E. May (American Independent) - added. House CD 9: Robert Leo Silva, II (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 16: David L. Lutrin (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 27.
Georgia: House CD 2: Richard W. "Rick" Allen (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 12.
Presidential Candidates: Gary Dean Deal (Not readily classifiable) - added; Darren Lloyd Dunsmoor (Democratic) - added; John H. Lee (Republican) - added; Anne Therese Lester (Independent) - added; Steven Douglas Mabey (Not readily classifiable) - added; Terrance James O'Hara (No Party Affiliation) - added; Cornelius Joseph O'Leary, Jr. (Not readily classifiable) - added. 8 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 51: Nicholas Allen Popaditch (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1 Special: Pavel Goberman (filed with the FEC as No Party Affiliation) - previously listed as Republican.
Texas: House CD 5: Tom Berry (Democratic) - added. House CD 10: Daniel Scott "Dan" Grant (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 25.
West Virginia: Governor: Ralph William "Bill" Clark (Republican) - added. Commissioner of Agriculture: John "OB" Oblinger (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Herman Cain (Republican) - on 3 December 2011 stated "As of today, with a lot of prayer and soul searching, I am suspending my presidential campaign". Harley Mikkelson (Green) - added. Commentary: NECESSARY, YES: AND NOT NECESSARILY EVIL Thoughts on Dissent and its inherent Limitation
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Thoughts on Dissent and
its inherent Limitation
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
12 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: House CD 14: Lee James Titchworth (Republican) - added. House CD 20: Juan Eliel Garcia (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 17: state Senator David M. "Dave" Koehler (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Indiana: House CD 6: Andrew Phipps (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 6: former state Senator Alex X. Mooney (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 3: former state Representative Joyce Beatty (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: Brian Kelly (Democratic) - added; Robert Allen Mansfield (Republican) - added; state Senator Dominic Pileggi (Republican) - added.
South Dakota: House At-Large: Matt Varilek (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 35: County Tax Assessor-Collector Sylvia S. Romo (Democratic) - added.
Utah: Governor: former state Representative Morgan Philpot (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 2.
18 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
American Samoa: Governor: Governor Togiola T.A. Tulafono (Democratic) - Open Office - at term limit; Lolo Letalu Matalasi Moliga (Independent) - added; Faoa A. Sunia (Democratic) - added.
California: Senate Class 1: Gail Lightfoot (Libertarian) - added. House CD 16: Loraine Goodwin (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 19; Johnny Tacherra (Republican) - added; Brian Whelan (Republican) - added. House CD 49: Dick Eiden (Independent) - added.
Maryland: House CD 1: Wendy Rosen (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: state Senator David R. Brinkley (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1 Special: former state Senator Suzanne Bonamici (Democratic) received the endorsement of the Independent Party of Oregon.
Texas: House CD 15: Jim Kuiken (Republican) - added; Ruben Ramirez (Democratic) - added. House CD 36: Michael Cole (Libertarian) - added.
Virginia: Governor: Attorney General Kenneth T. "Ken" Cuccinelli, II (Republican) - added. Attorney General: Attorney General Kenneth T. "Ken" Cuccinelli, II (Republican) - Open Office.
Presidential Candidates: former Salt Lake City Mayor Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson (Justice Party) - added. Former Louisiana Governor Charles E. "Buddy" Roemer, III (Republican) - On 30 November 2011 stated "... I officially announce that I will seek the Americans Elect nomination as a proud Republican ..." 2012 IN-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Indiana Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Indiana's National Convention District delegates are bound according to the results of the Tuesday 8 May 2012 Presidential Primary. Each Congressional District binds, for the first ballot at the National Convention, three delegates to the candidate receiving the most votes in that District. In addition, the Republican Party State Convention delegates are directly elected by the primary.
The National Convention delegates are elected during the State Convention-- the District delegates on Friday 8 June and the At-Large delegates on Saturday 9 June. The At-Large delegates are unbound and are not required to reflect, in any way, the results of the primary. The National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Indiana's Republican Party, will attend the National Convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Illinois: House CD 8: Congressman Joe Walsh (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 14.
Maryland: Senate Class 1: David Jones (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: House CD 4: Congressman Barney Frank (Democratic) - Open Seat - Retiring; Bristol County District Attorney C. Samuel "Sam" Sutter (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 10: New York City Councilman Charles Barron (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: House CD 3: Richard C. "Rich" Ehrbar, III (Libertarian) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 3: Jean "Lady 'J'" Howard-Hill (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 36: Ky Griffin (Republican) - added. Railroad Commissioner 2: state Representative Warren Chisum (Republican) - added; Christi Craddick (Republican) - added; Roland Sledge (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: Governor: Bill Maloney (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Michael Don Jenkins (Write-in) - added. 20 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: Senate Class 1: John Edward Boruff (Republican) - added. House CD 4: Jack Uppal (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: Erik J. Smitt (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 5. House CD 45: John Webb (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 40.
Georgia: House CD 9: Hunter Bicknell (Republican) - added.
Michigan: House CD 5: Thomas Steven "Tom" Wassa (Republican) - added.
Mississippi: House CD 2: Cobby Mondale Williams (Independent) - previously listed as Democratic.
New York: Senate Class 1: Eric Sundwall (Libertarian) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 12: Jack W. Brosch (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 2: Frederick L. "Fred" Kundrata, III (Republican) - added. House CD 13: Lisa Regula Meyer (Democratic) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: Wallace Herbert "Jay" Jordan, Jr. (Republican) - added; Gary Montgomery Stephens (Democratic) - previously listed as Republican.
Texas: House CD 1: Shirley Jonetta McKellar (Democratic) - added. House CD 20: state Representative Joaquin Castro (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 35. House CD 35: former Congressman Ciro D. Rodriguez (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 23. House CD 36: Kim Morrell (Republican) - added.
Utah: House CD 4: James Jay Francis "Jay" Cobb (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: David Andrew Christenson (No Party Affiliation) - added; Terry Wayne Wheelock (Independent) - added. 9 changes to the candidate list, Congressman Gonzalez (D, TX-H20) retiring
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 4: state Senator Ron Gould (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 4: state Senator John Jay Lee (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Ohio: House CD 1: state Representative Connie Pillich (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: House CD 20: Congressman Charles A. Gonzalez (Democratic) - Open Seat - retiring. House CD 33: Fort Worth Councilwoman Kathleen Hicks (Democratic) - added; state Representative Marc Veasey (Democratic) - added. House CD 34: Congressman Randolph Blake "Blake" Farenthold (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 27.
Virginia: Lieutenant Governor: Shaun D. Broy (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for Governor.
Presidential Candidates: Santford Ripley Boley, III (No Party Affiliation) - added. 22 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: Senate Class 1: John Jeffrey Lyon (Republican) - added; Warren Stewart, Sr. (Democratic) - added.
California: Senate Class 1: Jonathan Durand Owens (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 1: Calen Fretts (Libertarian) - added.
Georgia: House CD 12: Brian Albert Apostol Nafarrete (Republican) - added.
New Mexico: Senate Class 1: Jon Ross Barrie (Independent) - added. House CD 3: Sean Michael Closson (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: House CD 12: James Reese (Democratic) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 13: Joseph James "Joe" Rooney (Republican) - added.
Rhode Island: House CD 2: Michael G. Riley (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 4: James Gordon "Jimmy" Tobias, Sr. (Democratic) - added. House CD 7: Andrew Preston "Preston" Brittain (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 30: Taj Clayton (Democratic) - added.
Utah: House CD 2: state Representative David "Dave" Clark (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Zubi Diamond (Republican) - added; Shawn James Hogan (Libertarian) - added; Dale Michael Hoinoski (Independent) - added; Dale Loren Johnson, Sr. (Not readily classifiable) - added; Christopher Williams "Chris" Langer (No Party Affiliation) - added; Pogo Mochello Reese (Unaffiliated) - added; Robert Carr "Robby" Wells, Jr. (No Party Affiliation) - added; Frank Michael Weyer (No Party Affiliation) - added. 8 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska: House At-Large: Jim C. McDermott (Libertarian) - added.
Arizona: House CD 9: state Senator David Schapira (Democratic) - added.
Missouri: Governor: Bill Randles (Republican) - added; Dave Spence (Republican) - added. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder (Republican) - announced he will run for re-election and endorsed Dave Spence (Republican) for Governor.
North Carolina: House CD 10: state Representative Patsy Keever (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: House CD 3: state Representative Ted Celeste (Democratic) - added.
Virginia: Governor: Shaun D. Broy (Democratic) - added.
2012 UT-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Utah Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
On Thursday 15 March 2012, Neighborhood Precinct Caucuses meet to elect the State Convention Delegates.
The Utah State Republican Convention convenes on Saturday 21 April 2012 to elect the National Convention delegates.
All of Utah's delegates to the Republican National Convention are bound, for the first ballot at the National Convention, to the Presidential contender who receives the most votes in the Tuesday 26 June 2012 Presidential Primary. Note that the delegates are elected before they are bound.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Florida: House CD 1: William "Cleave" Drummond, II (Reform) - added. House CD 2: state Representative Leonard L. Bembry (Democratic) - added.
Hawaii: House CD 2: former state Senator Gary L. Hooser (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Maryland: House CD 6: John Delaney (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 28: Brian W. Brooks (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
North Dakota: House At-Large: Shane Goettle (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1 Special: Steven Reynolds (Progressive) - added.
Pennsylvania: House CD 4: state Representative Jim Christiana (Democratic) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 4: state Senator Eric Stewart (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 4: John Ray "Johnny" Cooper (Republican) - added.
2012 VT-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Vermont Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Vermont's delegates to the Republican National Convention are bound to Presidential contenders based on the state's winner-take-most Tuesday 6 March 2012 Presidential Primary.
- The presidential contender receiving the most votes in the state receives all of the state's National Convention District delegates - Vermont has but 1 Congressional District.
- At-Large National Convention delegates are bound to presidential contenders according to the statewide vote. If one candidate receives a majority of the vote, that candidate receives all of the At-Large delegates. Otherwise, the At-Large delegates are proportionally bound to those candidates receiving at least 20% of the vote.
Delegates are bound for the first ballot unless the candidate is not placed into nomination or withdraws.
The 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Vermont Republican Party, will attend the convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position.
National Convention Delegates are are elected according to the results of the primary at the Saturday 19 May 2012 State Convention.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
2012 Republican Delegate Allocation Update
by Tony Roza
The Republican Convention has now a total of 2,288 delegates with 1,145 needed to nominate.
- Mississippi changed: +1 bonus delegate for Republican control of all legislative chambers. Total: 40 delegates. On 8 November 2011, voters elected at least 62 Republicans (out of 122 members) to the state House of Representatives and elected 30 Republicans (out of 52 members) to the state Senate.
- Virginia changed: +1 bonus delegate for Republican control of all legislative chambers. Total: 50 delegates. On 8 November 2011, voters elected 66 Republicans (out of 100 members) to the state House of Delegates and elected 20 Republicans (out of 40 members) to the state Senate where Lieutenant Governor William T. "Bill" Bolling (Republican) holds the tie-breaking vote.
The delegate allocation details can be found here: Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation
11 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alabama: House CD 1: Peter Hunter Gounares (Republican) - added.
Arizona: House CD 2: Dave Sitton (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 3: Sutter County Deputy District Attorney Tony Carlos (Republican) - previously listed as Democratic. House CD 26: Ventura County Supervisor Steve Bennett (Democratic) - added. House CD 30: Vince Gilmore (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 1: Allen Quist (Republican) - added.
New Hampshire: Governor: Kevin Smith (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 2: Michael Assad (Republican) - added.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: Sam Rohrer (Republican) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: Horry County Council Chairman Tom Rice (Republican) - added.
Washington: House CD 3: Jon T. Haugen (Democratic) - added.
MA moves 2012 regular primary from from Tue 18 Sep to Thu 6 Sep 2012
by Tony Roza
On 11 November 2011, Massachusetts Governor Deval L. Patrick (Democratic) signed HB 3788. The bill moves the regular non-Presidential Primary from Tuesday 18 September 2012 to Thursday 6 September 2012. The previous date for the primary, Tuesday 18 September 2011, conflicts with Rosh Hashanah and violates the MOVE Act (does not allow sufficient time between the Primary and General Elections for overseas ballots to be returned).
"SECTION 8A. (a) Notwithstanding section 28 of chapter 53 of the General Laws, or any other general or special law to the contrary, the state primary for the calendar year 2012 shall be held on Thursday, September 6."
20 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 2: John Lervold (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 3: Sutter County Deputy District Attorney Tony Carlos - added - correction: Mr. Carols is a Republican. We had incorrectly listed him as a Democrat.
Florida: House CD 9: Jonathan Michael Snow (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 9: A.J. O'Neil (Democratic) - added.
Missouri: Lieutenant Governor: Mike Carter (Republican) - added; state Senator Brad Lager (Republican) - added; Chris McKee (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 10: Asheville Mayor Terry M. Bellamy (Democratic) - added. Commissioner of Labor: Marlowe Foster (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: House CD 5: Lucas County School Board Member Angela Zimmann (Democratic) - added.
Puerto Rico: Governor: Juan Dalmau (Partido Independentista Puertoriqueño) - added. Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Rafael Cox Alomar (Partido Popular Democrático) - previously listed as Democratic; Juan Manuel "Juanchín" Mercado (Partido Independentista Puertoriqueño) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 9: Memphis City Court Clerk Thomas Long (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 8: Neil Burns (Democratic) - added.
Utah: House CD 2: Chris Stewart (Republican) - added; Howard Wallack (Republican) - added. House CD 4: Saratoga Springs Mayor Mia Love (Republican) - added; state Representative Stephen Eric Sandstrom (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 2.
Presidential Candidates: Jeff Siggins (Write-in) - added. 29 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: Senate Class 1: Elizabeth Emken (Republican) - added. House CD 20: Fresno City Councilman Clinton J. "Clint" Olivier (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 16.
Georgia: House CD 11: Michael Opitz (Republican) - added.
Maryland: Senate Class 1: Christopher John "Chris" Garner (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 7: Michael Allen "Mike" Stahly (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 26: Dorollo Nixon, Jr. (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: Governor: Doug Schell (Republican) - added.
Puerto Rico: Resident Commissioner to the House of Representatives: Rafael Cox Alomar (Democratic) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: Edward Karabees (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: Senate Class 1: Brenda Shivon Lenard (Republican) - added. House CD 1: Alan P. Woodruff (Democratic) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Virgil Bierschwale (Democratic) - added. House CD 33: Charles Wayne "Chuck" Bradley (Republican) - added.
Utah: Senate Class 1: William Currie Barron (Independent) - added.
West Virginia: Senate Class 1: former Gilmer County Schools Superintendent John Bennett (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Daniel J. Bejger (Republican) - added; Michael Fred Bellows (Democratic) - added; Angela Black (Republican) - previously listed as Unaffiliated; William Hobert "Will" Blakley (Democratic) - added; Harry William Braun, III (Independent) - previously listed as Democratic; Thomas Edward "Tom" Burton, III (Independent) - added; Todd Richard Glore (Independent) - added; Lowell S. Goldberg (Democratic) - added; Joseph Mack "Doc" Gould (Republican) - added; Edgar A. Lawson (Republican) - added; Michael Adam Lerman (Independent) - added; Peta Lindsay (Socialism and Liberation - Howard University graduate Peta Lindsay (age 27 in 2011) is the party's Presidential candidate. Yari Osorio (born in Colombia and living in New York City, New York in 2011) is the Vice Presidential candidate. Both candidates are Constitutionally ineligible due to age and being foreign born respectively.) - added; David Allen Louthain (Independent) - added; Robert F. Lowry (Republican) - added. 14 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: Senate Class 1: former Surgeon General Richard Carmona (Democratic) - added.
California: House CD 16: Fresno City Councilman Clinton J. "Clint" Olivier (Republican) - added. House CD 46: Barak Lurie (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 2: Jay Liles (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 6: Leslie Coolidge (Democratic) - added. House CD 10: John Tree (Democratic) - added. House CD 13: Greene County State's Attorney Matthew J. "Matt" Goetten (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: House CD 1: Joel Phelps (Democratic) - added.
Missouri: Lieutenant Governor: state Representative Steven "Steve" Tilley (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Montana: House At-Large: Diane Smith (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 4: state Senator Barbara K. Cegavske (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 10: Newark Councilman Ronald C. "Ron" Rice (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 6: Mike Scala (Democratic) - added.
Utah: Governor: state Representative Kenneth W. "Ken" Sumsion (Republican) - added.
2012 Republican Delegate Allocation Update - Mississippi
by Tony Roza
The Republican Convention has now a total of 2,286 delegates with 1,144 needed to nominate.
- Mississippi changed: +1 Gubernatorial bonus delegate (Phil Bryant elected 8 November 2011), +1 one legislative chamber bonus delegate (state Senate 29 of 52 seats won by Republicans on 8 November 2011). Total: 39 delegates.
Additional legislative bonus delegates may be awarded to Mississippi (there are two undecided state House contests leading to either a 61-61 tie or Republican control with a 63-59 majority) and Virginia (pending provisional ballots and a possible recount, the state Senate may have a 20-20 tie with Republican Lieutenant Governor William T. "Bill" Bolling presiding, State Senate 17 canvas returns here).
The delegate allocation details can be found here: Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
11 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 1: Gary Latanich (Democratic) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 1: Chris Borgia (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Illinois: House CD 12: Chris Miller (Democratic) - added.
Maine: House CD 1: state Senator Jonathan T. E. "Jon" Courtney (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 28: Brian W. Brooks (Republican) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 5: Tom Guild (Democratic) - added.
Oregon: Secretary of State: Knute Buehler (Republican) - added; Randy Pollock (Republican) - added; Paul Damian Wells (Democratic) - added.
Utah: Senate Class 1: Peter Lynn "Pete" Ashdown (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Howard Taylor (No Party Affiliation) - added. 23 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Kentucky: Governor: Governor Steven L. "Steve" Beshear (Democratic) - elected. Secretary of State: Alison Lundergan Grimes (Democratic) - elected. Attorney General: Attorney General John William "Jack" Conway (Democratic) - elected. Treasurer: Treasurer L.J. "Todd" Hollenbach (Democratic) - elected. Auditor of Public Accounts: Adam H. Edelen (Democratic) - elected. Commissioner of Agriculture: James R. Comer (Republican) - elected.
Massachusetts: House CD 1: Congressman Richard E. Neal (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 2. House CD 6: former state Senator Richard R. Tisei (Republican) - added. House CD 9: Congressman William Richard "Bill" Keating (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 10.
Mississippi: Governor: Lieutenant Governor Phil Bryant (Republican) - elected. Lieutenant Governor: Treasurer Tate Reeves (Republican) - elected. Secretary of State: Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann (Republican) - elected. Attorney General: Attorney General Jim Hood (Democratic) - elected. Treasurer: Lynn Fitch (Republican) - elected. Auditor of Public Accounts: Auditor of Public Accounts Stacey E. Pickering (Republican) - elected. Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce: state Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (Republican) - elected. Commissioner of Insurance: Insurance Commissioner Michael Jackson "Mike" Chaney (Republican) - elected.
North Carolina: House CD 5: Treva Johnson (Democratic) - added.
Oklahoma: Corporation Commissioner 3: Belated update - On 8 September 2011, Governor Mary C. Fallin (Republican) appointed Edmond Mayor Patrice Douglas (Republican) to the Corporation Commission. Commissioner Douglas took office on 10 October. She replaces Commissioner Jeff Cloud, who was first elected in 2002, re-elected in 2008, and resigned in September 2011 to join Continental Resources.
Oregon: House CD 1 Special Primary: state Senator Suzanne Bonamici (Democratic) - nominated; Robert "Rob" Cornilles (Republican) - nominated.
South Carolina: House CD 7: state Representative Ted M. Vick (Democratic) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Railroad Commissioner Elizabeth Ames Jones (Republican) - Decided to run for state Senate.
Tues. 8 Nov 2011: STATE General Elections in KY, MS; SPECIAL PRIMARY in OR CD 1; legislative general elections in NJ, VA
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
KENTUCKY General Election for Statewide elective offices
the polls are open in KY from 6 AM local time (1100 GMT re: the Eastern Time Zone; 1200 GMT re: the Central Time Zone) to 6 PM local time (2300 GMT re: the Eastern Time Zone; 0000 GMT re: the Central Time Zone)
KENTUCKY General Election Returns from an official source.
KENTUCKY General Election results from a media source.
MISSISSIPI General Election for State and local offices
the polls are open in MS from 7 AM local time (1300 GMT) to 7 PM local time (0100 GMT)
MISSISSIPPI General Election results from a media source.
NOTE: To win a State-based statewide office in the MISSISSIPPI General Election, a candidate must receive 50% or more of the vote and carry 62 or more of the 122 House districts. Otherwise, the newly-elected State House of Representatives chooses between the top two vote-getters after convening next January.
SPECIAL PRIMARY for the U.S. House of Representatives in OREGON's 1st Congressional District
OREGON votes by mail. Ballots must be in the hands of election workers or in an official drop-off location no later than the statutory poll-closing times [8 PM local time (0300 GMT re: the Mountain Time Zone; 0400 GMT re: the Pacific Time Zone)]
OREGON CD 1 SPECIAL PRIMARY results from a media source.
This SPECIAL PRIMARY is being held to nominate candidates for Congress in a Special Election scheduled for Tuesday 31 January 2012: said Special Election, in turn, being held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Congressman David Wu [Democrat] on 3 August 2011.
Although these races are not covered by this website, it is here noted (if only as a public service) that both NEW JERSEY and VIRGINIA are holding General Elections in which races for State legislative seats top the ballot.
In NEW JERSEY, the polls are open from 6 AM local time (1100 GMT) to 8 PM local time (0100 GMT)
NEW JERSEY General Election results from a media source.
In VIRGINIA, the polls are open from 6 AM local time (1100 GMT) to 7 PM local time (0000 GMT)
VIRGINIA General Election results from a media source.
21 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 5: Spencer Collins Morgan (Democratic) - added.
Colorado: House CD 3: Perry Haney (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 15: David Alan Gunter (Democratic) - added. House CD 25: Justin Lamar Sternad (Democratic) - added.
Maryland: Senate Class 1: Queen Anne's County Commissioner Eric S. Wargotz (Republican) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 6: Milad Pooran (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 12: Karen E. Jacobsen (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 4: Daniel Mark "Dan" Schwartz (Republican) - added.
New Mexico: House CD 1: Gary Smith (Republican) - added. House CD 3: Gary V. Montoya (Republican) - added; Rick Newton (Republican) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 9: Michael David "Mike" Steinberg (Republican) - added.
North Dakota: House At-Large: state Representative Kim Koppelman (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 16: Dawnetta N. "Dawn" Howard (Democratic) - added.
Wisconsin: Senate Class 1: Vittorio Spadaro (Democratic) - previously listed as No Party Affiliation. House CD 2: Matthew Douglas "Matt" Silverman (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: David Michael Crosby (Independent) - added; Michael Dename, Jr. (No Party Affiliation) - removed; Betsy Pauline Elgar (Constitution) - added; Terry Jones (No Party Affiliation) - added; Kevin Michael Nelson (Independent) - previously listed as Republican. 2012 AZ-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Arizona Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
All of Arizona's delegates to the Republican National Convention are bound to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in Tuesday 28 February 2012 Presidential Primary.
According to party rules, the Arizona Republican Party may be sanctioned: "No primary ... to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to Tuesday 6 March 2012 .... Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after 1 February 2012) ..." [Rule 15(b)]. "If a state party violates the timing rules ... the number of delegates from that state is reduced by 50%." [Rule 16(a), 16(e)(1)].
Circa Sunday 1 April through Saturday 21 April 2012, the Legislative District and County Conventions will elect delegates to the state convention. The actual dates have not been established.
On Saturday 12 May 2012, the District Caucuses and State Convention convenes to elect the state's National Convention delegates according to the results of the primary.
Delegates are bound by their "best efforts" for the first ballot unless they are released by the candidate or the candidate withdraws.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
2012 MA-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Massachusetts Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
National Convention Delegates are proportionally allocated to presidential contenders based on the statewide results of the Tuesday 6 March 2012 Massachusetts Presidential Primary.
No later than Saturday 5 May 2012, the Congressional District Conventions meet to elect the National Convention District Delegates according to the results of the primary. The actual dates have not been set.
No later than Friday 15 June 2012, the State Committee meets to elect the National Convention At-Large delegates according to the results of the primary. The actual date has not been set.
The National Convention delegates elected by the primary are bound for the first ballot unless released by the candidate.
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Republican Party of Massachusetts, will attend the National Convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
12 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 2: Andrew Caleb "Drew" Pritt (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 4: John Cowart (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 5: Eileen Fleming (No Party Affiliation) - previously listed as Write-in. House CD 14: state Representative Gary Aubuchon (Republican) - added.
Maine: Senate Class 1: former Maine Secretary of State Matthew Gordon "Matt" Dunlap (Democratic) - added.
Montana: Superintendent of Public Instruction: Sandy Welch (Republican) - added.
North Dakota: Governor: Governor Jack Dalrymple (Republican) - added as candidate.
Virginia: House CD 8: Jay Patrick "Patrick" Murray (Republican) - added.
Washington: House CD 1: Darcy Burner (Democratic) - added. Auditor: Auditor Brian Sonntag (Democratic) - Open Office; state Senator Craig Pridemore (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Samuel Timothy "Tim" Wiford, II (Independent) - previously listed as Republican. NH Presidential Primary Date Announced
by Tony Roza
On 2 November 2011, New Hampshire Secretary of State William M. "Bill" Gardner announced that New Hampshire's Democratic and Republican Presidential Primaries will be held on Tuesday 10 January 2012.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
2012 SC-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan / SC-R Pres Primary filing closes
by Tony Roza
The The South Carolina Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Saturday 21 January 2012 - South Carolina Presidential Primary.
- District delegates are allocated winner-take-all based on the primary results in each of the state's 7 congressional districts.
- At-Large delegates are allocated winner-take-all to the presidential contender who receives the most votes statewide.
- The January primary date appears to put South Carolina in violation of the Rules of the Republican Party. Rule 15(b)(1) states "No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to the first Tuesday in March in the year in which a national convention is held. Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after February 1 in the year in which a national convention is held ...".
- Rule 16(a) indicates that South Carolina will forfeit 50% of their National Convention delegates. "If any state or state Republican Party violates The Rules of the Republican Party relating to the timing ... the number of delegates to the national convention from that state shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) ... ".
In March 2012, the County Conventions convene to elect delegates to the District and State Conventions.
In April 2012, the District conventions convene to elect National Convention District Delegates according to the results of the primary.
On Saturday 19 May 2012, the State Convention convenes to elect the At-Large National Convention District Delegates according to the results of the primary.
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Republican Party of South Carolina, will attend the National Convention as pledged delegates by virtue of their position.
The filing period for the South Carolina Presidential Primary has ended. 9 Republicans filed.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
2012 LA-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The The Republican Party of Louisiana has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
The party's delegate selection process begins with the District Caucuses choosing delegates to the State Convention. The participants at the caucuses will alone determine if presidential preference is to be a factor in such choice and, if so, how it is to be applied. As of 31 October 2011, the date of the district caucuses has not been set. In 2008, the caucuses were held in January.
Saturday 24 March 2012 - Louisiana Presidential Primary. Just under half of Louisiana's delegates to the Republican National Convention are proportionally bound to presidential contenders according to the statewide vote. If no candidate receives 25% of the vote, these delegates will attend the Convention officially unpledged to any candidate.
On Saturday 2 June 2012, the State Convention convenes in Shreveport to elect delegates to the Republican National Convention. The convention elects the District Delegates (all are unbound), the At-Large delegates (bound by the primary), and the delegates nominated by the Executive Committee (all are unbound).
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa, will attend the National Convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 2: Andrew Caleb "Drew" Pritt (Democratic) - added.
Connecticut: House CD 5: Michael John "Mike" Williams (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Florida: House CD 2: Alvin L. Peters (Democratic) - added. House CD 14: Chauncey Goss (Republican) - added.
Maine: House CD 2: state Senator Kevin L. Raye (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 6: Robin Ficker (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 1: former Congressman Alice "Dina" Titus (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 3. House CD 4: state Senator Steven Alexzander Horsford (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 1.
New York: House CD 15: Clyde Williams (Democratic) - added.
North Dakota: Senate Class 1: former North Dakota Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp (Democratic) - added.
27 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: Senate Class 1: David Crowe (Democratic) - added.
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Kie Westby (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 8: former Vincennes City Councilman Garry Lee Hall (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: Senate Class 1: Anthony John Hernandez (Republican) - added.
Montana: Governor: Robert T. "Bob" Fanning, Jr. (Republican) - added.
Nevada: House CD 3: James Franklin Haning, II (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 1: Jason Sterling (Republican) - added.
North Dakota: Senate Class 1: Thomas Allen "Tom" Potter (Democratic) - added. House At-Large: Public Service Commissioner Kevin Cramer (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 2: Joyce B. Segers (Democratic) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: former Lieutenant Governor André Bauer (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 16: Barbara Carrasco (Republican) - added. House CD 25: Dan Grant (Democratic) - added. House CD 34: Anthony P. Troiani (Democratic) - added. House CD 36: Lois Dickson Myers (Republican) - added.
Utah: Senate Class 1: Kevin Dee Fisk (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Michael Adkins (Republican) - added; Michael David Ballantine (Green) - added; Reginald Thomas "Reggie" Charlson (No Party Affiliation) - added; Michael Dename, Jr. (No Party Affiliation) - added; Kenneth Wayne Godwin (Independent) - added; Alexander Hugo Martinez (Republican) - added; Philip Nicholas Rogone (Democratic) - added; Cecil James Roth (No Party Affiliation) - added; Mark Samuel Stevens (No Party Affiliation) - added; Raylon Loyd Waits (Republican) - added. Commentary: PET PROJECT? or PUBLICITY STUNT? A few notes on the notion of Animal Rights
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
A few notes on the notion of
'Animal Rights' in the USA
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
20 changes to the candidate list / NH Pres Primary filing closes
by Tony Roza
California: Senate Class 1: Orly Taitz (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 14: Congressman Connie Mack (Republican) - Open Seat - decided to run for the U.S. Senate Class 1 seat.
Georgia: House CD 12: Wright McLeod (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 12: former St. Clair County Regional School Superintendent Brad Harriman (Democratic) - added; Kenneth "Bud" Wiezer (Democratic) - added. House CD 13: former state Representative Jay C. Hoffman (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Kentucky: Auditor of Public Accounts: Kim C. Hay (Write-in) - added.
Michigan: House CD 13: state Senator Glenn S. Anderson (Democratic) - added.
Mississippi: Secretary of State: John Luke Pannell (Reform) - removed from ballot.
The filing period for the New Hampshire Presidential Primary has ended. 44 candidates, 14 Democrats and 30 Republicans, filed. The date of the primary has not been announced but is expected to be 10 January 2012.
Presidential Candidates: Bear Betzler (Republican) - added; Timothy Brewer (Republican) - added; Ed Cowan (Democratic) - added; Bob Ely (Democratic) - added; Craig Freis (Democratic) - added; Stewart J. Greenleaf (Republican) - added; Cornelius Edward O'Connor (Democratic) - added; Edward T. O'Donnell (Democratic) - added; Kevin Rubash (Republican) - added; Vermin Supreme (Democratic) - added; John Wolfe, Jr. (Democratic) - added. 2012 IA-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of Iowa has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Iowa's National Convention delegates are not are bound by presidential preference. The participants in each step determine if presidential preference is to be a factor and, if so, how it is to be applied.
Iowa may begin their delegate selection primaries, caucuses, and conventions on Wednesday 1 February 2012. [The Rules of the Republican Party - Rule 15(b)(1)].
However, since Iowa neither elects nor binds delegates until 16 June 2012, the 3 January 2012 caucuses do not violate the party's timing rule.
On Tuesday 3 January 2012, Republican Party Caucuses meet in each precinct to choose the precinct's delegates to the County Convention.
On Saturday 10 March 2012, Republican Party County Conventions convene in each county to choose delegates to both the Congressional District Conventions and the State Convention.
On Saturday 21 April 2012, Republican Party District Conventions convene in each congressional district to instruct the delegates to the Iowa State Republican Convention.
The Iowa State Republican Convention officially convenes on Saturday 16 June 2012 to elect the District and At-Large National Convention delegates.
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa, will attend the National Convention as unpledged delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
2012 MN-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of Minnesota has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
On Tuesday 7 February 2012, Republican Party Precinct Caucuses meet to choose the precinct's delegates to the Basic Political Organization Unit (BPOU) Conventions and participate in a non-binding Presidential Preference straw poll.
From Friday 17 February through Wednesday 21 March 2012, Republican Party BPOU Conventions convene to choose delegates to both the Congressional District Conventions and the State Convention. The delegates in attendance alone determine if presidential preference is to be a factor and, if so, how it is to be applied.
From Saturday 14 April through Saturday 21 April 2012, Republican Party District Conventions convene in each of the state's 8 Congressional Districts to elect the National Convention District delegates. Again, the delegates in attendance alone determine if presidential preference is to be a factor and, if so, how it is to be applied.
The Minnesota State Republican Convention convenes from Friday 4 May through Saturday 5 May 2012 to choose the at-large delegates to the Republican National Convention. There is no formal system of allocating these at-large National Convention delegates to presidential contenders.
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Republican Party of Minnesota, will attend the National Convention unbound by virtue of their position.
No Delegate to the Republican National Convention shall be bound ... to ... a particular candidate ... except that the state convention may bind the Delegates whom it elects to the National Convention ... on the first ballot to vote for a candidate for the office of President of the United States, unless they be released by said candidate. [REPUBLICAN PARTY OF MINNESOTA CONSTITUTION. Section 5: C.]
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
13 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 8: Jackie Conaway (Democratic) - added; former Hesperia City Councilman Bill Jensen (Republican) - added.
Florida: Senate Class 1: Congressman Connie Mack (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 14. House CD 6: Steven "Steve" Schonberg (Democratic) - previously listed as Independent.
Maryland: House CD 4: Prince George's County State's Attorney Glenn Ivey (Democratic) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Alan Khazei (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 1: Congressman John Walter Olver (Democratic) - Open Seat - Retiring.
New York: House CD 28: Andrew Michael Decker (Republican) - previously listed as Unaffiliated.
Texas: House CD 36: James Neidner (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Presidential Candidates: Bob Greene (Democratic) - added; John D. Haywood (Democratic) - added; Benjamin Linn (Republican) - added; Michael J. Meehan (Republican) - added. 2012 Republican Delegate Allocation Update: Penalties for AZ, FL, MI, NH, SC
by Tony Roza
The Hill reports that Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus stated that jurisdictions violating the Republican Party timing rules will forfeit half of their delegates to the 2012 National Convention. The RNC Presidential Nominating Scheduling Committee will meet on 10 November 2011 to consider these penalty recommendations.
No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to Tuesday 6 March 2012 .... Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after 1 February 2012) ... [The Rules of the Republican Party 15(b)(1)]
If a state party violates the timing rules ... the number of delegates from that state is reduced by 50%. When computing the revised number of delegates, multiply the number of pre-penalty delegates by 0.5 then round any fractions UP to the next whole number. [Rule 16(a)]. There is no appeal from either a finding of a violation or an imposed penalty. [Rules 16(a) and 16(f)].
Assuming these penalties are applied, the Republican Convention would have a total of 2,284 delegates with 1,143 needed to nominate.
- Arizona Tuesday 28 February 2012 Primary. Reduced to 29 total delegates. Penalty: 50% of 58 [10 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 3 party / 18 bonus].
- Florida Tuesday 31 January 2012 Primary. Reduced to 50 total delegates. Penalty: 50% of 99 [10 base at-large / 81 re: 27 congressional districts / 3 party / 5 bonus] .
- Michigan Tuesday 28 February 2012 Primary. Reduced to 30 total delegates. Penalty: 50% of 59 [10 base at-large / 42 re: 14 congressional districts / 3 party / 4 bonus] .
- New Hampshire Tuesday 10 January 2012 (estimated date). Reduced to 12 total delegates. Penalty: 50% of 23 [10 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 3 party / 4 bonus] .
- South Carolina Saturday 21 January 2012 Primary. Reduced to 25 total delegates. Penalty: 50% of 50 [10 base at-large / 21 re: 7 congressional districts / 3 party / 16 bonus].
The delegate allocation details can be found here: Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Republican Delegates shows that by Saturday 17 March 2012, states representing 50.70% of the total number of Republican delegate votes will have begun their delegate selection process.
10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Colorado: House CD 6: John DeGraffenried (Independent) - added.
Florida: House CD 15: Shannon Roberts (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: House CD 9: Robert Winningham (Democratic) - added.
Iowa: House CD 1: Rod Blum (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 4: Anne Arundel County Councilman G. James "Jamie" Benoit (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 13: Godfrey Dillard (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: Secretary of State: Secretary of State Elaine F. Marshall (Democratic) - added as candidate.
Presidential Candidates: Richard Duncan (Write-in) - added; Jeff Lawman (Republican) - added; Joe Robinson (Republican) - added. 2012 Republican Delegate Allocation Update / 8 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
The Republican Convention has now a total of 2,427 delegates with 1,214 needed to nominate.
- Louisiana changed: +1 Gubernatorial bonus delegate re: Re-election of Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal on 22 October 2011. Total: 46 delegates.
The delegate allocation details can be found here: Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation
8 changes to the candidate list.
Arizona: House CD 4: Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu (Republican) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 4: Dan Flood (Republican) - added.
New Hampshire: Governor: former state Senator Maggie Hassan (Democratic) - added.
Ohio: Senate Class 1: former state Senator Kevin J. Coughlin (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Presidential Candidates: Hugh Cort (Republican) - added; Linden Swift (Republican) - added; William Thomas "Bill" Tucker (Independent) - added; James A. Vestermark (Republican) - added. 2012 AS-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of American Samoa has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
On Tuesday 13 March 2012, a Territorial Caucus will convene to choose delegates to the Republican National Convention. These delegates are chosen in such a way so that they best reflect the presidential preference of the participants.
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the American Samoa's Republican Party, will attend the National Convention by virtue of their position.
American Samoa's delegates are unbound unless instructed otherwise by the Caucus.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
22 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: Senate Class 1: Tony Enrique Flores (Democratic) - added; Clair Van Steenwyk (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 1: Peter Vincent "Pete" Stiglich (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Victorville Councilmember Angela Valles (Republican) - added. House CD 33: Christopher David (Republican) - added.
Connecticut: Senate Class 1: Pjerin "Peter" Lumaj (Republican) - added. House CD 4: Steve Obsitnik (Republican) - added; David Scott Orner (Republican) - added. House CD 5: Randy Christopher Yale (Democratic) - added.
Georgia: House CD 10: Stephen K. "Steve" Simpson (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 12: Jason Plummer (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 2: Larry M. Smith (Republican) - added.
Michigan: House CD 11: Kerry Bentivolio (Republican) - added.
New Jersey: Senate Class 1: Joseph R. Rullo (Republican) - added. House CD 13: Washington Flores (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 28: Andrew Michael Decker (Unaffiliated) - added.
Ohio: House CD 9: Steven Wayne Kraus (Republican) - added. House CD 12: William Mayo Yarbrough (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 6: Donald Max "Don" Jaquess (Democratic) - added. House CD 26: David Sanchez (Democratic) - added. House CD 35: former San Marcos Mayor Susan Narvaiz (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Kenneth Wayne Ward (No Party Affiliation) - added. Commentary: YES, IT IS PERSONAL! ;-) Notes on the status of Corporations as legal Persons in the USA
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson
Notes on the status of Corporations
as legal Persons in the USA
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson TheGreenPapers.com Staff
2012 Democratic Bonus Delegate Allocation Update
by Tony Roza
Here is our latest Democratic Convention pledged delegate allocation update. The Democratic Convention has a total of 5,543 delegates votes with 2,772 needed to nominate.
Democratic Bonus Delegates are awarded to Jurisdictions holding their First Determining Step (the start of their delegate allocation process) later in the cycle and to neighboring jurisdictions beginning their process concurrently, a.k.a. clustering.
- No Bonus - Process begins in Stage I (before April): 24 jurisdictions: Alabama, American Samoa, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Unassigned, Utah, Vermont, Virginia.
- Stage 1 with 15% Cluster Bonus - Process begins in Stage I (and on or after 20 March) and three or more neighboring states begin on the same date: 0 jurisdictions
- 10% Stage 2 Bonus - Process begins in Stage II (April): 7 jurisdictions: Alaska, District of Columbia, Florida, Maryland, Virgin Islands, Washington, Wisconsin.
- 10% Stage 2 Bonus and 15% Cluster Bonus - Process begins in Stage II (April) and three or more neighboring states begin on the same date and on or after 20 March: 9 jurisdictions: Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wyoming.
- 20% Stage 3 Bonus - Process begins in Stage III (May and June): 14 jurisdictions: Arkansas, California, Democrats Abroad, Guam, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto Rico, West Virginia.
- 20% Stage 3 Bonus and 15% Cluster Bonus - Process begins in Stage III (May and June) and three or more neighboring states begin on the same date and on or after 20 March: 3 jurisdictions: Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota.
The details can be found here: Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation
New dates- NV-D: 21 Jan; NV-R: 4 Feb; OH US Senate: 6 Mar; OH US House, OH-D, and OH-R: 12 Jun
by Tony Roza
On 21 October 2011, Ohio Governor John Richard Kasich (Republican) signed HB 319. Ohio will hold a 6 March 2012 primary for the U.S. Senate, state Legislature, and County offices; and a 12 June 2012 Primary for the Democratic and Republican Presidential nominations and the U.S. House. Reapportionment has not been completed in Ohio, hence the move to June for elections using Congressional District boundaries. Additional Ohio primary law information here.
On 22 October 2012, Nevada Republican Party moved the date of their Precinct Caucuses from 14 January to 4 February 2012 and the Nevada Democratic Party moved the date of their Precinct Caucuses from 14 to 21 January. Reference FoxNews article here.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
11 changes to the candidate list / LA 22 Oct Primary
by Tony Roza
Connecticut: House CD 5: state Senator Andrew Roraback (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 11: Evelio Otero (Republican) - added.
Louisiana Saturday 22 October 2011 Primary: Governor: Governor Piyush "Bobby" Jindal (Republican) - elected. Lieutenant Governor: Lieutenant Governor "Jay" Dardenne (Republican) - elected. Secretary of State: Secretary of State J. Thomas "Tom" Schedler (Republican) - elected. Attorney General: Attorney General James D. "Buddy" Caldwell (Republican) - elected. Treasurer: Treasurer John Neely Kennedy (Republican) - elected. Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry: Agriculture and Forestry Commissioner Michael G. "Mike" Strain (Republican) - elected. Commissioner of Insurance: Insurance Commissioner James J. "Jim" Donelon (Republican) - elected.
There are no party primaries in Louisiana. All candidates from all parties appear on the primary ballot. If no candidate receives a majority (50% of the vote plus 1), a Saturday 19 November 2011 runoff is held between the top two vote getters. All contests covered by this website were won by 50% or more.
Maryland: House CD 6: former Montgomery County Councilmember At-Large Duchy Trachtenberg (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Darcy G. Richardson (Democratic) - added. Saturday 22 October 2011: 'Open' Primary in LOUISIANA for State and local elective offices
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
The polls are open in LOUISIANA from 6:00 AM local time (1100 GMT) to 8:00 PM local time (0100 GMT).
NOTE: There are no Party primaries in Louisiana. All candidates from all parties appear on a single primary ballot (it is called, in Louisiana, an "Open Primary" because the ballot is, thereby, open to all candidates seeking a given office, regardless of Party affiliation). If no candidate in the Open Primary receives a majority (50% of the vote plus 1), a runoff will be held between the top two vote getters four weeks thereafter (in 2011: Saturday 19 November).
Returns from an official source.
Results from a media source.
6 changes to the candidate list / IA-D moves Pres Caucuses from 6 Feb to 3 Jan 2012
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 8: Gregg Imus (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 41. House CD 18: Congressman Dennis A. Cardoza (Democratic) - Open Seat - Not running for re-election.
Georgia: House CD 12: Lee Benedict (Republican) - added. House CD 14: Congressman John Thomas "Tom" Graves, Jr. (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 9.
Michigan: House CD 10: Henry Yanez (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Jill Stein (Green) - added.............
On 20 October 2011, the Iowa Democratic Party's State Central Committee unanimously voted to hold their 2012 Presidential Caucuses on 3 January 2012 at 7:00 pm local time-- the same date as the Iowa Republican Caucuses. The previous date for the Democratic Caucuses was 6 February 2012.
6 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arkansas: House CD 1: state Representative Clark Hall (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 1: former state Representative Randy Lee Demmer (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
North Carolina: House CD 5: Congressman Virginia Foxx (Republican) - added as candidate.
Oregon: Attorney General: Attorney General John R. Kroger (Democratic) - Open Office. Announced he would not seek re-election due to a medical condition.
South Carolina: House CD 7: Dick Withington (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Craig S. Thomas (Write-in) - added. NV-D changes caucuses from 18 Feb to 14 Jan / 2012 Democratic Unpledged Party Leader Delegate Update
by Tony Roza
An 18 October 2011 article in the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that the Nevada Democratic Party will hold their Presidential Caucuses on 14 January 2012-- the same day as the Nevada Repubican Party plans to hold their caucuses.
Here is our latest Democratic Convention unpledged delegate allocation update.
- American Samoa changed: +2 unpledged PLEO delegates.
- Arizona changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- California changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- Delaware changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- District of Columbia changed: +3 unpledged PLEO delegates.
- Florida changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- Guam changed: +2 unpledged PLEO delegates.
- Illinois changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- Massachusetts changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- Michigan changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- Minnesota changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- Nevada changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- New Jersey changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- New York changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- North Carolina changed: +1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- Oregon changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- Pennsylvania changed: -2 unpledged PLEO delegates.
- Texas changed: -1 unpledged PLEO delegate.
- Unassigned changed: -2 unpledged PLEO delegates.
- Virgin Islands changed: +2 unpledged PLEO delegates.
The details can be found here: Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation
2012 MD-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Maryland Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Maryland's National Convention Delegates are bound to presidential contenders based on the results of the winner-take-all (by District and by statewide) Tuesday 3 April 2012 Primary. The National Convention District Delegates are awarded to the candidate receiving the most votes in each Congressional District. The National Convention At-Large delegates are awarded to the candidate receiving the most votes statewide.
- National Convention District delegates are directly elected by the voters and individually listed on the ballot.
The Spring Convention meets on Friday 27 April and Saturday 28 April 2012 to elect the At-Large National Convention according to the results of the primary.
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, will attend the convention bound to the presidential contender receiving the greatest number of votes in the primary statewide.
The National Convention Delegates are bound for the first 2 ballots. Delegates are no longer bound if the candidate either releases the delegates or receives less than 35% of the vote at the National Convention.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
4 changes to the candidate list / IA-R Caucuses Set for 3 Jan
by Tony Roza
Florida: Senate Class 1: George Edward Bollinger (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 2: David Krikorian (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 15: Eddie Zamora (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Howard Knepper (Republican) - added...................
The Iowa Republicans have decided to hold their Presidential Caucuses on Tuesday 3 January 2012.
"A January 3 date provides certainty to the voters, to our presidential candidates, and to the thousands of statewide volunteers who make the Caucus process a reflection of the very best of our representative democracy" - Iowa Republican Chairman Matthew N. Strawn, 17 October 2011.
New Hampshire has not chosen a date for their Presidential Primary. The Nevada Democrats may change their Non-binding Viability Caucuses from Saturday 18 February 2012 to Saturday 14 January 2012 -- the same date the Nevada Republicans will hold their Precinct Caucuses.
18 changes to the candidate list / Socialist Party National Convention
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 14: Congressman Jackie Speier (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 12. House CD 39: Robert Edmund Lauten (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 47.
Florida: House CD 27: David L. Lutrin (Democratic) - added.
Louisiana: House CD 2: Gail Dignam (Republican) - added.
Maryland: House CD 6: state Senator Robert J. Garagiola (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 26: David Gregory Bellavia (Republican) - added.
Oregon: House CD 1 Special: James Foster (Libertarian) - added.
South Carolina: House CD 7: Reneé Culler (Republican) - added.
Texas: House CD 4: Louis Paul "Lou" Gigliotti (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Larry Robert Ford (Republican) - added; Kathyern Louise Lane (Republican) - added; Jerry Levy (Socialist Party USA) - apparently not a candidate; James Orlando Ogle, III (Libertarian) - added; Mark G. Phillips (Independent) - added; Ward Derek Roaseau (Republican) - added; Karin Lynn Swanson (Republican) - added; Rodney Maurice Williams (Republican) - added; Kelcey Brian Wilson (Unaffiliated) - added.
The Socialist Party nominated Stewart Alexander for President and Alejandro "Alex" Mendoza for Vice-President at their National Convention on 16 October 2011 in Los Angeles. Mr. Alexander was nominated 32-17 on the first ballot.
17 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 7: Chris Scileppi (Republican) - added.
California: House CD 2: Banafsheh Akhlaghi (Democratic) - added. House CD 31: Russ Warner (Democratic) - added; Renea Wickman (Democratic) - added.
Connecticut: House CD 4: Chris Meek (Republican) - added.
Florida: House CD 18: Marcus Rivchin Jr. (Republican) - added.
Hawaii: House CD 2: former state Senator Gary L. Hooser (Democratic) - added.
Idaho: House CD 1: Jimmy Farris (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 6: Geoffrey Petzel (Democratic) - added.
Montana: Governor: Jim Lynch (Republican) - added.
New York: House CD 13: Alex Borgognone (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 8: Richard Hudson (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 6: former Congressman Charlie Wilson (Democratic) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 7: Jack Arnold (Independent) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: Dan Boone (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Harry Liller (Democratic) - added; Silvia Stagg (Not readily classifiable) - previously listed as Republican. 2012 IL-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Illinois Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Illinois's National Convention District Delegates are bound to presidential contenders based on the results of the Tuesday 20 March 2012 Primary. This is a "Loophole" primary (a Delegate Selection Primary combined with an Advisory "beauty contest" presidential preference vote). The popular vote in the Illinois Republican Primary will have nothing whatsoever to do with the election of the National Convention Delegates.
- National Convention District delegates are directly elected by the voters and individually listed on the ballot with their presidential preference.
Friday 8 June - Saturday 9 June 2012: The Illinois Republican Party State Convention convenes in Tinley Park and chooses the National Convention At-Large delegates. These delegates will go to the Republican National Convention officially unbound.
The 3 party leaders delegates, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, will attend the convention as unbound delegates by virtue of their position.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
14 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Illinois: House CD 6: Maureen Yates (Democratic) - added. House CD 8: DuPage Regional Superintendent of Schools Darlene J. Ruscitti (Republican) - added. House CD 17: former state Representative Mike Boland (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Maine: Senate Class 1: state Representative Jon Hinck (Democratic) - added.
Nevada: House CD 1: state Senator Steven A. Horsford (Democratic) - added. House CD 4: state Senator John Jay Lee (Democratic) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 1.
Pennsylvania: Senate Class 1: Timothy Raymond "Tim" Burns (Republican) - added.
Texas: Senate Class 1: David Wayne Smith (Republican [Libertarian]) - apparently not a candidate. House CD 14: Jeff Blanding (Republican) - added. House CD 18: Sean Seibert (Republican) - added.
Washington: Auditor: Glenn Freeman (Constitution) - added; former Fircrest City Councilman J. Richard "Dick" McEntee (Republican) - added; state Representative Mark Miloscia (Democratic) - added.
Presidential Candidate: Bill Still (Libertarian) - added. 2012 CO-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Colorado Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
On Tuesday 7 February 2012, the Precinct Caucuses meet in each precinct to choose delegates to the County Assemblies and participate in a non-binding Presidential Preference poll. Since no National Convention delegates are bound to Presidential contenders, the Precinct Caucuses do not violate the RNC's Tuesday 6 March 2012 timing rule.
The County Assemblies meet before Wednesday 28 March 2012. Delegates are elected to the District and State Conventions. These delegates declare their Presidential Preference or indicate that they are unpledged.
Colorado's District Conventions meet from Thursday 29 March through Friday 13 April 2012 to elect the Republican National Convention District Delegates. There is no formal system applied to relate the presidential preference of the participants to the choice of the delegates to the Republican Convention.
On Saturday 14 April 2012, the Colorado State Republican Convention convenes to elect the Republican National Convention At-Large delegates. There is no formal system applied to relate the presidential preference of the participants to the choice of the delegates to the Republican Convention.
In addition, 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Colorado's Republican Party, will attend the convention by virtue of their position.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Saturday 14 April 2012, states representing 51.15% of the total number of Democratic delegate votes will have begun their delegate selection process and; by Tuesday 13 March 2012, states representing 54.20% of the total number of Republican delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
2012 Democratic Bonus Delegate Allocation Estimate: ID, KS, NE, WY cluster on 14 April.
by Tony Roza
The Democratic National Committee has not yet released their 2012 National Convention bonus delegate allocations. So, we "did the math" and came up with this Democratic Delegate Allocation.
Bonus delegates are awarded as a percentage of the pledged delegate base allocation. The award is applied as additional district, at-large, and unpledged PLEO delegates. The bonus does NOT apply to Unpledged delegates.
Stage II bonus: States beginning their process from 1 through 30 April 2012 receive a 10% bonus split between the district and at-large delegates.
Stage III bonus. States beginning their process from 1 May through 12 June 2012 receive a 20% bonus split between the district and at-large delegates.
Cluster bonus. Beginning on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states begin on the same date. The 15% bonus is applied to the pledged PLEO delegates.
- Maine is considered a neighboring state of Vermont and Massachusetts.
- Alaska and Hawaii are considered neighboring states of Washington and Oregon.
- American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are considered neighboring states of each other.
The Democratic Convention has now a total of 5,501 delegates votes with 2,751 needed to nominate. The change below correspond to the 4 neighboring states concurrently beginning their process on 14 April 2012.
- Idaho 15% Cluster (ID, KS, NE, WY) bonus: +3 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 31 delegate votes.
- Kansas 15% Cluster (ID, KS, NE, WY) bonus: +5 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 53 delegate votes.
- Nebraska 15% Cluster (ID, KS, NE, WY) bonus: +4 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 44 delegate votes.
- Wyoming 15% Cluster (ID, KS, NE, WY) bonus: +2 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 22 delegate votes.
NH Sec of State William Gardner mentions Presidential Primary dates of 6 Dec / 13 Dec 2011
by Tony Roza
"If Nevada does not accept a date of Tuesday, January 17th or later for its caucus, it leaves New Hampshire no choice but to consider December of this year. The dates of Tuesday, December 13th and Tuesday, December 6th are realistic options ... "
2012 WI-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Republican Party of Wisconsin has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Wisconsin's National Convention Delegates are bound to presidential contenders based on the results of the Tuesday 3 April 2012 winner-take-most primary.
- National Convention District delegates are bound to the Presidential candidate receiving the most votes in each Congressional District.
- National Convention At-Large delegates are bound to the Presidential candidate receiving the most votes statewide.
- The 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the District's Republican Party, are bound to the Presidential candidate receiving the most votes statewide.
District Caucuses meet from February through April 2012. These Caucuses provide a proposed list of National Convention District Delegates. The At-Large delegates are elected by the State Executive Committee. National Convention Delegates are elected, in consultation with the winning Presidential candidate(s), according to the results of the primary.
National Convention Delegates are bound by the results of the primary unless either released by the candidate or the candidate fails to receive at least 1/3 of the total votes on any ballot at the National Convention.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
HI-D and WY-D move events away from Sat 7 April 2012 - Passover
by Tony Roza
Passover is on Saturday 7 April 2012 and Easter is on Sunday 8 April 2012.
The Hawai'i Democratic Party has moved their Precinct Caucuses from Saturday 7 April 2012 to Wednesday (yes, Wednesday) 7 March 2012.
The Wyoming Democratic Party has moved their County Caucuses from Saturday 7 April 2012 to Saturday 14 April 2012.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
Thanks to Josh Putnam at Frontloading HQ for the heads up.
10 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Alaska: House At-Large: Frank J. Vondersaar (Democratic) - added.
Delaware: House At-Large: New Castle County Councilman Thomas H. "Tom" Kovach (Republican) - added.
Hawaii: Senate Class 1: former Governor Linda Lingle (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 12: Theresa Kormos (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 5: Jack Lugar (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Tony Duncan (Republican) - added.
Michigan: House CD 9: former state Representative Andrew Edward "Rocky" Raczkowski (Republican) - apparently not a candidate.
Missouri: Secretary of State: state Representative Jason Kander (Democratic) - added.
Montana: Auditor: state Representative Derek Skees (Republican) - added.
Oklahoma: House CD 2: former District Attorney Rob Wallace (Democratic) - added.
2012 Democratic Bonus Delegate Allocation Estimate
by Tony Roza
The Democratic National Committee has not yet released their 2012 National Convention bonus delegate allocations. So, we "did the math" and came up with this Democratic Delegate Allocation.
Bonus delegates are awarded as a percentage of the pledged delegate base allocation. The award is applied as additional district, at-large, and unpledged PLEO delegates. The bonus does NOT apply to Unpledged delegates.
Stage II bonus: States beginning their process from 1 through 30 April 2012 receive a 10% bonus split between the district and at-large delegates.
Stage III bonus. States beginning their process from 1 May through 12 June 2012 receive a 20% bonus split between the district and at-large delegates.
Cluster bonus. Beginning on Tuesday 20 March 2012, a 15% bonus is awarded when clusters of 3 or more neighboring states begin on the same date. The 15% bonus is applied to the pledged PLEO delegates.
- Maine is considered a neighboring state of Vermont and Massachusetts.
- Alaska and Hawaii are considered neighboring states of Washington and Oregon.
- American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are considered neighboring states of each other.
The Democratic Convention has a total of 5,487 delegates votes with 2,744 needed to nominate.
- Alaska 10% Stage II bonus: +1 district delegate, +1 at-large delegate. Total: 24 delegate votes.
- Arkansas 20% Stage III bonus: +5 district delegates, +2 at-large delegates. Total: 55 delegate votes.
- California 20% Stage III bonus: +61 district delegates, +20 at-large delegates. Total: 612 delegate votes.
- Connecticut 10% Stage II + 15% Cluster (CT, DE, NY, PA, RI) bonus: +4 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate, +8 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 88 delegate votes.
- Delaware 10% Stage II + 15% (Cluster CT, DE, NY, PA, RI) bonus: +1 district delegate, +1 at-large delegate, +3 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 33 delegate votes.
- Democrats Abroad 20% Stage III bonus: +2 at-large delegates. Total: 19 delegate votes.
- District of Columbia 10% Stage II bonus: +1 district delegate, +1 at-large delegate. Total: 41 delegate votes.
- Florida 10% Stage II bonus: +15 district delegates, +5 at-large delegates. Total: 278 delegate votes.
- Guam 20% Stage III bonus: +1 at-large delegate. Total: 10 delegate votes.
- Idaho 10% Stage II bonus: +1 district delegate, +1 at-large delegate. Total: 28 delegate votes.
- Indiana 20% Stage III bonus: +10 district delegates, +4 at-large delegates. Total: 106 delegate votes.
- Kansas 10% Stage II bonus: +3 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate. Total: 48 delegate votes.
- Kentucky 20% Stage III bonus: +7 district delegates, +3 at-large delegates. Total: 73 delegate votes.
- Maryland 10% Stage II bonus: +6 district delegates, +2 at-large delegates. Total: 120 delegate votes.
- Michigan 20% Stage III bonus: +20 district delegates, +7 at-large delegates. Total: 204 delegate votes.
- Montana 20% Stage III + 15% Cluster (MT, ND, SD) bonus: +2 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate, +2 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 30 delegate votes.
- Nebraska 10% Stage II bonus: +2 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate. Total: 40 delegate votes.
- New Jersey 20% Stage III bonus: +17 district delegates, +6 at-large delegates. Total: 171 delegate votes.
- New Mexico 20% Stage III bonus: +4 district delegates, +2 at-large delegates. Total: 50 delegate votes.
- New York 10% Stage II + 15% Cluster (CT, DE, NY, PA, RI) bonus: +18 district delegates, +6 at-large delegates, +36 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 383 delegate votes.
- North Carolina 20% Stage III bonus: +16 district delegates, +5 at-large delegates. Total: 157 delegate votes.
- North Dakota 20% Stage III + 15% Cluster (MT, ND, SD) bonus: +2 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate, +2 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 27 delegate votes.
- Oregon 20% Stage III bonus: +7 district delegates, +3 at-large delegates. Total: 84 delegate votes.
- Pennsylvania 10% Stage II + 15% Cluster (CT, DE, NY, PA, RI) bonus: +12 district delegates, +4 at-large delegates, +24 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 252 delegate votes.
- Puerto Rico 20% Stage III bonus: +7 district delegates, +2 at-large delegates. Total: 67 delegate votes.
- Rhode Island 10% Stage II + 15% Cluster (CT, DE, NY, PA, RI) bonus: +1 district delegate, +1 at-large delegate, +3 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 40 delegate votes.
- South Dakota 20% Stage III + 15% Cluster (MT, ND, SD) bonus: +2 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate, +2 pledged PLEO delegates. Total: 29 delegate votes.
- Washington 10% Stage II bonus: +6 district delegates, +2 at-large delegates. Total: 121 delegate votes.
- West Virginia 20% Stage III bonus: +4 district delegates, +1 at-large delegate. Total: 46 delegate votes.
- Wisconsin 10% Stage II bonus: +6 district delegates, +2 at-large delegates. Total: 111 delegate votes.
- Wyoming 10% Stage II bonus: +1 at-large delegate. Total: 20 delegate votes.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Saturday 14 April 2012, states representing 51.03% of the total number of Democratic delegate votes will have begun their delegate selection process. Prior to the adjustment of the bonus delegates, the figure was 51.05% by Tuesday 3 April 2012.
The details can be found here: Democratic Detailed Delegate Allocation
... and what did you do on Columbus Day?
9 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 26: state Assemblyman Roger Hernández (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Indiana: House CD 6: former state Senator Bill Frazier (Republican) - added. House CD 9: Jonathan George (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: House CD 1: state Senator Mike Parry (Republican) - added. House CD 3: Brian Barnes (Democratic) - added.
New Mexico: House CD 2: Sunland Park Mayor Martin Resendiz (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Texas: House CD 32: Walter Hofheinz (Democratic) - added. Railroad Commissioner 3: Comal County Commissioner Greg Parker (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: Governor: Phil Hudok (Constitution) - added.
38 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 3: Richard Stephen "Rick" Tubbs, II (Republican) - added. House CD 8: Victorville Mayor Ryan McEachron (Republican) - added. House CD 12: Rohit "Ro" Khanna (Democratic) - added. House CD 41: Vincent Peter Sawyer (Republican) - added. House CD 52: Scott Peters (Democratic) - added.
Delaware: Commissioner of Insurance: Mitch Crane (Democratic) - added; Vincent White (Democratic) - added.
Florida: House CD 10: Michael S. "Prince" Hull (Libertarian) - added. House CD 20: Osvaldo "Ozzie" deFaria, Jr. (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 1: Raymond M. "Ray" Lodato (Democratic) - added. House CD 3: Richard L. "Rich" Grabowski (Republican) - added. House CD 9: Ron Wallace (Republican) - added; Tim Wolfe (Republican) - added. House CD 10: Aloys Rutagwibira (Democratic) - added.
Indiana: Senate Class 1: Jack Edward Rooney (Independent) - added.
Maryland: House CD 2: Steven Duvall Bowen (Republican) - added.
Massachusetts: Senate Class 1: Robert Kinloch "Bob" Massie (Democratic) - apparently not a candidate.
Michigan: Senate Class 1: Scotty Boman (Republican) - added. House CD 11: Syed Taj (Democratic) - added.
Minnesota: Senate Class 1: Jack Edward "Doc" Shepard (Democratic-Farmer Labor) - added.
Missouri: House CD 2: Randall "Randy" Stephen Jotte (Republican) - added.
Montana: House At-Large: John Allen Abarr (Democratic) - previously listed as Republican.
New Jersey: Senate Class 1: Gwendolyn Charidy "Gwen" Diakos (Democratic) - added.
New York: House CD 22: Tom Engel (Republican) - added.
North Dakota: House At-Large: state Representative Bette B. Grande (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for Senate Class 1.
Ohio: House CD 9: Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: Senate Class 1: Larry R. Crim (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 8: Larry Youngblood (Republican) - added.
Utah: House CD 2: state Representative Stephen Eric Sandstrom (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Robert G. Berke (Independent) - added; Philip Anthony "John Vander Kok" Kok (Republican) - added; Walter Korschek, Jr. (Independent) - added; Aurora Lopez (Republican) - added; Robert L. Praprotnik (Republican) - added; Rickey Joe Story (Republican) - added; Timmy Wayne Strickland (Republican) - added; Michael Edwin Whitley (Reform) - added; Sean Acan Whitney (Independent) - added. Paul wins 2011 Value Voters Summit (Family Research Council) Strawpoll
by Tony Roza
8 October 2011 Value Voters Summit (Family Research Council) Strawpoll. 1,983 votes cast: First place - Ron Paul: 36.91%, second place - Herman Cain: 22.54%, third place - Rick Santorum: 16.29%.
The 2010 results can be found here: 18 September 2010 - Family Research Council Values Voters Straw Poll
2012 DC-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The District of Columbia Republican Committee has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
The District's National Convention At-Large Delegates are pledged to presidential contenders in the Tuesday 3 April 2012 winner-take-all Primary.
The 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the District's Republican Party, will by virtue of their position, attend the Republican National Convention as unbound delegates. The National Committeeman and the National Committeewoman are directly elected in the primary.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
Media reports state that the 2012 Iowa Republican caucuses are to be on 3 January 2012.
by Tony Roza
The party will meet on either 16 or 17 October 2011 to make the date official.
7 October 2011: CNN reports that Jan. 3 is tentative date for Iowa caucus.
7 October 2011: The Des Moines Register reports: Iowa's tentative caucus date is Jan. 3; official vote in 10 days
2012 MT-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Montana Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
The State of Montana conducts a non-binding Presidential Primary on Tuesday 5 June 2012. The primary has no effect on delegate allocation.
The State Delegate Convention meets from Thursday 14 June through Saturday 16 June 2012 to elect the Party's delegates to the Republican National Convention. There is no formal system applied to relate the presidential preference of the participants to the choice of the delegates to the Republican Convention.
The 3 party leaders, the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Montana Republican Party, will by virtue of their position, attend the Republican National Convention as unbound delegates.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Tuesday 3 April 2012, states representing 51.05% of the total number of Democratic delegate votes will have begun their delegate selection process and; by Tuesday 13 March 2012, states representing 54.20% of the total number of Republican delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
11 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Arizona: House CD 6: Congressman David Schweikert (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 5.
Florida: House CD 13: former state Representative Keith Fitzgerald (Democratic) - added; Andrew Saltman (Democratic) - added. House CD 20: Ilya Katz (No Party Affiliation) - added.
Illinois: House CD 1: Blue Island Mayor Donald E. Peloquin (Republican) - added.
Missouri: Lieutenant Governor: former state Auditor Susan Montee (Democratic) - added.
Nebraska: House CD 2: state Senator Gwen Howard (Democratic) - added.
North Carolina: House CD 11: Mark Meadows (Republican) - added; Vance Patterson (Republican) - added.
Ohio: House CD 11: state Senator Nina Turner (Democratic) - added.
Wisconsin: House CD 8: Jamie Wall (Democratic) - added.
2012 CT-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Connecticut Republicans have established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
The state's "winner-take-most" Presidential Primary will be held on Tuesday 24 April 2012. Voters must be registered Republicans.
- National Convention District delegates are bound to the Presidential candidate receiving the most votes in each Congressional District.
- If one candidate receives a majority of the statewide vote (more than 50%), that candidate is allocated all of the state's National Convention At-Large delegates. Otherwise, the At-Large delegates are proportionally bound to the Presidential contenders.
- The party leader delegates (the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Connecticut's Republican Party) will attend the convention as unpledged delegates.
Presidential candidates submit a slate of National Convention Delegates for review and approval at the May 2012 State Committee meeting.
The National Convention delegates are bound for the first ballot unless released by the candidate.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Tuesday 3 April 2012, states representing 51.05% of the total number of Democratic delegate votes will have begun their delegate selection process and; by Tuesday 13 March 2012, states representing 54.20% of the total number of Republican delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
NV-R Presidential Caucuses set for Saturday 14 January 2012
by Tony Roza
On 5 October 2011, the Nevada Republican Party announced they will hold their 2012 Presidential Caucuses on 14 January 2012.
Nevada Presidential Caucus Moved to January 14th
Las Vegas – Nevada's First in the West Presidential Caucus has officially been moved to January 14th, 2012, Nevada Republican Party Chairwoman Amy Tarkanian announced today.
"I'm extremely pleased to finally have a firm date for a caucus that will greatly improve Nevada's standing and relevance in terms of national politics," Tarkanian said. "By establishing this date, we maintain Nevada's standing as one of the first four 'carve-out' states and as the very first in the west."
The date of Nevada's caucus was thrown into turmoil when Florida, in violation of agreed-upon rules, moved its primary to January, causing the four carve-out early states, Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada to scramble to find new dates to maintain the agreed-upon order."
"This is absolutely in the best interest of our state," Tarkanian said. "We are in the process of creating a caucus that will energize Republicans throughout Nevada and the west, and allow us to play a major role in deciding who will carry the fight to unseat Barack Obama and his destructive policies."
The January date appears to put the Nevada Republican delegate selection plan in violation of the Rules of the Republican Party. Rule 15(b)(1) states
"No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to the first Tuesday in March in the year in which a national convention is held. Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after February 1 in the year in which a national convention is held ..."
Rule 16(a) indicates that Nevada will forfeit 50% of their National Convention delegates.
"If any state or state Republican Party violates The Rules of the Republican Party relating to the timing ... the number of delegates to the national convention from that state shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) ... "
2012 KS-R Presidential Delegate Selection plan
by Tony Roza
The Kansas Republican Party has established their 2012 Delegate Selection plan.
Presidential Caucuses are held on Saturday 10 March 2012. Participants must be registered Republicans.
- National Convention District delegates are bound to the Presidential candidate who receives the most votes in each Congressional District.
- National Convention At-Large delegates are proportionally bound to Presidential candidates according to the statewide vote.
- The party leader delegates (the National Committeeman, the National Committeewoman, and the chairman of the Kansas's Republican Party) are bound to the candidate who receives the most votes statewide.
Congressional District Conventions, held no early than Friday 30 March and no later than Tuesday 24 April 2012, elect the National Convention District delegates according to the results of the Caucuses.
The State Party Committee Meeting, held no early than Tuesday 24 April and no later than Sunday 1 July 2012, elects the National Convention At-Large delegates according to the results of the Caucuses.
National Convention Delegates are bound until released by the candidate.
The Chronological Cumulative Allocation of Democratic Delegates shows that by Tuesday 3 April 2012, states representing 51.05% of the total number of Democratic delegate votes will have begun their delegate selection process and; by Tuesday 13 March 2012, states representing 54.20% of the total number of Republican delegates will have begun their delegate selection process.
Find our 2012 Presidential Primary and Caucus calendar here.
Michigan Presidential Primaries set for Tuesday 28 February 2012
by Tony Roza
On 4 October 2011, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (Republican) signed Senate Bill 0584 into law. The bill moves the Presidential Primary to the 4th Tuesday in February which is 28 February 2012.
The date appears to put the Michigan Republican delegate selection plan in violation of the Rules of the Republican Party. Rule 15(b)(1) states
"No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to the first Tuesday in March in the year in which a national convention is held. Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after February 1 in the year in which a national convention is held ..."
Rule 16(a) indicates that Michigan will forfeit 50% of their National Convention delegates.
"If any state or state Republican Party violates The Rules of the Republican Party relating to the timing ... the number of delegates to the national convention from that state shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) ... "
The Michigan Democratic Party will hold their first determining step on Saturday 5 May 2012 with Presidential Caucuses. Hence, the state's Presidential Primary has no effect on their delegate allocation.
7 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: House CD 10: Jose Hernandez (Democratic) - added.
Illinois: House CD 12: Congressman Jerry F. Costello (Democratic) - Open Seat - retiring. House CD 15: Congressman John M. Shimkus (Republican) - previously listed as a candidate for House CD 19.
Missouri: Lieutenant Governor: former state Representative Cynthia Davis (Constitution) - added.
North Dakota: Senate Class 1: state Representative Bette Grande (Republican) - added.
West Virginia: Special Election for Governor: acting Governor Earl Ray Tomblin (Democratic) - elected Governor.
This Special Election was held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of then-Governor Joe Manchin after having been elected to the United States Senate in a Special Election in November 2010; the West Virginia Supreme Court ruled, in the case of Citizen Action v. Tomblin, that the Lieutenant Governor was not entitled to finish out the term as Governor but, instead, that there had to be a Special Election for the Governor's Chair within one year of the vacancy.
Wisconsin: Senate Class 1: state Senator Frank Lasee (Republican) - added.
by TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Special Election: WEST VIRGINIA Governor: Tuesday 4 October 2011
Acting Governor Earl Ray Tomblin (Democratic) has won receiving 49% of the vote.
the polls are open from 6:30 AM (1030 GMT) to 7:30 PM (2330 GMT)
This Special Election is being held to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of then-Governor Joe Manchin after having been elected to the United States Senate in a Special Election in November 2010; the West Virginia Supreme Court ruled, in the case of Citizen Action v. Tomblin, that the Lieutenant Governor was not entitled to finish out the term as Governor but, instead, that there had to be a Special Election for the Governor's Chair within one year of the vacancy.
The winner of this Special Election will serve out the remainder of Senator Manchin's term as Governor, this Governor's Chair next being up for election for a full 4-year term in November 2012.
8 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
Delaware: Senate Class 1: Kevin Wade (Republican) - added.
Illinois: House CD 12: former Belleville Mayor Roger Cook (Republican) - added.
Indiana: House CD 5: state Representative Scott Reske (Democratic) - added. House CD 8: Patrick Scates (Democratic) - added.
Missouri: Senate Class 1: John Brunner (Republican) - correction - previously listed as Democratic. Secretary of State: Secretary of State Robin Carnahan (Democratic) - Open Office - not running for re-election.
Pennsylvania: House CD 18: Evan Feinberg (Republican) - added.
Tennessee: House CD 3: Weston Wamp (Republican) - added.
Monday 3 October 2011: The FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER-- the US Supreme Court begins a new Term of Court today
by Richard E. Berg-Andersson: TheGreenPapers.com Staff
Accordingly, we have brought up to date our website's table of the Justices of the United States Supreme Court (by Term of Court)
South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary set for 21 January 2012
by Tony Roza
On 3 October 2011, the South Carolina Republican Party announced they will hold their 2012 Presidential Primary on 21 January 2012. SCGOP Chairman Connelly announces 2012 Presidential Primary date.
Columbia, S.C. – SCGOP Chairman Chad Connelly today announced South Carolina’s 2012 Republican Presidential Primary date. Chairman Connelly commented:
"Last Friday, a nine person committee brought chaos to the 2012 calendar. Today, South Carolina is making things right.
South Carolina Republicans have a thirty year track record of picking the eventual Republican Presidential nominee. We will continue that historic tradition on January 21, 2012.
It will undoubtedly be a spirited campaign to make Barack Obama just the worst ONE term President in American history. We are united in this mission, and any candidate who ignores South Carolina does so at great peril.
Additional Note: In conjunction with Fox News, the South Carolina Republican Party will also host a 'First in the South' Republican Debate in the days leading up to the primary."
The January date appears to put the South Carolina Republican delegate selection plan in violation of the Rules of the Republican Party. Rule 15(b)(1) states
"No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to the first Tuesday in March in the year in which a national convention is held. Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after February 1 in the year in which a national convention is held ..."
Rule 16(a) indicates that South Carolina will forfeit 50% of their National Convention delegates.
"If any state or state Republican Party violates The Rules of the Republican Party relating to the timing ... the number of delegates to the national convention from that state shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) ... "
NV-R 2012 Presidential Caucus Update / SC-R to make an announcement Mon 3 Oct
by Tony Roza
According to this article in the Las Vegas Review Journal, the Nevada Republican Party Executive Board met on 1 October 2011 and decided to hold Nevada's 2012 Presidential Caucuses sometime in January 2012
A January date appears to put the Nevada Republican delegate selection plan in violation of the Rules of the Republican Party. Rule 15(b)(1) states
"No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to the first Tuesday in March in the year in which a national convention is held. Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after February 1 in the year in which a national convention is held ..."
Rule 16(a) indicates that Nevada will forfeit 50% of their National Convention delegates.
"If any state or state Republican Party violates The Rules of the Republican Party relating to the timing ... the number of delegates to the national convention from that state shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) ... "
The South Carolina Republican Party plans to make an announcement on Monday 3 October regarding their 2012 delegate selection plan. Reports indicate South Carolina will set their Caucuses to the Saturday after the New Hampshire Primary.
21 changes to the candidate list
by Tony Roza
California: Senate Class 1: Mervin Leon Evans (Democratic) - added - was running for House CD 33.
Hawaii: House CD 2: Robert "Bob" Marx (Democratic) - added.
Maryland: Senate Class 1: Ralph Jaffe (Democratic) - added; state Senator C. Anthony Muse (Democratic) - added. House CD 4: George McDermott (Democratic) - added. House CD 6: Robert Coblentz (Republican) - added. House CD 7: Ty Glen Busch (Democratic) - added.
Michigan: House CD 1: Derek Bailey (Democratic) - added.
New Hampshire: Governor: Edward Charles "Hobo Ed" Furlong, III (Independent) - added.
New Jersey: House CD 4: Douglas Anthony Demeo (Democratic) - added.
Texas: House CD 34: William A. "Rusty" Faulk, Jr. (Republican) - added.
Presidential Candidates: Angela Black (Unaffiliated) - added; Vern Leroy Hahn (Unaffiliated) - added; Richard Francis Harris (Republican) - added; Robert Newbern Jorgensen (Independent) - added; Robert Peace (Green) - added; Matthew Allen Turner (Republican) - added; Aldous C. Tyler (Democratic) - added; Danny Earl Woodring (Independent) - added; Michael Christopher Yost (Democratic) - added. 2012 Republican National Convention Delegate Allocation Update
by Tony Roza
The Republican National Committee has not yet released their 2012 National Convention Delegate allocation (as far as we know). So, we "did the math" and came up with this: Republican Delegate Allocation.
States that cast a majority of their 2008 Electoral Votes for the Republican Candidate receive bonus delegates [RNC Rules 13(a)(5) and 13(a)(7)]. In our prior calculations we plugged the number of 2008 electoral votes into the formula. Apparently, the party will use the 2012 electoral vote allocations instead.
Arizona gains 1 electoral vote in 2012. This changes the delegate allocation from 57 to 58 delegates.
Georgia gains 1 electoral vote in 2012. This changes the delegate allocation from 75 to 76 delegates.
Missouri loses 1 electoral vote in 2012. This changes the delegate allocation from 53 to 52 delegates.
Texas gains 4 electoral votes in 2012. This changes the delegate allocation from 152 to 155 delegates.
Utah gains 1 electoral vote in 2012. This changes the delegate allocation from 39 to 40 delegates.
The details can be found here: Republican Detailed Delegate Allocation
Florida Presidential Primaries set for Tuesday 31 January 2012
by Tony Roza
On 30 September 2011, the Florida Presidential Preference Primary Date Selection Committee voted 7-2 to hold the Florida Presidential Primary on Tuesday 31 January 2012.
On 19 May 2011, Florida Governor Richard L. "Rick" Scott (Republican) signed HB 1355 which, among other things, creates the Presidential Preference Primary Date Selection Committee. This committee has until 1 October 2011 to set the date of the 2012 Presidential Primary. That date will be no earlier than the 1st Tuesday in January (3 January 2012) and no later than the 1st Tuesday in March (6 March 2012).
The date appears to put the Florida Republican delegate selection plan in violation of the Rules of the Republican Party. Rule 15(b)(1) states
"No primary, caucus, or convention to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention shall occur prior to the first Tuesday in March in the year in which a national convention is held. Except Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada may begin their processes at any time on or after February 1 in the year in which a national convention is held ..."
Rule 16(a) indicates that Florida will forfeit 50% of their National Convention delegates.
"If any state or state Republican Party violates The Rules of the Republican Party relating to the timing ... the number of delegates to the national convention from that state shall be reduced by fifty percent (50%) ... "
Based on this 10 September 2011 blog from Frank Leone (DNC Virginia) we assume that the Florida Democratic 2012 Delegate Selection Process will be re-written to use a caucus rather than the 31 January primary.
"I was very interested to see how states who are not in compliance with the window (no pre-March 6 primaries, except Iowa, NH, Nev. and SC) would handle the issue – they are taking the position that if the state holds primaries pre-window, the Democrats will have a caucus. This includes FL ...."
Wisconsin Presidential Primaries set for Tuesday 3 April 2012
by Tony Roza
On 30 September 2011, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (Republican) signed SB 115 into law. The bill changes the dates of the Democratic and Republican Presidential Preference Primaries from the 3rd Tuesday in February to the 1st Tuesday in April.
Reference: State and Local Government Wisconsin Statutory Election Information
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- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2012
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2012
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2012
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2012
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2011
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2011
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2011
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2011
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2010
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- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2010
- First Quarter (Jan - Mar) 2010
- Fourth Quarter (Oct - Dec) 2009
- Third Quarter (Jul - Sep) 2009
- Second Quarter (Apr - Jun) 2009
- Changes prior to Fri 29 May 2009
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