The Green Papers 2020 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
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Iowa Democrat Presidential Nominating Process Precinct Caucuses: Monday 3 February 20201 County Conventions: Saturday 21 March 2020 District Conventions: Saturday 25 April 2020 State Convention: Saturday 13 June 2020 |
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Delegate Pledging: Proportional Caucus/Convention. Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus/Convention. 49 total delegate votes - 27 district / 9 at large; 5 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically |
11 February 2019: The Iowa Democratic Party proposed that the caucuses allow Democrats to vote absentee or virtual. However, on 29 August 2019, citing security concerns, the DNC disapproved. Iowa Delegate Selection Plan from the Iowa Democratic Party. Iowa Caucuses from the Iowa Democratic Party. The results of the 3 February Precinct causes are expected to be certified by 29 February 2020. Precinct caucus Results from the Iowa Democratic Party. Precinct caucus results from The New York Times. 10 February 2020: Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg requested a partial recanvass of the Iowa Caucuses results. No timeframe for the certification was provided by the party. The recanvass was completed on 18 February. The delegate allocations were not changed. |
Monday 3 February 2020: Iowa Precinct Caucuses. Hours begin at 7:00p CST (0100 UTC). Delegate Pledging: Proportional Caucus/Convention. Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus/Convention.
Democratic Party Caucuses meet in each precinct at 7 PM CST. Absentee or proxy voting is not allowed. Each Precinct Caucus chooses the precinct's delegates to the County Conventions based on presidential preference. Satellite caucuses add additional locations for those cannot attend the in-person precinct caucus. Iowa Democrats can apply to hold a satellite at places such as factories, group homes, or community gathering facilities. Satellite caucuses are tallied as one additional county in each Congressional District. There is an out-of-state "At-Large" Satellite caucus whose votes are applied to the statewide delegates only.
Example. 57 people attend a caucus electing 3 delegates. The viability is 1/6th of 57 = 9.5 rounded which is 10. Say 29 people support candidate A, 19 support candidate B, and 9 support candidate C. Candidates A and B are viable since they have support of 10 or more of the attendees. Because candidate C did not receive the support of 10 attendees, those supporting candidate C must realign to another candidate. At this point, the attendees realign themselves so 34 support candidate A and 23 support candidate B. The caucus will next choose the precinct's delegates to who will be allocated in proportion to the percentage of the support each "viable" presidential contender received in the second round of balloting at the precinct caucus as of the time of its adjournment. Continuing the example from above: For Candidate A: 3 (total precinct delegates) × 34 (supporters) ÷ 57 (total attendees) = 1.789 which rounds to 2 precinct delegates. Candidate B receives 3 × 23 ÷ 57 = 1.211 which rounds to 1 precinct delegate. Note: Due to rounding, the sum of precinct delegates may exceed the total number of precinct delegates allocated to the caucus. If this happens, round down the candidate with the smallest fraction. Candidates receiving 1 precinct delegate are not subject to this rule, that is, candidates cannot loose their only precinct delegate during this adjustment. 41 National Convention delegates are allocated from the state delegate equivalency results of the precinct caucuses. In addition, the first and last expression of preference are recorded. How the Democratic Proportional Delegate Allocation Math works.
Saturday 21 March 2020: County Conventions convene in each county to choose Congressional District delegates of which the county is a part as well as the county's delegates the Iowa State Democratic Convention. 13 March 2020: "Today, the Iowa Democratic Party is announcing it will postpone County Conventions to a future date to be determined. After extensive consultation with County Chairs, the State Central Committee, party leaders, and public health officials, we have come to the determination that the spreading coronavirus poses a risk that outweighs a temporary delay in moving the caucus-to-convention process forward." |
Saturday 25 April 2020: Democratic Party District Conventions convene in each congressional district at 9:00am to elect the district's delegates to the Democratic National Convention according to the results of the precinct caucuses. |
Having withdrawn, the 8 statewide delegates (5 At-Large and 3 Pledged PLEO), awarded to Buttigieg and Warren have been awarded to Biden. As of 6 June 2020, we are uncertain of the standing of the statewide Sanders delegates. Saturday 13 June 2020: The Iowa State Democratic Convention convenes at 9am CDT. The State Convention elects the 9 At-Large and 5 PLEO of the Iowa's Pledged delegates to the Democratic National Convention according to the results of the precinct caucuses. The remaining 8 National Convention delegates consist of
These 8 delegates and will go to the Democratic National Convention officially "Unpledged". |
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Primary dates marked "presumably" and polling times marked "reportedly" are based on unofficial or estimated data (especially as regards local variations from a jurisdictionwide statutory and/or regulatory standard) and are, thereby, subject to change. 1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process. |
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