The Green Papers 2016 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
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Kansas Republican Presidential Nominating Process Caucuses: Saturday 5 March 2016 Congressional District Conventions: Tuesday 22 March - Saturday 9 April 2016 State Convention: Saturday 14 May 2016 |
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Delegate Selection: Proportional Caucus/Convention. Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus/Convention. 40 total delegates - 10 base at-large / 12 re: 4 congressional districts / 3 party / 15 bonus |
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Source: 2016 Kansas Presidential Caucus. Source: The Official Guide to the 2016 Republican Nominating Process. Results from |
For a candidate to gain access to the KSGOP caucus ballot a Republican Presidential candidate must be registered as Republican Presidential candidate with the Federal Election Commission, file a declaration of candidacy with the Kansas Republican Party, and pay a filing fee of $15,000 no later than 5p CST 20 January 2016. "Uncommitted" appears on the ballot. Write ins are not allowed. [KANSAS GOP PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE CAUCUS AND DELEGATE SELECTION PLAN for the 2016 Republican National Convention Section III. 1. and 2.] Participation in the Presidential Preference Caucus is open to registered Republicans. [Section II. 2. A.] Participants may vote in the caucus of their choosing held in the Congressional district in which they reside. [Section II. 2. D.] Saturday 5 March 2016: Kansas Caucuses. Hours 10:00a-2:00p CST (1600-2000 UTC). Delegate Selection: Proportional Caucus/Convention. Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus/Convention. Caucuses
Saturday 5 March 2016: All 40 of Kansas' delegates to the Republican National Convention are allocated to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Precinct Caucuses. [Section II. 1.] Each voter casts 1 ballot for the candidate of his or her choice. [Section IV. 2. B.]
National Convention Delegates are bound unless released by the candidate. [Section VI. 1., 2.D., and 3.] Caucuses
CD1 delegate computational details for a 10% threshold: |
Tuesday 22 March - Saturday 9 April 2016: Congressional District Conventions. 3 National Convention District Delegates are elected in each of the state's 4 Congressional Districts according to the results of the Caucuses. [Section V. 1 and 1. A.] CD 1: 16 April. Delegate: Sen Tom Arpke; Dave Bohnenblust; Rep Peggy Mast. Alternates: Celia Beymer; Randy Duncan; Tanner Tempel. |
Saturday 14 May 2016: State Convention and State Party Committee Meeting. 25 At-Large National Convention Delegates are elected according to the results of the Caucuses. [Section V. 2.] SB 239 introduced by the Committee on Federal and State Affairs on 17 February 2015, would effectively HB 2398 introduced by the Committee on Federal and State Affairs on 5 March 2015, would HB2104, introduced by the Committee on Elections on 23 January 2015, and signed into law by Governor Samuel D. "Sam" Brownback (Republican) on 8 June 2015, repeals the Presidential Primary: "Each political party ... shall select a presidential nominee in accordance with such party procedures for the 2016 presidential election, and every fourth year thereafter." |
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Primary dates marked "presumably" and polling times marked "reportedly" are based on unofficial or estimated data (especially as regards local variations from a jurisdictionwide statutory and/or regulatory standard) and are, thereby, subject to change. |
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Last Modified: Sun May 26 2024 20:24:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |