The Green Papers 2024 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
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Democratic Convention Presidential Nominating Process Confirmation of Automatic delegates: Wednesday 6 March 2024 49th Democratic National Convention: Monday 19 August - Thursday 22 August 2024 |
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4,695 total delegate votes - 2,566 district / 893 at large; 490 Pledged PLEOs; 746 Unpledged PLEOs |
Popular vote total includes AL, AR, AS, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DA, DC, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MP, MT, NC, ND, NE, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY and excludes NH. No popular vote for UN. |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically |
19 April 2022: Delegate Selection Rule 12.A provides that states must hold primaries or caucuses between the 1st Tuesday of March and the 2nd Tuesday of June except enumerated states may hold their processes in February. Since 2008, those early states have been Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. The Rules and Bylaws Committee has set up a framework to open up that process and allow those and other states to request inclusion in the pre-window period. State Parties may submit a letter of intent and some will make presentations. The Rules and Bylaws Committee is currently looking at allowing 5 states and will consider criteria for selecting states including diversity, competitiveness, and feasibility. Ref: Resolution on the Principles and Framework of a Transparent and Fair Review of the Presidential Nominating Calendar. 7 May 2022: Media reports state that 20 jurisdictions: Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Democrats Abroad, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Texas, and Washington have applied for permission to start their processes in the pre-window period, February 2024. 21 June 2021: The Democratic National Committee Rules & Bylaws Committee will meet in Washington DC on 22-24 June to continue the process of drafting the 2024 Democratic National Convention Delegate Selection rules. The RBC is considering the applications of states who wish to hold contests prior to March 2024, and may approve up to 5 states. The 17 states making presentations are Nevada, Colorado, New Hampshire, Iowa, Washington, South Carolina, New Jersey, Minnesota, George, Puerto Rico, Texas, Michigan, Connecticut, Oklahoma, Delaware, Illinois, and Maryland. States that applied but did not make the initial cut are New York, Nebraska, and Democrats Abroad. Since 2008, the states have been Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina. circa 17 June 2022: Chicago, IL; New York, NY; Houston, TX; and Atlanta, GA made presentations to host the 2024 Democratic National Convention. 2 December 2022: The Democratic National Committee Rules and Bylaws Committee voted to recommend waivers for 5 states that would allow them to hold primaries before the 5 March 2024 opening of the primary window: South Carolina (3 February), New Hampshire (6 February), Nevada (6 February), Georgia (13 February) and Michigan (27 February). The waivers were subject to certain conditions including the approval of the dates by election officials. The DNC RBC will meet virtually Wednesday 25 January 2023 at 6p EST to vote on extending the New Hampshire and Georgia waiver compliance deadline. The Democratic National Committee will hold its Winter 2023 meeting 2-4 February 2023, at the Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown. The DNC members will vote re: ratifying the RBC's recommendations on the "pre-window" waivers for the 2024 presidential nominating calendar. 16 June 2023: Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting. 5 hours 28 minutes. 28 July 2023: Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting. 5 hours 8 minutes. 14 September 2023: Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting. 1 hour 46 minutes. 6 October 2023: Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting. 4 hours 58 minutes. 1 December 2023: Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting. 2 hours 14 minutes. Synopsis 1 February 2024: Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting. 49 minutes. Synopsis 4 June 2024: DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting. 6p EDT. Synopsis 2 July 2024: The Democratic Party is likely to virtually nominate their candidates for President and Vice-President on 21 July 2024. The procedure will be determined on 19 July. More from The New York Post. 10 July 2024: Media reports state the Democratic Credential Committee will hold a 21 July meeting to establish the rules of the nominating process. The party plans to hold a virtual roll call once the rules are established. 22 July 2024: Media reports state the Democratic Party will choose its presidential nominee in a virtual vote by 7 August. 25 Jul 2024: Democrats release plans for virtual roll call vote. Procedural Rules of the 2024 Democratic National Convention The deadline for candidates to submit their declaration of candidacy is Saturday 27 July 6p EDT. By Tuesday July 30 6p EDT, each candidate must submit pledges of support from 300 or more delegates-- from 6 different states (including AS, DC, Democrats Abroad, GU, MP, PR, and VI [the territories]). Not more than 50 pledges may come from 1 delegation. Balloting is 1 to 5 August. A majority vote of Convention delegates is required for nomination. If 1 candidate has the support of the number pledged delegates equal to or greater than a majority of all pledged and automatic delegates then all, the pledged and automatic, delegates will vote on the 1st ballot. Otherwise, on the 1st ballot, only pledged delegates will vote. If no one gets a majority on the 1st ballot, there will be a 2nd round in which all, the pledged and automatic, delegates will vote. On the 2nd, and any subsequent, roll call vote, only the two candidates who have received the highest number of votes on the first roll call shall be eligible for nomination. There will be a ceremonial roll call vote at the convention.
6 August 2024: Vice President Kamala D. Harris has chosen Minnesota Governor Timothy J. "Tim" Walz to be her running mate. |
Wednesday 6 March 2024: Confirmation of Automatic delegates of 746 Automatic Delegates. The Automatic (unpledged party leader and elected official) delegates are assigned automatically by virtue of respective public or Party office. [Delegate Selection Rules 9.A.]. |
Monday 19 August - Thursday 22 August 2024: 49th Democratic National Convention, in Chicago, Illinois. The date and location was first announced on 11 April 2023. The 49th DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION will have a total of 4,695 delegate votes.
"The rules for the 2024 Democratic National Convention specify a formula to be used in determining the allocation of delegate votes to each state and jurisdiction sending a delegation to the Convention. For the details see The Math Behind the Democratic Delegate Allocation. The breakdown of the delegate votes is as follows:
There will actually be more delegates on the floor of the Democratic National Convention than there are delegate votes [which is why I use the term "delegate votes" in the first place]. Some jurisdictions will have more delegate seats than actual delegate votes at that Convention [as a result of which, some delegates from some states will have to cast fractional votes during roll calls on the Convention floor]. There will be 4,695 delegate votes at the 47th Democratic National Convention, but there will be 4,699 actual delegates on the floor of the Convention (in other words, 4 more delegates than votes)... here's why:
"In a relative handful of cases, a Member of Congress or a Governor is also a member of the Democratic National Committee (in some of these cases, such as that of the Democrats' Congressional Leaders- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi - Members of Congress are DNC members ex-officio; in other cases, however, they represent various associated committees or organizations affiliated with the DNC: for example, U.S. Senators sit on the DNC as representatives of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee- likewise, Congressmen and Governors sit on the DNC as representatives of, respectively, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Governors' Association); the Democratic Party lists these Unpledged PLEOs who are DNC members as well as holders of elective office solely as DNC members (in other words, as far as the Party is concerned, these people are "Party Leaders" more than "Elected Officials"). However, it is the considered opinion of "The Green Papers" that the average user of this web site is going to think of these few Unpledged PLEOs who are in the unique position of being both PLs AND EOs more in terms of their elected office than their DNC membership: as a result, "The Green Papers" has "converted" DNC members who happen also to be Governors, Senators and Representatives to their political office from their DNC membership. Therefore, the breakdown in each state or other jurisdiction of Unpledged PLEOs as posted on "The Green Papers" may differ somewhat from that put out by the Democratic Party itself: where this is the case, it is so indicated on the appropriate DEMOCRAT page for the affected state or other jurisdiction." Terminology:
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Primary dates marked "presumably" and polling times marked "reportedly" are based on unofficial or estimated data (especially as regards local variations from a jurisdictionwide statutory and/or regulatory standard) and are, thereby, subject to change. 1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process. |