The Green Papers 2024 Presidential Primaries, Caucuses, and Conventions |
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Democrats Abroad Democrat Presidential Nominating Process Candidate filing deadline: Wednesday 3 January 2024 Global Party Run Primary: Tuesday 5 March - Tuesday 12 March 20241 Regional Conventions: Thursday 18 April - Friday 31 May 2024 Global Convention: Friday 31 May - Saturday 1 June 2024 |
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Delegate Pledging: Proportional Caucus/Convention. Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus/Convention. 17 total delegate votes - 12 at large; 1 Pledged PLEO; 4 Unpledged PLEOs |
States Chronologically States Alphabetically |
Presidential Nominating Process from Democrats Abroad. 14 September 2023: DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting Committee Meeting found this plan to be in conditional compliance. 2024 Global Primary from Democrats Abroad. 15 March 2024: "With 90% of ballots counted, preliminary results show President Joseph R. Biden with 80% of the vote, Marianne Williamson with 6.7%, and 13.2% Uncommitted....On Tuesday, 19 March at 9 a.m. EDT, Democrats Abroad will announce the results of our Global Presidential Primary....". With this information from from Democrats Abroad, we are assigning 13 delegates to Biden, the only candidate to exceed 15% of the vote. 6 August 2024: Reports state that Harris received 21 votes in the virtual roll call. Democrats Abroad has a total of 17 delegate votes, 4 of which are automatic or unpledged fractional votes where each delegate casts ½ vote. |
Participation in Democrats Abroad's delegate selection process is open to all U.S. nationals who will be 18 years of age or older on 5 November 2024 and who wish to participate as Democrats. Voters must declare that are living abroad, are a member of Democrats Abroad, and have not participated and will not participate in the any other delegate selection process for the 2024 presidential election. If more than 2 presidential candidates submit a letter of candidacy by 3 January 2024, the Global Primary will employ Ranked Choice Voting. Tuesday 5 March - Tuesday 12 March 2024: Democrats Abroad Global Party Run Primary. Delegate Pledging: Proportional Caucus/Convention. Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus/Convention. Participants may vote by fax, email, in person, or postal mail (deadline for voter Ballot Request is 19 February, deadline to receive ballots is 12 March 2024 12:59P Pacific Time, proxy voting is not permitted). Each voter casts a rank choice vote for Presidential candidates or uncommitted. Write-ins are not permitted. Global Party Run Primary
If a candidate formally withdraws before the 18 May global and regional meetings, any delegates they have been allocated will be assigned to other candidates who met the 15% threshold. 13 of the 17 delegate votes to the Democratic National Convention are pledged to presidential contenders based on the results of the voting in today's Democrats Abroad Global Party Run Primary. A mandatory 15 percent threshold is required in order for a presidential contender to be allocated National Convention delegates. Here is how the Democratic Proportional Delegate Allocation Math works.
Global Party Run Primary
Thursday 18 April - Friday 31 May 2024: Regional Conventions. Democrats Abroad will hold a Regional Conventions in Toronto, Canada. 9 At-Large National Convention delegates are elected according to the results of the Global Primary. Each Regional Caucus is entitled to elect at least 1 National Convention delegate. The number of delegates elected in each region is proportional to the percentage of votes cast in that region.
Friday 31 May - Saturday 1 June 2024: The Global Convention meets in TBD to elect 1 Pledged PLEO, and 3 At-large National Convention delegates according to the results of the Global Primary. DEMOCRATS ABROAD is allocated 17 delegate votes at the Democratic National Convention but will be sending 21 persons who will be acknowledged as "delegates" on the floor of the Convention.
If a presidential candidate has officially notified the Global Chair in writing the she/he is no longer a candidate at the time of the Global Convention, then her/his allocation of Delegates will be proportionately divided among up over presidential preferences entitled to an allocation. The Democrats Abroad delegation is made up of the following members: Delegation Chair: Martha McDevitt-Pugh, Netherlands. Voting Delegates
Non-voting delegation
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Primary dates marked "presumably" and polling times marked "reportedly" are based on unofficial or estimated data (especially as regards local variations from a jurisdictionwide statutory and/or regulatory standard) and are, thereby, subject to change. 1 Democratic Party's "First Determining Step" of the delegate selection process. |
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• Democrats Abroad Netherlands |
Last Modified: Mon Aug 12 2024 11:43:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |