[Last update 01feb19]

Primary, Caucus, and Convention Results

Democrat Convention

Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 10,642,105  76% 4,328.  100% 3,027.5  70% Bradley, Bil 2,804,945  20%         507.5  12% Uncommitted 203,922   1%         802.   18% LaRouche, Ly 306,772   2%             others 55,672   0%             abstentions           9.    0%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 14,013,416 100% 4,337.  100% 4,337.  100%

Republican Convention

Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 12,089,564  62% 2,058.  100% 1,601.   77% McCain, John 6,070,050  31%     1.    0%   243.   12% Uncommitted 60,598   0%         205.   10% Keyes, Alan 995,555   5%     6.    0%    14.    1% Bauer, Gary 68,279   0%           1.    0% Forbes, Stev 200,402   1%           2.    0% others 18,083   0%             Hatch, Orrin 17,008   0%             abstention           1.    0%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 19,519,539 100% 2,066.  100% 2,066.  100%

Alabama Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CDT (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 64 total delegate votes - 35 district / 12 at-large; 7 Pledged PLEOs; 9 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 214,541  77%    64.  100%    54.   84% Uncommitted 48,521  17%          10.   16% LaRouche, Ly 15,465   6%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 278,527 100%    64.  100%    64.  100%

Alabama Republican

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CDT (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 44 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 21 re: 7 congressional districts / 17 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 171,077  84%    44.  100%    44.  100% Keyes, Alan 23,394  12%             Uncommitted 8,606   4%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 203,077 100%    44.  100%    44.  100%

Alaska Democrat

Precinct Caucuses and Legislative District Conventions: Saturday, April 22, 2000
Convention: Saturday, May 20, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 19 total delegate votes - 8 district / 3 at-large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 5 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al          19.  100%    13.   68% Uncommitted                 6.   32% Bradley, Bil                   ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL          19.  100%    19.  100%

Alaska Republican

Straw Poll: Monday, January 24, 2000
District Conventions: Wednesday, February 23 - Wednesday, April 19, 2000
Convention: Friday, May 19 - Saturday, May 20, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 23 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 14 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 1,571  36%    23.  100%    23.  100% Forbes, Stev 1,566  36%             McCain, John 412  10%             Keyes, Alan 411   9%             Bauer, Gary 207   5%             Hatch, Orrin 163   4%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 4,330 100%    23.  100%    23.  100%

American Samoa Democrat

Territorial Convention: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 6 total delegate votes - 3 at-large; 3 Unpledged PLEOs* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 21  84%     6.  100%     2.5  42% Bradley, Bil 4  16%           0.5   8% Uncommitted                 3.   50% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 25 100%     6.  100%     6.  100%

American Samoa Republican

Territorial Caucus: Saturday, February 26, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 4 total delegates (all at-large)* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George           4.  100%     4.  100% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL           4.  100%     4.  100%

Arizona Democrat

Party-run Primary: Saturday, March 11, 2000
Regional Meetings: Saturday, April 15, 2000
At-Large Meeting: Saturday, April 29, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM MST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 55 total delegate votes - 31 district / 10 at-large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 67,582  78%    55.  100%    40.   73% Bradley, Bil 16,383  19%           7.   13% Uncommitted 1,439   2%           8.   15% Harder, Heat 1,358   2%             Invalid 145   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 86,907 100%    55.  100%    55.  100%

Arizona Republican

Primary: Tuesday, February 22, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM MST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 30 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 18 re: 6 congressional districts / 6 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total McCain, John 193,708  60%          30.  100% Bush, George 115,115  36%    30.  100%       Keyes, Alan 11,500   4%             Forbes, Stev 1,211   0%             Hatch, Orrin 637   0%             McGrath,John 239   0%             Bauer, Gary 177   0%             Zanon, James 54   0%             See, Chuck 28   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 322,669 100%    30.  100%    30.  100%

Arkansas Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, May 23, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7:30 PM CDT (0030 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 47 total delegate votes - 24 district / 8 at-large; 5 Pledged PLEOs; 9 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 193,750  78%    47.  100%    37.   79% Uncommitted                10.   21% LaRouche, Ly 53,150  22%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 246,900 100%    47.  100%    47.  100%

Arkansas Republican

Primary: Tuesday, May 23, 2000
County Conventions: Monday, June 19, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, June 24, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7:30 PM CDT (0030 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 24 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 12 re: 4 congressional districts / 6 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 35,759  80%    19.   79%    19.   79% Keyes, Alan 8,814  20%     5.   21%     5.   21% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 44,573 100%    24.  100%    24.  100%

California Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary (party only), Polls Close at 8 PM PST (0400 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 433 total delegate votes - 239 district / 80 at-large; 48 Pledged PLEOs; 61 Unpledged PLEOs / 5 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 2,155,321  81%   431.  100%   305.   70% Bradley, Bil 482,882  18%          62.   14% Uncommitted                66.   15% LaRouche, Ly 15,911   1%             abstentions           2.    0%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 2,654,114 100%   433.  100%   433.  100%

California Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary (party only), Polls Close at 8 PM PST (0400 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 162 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 156 re: 52 congressional districts / 0 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 1,725,162  61%   162.  100%   162.  100% McCain, John 988,706  35%             Keyes, Alan 112,747   4%             Forbes, Stev 8,449   0%             Bauer, Gary 6,860   0%             Hatch, Orrin 5,997   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 2,847,921 100%   162.  100%   162.  100%

Colorado Democrat

Primary: Friday, March 10, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM MST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 61 total delegate votes - 33 district / 11 at-large; 7 Pledged PLEOs; 9 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 63,384  71%    61.  100%    44.   72% Bradley, Bil 20,663  23%           7.   11% Uncommitted 3,867   4%          10.   16% LaRouche, Ly 821   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 88,735 100%    61.  100%    61.  100%

Colorado Republican

Primary: Friday, March 10, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM MST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 40 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 18 re: 6 congressional districts / 16 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 116,897  65%    40.  100%    28.   70% McCain, John 48,996  27%          12.   30% Keyes, Alan 11,871   7%             Forbes, Stev 1,197   1%             Bauer, Gary 1,190   1%             Hatch, Orrin 504   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 180,655 100%    40.  100%    40.  100%

Connecticut Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 67 total delegate votes - 35 district / 12 at-large; 7 Pledged PLEOs; 12 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 98,312  55%    67.  100%    30.   45% Bradley, Bil 73,589  42%          24.   36% Uncommitted 5,400   3%          13.   19% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 177,301 100%    67.  100%    67.  100%

Connecticut Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 25 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 18 re: 6 congressional districts / 1 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total McCain, John 87,176  49%          25.  100% Bush, George 82,881  46%    25.  100%       Keyes, Alan 5,913   3%             Forbes, Stev 1,242   1%             Uncommitted 1,222   1%             Bauer, Gary 373   0%             Hatch, Orrin 178   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 178,985 100%    25.  100%    25.  100%

Delaware Democrat

Non-binding Primary: Saturday, February 5, 2000
District Caucuses: Monday, March 27, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, April 8, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Advisory Primary 22 total delegate votes - 10 district / 3 at-large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 6 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 6,377  57%    22.  100%    15.   68% Uncommitted                 7.   32% Bradley, Bil 4,476  40%             LaRouche, Ly 288   3%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 11,141 100%    22.  100%    22.  100%

Delaware Republican

Party-run Primary: Tuesday, February 8, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 12 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 3 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 15,250  51%    12.  100%    12.  100% McCain, John 7,638  25%             Forbes, Stev 5,883  20%             Keyes, Alan 1,148   4%             Bauer, Gary 120   0%             Hatch, Orrin 21   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 30,060 100%    12.  100%    12.  100%

Democrats Abroad Democrat

Local Caucuses: Friday, March 10 - Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Country Caucuses: Friday, March 17 - Tuesday, March 21, 2000
Regional Caucuses: Saturday, April 1, 2000
Global Convention: Sunday, April 2, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 9 total delegate votes - 6 at-large; 1 Pledged PLEO; 2 Unpledged PLEOs* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al           9.  100%     7.   78% Bradley, Bil                   Uncommitted                 2.   22% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL           9.  100%     9.  100%

District of Columbia Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, May 2, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EDT (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 33 total delegate votes - 11 district / 4 at-large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 15 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 18,621  96%    33.  100%    17.   52% Uncommitted                16.   48% LaRouche, Ly 796   4%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 19,417 100%    33.  100%    33.  100%

District of Columbia Republican

Primary: Tuesday, May 2, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EDT (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 15 total delegates (all at-large)* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 1,771  73%    15.  100%    15.  100% McCain, John 593  24%             Write-In 69   3%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 2,433 100%    15.  100%    15.  100%

Florida Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 186 total delegate votes - 105 district / 35 at-large; 21 Pledged PLEOs; 22 Unpledged PLEOs / 3 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 451,657  82%   186.  100%   144.   77% Bradley, Bil 100,259  18%          17.    9% Uncommitted                25.   13% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 551,916 100%   186.  100%   186.  100%

Florida Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 80 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 69 re: 23 congressional districts / 5 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 516,161  74%    80.  100%    80.  100% McCain, John 139,397  20%             Keyes, Alan 32,343   5%             Forbes, Stev 6,552   1%             Bauer, Gary 3,493   0%             Hatch, Orrin 1,371   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 699,317 100%    80.  100%    80.  100%

Georgia Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 93 total delegate votes - 50 district / 17 at-large; 10 Pledged PLEOs; 14 Unpledged PLEOs / 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 238,396  84%    93.  100%    65.   70% Bradley, Bil 46,035  16%          12.   13% Uncommitted                16.   17% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 284,431 100%    93.  100%    93.  100%

Georgia Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 54 total delegates - 6 base at-large/ 33 re: 11 congressional districts / 15 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 430,480  67%    54.  100%    54.  100% McCain, John 179,046  28%             Keyes, Alan 29,640   5%             Bauer, Gary 1,962   0%             Forbes, Stev 1,647   0%             Hatch, Orrin 413   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 643,188 100%    54.  100%    54.  100%

Guam Democrat

Territorial Convention: Saturday, March 18, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 6 total delegate votes - 3 at-large; 3 Unpledged PLEOs* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al           6.  100%     3.   50% Uncommitted                 3.   50% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL           6.  100%     6.  100%

Guam Republican

Territorial Caucus: Saturday, February 26, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 4 total delegates (all at-large)* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George           4.  100%     4.  100% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL           4.  100%     4.  100%

Hawaii Democrat

Caucus: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
State Convention: Sunday, May 28, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 33 total delegate votes - 14 district / 5 at-large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 10 Unpledged PLEOs / 1 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 1,080  82%    33.  100%    20.   61% Bradley, Bil 235  18%           2.    6% Uncommitted                11.   33% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 1,315 100%    33.  100%    33.  100%

Hawaii Republican

Precinct Caucuses: Monday, February 7 - Sunday, February 13, 2000
State Convention: Friday, May 5 - Sunday, May 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 14 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 2 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Uncommitted                14.  100% Bush, George          14.  100%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL          14.  100%    14.  100%

Idaho Democrat

County Caucus: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
State Convention: Thursday, June 22 - Saturday, June 24, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 23 total delegate votes - 12 district / 4 at-large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 4 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 240  63%    23.  100%    14.   61% Bradley, Bil 126  33%           4.   17% Uncommitted 16   4%           5.   22% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 382 100%    23.  100%    23.  100%

Idaho Republican

Primary: Tuesday, May 23, 2000
Convention: Friday, June 23 - Saturday, June 24, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM MDT (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 28 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 16 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 116,385  73%    28.  100%    22.   79% Uncommitted 11,798   7%           6.   21% Keyes, Alan 30,263  19%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 158,446 100%    28.  100%    28.  100%

Illinois Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 21, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 190 total delegate votes - 105 district / 35 at-large; 21 Pledged PLEOs; 26 Unpledged PLEOs; 3 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 682,916  84%   189.   99%   149.   78% Bradley, Bil 115,317  14%          12.    6% Uncommitted                29.   15% LaRouche, Ly 11,415   1%             abstentions           1.    1%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 809,648 100%   190.  100%   190.  100%

Illinois Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 21, 2000
Convention: Friday, June 16 - Saturday, June 17, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Loophole Primary 74 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 60 re: 20 congressional districts / 8 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 496,646  67%    74.  100%    64.   86% Uncommitted                10.   14% McCain, John 158,752  22%             Keyes, Alan 66,057   9%             Forbes, Stev 10,334   1%             Bauer, Gary 5,068   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 736,857 100%    74.  100%    74.  100%

Indiana Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, May 2, 2000
Democratic State Convention: Sunday, June 11, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 6 PM CDT/EST (2300 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 88 total delegate votes - 47 district / 16 at-large; 9 Pledged PLEOs; 14 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 219,604  75%    88.  100%    62.   70% Bradley, Bil 64,339  22%          10.   11% Uncommitted                16.   18% LaRouche, Ly 9,229   3%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 293,172 100%    88.  100%    88.  100%

Indiana Republican

Primary: Tuesday, May 2, 2000
State Convention: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 6 PM CDT/EST (2300 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 55 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 30 re: 10 congressional districts / 19 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 330,095  81%    55.  100%    30.   55% McCain, John 76,569  19%             Uncommitted                25.   45% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 406,664 100%    55.  100%    55.  100%

Iowa Democrat

Caucus: Monday, January 24, 2000
County Conventions: Saturday, March 25, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, May 6, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, June 17, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 57 total delegate votes - 31 district / 10 at-large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 9 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 1,269  63%    57.  100%    35.   61% Bradley, Bil 698  35%          12.   21% Uncommitted                10.   18% Uncommitted 33   2%             others 1   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 2,001 100%    57.  100%    57.  100%

Iowa Republican

Caucus: Monday, January 24, 2000
County Conventions: Saturday, March 4, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, April 29, 2000
State Convention District Caucuses: Friday, June 9, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, June 10, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 25 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 15 re: 5 congressional districts / 4 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 35,384  41%    25.  100%       Forbes, Stev 26,338  30%             Keyes, Alan 12,329  14%             Bauer, Gary 7,367   9%             McCain, John 4,053   5%             Hatch, Orrin 888   1%             Uncommitted                25.  100% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 86,359 100%    25.  100%    25.  100%

Kansas Democrat

Congressional District Conventions: Saturday, May 6, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, June 17, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CDT (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 42 total delegate votes - 23 district / 8 at-large; 5 Pledged PLEOs; 5 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 541  96%    42.  100%    36.   86% Uncommitted 7   1%           6.   14% LaRouche, Ly 18   3%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 566 100%    42.  100%    42.  100%

Kansas Republican

State Convention: Thursday, May 25, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 35 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 12 re: 4 congressional districts / 17 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George          35.  100%    35.  100% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL          35.  100%    35.  100%

Kentucky Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, May 23, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 6 PM EDT (2200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 58 total delegate votes - 32 district / 11 at-large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 156,966  71%    56.   97%    46.   79% Bradley, Bil 32,340  15%           3.    5% Uncommitted 26,046  12%           9.   16% LaRouche, Ly 4,927   2%             abstentions           2.    3%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 220,279 100%    58.  100%    58.  100%

Kentucky Republican

County Mass Conventions: Saturday, March 18, 2000
Jefferson County Conventions: Saturday, April 15, 2000
Congressional District Conventions: Saturday, May 20, 2000
Congressional District Conventions: Saturday, June 3, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, June 10, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 31 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 18 re: 6 congressional districts / 7 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 75,783  83%    31.  100%    31.  100% McCain, John 5,780   6%             Keyes, Alan 4,337   5%             Bauer, Gary 2,408   3%             Forbes, Stev 1,829   2%             Uncommitted 1,186   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 91,323 100%    31.  100%    31.  100%

Louisiana Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 72 total delegate votes - 40 district / 13 at-large; 8 Pledged PLEOs; 10 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 114,942  73%    72.  100%    54.   75% Bradley, Bil 31,385  20%           7.   10% Uncommitted                11.   15% LaRouche, Ly 6,127   4%             Crow, Randy 5,097   3%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 157,551 100%    72.  100%    72.  100%

Louisiana Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 29 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 21 re: 7 congressional districts / 2 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 86,038  84%    29.  100%    29.  100% McCain, John 9,165   9%             Keyes, Alan 5,900   6%             Forbes, Stev 1,041   1%             Bauer, Gary 768   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 102,912 100%    29.  100%    29.  100%

Maine Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 33 total delegate votes - 15 district / 5 at-large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 9 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 34,725  54%    33.  100%    13.   39% Bradley, Bil 26,520  41%          10.   30% Uncommitted 2,634   4%          10.   30% LaRouche, Ly 208   0%             Epstein, Ric 192   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 64,279 100%    33.  100%    33.  100%

Maine Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
State Convention: Friday, May 5 - Saturday, May 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (only if winner receives a majority, otherwise Proportional Primary) 14 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 2 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 49,308  51%    14.  100%    14.  100% McCain, John 42,510  44%             Keyes, Alan 2,989   3%             Uncommitted 1,038   1%             Forbes, Stev 455   0%             Bauer, Gary 324   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 96,624 100%    14.  100%    14.  100%

Maryland Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 95 total delegate votes - 44 district / 15 at-large; 9 Pledged PLEOs; 25 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 341,630  67%    95.  100%    49.   52% Bradley, Bil 144,387  28%          19.   20% Uncommitted 16,935   3%          27.   28% LaRouche, Ly 4,510   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 507,462 100%    95.  100%    95.  100%

Maryland Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 31 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 24 re: 8 congressional districts / 1 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 211,439  56%    31.  100%    31.  100% McCain, John 135,981  36%             Keyes, Alan 25,020   7%             Forbes, Stev 1,678   0%             Bauer, Gary 1,328   0%             Hatch, Orrin 588   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 376,034 100%    31.  100%    31.  100%

Massachusetts Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 118 total delegate votes - 61 district / 20 at-large; 12 Pledged PLEOs; 23 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 341,586  60%   118.  100%    58.   49% Bradley, Bil 212,452  37%          35.   30% Uncommitted 11,281   2%          25.   21% All others 2,620   0%             LaRouche, Ly 2,135   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 570,074 100%   118.  100%   118.  100%

Massachusetts Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 37 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 30 re: 10 congressional districts / 1 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total McCain, John 324,708  65%     1.    3%    37.  100% Bush, George 159,534  32%    35.   95%       Keyes, Alan 12,630   3%             Bauer, Gary 1,744   0%             Forbes, Stev 1,407   0%             Uncommitted 1,292   0%             All others 374   0%             Hatch, Orrin 262   0%             abstention           1.    3%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 501,951 100%    37.  100%    37.  100%

Michigan Democrat

Caucus: Saturday, March 11, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, May 6, 2000
Democratic State Central Committee: Saturday, May 20, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 158 total delegate votes - 84 district / 28 at-large; 17 Pledged PLEOs; 27 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 15,853  83%   158.  100%   120.   76% Bradley, Bil 3,117  16%           9.    6% Uncommitted 190   1%          29.   18% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 19,160 100%   158.  100%   158.  100%

Michigan Republican

Primary: Tuesday, February 22, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 58 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 48 re: 16 congressional districts / 4 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total McCain, John 650,805  51%          52.   90% Bush, George 549,665  43%    58.  100%     6.   10% Keyes, Alan 59,032   5%             Uncommitted 8,714   1%             Forbes, Stev 4,894   0%             Bauer, Gary 2,733   0%             Hatch, Orrin 905   0%             Schriner, Jo 22   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 1,276,770 100%    58.  100%    58.  100%

Minnesota Democrat

Precinct Meetings: Saturday, March 11 - Sunday, March 12, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 90 total delegate votes - 48 district / 16 at-large; 10 Pledged PLEOs; 14 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 11,100  74%    89.   99%    72.   80% Uncommitted 1,650  11%          16.   18% Bradley, Bil 1,800  12%           2.    2% Harder, Heat 450   3%             abstentions           1.    1%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 15,000 100%    90.  100%    90.  100%

Minnesota Republican

Precinct Caucuses & non-binding straw poll: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
BPOU Conventions: Saturday, March 18 - Saturday, April 15, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, April 29, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, May 6, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, May 13, 2000
State Convention: Friday, June 9 - Saturday, June 10, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 34 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 24 re: 8 congressional districts / 4 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 11,531  63%    33.   97%    34.  100% Keyes, Alan 3,661  20%     1.    3%       McCain, John 3,209  17%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 18,401 100%    34.  100%    34.  100%

Mississippi Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 48 total delegate votes - 24 district / 8 at-large; 5 Pledged PLEOs; 10 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 79,408  90%    48.  100%    37.   77% Uncommitted                11.   23% Bradley, Bil 7,621   9%             LaRouche, Ly 1,573   2%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 88,602 100%    48.  100%    48.  100%

Mississippi Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 33 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 15 re: 5 congressional districts / 12 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 101,042  88%    33.  100%    33.  100% Keyes, Alan 6,478   6%             McCain, John 6,263   5%             Forbes, Stev 588   1%             Bauer, Gary 475   0%             Hatch, Orrin 133   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 114,979 100%    33.  100%    33.  100%

Missouri Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Meetings: Thursday, March 30, 2000
District Convention: Thursday, April 27, 2000
State Committee: Saturday, May 6, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, May 13, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 92 total delegate votes - 49 district / 16 at-large; 10 Pledged PLEOs; 15 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 171,562  65%    92.  100%    51.   55% Bradley, Bil 89,092  34%          24.   26% Uncommitted 3,364   1%          17.   18% LaRouche, Ly 906   0%             Price, Pat 565   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 265,489 100%    92.  100%    92.  100%

Missouri Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Local Caucuses: Saturday, March 18, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, April 22, 2000
State Convention: Friday, June 16 - Saturday, June 17, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 35 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 2 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 275,366  58%    35.  100%    35.  100% McCain, John 167,831  35%             Keyes, Alan 27,282   6%             Forbes, Stev 2,044   0%             Uncommitted 1,345   0%             Bauer, Gary 1,038   0%             Hatch, Orrin 363   0%             Hornung, Law 94   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 475,363 100%    35.  100%    35.  100%

Montana Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM MDT (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 24 total delegate votes - 11 district / 4 at-large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 6 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 68,420  78%    24.  100%    15.   63% Uncommitted 19,447  22%           9.   38% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 87,867 100%    24.  100%    24.  100%

Montana Republican

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM MDT (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 23 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 14 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 88,194  78%    23.  100%    23.  100% Keyes, Alan 20,822  18%             Uncommitted 4,655   4%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 113,671 100%    23.  100%    23.  100%

Nebraska Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, May 9, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CDT (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 32 total delegate votes - 17 district / 6 at-large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 5 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 73,639  70%    32.  100%    21.   66% Bradley, Bil 27,884  26%           5.   16% Uncommitted                 6.   19% LaRouche, Ly 3,191   3%             Write-In 557   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 105,271 100%    32.  100%    32.  100%

Nebraska Republican

Primary: Tuesday, May 9, 2000
State Convention: Friday, June 23 - Sunday, June 25, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CDT (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Loophole Primary 30 total delegates - 6 base at-large/ 9 re: 3 congressional districts / 15 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 145,176  78%    30.  100%    30.  100% McCain, John 28,065  15%             Keyes, Alan 12,073   6%             Write-In 444   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 185,758 100%    30.  100%    30.  100%

Nevada Democrat

Precinct Caucuses: Sunday, March 12, 2000
County Conventions: Saturday, April 15, 2000
State Convention: Friday, May 19 - Sunday, May 21, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 29 total delegate votes - 13 district / 4 at-large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 912  98%    29.  100%    20.   69% Uncommitted                 9.   31% Bradley, Bil 22   2%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 934 100%    29.  100%    29.  100%

Nevada Republican

Caucus: Wednesday, February 23 - Tuesday, March 21, 2000
County Conventions: Tuesday, March 21, 2000
Convention: Thursday, May 25 - Saturday, May 27, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 17 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 5 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Uncommitted                17.  100% Bush, George          17.  100%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL          17.  100%    17.  100%

New Hampshire Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, February 1, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 29 total delegate votes - 14 district / 5 at-large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 6 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 76,897  50%    29.  100%    13.   45% Bradley, Bil 70,502  46%           9.   31% Uncommitted                 7.   24% others 7,240   5%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 154,639 100%    29.  100%    29.  100%

New Hampshire Republican

Primary: Tuesday, February 1, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 17 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 5 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total McCain, John 115,606  49%          10.   59% Bush, George 72,330  30%    17.  100%     5.   29% Uncommitted                   Forbes, Stev 30,166  13%           2.   12% Keyes, Alan 15,179   6%             others 3,122   1%             Bauer, Gary 1,640   1%             Hatch, Orrin 163   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 238,206 100%    17.  100%    17.  100%

New Jersey Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EDT (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 124 total delegate votes - 68 district / 23 at-large; 14 Pledged PLEOs; 17 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 358,951  95%   124.  100%   105.   85% Uncommitted                19.   15% LaRouche, Ly 19,321   5%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 378,272 100%   124.  100%   124.  100%

New Jersey Republican

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EDT (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Loophole Primary 54 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 39 re: 13 congressional districts / 9 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 201,209  84%    54.  100%    54.  100% Keyes, Alan 39,601  16%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 240,810 100%    54.  100%    54.  100%

New Mexico Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM MDT (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 35 total delegate votes - 17 district / 6 at-large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 8 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 98,715  75%    35.  100%    23.   66% Bradley, Bil 27,204  21%           3.    9% Uncommitted 3,298   2%           9.   26% LaRouche, Ly 3,063   2%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 132,280 100%    35.  100%    35.  100%

New Mexico Republican

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM MDT (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 21 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 9 re: 3 congressional districts / 6 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 62,161  83%    21.  100%    21.  100% McCain, John 7,619  10%             Keyes, Alan 4,850   6%             Uncommitted 600   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 75,230 100%    21.  100%    21.  100%

New York Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
State Committee: Wednesday, May 31, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 9 PM EST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 294 total delegate votes - 158 district / 53 at-large; 32 Pledged PLEOs; 47 Unpledged PLEOs; 4 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 639,417  66%   294.  100%   158.   54% Bradley, Bil 326,038  33%          85.   29% Uncommitted                51.   17% LaRouche, Ly 9,008   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 974,463 100%   294.  100%   294.  100%

New York Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
State Committee: Tuesday, May 30, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 9 PM EST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Delegate Selection Primary 101 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 93 re: 31 congressional districts / 2 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 1,102,850  51%   101.  100%    67.   66% McCain, John 937,655  43%          26.   26% Uncommitted                 8.    8% Keyes, Alan 71,196   3%             Forbes, Stev 49,817   2%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 2,161,518 100%   101.  100%   101.  100%

North Carolina Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, May 2, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7:30 PM EDT (2330 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 103 total delegate votes - 56 district / 19 at-large; 11 Pledged PLEOs; 15 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 383,696  70%   103.  100%    73.   71% Bradley, Bil 99,796  18%          13.   13% Uncommitted 49,905   9%          17.   17% LaRouche, Ly 11,525   2%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 544,922 100%   103.  100%   103.  100%

North Carolina Republican

Primary: Tuesday, May 2, 2000
District Conventions: Tuesday, May 2 - Saturday, May 20, 2000
State Convention: Friday, June 2 - Sunday, June 4, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7:30 PM EDT (2330 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 62 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 36 re: 12 congressional districts / 20 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 253,485  79%    62.  100%    49.   79% McCain, John 35,018  11%           7.   11% Keyes, Alan 25,320   8%           5.    8% Bauer, Gary 3,311   1%           1.    2% Uncommitted 5,383   2%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 322,517 100%    62.  100%    62.  100%

North Dakota Democrat

Precinct Caucuses: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Legislative District Conventions: Monday, March 20, 2000 (tentative date)
State Convention: Friday, April 7 - Sunday, April 9, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 22 total delegate votes - 9 district / 3 at-large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 7 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 1,711  78%    22.  100%    12.   55% Uncommitted                 8.   36% Bradley, Bil 477  22%           2.    9% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 2,188 100%    22.  100%    22.  100%

North Dakota Republican

Precinct Caucus: Tuesday, February 29, 2000
County Conventions: March, 2000 (tentative date)
State Convention: Friday, March 31 - Sunday, April 2, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 19 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 10 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 6,865  76%    19.  100%    14.   74% McCain, John 1,717  19%           4.   21% Keyes, Alan 481   5%           1.    5% others 3   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 9,066 100%    19.  100%    19.  100%

Ohio Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7:30 PM EST (0030 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 169 total delegate votes - 95 district / 32 at-large; 19 Pledged PLEOs; 20 Unpledged PLEOs; 3 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 720,311  74%   169.  100%   109.   64% Bradley, Bil 241,688  25%          37.   22% Uncommitted                23.   14% LaRouche, Ly 16,513   2%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 978,512 100%   169.  100%   169.  100%

Ohio Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7:30 PM EST (0030 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 69 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 57 re: 19 congressional districts / 6 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 810,369  58%    69.  100%    63.   91% McCain, John 516,790  37%           6.    9% Keyes, Alan 55,266   4%             Forbes, Stev 8,934   1%             Bauer, Gary 6,169   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 1,397,528 100%    69.  100%    69.  100%

Oklahoma Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 52 total delegate votes - 29 district / 10 at-large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 6 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 92,654  69%    52.  100%    38.   73% Bradley, Bil 34,311  25%           7.   13% Uncommitted                 7.   13% LaRouche, Ly 7,885   6%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 134,850 100%    52.  100%    52.  100%

Oklahoma Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 38 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 18 re: 6 congressional districts / 14 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 98,781  79%    38.  100%    38.  100% McCain, John 12,973  10%             Keyes, Alan 11,595   9%             Forbes, Stev 1,066   1%             Bauer, Gary 394   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 124,809 100%    38.  100%    38.  100%

Oregon Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, May 16, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM PDT (0300 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 58 total delegate votes - 31 district / 10 at-large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 10 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 300,922  85%    58.  100%    47.   81% Bradley, Bil                   Uncommitted                11.   19% LaRouche, Ly 38,521  11%             Miscellaneou 15,151   4%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 354,594 100%    58.  100%    58.  100%

Oregon Republican

Primary: Tuesday, May 16, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM PDT (0300 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 24 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 15 re: 5 congressional districts / 3 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 292,522  84%    24.  100%    21.   88% Keyes, Alan 46,764  13%           3.   13% Miscellaneou 10,545   3%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 349,831 100%    24.  100%    24.  100%

Pennsylvania Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, April 4, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EDT (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 191 total delegate votes - 104 district / 35 at-large; 21 Pledged PLEOs; 28 Unpledged PLEOs; 3 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 525,306  75%   191.  100%   139.   73% Bradley, Bil 146,797  21%          21.   11% Uncommitted                31.   16% LaRouche, Ly 32,047   5%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 704,150 100%   191.  100%   191.  100%

Pennsylvania Republican

Primary: Tuesday, April 4, 2000
State Committee: Friday, May 19 - Saturday, May 20, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM EDT (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Loophole Primary 78 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 63 re: 21 congressional districts / 9 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 472,398  73%    78.  100%       McCain, John 145,719  23%             Forbes, Stev 16,162   3%             Bauer, Gary 8,806   1%             Uncommitted                78.  100% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 643,085 100%    78.  100%    78.  100%

Puerto Rico Democrat

Caucus: Sunday, April 2, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 58 total delegate votes - 33 district / 11 at-large; 7 Pledged PLEOs; 6 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al          58.  100%    51.   88% Bradley, Bil                   Uncommitted                 7.   12% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL          58.  100%    58.  100%

Puerto Rico Republican

Primary: Sunday, February 27, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 6 PM EST (2300 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 14 total delegates (all at-large)* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 87,375  94%    14.  100%    14.  100% McCain, John 4,903   5%             Forbes, Stev 210   0%             Write-In 178   0%             Keyes, Alan 49   0%             Bauer, Gary 34   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 92,749 100%    14.  100%    14.  100%

Rhode Island Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 9 PM EST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 33 total delegate votes - 14 district / 5 at-large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 10 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 26,801  57%    33.  100%    13.   39% Bradley, Bil 19,000  41%           9.   27% Uncommitted 844   2%          11.   33% LaRouche, Ly 199   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 46,844 100%    33.  100%    33.  100%

Rhode Island Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 9 PM EST (0200 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 14 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 6 re: 2 congressional districts / 2 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total McCain, John 21,754  60%          14.  100% Bush, George 13,170  36%    14.  100%       Keyes, Alan 923   3%             Uncommitted 114   0%             Forbes, Stev 89   0%             Bauer, Gary 35   0%             Hatch, Orrin 35   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 36,120 100%    14.  100%    14.  100%

South Carolina Democrat

Caucus/Party-run Primary: Thursday, March 9, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7:30 PM EST (0030 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 53 total delegate votes - 28 district / 9 at-large; 6 Pledged PLEOs; 9 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 8,864  92%    53.  100%    43.   81% Uncommitted 514   5%          10.   19% Bradley, Bil 172   2%             Kreml, Bill 107   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 9,657 100%    53.  100%    53.  100%

South Carolina Republican

Primary: Saturday, February 19, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 37 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 18 re: 6 congressional districts / 13 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 305,998  53%    37.  100%    34.   92% McCain, John 239,964  42%           3.    8% Keyes, Alan 25,996   5%             Bauer, Gary 618   0%             Forbes, Stev 449   0%             Hatch, Orrin 76   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 573,101 100%    37.  100%    37.  100%

South Dakota Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CDT (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 22 total delegate votes - 10 district / 3 at-large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 6 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al          22.  100%    15.   68% Uncommitted                 7.   32% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL          22.  100%    22.  100%

South Dakota Republican

Primary: Tuesday, June 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CDT (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 22 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 13 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 35,418  78%    22.  100%    22.  100% McCain, John 6,228  14%             Keyes, Alan 3,478   8%             Attia, James 155   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 45,279 100%    22.  100%    22.  100%

Tennessee Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 81 total delegate votes - 44 district / 15 at-large; 9 Pledged PLEOs; 12 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 198,264  92%    81.  100%    68.   84% Uncommitted 4,407   2%          13.   16% Bradley, Bil 11,323   5%             LaRouche, Ly 1,031   0%             Write-In 178   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 215,203 100%    81.  100%    81.  100%

Tennessee Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: In each district and statewide - if winner receives a majority Winner-Take-All Primary otherwise Proportional Primary 37 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 4 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 193,166  77%    37.  100%    37.  100% McCain, John 36,436  15%             Keyes, Alan 16,916   7%             Uncommitted 1,623   1%             Bauer, Gary 1,305   1%             Forbes, Stev 1,018   0%             Hatch, Orrin 252   0%             Write-In 75   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 250,791 100%    37.  100%    37.  100%

Texas Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, June 10, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 231 total delegate votes - 127 district / 42 at-large; 25 Pledged PLEOs; 34 Unpledged PLEOs; 3 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 631,428  80%   231.  100%   182.   79% Bradley, Bil 128,564  16%          12.    5% Uncommitted                37.   16% LaRouche, Ly 26,898   3%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 786,890 100%   231.  100%   231.  100%

Texas Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 14, 2000
State Convention: Thursday, June 15 - Saturday, June 17, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM CST (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: District Winner-Take-All Primary, Statewide Winner-Take-All Primary (only if winner receives a majority, otherwise Proportional Primary) 124 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 90 re: 30 congressional districts / 28 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 986,416  88%   124.  100%   124.  100% McCain, John 80,082   7%             Keyes, Alan 43,518   4%             Uncommitted 9,570   1%             Forbes, Stev 2,865   0%             Bauer, Gary 2,189   0%             Hatch, Orrin 1,324   0%             Urban, Charl 793   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 1,126,757 100%   124.  100%   124.  100%

Unassigned Democrat

Caucus: (date unknown)
Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 0 Unpledged PLEO (who must be Democratic National Committee members) remain unassigned to a state or other jurisdiction Popular Vote Soft Pledged Soft Unpledged Soft Total Hard Total Uncommitted                               ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL                              

Utah Democrat

Primary: Friday, March 10, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary (party and unaffiliated), Polls Close at 8 PM MST (0300 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 29 total delegate votes - 16 district / 5 at-large; 3 Pledged PLEOs; 4 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 12,527  80%    29.  100%    21.   72% Bradley, Bil 3,160  20%           3.   10% Uncommitted                 5.   17% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 15,687 100%    29.  100%    29.  100%

Utah Republican

Primary: Friday, March 10, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary (party and unaffiliated), Polls Close at 8 PM MST (0300 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 29 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 9 re: 3 congressional districts / 14 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 57,617  63%    29.  100%    29.  100% Keyes, Alan 19,367  21%             McCain, John 12,784  14%             Forbes, Stev 859   1%             Bauer, Gary 426   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 91,053 100%    29.  100%    29.  100%

Vermont Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 22 total delegate votes - 10 district / 3 at-large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 6 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 26,774  54%    22.  100%     9.   41% Bradley, Bil 21,629  44%           6.   27% Uncommitted                 7.   32% Write-In 525   1%             LaRouche, Ly 355   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 49,283 100%    22.  100%    22.  100%

Vermont Republican

Primary: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 12 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 3 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total McCain, John 49,045  60%          12.  100% Bush, George 28,741  35%    12.  100%       Keyes, Alan 2,164   3%             Forbes, Stev 616   1%             Write-In 496   1%             Bauer, Gary 293   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 81,355 100%    12.  100%    12.  100%

Virgin Islands Democrat

Territorial Convention: Saturday, April 1, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 6 total delegate votes - 3 at-large; 3 Unpledged PLEOs* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 748 100%     6.  100%     3.   50% Uncommitted                 3.   50% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 748 100%     6.  100%     6.  100%

Virgin Islands Republican

Territorial Caucus: Saturday, February 26, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 4 total delegates (all at-large)* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George           4.  100%     4.  100% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL           4.  100%     4.  100%

Virginia Democrat

City/County Caucus: Saturday, April 15, 2000
City/County Caucus: Monday, April 17, 2000
City/County Conventions: Saturday, April 29, 2000 (tentative date)
District Conventions: Saturday, May 6, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, May 13, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, May 20, 2000
State Convention: Friday, June 2 - Saturday, June 3, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 95 total delegate votes - 52 district / 17 at-large; 10 Pledged PLEOs; 14 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al          95.  100%    79.   83% Uncommitted                16.   17% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL          95.  100%    95.  100%

Virginia Republican

Primary: Tuesday, February 29, 2000
District Conventions: Saturday, May 13 - Saturday, May 27, 2000
State Conventions: Friday, June 2 - Saturday, June 3, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary (party only), Polls Close at 7 PM EST (0000 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary 56 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 33 re: 11 congressional districts / 17 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 350,588  53%    56.  100%    56.  100% McCain, John 291,488  44%             Keyes, Alan 20,356   3%             Bauer, Gary 852   0%             Forbes, Stev 809   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 664,093 100%    56.  100%    56.  100%

Washington Democrat

Non-Binding Primary: Tuesday, February 29, 2000
Precinct Caucuses: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
County Conventions: Saturday, April 22, 2000
Legislative District Caucuses: Saturday, April 29, 2000
Congressional District Caucuses: Saturday, June 3, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, June 10 - Sunday, June 11, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Caucus, Polls Close at 8 PM PST (0400 UTC) Delegate Selection: Advisory Primary 94 total delegate votes - 49 district / 16 at-large; 10 Pledged PLEOs; 17 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 202,456  68%    94.  100%    61.   65% Bradley, Bil 93,375  31%          14.   15% Uncommitted                19.   20% LaRouche, Ly 1,170   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 297,001 100%    94.  100%    94.  100%

Washington Republican

Primary: Tuesday, February 29, 2000
Precinct Caucuses: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
County and District Conventions: Friday, March 24 - Saturday, May 6, 2000
State Convention: Friday, June 16 - Saturday, June 17, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary (party only), Polls Close at 8 PM PST (0400 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 37 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 4 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 284,053  58%    37.  100%    32.   86% McCain, John 191,101  39%           5.   14% Keyes, Alan 11,753   2%             Forbes, Stev 1,749   0%             Bauer, Gary 1,469   0%             Hatch, Orrin 1,023   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 491,148 100%    37.  100%    37.  100%

West Virginia Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, May 9, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Primary, Polls Close at 7:30 PM EDT (2330 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 42 total delegate votes - 19 district / 7 at-large; 4 Pledged PLEOs; 11 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 182,403  72%    39.   93%    27.   64% Bradley, Bil 46,710  18%           3.    7% Uncommitted                12.   29% McDonald, An 19,374   8%             LaRouche, Ly 4,823   2%             abstentions           3.    7%       ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 253,310 100%    42.  100%    42.  100%

West Virginia Republican

Primary: Tuesday, May 9, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Modified Open Primary, Polls Close at 7:30 PM EDT (2330 UTC) Delegate Selection: Loophole Primary 18 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 9 re: 3 congressional districts / 3 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 87,050  80%    18.  100%    18.  100% McCain, John 14,121  13%             Keyes, Alan 5,210   5%             Forbes, Stev 1,733   2%             Bauer, Gary 1,290   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 109,404 100%    18.  100%    18.  100%

Wisconsin Democrat

Primary: Tuesday, April 4, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CDT (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Proportional Primary 93 total delegate votes - 50 district / 17 at-large; 10 Pledged PLEOs; 14 Unpledged PLEOs; 2 Unpledged add-ons* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 328,682  89%    93.  100%    77.   83% Uncommitted 4,105   1%          16.   17% Bradley, Bil 32,560   9%             LaRouche, Ly 3,743   1%             Scattering 2,106   1%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 371,196 100%    93.  100%    93.  100%

Wisconsin Republican

Primary: Tuesday, April 4, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Open Primary, Polls Close at 8 PM CDT (0100 UTC) Delegate Selection: Winner-Take-All Primary (by district and statewide) 37 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 27 re: 9 congressional districts / 4 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George 343,292  69%    37.  100%    37.  100% McCain, John 89,684  18%             Keyes, Alan 48,919  10%             Forbes, Stev 5,505   1%             Uncommitted 3,452   1%             Bauer, Gary 1,813   0%             Hatch, Orrin 1,712   0%             Scattering 1,392   0%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 495,769 100%    37.  100%    37.  100%

Wyoming Democrat

County Caucuses: Saturday, March 25, 2000
State Convention: Saturday, May 20, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 18 total delegate votes - 8 district / 3 at-large; 2 Pledged PLEOs; 4 Unpledged PLEOs; 1 Unpledged add-on* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Gore, Al 223  85%    18.  100%    13.   72% Uncommitted 19   7%           5.   28% Bradley, Bil 13   5%             others 6   2%             ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL 261 100%    18.  100%    18.  100%

Wyoming Republican

County Conventions: Friday, March 10, 2000
Convention: Saturday, May 6, 2000
Voter Eligibility: Closed Caucus Delegate Selection: Caucus/Convention 22 total delegates - 6 base at-large / 3 re: 1 congressional district / 13 bonus* Popular Vote Floor Vote Hard Total Bush, George          22.  100%       McCain, John                   Keyes, Alan                   Uncommitted                22.  100% ---------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ---- TOTAL          22.  100%    22.  100%

*Includes Delegate Selection Process.

  States Alphabetically  
  States Chronologically  
  Democrat Delegate Allocation    Republican Delegate Allocation  
  Democrat Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility    Republican Delegate Selection and Voter Eligibility  
  Democrat Pledged/Unpledged Delegate Summary    Republican Pledged/Unpledged Delegate Summary  
  Democrat Soft/Hard Delegate Summary    Republican Soft/Hard Delegate Summary  


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